The Food class

Next, we will create the Food class (see

class Food:

def __init__(self, queue):
self.queue = queue

def generate_food(self):
x = random.randrange(5, 480, 10)
y = random.randrange(5, 295, 10)
self.position = (x, y)
rectangle_position = (x - 5, y - 5, x + 5, y + 5)
self.queue.put({'food': rectangle_position})

The description of the code is as follows:

  • Because we want to process all data centrally from within a queue, we pass the queue as an argument to the __init__ method of the Food class.
  • The __init__ method calls another method called generate_food, which is responsible for generating the snake food at random positions on the canvas.
  • The generate_food method generates a random (x, y) position on the canvas. However, because the place where the coordinates coincide is just a small point on the canvas, it would be barely visible. We, therefore, generate an expanded coordinate (rectangle_position ) ranging from five values less than the (x, y) coordinate up to five values higher than the same coordinate. Using this range, we can create a small rectangle on the canvas that would be easily visible and would represent our food.
  • However, we do not create the rectangle here. Instead, we pass the coordinates for the food (rectangle) into our queue using queue.put.
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