Docker and the Cloud

When it comes to deploying microservices, Docker is by far the most-common and most-used technology to help us launch. We introduced Docker in Chapter 13, Hosting Microservices, and in this chapter, we will dig a little deeper. First, we are going to get a solid understanding of Docker itself and how it runs. Then, we will get a better idea of what running Docker looks like on different cloud providers.

After working through this chapter, you will know exactly how Docker ties into server-side Swift and you will know how different cloud providers handle Docker.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Exploring Docker Containers and Images: Getting to know the heart of Docker
  • Running Docker with AWS: The most popular cloud provider
  • Running Docker with Google Cloud: Another option to run scalable backends
  • Running Docker with Digital Ocean: Getting your backend up with Digital Ocean
  • Running Docker with Heroku: Using Heroku to run your backend
  • Using Kubernetes: A way to manage Docker well

Let's start with the basics of Docker!

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