Swift performance

Swift is competing with a good number of frameworks and languages. Some might argue that performance is only one out of many factors that should be considered when choosing a technology. While that is undoubtedly true, think of this: you want to build a project in a way where technology will not hold you back much. Facebook, as well as Uber, has spent years rebuilding and reworking their infrastructure. No matter what technology you choose, you will most likely refactor your application as well. However, having selected a stack that allows you to do so gracefully is crucial.

You could be looking at some raw benchmarks in this section, but I think it makes more sense to analyze with a bit more depth what performance holistically looks like for a project. When comparing Swift to its competition, you want to stay as clean and objective as possible; the following comparisons attempt to assess the situations objectively and as close to the real world as possible.

Almost any website can run with any of the languages available. The question is often not "Is it possible?" but rather "Does it make sense for us?". In some cases, speed and performance are more important than convenience. In other cases, it's the exact opposite.

Let's briefly dig into the following types of languages:

  • Scripting languages: PHP, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and so on
  • Virtual machine languages: Java, .NET, and Scala
  • Native languages: Go, C, Rust, and Swift

Afterward, you will see some metrics of Vapor, the most popular Swift framework.

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