Drawing irregular lines

To add the capability to draw irregular lines, we just need to define the method named draw_irregular_line. To specify options that appear in the top bar, we need to define the method named draw_irregular_line_options.

We define the draw_irregular_line method as follows (see code 6.07.py):

def draw_irregular_line(self):
self.current_item = self.canvas.create_line(
self.start_x, self.start_y, self.end_x, self.end_y, fill=self.fill,
self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.draw_irregular_line_update_x_y)

def draw_irregular_line_update_x_y(self, event=None):
self.start_x, self.start_y = self.end_x, self.end_y
self.end_x, self.end_y = event.x, event.y

The preceding code is similar to the code for draw_line, except that it adds an extra line that binds mouse-clicked movements to a new method that replaces the start x, y coordinates with the end x, y coordinates and again calls back the draw_irregular_line method, thereby drawing in a continuous manner.

The options that show in the top bar are defined using the following method (see code 6.07.py):

def draw_irregular_line_options(self):

Now we can draw irregular lines on the canvas. However, since we have modified the mouse binding, all other methods will also start to draw in a continuous manner. 

We, therefore, need to rebind the buttons back to their original bindings. We do that by modifying on_tool_bar_button_clicked to call bind_mouse, which then restores the mouse binding to its original behavior.

Adding an event binding to more than one method wipes away the previous binding, whereby the new binding replaces any existing binding.
Alternatively, you can use add="+" as an additional argument to keep more than one binding to the same event, as follows:
mywidget.bind("<SomeEvent>", method1, add="+")
mywidget.bind("<SameEvent>", method2, add="+")

This will bind the same event to method1 and method2.

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