Proactive Security

Azure SQL Database provides Auditing and Threat detection to proactively protect it from malicious attacks.


Auditing tracks and records database events to an audit log in a given Azure Storage account. Auditing can help you to:

  • Maintain regulatory compliance
  • Understand database activity
  • Catch discrepancies or anomalies indicating a security violation

Auditing allows you to:

  • Define what database actions are to be audited
  • Find unusual activity or trends by using preconfigured reports and dashboards to understand and analyze the audit log

Auditing can be configured at the server-level and database-level. If auditing is configured at the server level, it'll automatically apply to all of the databases in the server. Auditing configured at the database will only apply to a particular database.

It's recommended to audit the server instead of auditing individual databases.

Configure Auditing for Azure SQL Server

In this section, we’ll configure auditing for the toyfactory Azure SQL Server to take care of unusual activities and trends, and enable analysis of the audit log.

  1. Open the Azure portal ( From the left navigation of Azure portal, select All Resources. In the All Resources pane, find and open the toyfactory Azure SQL Server.
  2. In the toyfactory Azure SQL Server pane, under the Settings section, find and select Auditing & Threat Detection:
    Configure Auditing for Azure SQL Server
  3. In the Auditing & Threat Detection pane, switch on the Auditing. Observe that the Storage details section gets enabled when auditing is switched on:
    Configure Auditing for Azure SQL Server
  4. In the Audit logs storage pane, select Storage account. In the Choose storage account pane, select the toyfactorystorage account created in a previous chapter:
    Configure Auditing for Azure SQL Server
    • You can also choose to create a new storage account if you don't have an existing one.
  5. Once you select an Azure Storage account, you'll be taken back to the Audit logs storage pane. Select the Retention days. This specifies how many days an audit log will be retained for in the Azure Storage account. Choose wisely, as higher retention days will incur higher storage costs:
    Configure Auditing for Azure SQL Server

    Click OK to continue.

  6. You'll be taken back to the Audit & Threat detection pane. Observe that the specified storage account now shows up under the Storage details section:
    Configure Auditing for Azure SQL Server
    • Click Save to enable Auditing
  7. To view how the logs are being stored in the specified storage account, open the toyfactorystorage Azure storage:
    • All audit logs are saved in the sqldbauditlogs container. The sqldbauditlogs folder contains one folder for every Azure SQL Server that is configured for auditing.
    • The Azure SQL Server folder has a subfolder for each database within the server. The database folder has folders for each day, which have the actual audit log files:
      Configure Auditing for Azure SQL Server
    • You can download and analyze the files individually, or you can analyze all of the files at once by merging them using the SSMS Merge Audit Files feature:
    Configure Auditing for Azure SQL Server
  8. Audit logs can also be viewed from the Azure portal. In the Azure portal, open the database whose logs you want to review. In the database overview pane, select Auditing & Threat Detection under the settings section.
    • In the Auditing & Threat Detection pane, select View audit logs from the top menu:
    Configure Auditing for Azure SQL Server
  9. Observe that an event, DATABASE AUTHENTICATION FAILED, has been captured into the audit logs:
    Configure Auditing for Azure SQL Server

Threat Detection

Threat detection provides an extra layer of security on top of Auditing by automatically detecting unusual activities and potentially harmful attempts to access or exploit databases. For example, it can detect and alert you about SQL injection attacks.

Users can set up email alerts so that they are notified by an email whenever any such activity is detected.

Unlike Auditing, Threat Detection is a paid service and is charged at $15/node/month. It's free for the first 60 days.

Configure Threat Detection for Azure SQL Server

In this section, we’ll configure Threat Detection for the toyfactory Azure SQL Server to protect the database from malicious attacks.

  1. Open the Azure portal ( From the left navigation pane, select All Resources. In the All Resources pane, find and open the toyfactory Azure SQL Server.
  2. In the toyfactory Azure SQL Server pane, under the Settings section, find and select Auditing & Threat Detection:
    Configure Threat Detection for Azure SQL Server
  3. In the Auditing & Threat Detection pane, switch on Thread Detection by clicking the ON toggle button under the Threat Detection section:
    Configure Threat Detection for Azure SQL Server
  4. There are three threat detection types which you can configure: SQL injection, SQL injection vulnerability, and Anomalous client login. Select Threat Detection types to get a list of the types:
    Configure Threat Detection for Azure SQL Server
    • Choose ALL (default) and click OK.
  5. Provide your email address to get alerts in case any threat is detected. You can specify several email addresses, separated by semicolons, or you can specify an Azure AD group email:
    Configure Threat Detection for Azure SQL Server
    • Click Save from the top menu to save the settings and enable threat detection.

Activity: Implement Row-Level Security

In this section, we will understand how to implement row-level security using our example of ToyStore Ltd. Mike has been asked to implement row-level security so that every customer is able to view and edit their records only. The CustomerAdmin user, however, should be allowed to view and edit all customer records. Follow these steps to complete the activity:

  1. Execute the following query to create the dbo.Customers table and populate it with sample records:
    CREATE TABLE Customers
            CustomerID int identity,
            Name sysname,
            CreditCardNumber varchar(100),
            Phone varchar(100),
            Email varchar(100)
        ('Mike',0987654312345678,9876543210,'[email protected]'),
        ('Mike',0987654356784567,9876549870,'[email protected]'),
        ('Mike',0984567431234567,9876567210,'[email protected]'),
        ('[email protected]',0987654312345678,9876246210,'[email protected]'),
        ('[email protected]',0987654123784567,9876656870,'[email protected]'),
        ('[email protected]',09856787431234567,9876467210,'[email protected]'),
        ('CustomerAdmin',0987654312235578,9873456210,'[email protected]'),
        ('CustomerAdmin',0984564123784567,9872436870,'[email protected]'),
        ('CustomerAdmin',0945677874312367,9872427210,'[email protected]')
  2. Execute the following query to create a new user, CustomerAdmin:
  3. Execute the following query to grant read access to Mike, John, and the CustomerAdmin on the dbo.Customers table:
    GRANT SELECT ON dbo.Customers TO Mike
    GRANT SELECT ON dbo.Customers TO [[email protected]]
    GRANT SELECT ON dbo.Customers TO CustomerAdmin
  4. Create a security predicate to filter out the rows based on the logged-in username:
    CREATE SCHEMA Security;  
    CREATE FUNCTION Security.fn_securitypredicate(@Customer AS sysname)  
        RETURN SELECT 1 AS predicateresult  
    WHERE @Customer = USER_NAME() OR USER_NAME() = 'CustomerAdmin';
    • The preceding query first creates a schema, Security. It then creates an inline table-valued function, fn_securitypredicate, which will return 1 (True) when the logged-in username is equal to the @Customer parameter, or when the logged-in user is CustomerAdmin.
  5. Create a security policy for the preceding security predicate:
    ADD FILTER PREDICATE Security.fn_securitypredicate(Name)   
    ON dbo.Customers,
    ADD BLOCK PREDICATE Security.fn_securitypredicate(Name)   
    ON dbo.Customers AFTER INSERT
    WITH (STATE = ON);
    • The preceding query adds the filter predicate created in step 4 to the security policy and sets the status to ON.
    • The policy also implements an AFTER INSERT block predicate. Afterwards, the Insert predicate will stop inserts which don't comply with the security policy and will show an error message for the same.
    • The inline table-valued functions will take the Customer Name (Name column) as the parameter and will return true if the passed parameter value is equal to the value returned by the USER_NAME() function.
  6. Let's test the policy by executing the following query to switch the user context to Mike and return all the data from the dbo.Customers table:
    SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers

    You should get the following output:

    Activity: Implement Row-Level Security

    • The query returns the records where the Customer Name is Mike. This is because the query is executed in the context of Mike.
  7. Execute the following query to update John's record from Mike's security context:
    -- CustomerID 4 belongs to John
    UPDATE dbo.Customers SET Email='[email protected]' WHERE
    -- Switch User context to John
    EXECUTE AS USER='[email protected]'
    -- Verify if email is updated or not
    SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers WHERE CustomerID=4

    Mike can't update CustomerID 4 as it belongs to John. You won't get any error, however, the value isn't updated.

    You should get the following output:

    Activity: Implement Row-Level Security

  8. Execute the following query under Mike's security context to insert a record with a customer name of [email protected]:
    INSERT INTO dbo.Customers 
        VALUES('[email protected]',9876543445345678,65412396852,'[email protected]')

    The After Insert block predicate will block the insert, as defined by the security policy, and will show the following error:

    Activity: Implement Row-Level Security
  9. Execute the following query in the CustomerAdmin security context to return all rows from the dbo.Customers table:
    EXECUTE AS USER='CustomerAdmin'
    SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers
    • You'll get all of the rows as defined in the security predicate:
    Activity: Implement Row-Level Security
  10. Execute the following query to switch off the security policy:
    ALTER SECURITY POLICY CustomerFilter  
    WITH (STATE = OFF); 

Activity: Implement Dynamic Data Masking

With row-level security implemented in the previous activity, Mike has ensured that the customer can only view his own data; however, to take the security of data to the next level, he wants to mask some of the sensitive data that is shared by the customer. In order to do this, he has to implement Dynamic Data Masking. In this activity, we'll implement Dynamic Data Masking to mask the credit card number, phone number, and email id of a customer.

  1. Execute the following query to create a new user and grant select access to the user on the dbo.Customers table:
    GRANT SELECT ON dbo.Customers TO TestUser
  2. Execute the following query to mask the creditcardnumber, phone, and email column using different masking functions:
    ALTER TABLE dbo.Customers ALTER COLUMN Phone
     VARCHAR(100) MASKED WITH (FUNCTION = 'default()') 
    ALTER TABLE dbo.Customers ALTER COLUMN Email
     VARCHAR(100) MASKED WITH (FUNCTION = 'email()') 
    ALTER TABLE dbo.Customers ALTER COLUMN CreditCardNumber 
    VARCHAR(100) MASKED WITH (FUNCTION = 'partial(0,"XXX-XX-",4)')
    • The preceding query masks the phone number using the default masking function, the email with the email masking function, and the CreditCardNumber with the partial masking function that masks all characters excluding the last four characters.
  3. Execute the following query in the context of TestUser to return all rows from the dbo.Customers table:
    EXECUTE AS USER='TestUser'
    SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers;
    • Observe that the phone number, email, and credit card number columns are masked as follows:
      Activity: Implement Dynamic Data Masking
  4. Execute the following query to list out the masked columns and the functions for the Customer table:
    SELECT, as table_name,mc.masking_function  
    FROM sys.masked_columns AS mc  
    JOIN sys.tables AS t   
        ON mc.[object_id] = t.[object_id]  
    WHERE is_masked = 1
    • The sys.masked_columns table stores the masked columns metadata. The is_masked column tells you whether a column is masked or not.
    • You should get the following output:
    Activity: Implement Dynamic Data Masking
  5. Execute the following query to allow the TestUser to see the masked data:
    GRANT UNMASK TO TestUser; 
    EXECUTE AS USER='TestUser'
    SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers;
    • The UNMASK permission allows the TestUser to see the masked data.
    • You should get the following output:
    Activity: Implement Dynamic Data Masking
  6. To mask the data again, run the following query:
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