Writing the User Service

:Okay—let's start building the first service for our shop application! Everything should be set up at this point for you to start writing the services. What you learn in this chapter will equip you to build microservices within a bigger context. You will learn, step-by-step, what the code of a microservice looks like and how to interact with Vapor. 

So far, we have been building up to this moment. You have learned the theory of how to build microservices and have prepared everything to get started. After you finish this chapter, you will be able to run your own, fully functional user manager service! It's the first microservice out of our example project and gives you a good idea of how to write your own user services. User services are very common across apps and websites, and the material of this chapter will hopefully help you with those as they come your way.

We are going to cover the following topics in this chapter:

  • Setting up and taking the first step
  • Exploring routes
  • Exploring models
  • Logging in and registering
  • Managing users
  • Understanding address management
  • Starting the service

Let's get started!

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