Distributing a Tkinter application

So, you have your new application ready and want to share it with the rest of the world. How do you do that?

You, of course, need Python installed for your programs to run. Windows does not have Python preinstalled. Most modern Linux distributions and macOS have Python preinstalled, but you don't need just any version of Python. You need a version of Python that is compatible with the version on which the program was originally written.

Furthermore, if your program uses third-party modules, you need the appropriate module installed for the required Python version. This surely is too much diversity to handle.

Fortunately, we have tools, such as Freeze tools, that allow us to distribute Python programs as standalone applications.

Given the diversity of platforms that need to be handled, there are a large number of Freeze tool options from which you can choose. Therefore, a detailed discussion on any one of these tools is beyond the scope of this book.

We will list some of the most evolved freezing tools in the following sections. If you find a tool that fits into your distribution requirements, you can look at its documentation for more information.

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