Horizontal Scaling

Horizontal scaling or sharding refers to partitioning the data from one single big table in a database, across multiple independent databases based on a sharding or partitioning key. For example, a customer table is partitioned across multiple independent databases on CustomerID. Each independent database stores data for one or more customers.

Horizontal scaling can be helpful when:

  • The data is too big to fit in one single database.
  • The data is to be distributed to different locations for improved performance or for compliance. For example, European customers will get improved performance if their data is in a European data center rather than an Asian data center.
  • Isolating tenants or customers to a database of their own for better management and performance. If all of the customer data is in a single database and there is a blocking in the database because of a transaction made for a customer, say X, then all of the other customer queries will have to wait for the blocking to get resolved, causing bad performance experience to the rest of the customers.
  • A single database requires a premium service tier to manage one big table. Dividing customer data across multiple independent Standard service tier databases will reduce cost.
  • All (or most) of the queries made to the database filter on the shading key.

Sharding is supported natively in Azure SQL Databases, so we don't have to implement the sharding mechanism from scratch. However, we do need to create and manage shards. This can be easily done using the Elastic Database Tools.

Horizontal Scaling

Figure 6.3: Horizontal Partitioning

This diagram represents a generic sharded environment. The customer table is horizontally partitioned across three shards, Shard 1, Shard 2, and Shard 3. Let's understand each of these components in detail:

  • Shard: A shard is an individual database that stores a subset of rows of the sharded table. Shard 1, Shard 2, and Shard 3 are the shards, each storing different rows of the customer table as defined by the mappings.
  • Shard Set: A group of shards that contains data for one single partitioned table is called a Shard Set. Shard 1, Shard 2, and Shard 3 are together called a Shard Set.
  • Sharding Key: A sharding key is the column name based on which the data is partitioned between the shards. In our example, CustomerID is the sharding key. Each shard stores data for a different customer ID. You can also define a composite sharding key.
  • Shard Map Manager: A special database that stores global mapping information about all available shards in a shard set. The application uses the mapping information to connect to the correct shard based on the sharding key.
  • Shard Maps: Shard maps define the data distribution between different shards based on the sharding key. There are two types of shard map:
    • List Shard Map: This is a key-value pair with one-to-one mapping between a sharding key and the shard. The key is the sharding key and the value is the shard (SQL Database):

      Key (Sharding Key - CustomerID)

      Value (Shard/database)


      Shard 1


      Shard 2


      Shard 3


      Shard 1

    • This list shard map defines that Shard 1 will store the data for CustomerID 1 and 4, Shard 2 will store the data for CustomerID 2 and shard 3 will store the data for Customer ID 3.
    • Range Shard Map: This is a key-value pair where the key (Sharding Key) is the range of values defined as (Low Value, High Value).

      Key (Sharding Key - CustomerID)

      Value (Shard/database)

      1 - 100

      Shard 1

      100 - 200

      Shard 2

      200 - 300

      Shard 3

      300 - 400

      Shard 1

    • This range shard map defines that Shard 1 will store the data for CustomerIDs from 1-99 and 300-399. Shard 2 will store the data for CustomerIDs from 100-199 and Shard 3 will store the data for CustomerIDs 200-299.
  • Global Shard Maps (GSM): GSM are stored in the Shard Map Manager database and record all the shard maps globally. This information is stored and managed by special tables and stored procedures created automatically under the _ShardManagement schema in the Shard Map Manager database.
  • Local Shard Maps (LSM): Also referred to as Shardlets, these are the shard maps that track the local shard data within individual shards. The local shard maps or the shardlets are stored in individual shards and not in the Shard Map Manager database. This information is stored and managed by special tables and stored procedures created automatically under the _ShardManagement schema.
  • Reference Tables: These are tables that aren't sharded and are available in all shards. These can also be stored in another database, say, Reference database, instead of storing the same data in individual shards, for example, a table with a list of countries or cities, which contains master data common to all shards.
  • Application Cache: Applications accessing the Shard Map Manager cache the mappings in a local in-memory application cache. Applications use the cached mappings to route requests to correct shards, instead of accessing the Shard Map Manager for every request.

Shard Map Manager

As discussed earlier, a Shard Map Manager is a special database that maintains the global mapping information of a shard set. The mappings are maintained in tables that are automatically created under the _ShardManagement schema:

Shard Map Manager

Figure 6.4: Shard Map Manager

The global shard maps are maintained in three tables, as shown in the preceding diagram:

  • Shardmaps_global: This table stores the type of shard map, List or Range shard map. In our example, we have a RangeShardMap.
  • Shards_global: This table maps the shards (SQL Databases) to the shard maps defined in the Shardmaps_global table. In our example, the RangeShardMap has two shards, Shard 1 and Shard 2. The table also stores the Server Name the shard belongs to. This information is used when connecting to the shards.
  • Shard_mappings_global: This is the global shared map that stores the sharding key to shard mapping. In our example, the customerIDs 1-99 are mapped to Shard 1 and 100-199 are mapped to Shard 2.

The information in the Shard Map Manager is used by the client application to redirect requests to the correct SQL Database based on the sharding key.

Data Dependent Routing

Data dependent routing refers to routing the query to the correct database (shard) based on the sharding key specified in the query. This is the fundamental way of querying a sharded environment. The application doesn't maintain connection strings to the different shards. The application doesn't even implement the logic of selecting the shards based on the sharding key. This is done natively by using the functions provided in the elastic client library.

The application defines a single connection using the OpenConnectionForKey method defined in the Elastic Database Client Library. The syntax for OpenConnectionForKey is given in the following snippet:

public SqlConnection OpenConnectionForKey<TKey>(
TKey key,
string connectionString,
ConnectionOptions options

It accepts three parameters, which are:

  • TKey: This is the sharding key used to determine which shard or SQL Database in a shard set the query is to be made on.
  • connectionString: The connection string only contains the credentials. The database and the server name are decided from the Shard Map Manager System tables, based on the sharding key.
  • ConnectionOptions: A connection option can be either none or validate. When it's set to validate, it queries the local shard map or the shardlet to validate that the shard key exists in the databases specified in the cached maps (in the application). This is important in an environment where shard maps change frequently.

    If the validation fails, then the shard map manager queries the global shard maps for the correct values and updates the application cache.

If the parameters specified are correct, OpenConnectionForKey returns a database connection that can be used to query the correct shard.

Multi-Tenant Data Models

Multi-tenant data models refer to how the tenants are placed in a sharded environment. There are two distinct models for placing the tenants, database-per-tenant (single tenant model) and shared database – sharded (multi-tenant model):

Multi-Tenant Data Models

Figure 6.5: Multi-Tenant Data Models

Single Tenant (database-per-tenant)

As the name suggests, each tenant gets its own database. The tenant-specific data is limited to the tenant's database and isolated from other tenants and their data.

Shared Database – Sharded

As the name suggests, a single shard or database is shared among multiple tenants. The tenants can either be mapped to shards or databases by using either Range or List mappings, as discussed earlier.

Choosing between the two models depends on the following factors:

  • Isolation: A single-tenant, or database-per tenant, offers a higher degree of isolation than the Shared database – Sharded model.
  • Maintenance: A single-tenant model will have as many databases as the tenants such as customers or employees. For example, 100 customers would mean 100 databases in a single-tenancy model, but in a Shared database – Sharded model, you can have five databases with 20 tenants each. Maintaining five databases would be easier than maintaining 100 databases.
  • Cost: The cost depends on the amount of resource sharing between tenants. The more the resource sharing (resource here refers to a shard – SQL Database), the lower the cost. A single-tenant model is good if all tenants have predictable workloads. This allows you to select an appropriate service tier for each tenant or shard. However, if the workload isn't predictable, which often is the case, the databases can be either oversized or undersized. On the other hand, a Shared database – Sharded model with a higher degree of resource sharing offers a more cost-effective solution.
  • DevOps: DevOps refers to deploying new changes to databases, to resolve issues or when new features are added to the application. The single-tenant model has a higher cost to deploy and maintain the application, as each change has to be applied to all of the single-tenant databases. For example, if an application adds a new feature that allows customers to generate sales reports, and there are 100 customers, then this change has to be deployed on 100 databases. However, it'll take less time and cost to roll out the same feature in the shared databases – sharded model because of the smaller number of databases.
  • Business Model: The application's business model is an important factor when choosing between the two multi-tenant models. If application per-tenant revenue is small, then Shared databases – sharded makes sense. A shared database model will offer less isolation but it'll have lower deployment and resource costs. On the other hand, if per-tenant revenue is high, then it'll make sense to have a single-tenant model.

Activity: Creating Alerts

In this section, we’ll learn how to create an Azure SQL Database Alert. Consider the following scenario from ToyStore Ltd.: Mike has an Azure SQL Database in the Basic Service Tier and has been asked to configure auto scaling to change the Service Tier to Standard S0 when the DTU is greater than 70%. For this purpose, he needs to first create an Azure SQL Database Alert, which is triggered when the DTU is greater than 70%. Let’s see how this can be done.

Create Azure Automation Account and Configure Runbook:

Azure Automation is an Azure Service that allows you to automate Azure Management tasks through Runbooks.

A Runbook is a job that accepts PowerShell or Python code and executes it as and when scheduled, or when invoked from an external program through a webhook:

  1. Open the Azure portal, https://portal.azure.com, and log in with your Azure credentials.
  2. In the left-hand navigation menu, select More services. In the More services pane search box, type Automation. Select the Automation Accounts option that appears as a search result:
    Activity: Creating Alerts
  3. In the Automation Accounts pane, click the Create Automation Accounts button:
    Activity: Creating Alerts
  4. In the Add Automation Account pane, provide the following values:
    • Name of the automation account
    • Select your Azure Subscription
    • Select the Resource Group as toystore
    • Select location as East US 2
    • Select "Create Azure Run As account" as Yes (default value)

    Click Create to provision the Automation Account:

    Activity: Creating Alerts
  5. Navigate to the overview pane of the newly created toystorejobs Automation Account. Locate and select Runbooks under the Process Automation section:
    Activity: Creating Alerts
  6. In the Runbooks pane, select Add a runbook from the top menu:
    Activity: Creating Alerts
  7. On the Add Runbook pane, select Import an existing runbook:
    Activity: Creating Alerts
  8. In the Import pane:
    • Under the Runbook file, navigate to C:CodeLesson6VerticalScaling and select the Set-AzureSqldatabaseEdition.ps1 file.
    • Provide a Description (Optional).

    Click Create to import the PowerShell runbook:

    Activity: Creating Alerts

    Once the Runbook is imported, it'll be listed on the toystorejobs – Runbooks pane.

  9. In the toystore jobs – Runbooks pane, find and select Set-AzureSqldatabaseEdition, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Activity: Creating Alerts
  10. The Set-AzureSqldatabaseEdition Runbook page provides options to Start, View, Edit, Schedule, and Export the Runbook. It also has an option to create a Webhook. Click on Edit to view the content of the PowerShell file you just imported:
    Activity: Creating Alerts

    The Edit pane has the option to further edit the workflow. The PowerShell script is wrapped in a workflow tag specifying that it's a PowerShell Runbook workflow:

    • The left-hand side of the window has three options:
    • CMDLETS, which has all the PowerShell commands you can use to write a PowerShell Runbook workflow.
    • RUNBOOKS lists all existing PowerShell runbooks.
    • ASSETS are the Variables, Connections, Credentials, and Certificates that are required by a Runbook to run.
    • The PowerShell script is self-explanatory. It takes four parameters:
    • SqlServerName: This is the logical Azure SQL Server that hosts the Azure SQL Database.
    • databaseName: The Azure SQL Database name whose service tier is to be modified.
    • Edition: This desired Azure SQL Database Edition. The Azure SQL Database will be on this edition after script execution.
    • PerfLevel: The desired Service Objective (S0, S1 and so on).
    • Credential: This is the name of the Runbook Credential asset that contains the username and password to connect to the Azure SQL Database.

    The PowerShell script connects to the given Azure SQL Database and uses the Set-AzureSqldatabase command to change the database edition.

    Once you are familiar with the script, select Publish in the top menu to publish the Runbook.

  11. The next step is to create the Credential asset to be used by the script to connect to the Azure SQL Database. Close the Set-AzureSqldatabaseEdition runbook pane.

    Navigate to the toystorejobs Runbook pane, and find and select Credentials under the Shared Resources section:

    Activity: Creating Alerts
    • Select Add a credential from the top menu:
      Activity: Creating Alerts
    • In the New Credential pane, provide:
    • The credential name under the Name section.
    • The description under the Description section. This is optional.
    • Your Azure SQL Server username.
    • Your Azure SQL Server password.

    Click Create to create the credentials:

    Activity: Creating Alerts

    The credentials are shared assets and can be used in multiple runbooks.

  12. The next step is to create the webhook for this runbook. Navigate to the Set-AzureSqldatabaseEdition Runbook overview pane and select the Webhook:
    Activity: Creating Alerts
    • In the Add Webhook pane, select Create new webhook. In the Create a new webhook pane:
    1. Enter the webhook name.
    2. The Enabled toggle is set to Yes by default. Leave it as it is.
    3. The Expires data is set to one year. Leave it as it is.
    4. Copy the webhook URL by clicking on the copy icon besides the URL textbox. It's important to copy and paste the URL before you click OK as the URL is inaccessible once the webhook is created.
    5. Click OK to create the webhook:
    Activity: Creating Alerts
    • The webhook will be created. The next step is to provide the PowerShell Runbook parameters to the webhook. These parameters will be used to run the Set-AzureSqldatabaseEdition PowerShell runbook.


    The parameters mentioned here are the ones defined in the PowerShell script discussed in step 10.

  13. On the Add Webhook pane, select Configure parameters and run settings. On the Parameters pane, provide the Azure SQL Server, databaseName, Edition, PerfLevel, and the Credential. The Credential used here is the one created in step 16:
    Activity: Creating Alerts

    Click OK to continue. On the Add Webhook pane, select Create to create the webhook and set the parameter values:

    Activity: Creating Alerts

    Now you have created and configured a PowerShell runbook, which runs a PowerShell command when triggered by a webhook.

    The next step is to create an Azure SQL Database alert that is triggered when the DTU percentage is greater than 70%. The alert, when triggered, will call the webhook created earlier.

  14. On the Azure portal, navigate to the toystore Azure SQL Database. In the overview pane, find and click on Alert rules, then select Add alert:
    Activity: Creating Alerts

    In the Add an alert rule pane:

    • Leave the Resource field as default.
    • Provide the alert name.
    • Provide the alert description. This is optional.
    • Set the Metric to DTU percentage.
    • Set the Condition to "greater than or equal to".
    • Set the Threshold to 70.
    • Set the Period to "Over the last 5 minutes".
    • Leave the Email owners checkbox unchecked. If you enable email, you'll get email notification whenever the alert threshold is reached.
    • Set the Webhook to the webhook URL you saved in step 17:
    Activity: Creating Alerts
    Activity: Creating Alerts

    Click OK to create the Alert.

    This completes the auto scale setup. The next step is to run the workload and see auto scaling in action:

  15. Navigate to C:CodeLesson6VerticalScaling, right-click the Start-Workload.ps1 folder and select Run with PowerShell:
    Activity: Creating Alerts

    A new PowerShell console window will open. Provide the following parameters to the script:

    • Sqlserver: The logical Azure SQL Server name
    • database: The Azure SQL Database name on which you created an alert earlier in this activity
    • Sqluser: The Azure SQL Server admin username
    • Sqlpassword: The Azure SQL Server admin password

    Press Enter to continue. You should see similar output to that shown here:

    Activity: Creating Alerts

    The scripts start an instance of the ostress utility. The ostress utility runs 25 threads in parallel, executing the workload.sql file 30 times each.

  16. While the workload is running, monitor the DTU usage percentage on the toystore overview page in the Azure portal:
    Activity: Creating Alerts

    The alert status is in the Alert rules page under the Monitoring section on the toystore database pane. Once the alert is triggered, the Last Active column value will be changed to Just Now:

    Activity: Creating Alerts


    It's advised to open the toystore overview pane in one browser tab and the Set-AzureSqldatabaseEdition runbook pane in another tab for easy monitoring.

  17. Once the alert is active, navigate to the Set-AzureSqldatabaseEdition runbook pane on the Azure portal. Select Jobs under the Resources section. You should see the job status as shown here:
    Activity: Creating Alerts

    Click Completed to further check the job status:

    Activity: Creating Alerts

    You can verify the parameters passed to the job by clicking on Input, and review the output from the PowerShell script by selecting the Output box.

    The status indicates that the job has run successfully.

    Switch to the toystore overview page and observe that the database edition is now Standard (S0).

    This completes the activity.

Activity: Creating Shards

In this activity, we’ll discuss how to shard our toystore database. Consider the following scenario: Mike has been asked to implement sharding to improve the application performance of the toystore database. For this purpose, he can shard the Sales.Customers and Sales.Orders tables into two shards, toystore_1_100 (with values of customerid from 1-100) and toystore_200 (with values from 100-200). The steps below describe how this can be done:


The Application.Countries table will be the reference, or the common table present in all shards.

You can, however, extend the scripts used in this activity to shard other tables.

  1. Download the Elastic DB Tool scripts.
  2. Provision the Shard Map Manager database toystore_SMM.
  3. Rename the toystore database to toystore_shard_1_100.
  4. Provision the toystore_shard_200 Azure SQL Database.
  5. Promote toystore_SMM to Shard Map Manager. This will create the shard management tables and procedures in the toystore_SMM database: https://www.amazon.in/b?ie=UTF8&node=14072630031&pf_rd_p=bb15c10e-5e2c-47e5-848f-52131f35146f&pf_rd_r=CQGPKFAXBS7QKABXWGMP.
  6. Create the Range Shard Map in the Shard Map Manager database.
  7. Add Shards to the Shard Map.
  8. Add the sharded table and reference table schema to the Shard Map Manager database.
  9. Verify sharding by reviewing the Shard Map Manager tables.

Elastic DB Tool Scripts

The Elastic DB Tool scripts are a set of PowerShell modules and scripts provided by Microsoft to easily create and manage Azure SQL Database shards. They use the functions exposed by the Elastic database Client library to provide helper PowerShell cmdlets to easily create and manage shards.


The Elastic DB Tool scripts are available at C:codeLesson06 Elastic DB tool scripts.

You can download the latest version from here: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Azure-SQL-DB-Elastic-731883db

Navigate to C:CodeLesson06Elastic DB tool scriptsShardManagement and open ShardManagement.psm1.

ShardManagement.psm1 contains functions such as New-ShardMapManager, Get-ShardMapManager, New-RangeShardMap, and Add-Shard. Each function has a Synopsis section that briefly describes the function's purpose.


We won't use all of the functions listed in ShardManagement.psm1. However, you are free to explore them once you complete the activity.

When you first import the ShardManagement module, it checks for the Elastic Client libraries' DLLs (in the folder from where the PowerShell script is executed), and downloads and registers them if not found.

Save Azure Profile Details to a File

Saving your Azure profile details to a file enables you to log in to your Azure account from PowerShell using the saved profile information. Otherwise, you would have to provide your Azure credentials in the authentication dialog box every time you run the Azure command from PowerShell.


This step isn't the part of sharding; however, it'll save you time by not typing your Azure credentials into PowerShell every time you run an Azure command in PowerShell.

  1. Press Windows + R to open the run command window. In the run command window, type powershell and hit Enter. This will open a new PowerShell console window:
    Activity: Creating Shards
  2. In the PowerShell console, execute the following command:

    You'll have to enter your Azure credentials into the pop-up dialog box. After a successful login, control will return to the PowerShell window.

    Run the following command to save the profile details to a file:

    Save-AzureRmProfile -Path C:codeMyAzureProfile.json
  3. The Azure subscription details will be saved in the MyAzureProfile.json file in JSON format.

    If you wish to explore the profile.json file, you can open it in any editor to review its contents:

    Activity: Creating Shards


    The C:Code path is where all of the book chapters code are kept. The PowerShell scripts later in the book use relative paths. If you have extracted the codes to some other directory, say E:Code, then save the profile.json file in E:Code to avoid invalid path errors.

    Sharding Toystore database

    We'll now learn to write PowerShell commands using the Elastic DB Tool scripts to shard the existing toystore database.


    If you are short of time, you can execute the C:CodeLesson06ShardingSharding.ps1 file, providing appropriate parameters.

  1. Press Window + R to open the Run command window. Type PowerShell_ISE.exe in the run command window and hit Enter. This will open a new PowerShell ISE editor window. This is where you'll write the PowerShell commands:
    Activity: Creating Shards
  2. In the PowerShell ISE, select File from the top menu and click Save. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + S to save the file. In the File Save Dialog box, browse to the C:CodeLesson06Sharding directory. In the file name textbox, type Shard-toystore.ps1 and press Save to save the file:
    Activity: Creating Shards
  3. Copy and paste the following code into the shard-toystore.ps1 file one after another to implement sharding. The code explanation, wherever required, is given in the following code snippet and in the comments within the code snippet.
  4. Copy and paste the following code to define the script parameters:
        [String] $ResourceGroup,
        [String] $SqlServer,
        [String] $UserName,
        [String] $Password,
        [String] $ShardMapManagerdatabase,
        [String] $databaseToShard,
        [String] $AzureProfileFilePath

    The script accepts seven parameters:

    • ResourceGroup: This is the Azure resource group that contains the Azure SQL Server and the database. This should be the same as the one you provided when creating the toystore database in Chapter 1, Microsoft Azure SQL Database Primer.
    • SqlServer: This is the logical Azure SQL Server name that hosts the toystore database.
    • UserName and Password: The Azure SQL Server admin username and password.
    • ShardMapManagerdatabase: The name of the Shard Map Manager database. Prefix _SMM against the toystore database to name the shard map manager database.
    • databaseToShard: The database you wish to shard; toystore in our case.
    • AzureProfileFilePath: The path of the JSON file that contains your Azure profile details. If not yet created, follow the steps in the Save Azure Profile Details to a File section to create one.
  5. Copy and paste the following code to set the Azure context to your Azure Profile:
    # log the execution of the script
    Start-Transcript -Path ".LogShard-
    toystore.txt" -Append
    #Login to Azure Account
    if((Test-Path -Path $AzureProfileFilePath))
        $profile = Select-AzureRmProfile -Path $AzureProfileFilePath
        $SubscriptionID = $profile.Context.Subscription.SubscriptionId
        # Provide your Azure Credentials in the login dialog box
        $profile = Login-AzureRmAccount
        $SubscriptionID =  $profile.Context.Subscription.SubscriptionId
    #Set the Azure Context
    Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID | Out-Null

    This script does the following things:

    • Logs the script execution in the Sharding.txt file in the C:CodeLesson06ShardingLog folder.
    • Sets the AzureProfileFilePath parameter to the Azure Profile JSON file if the path isn't provided as the parameter.
    • Logs into Azure account using the Azure Profile JSON file. If the JSON path provided isn't valid, then it uses the Login-AzureRmAccount command. In this case, you will have to provide your Azure subscription username and password in the pop-up windows.
    • Sets the default Azure profile to your profile using Set-AzureRmContext cmdlet. This tells PowerShell to create and manage objects in your Azure Profile.

    Press Ctrl + S to save your work before moving further.

  6. Copy and paste the following code to import the shardmanagement module. This will allow us to use the functions in shardmanagement.psm1 in our PowerShell script:
    # Import the ShardManagement module
    Import-Module '..Elastic DB tool scriptsShardManagementShardManagement.psm1'

    Observe the shardmanagement.psm1 file path. It is relative to the directory from where you are executing the shard-toystore.ps1 script. Therefore, you will need to make sure that the Elastic DB tool scripts folder is available in the ~Lesson06Sharding folder.

  7. Copy and paste the following script to set the SQLServerFQDN variable:
    $SQLServerFQDN = "$SqlServer.database.windows.net"

    The SQLServerFQDN variable has a fully qualified name logical Azure SQL Server Name. This is required later in the script.

  8. Copy and paste the following code to provision a new Azure SQL Database to act as the Shard Map Manager:
    # Provision a new Azure SQL database
    # call ProvisionAzureSQLdatabase.ps1 created in chapter 1 to create a new Azure SQL database to act as Shard Map Manager
    $command = "....Lesson01ProvisionAzureSQLdatabase.ps1 -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroup -SQLServer $SqlServer -UserName $UserName -Password $Password -SQLdatabase $ShardMapManagerdatabase -Edition Standard" 
    Invoke-Expression -Command $command

    The command variable specifies the ProvisionAzureSQLdatabase.ps1 file and the required parameters. You can check Chapter 1, Microsof Azure SQL Database Primer to find out how to run the ProvisionAzureSQLdatabase.ps1 PowerShell script.

    Observe the relative path of ProvisionAzureSQLdatabase.ps1. You will have to change the path if Lesson01 and Lesson06 are not in the same parent directory.

    The Invoke-Expression cmdlet runs the command specified in the command variable.

  9. Copy and paste the following code to set up the individual shards:
    # Setup the shards
    # Rename existing 
    toystore database to 
    $Shard1 = $databaseToShard + "_Shard_1_100"
    $Shard2 = $databaseToShard + "_Shard_200"
    # Establish credentials for Azure SQL database server 
    $SqlServercredential = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($UserName, ($Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force)) 
    # Create tables to be sharded in Shard2
    $files = Get-ChildItem -Path ".TableScripts"
    ForEach($file in $files)
        Write-Host "Creating table $file in $shard2" -ForegroundColor Green
        Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SQLServerFQDN -Username $UserName -Password $Password -database $shard2 -InputFile $file.FullName | out-null

    The preceding code does the following things:

    • Declares two variables, Shard1 and Shard2. If the value of the databaseToShard variable is toystore, then Shard1 = toystore_Shard_1_100 and Shard2 = toystore_Shard_200.
    • Renames the existing toystore database to Shard1, that is, toystore_Shard_1_100. The Set-AzureSqldatabase cmdlet is used to rename the database.
    • Provisions the Shard2 database, toystore_Shard_200. It uses ProvisionAzureSQLdatabase.ps1 as described in step 8 to provision a new database.
    • Creates the required tables, Sales.Customer, Sales.Orders, and Application.Countries, in the newly provisioned shard2 database.
    • The create scripts for the tables are kept at C:CodeLesson06ShardingTableScripts. The Get-ChildItem cmdlet gets all of the files present in the TableScripts directory.
    • The Invoke-Sqlcmd cmdlet executes the scripts file on the Shard2 database.
  10. Copy and paste the following code to register the database created in step 8 as the shard map manager:
    # Register the database created previously as the Shard Map Manager
    Write-host "Configuring database $ShardMapManagerdatabase as Shard Map Manager" -ForegroundColor Green
    $ShardMapManager = New-ShardMapManager -UserName $UserName -Password $Password -SqlServerName $SQLServerFQDN  -SqldatabaseName $ShardMapManagerdatabase  -ReplaceExisting $true

    This code uses the New-ShardMapManager cmdlet from the ShardManagement.psm1 module to register the newly created database in step 8 as the Shard Map Manager.

    This creates the database objects required for shard management in the shard map manager database under the ShardManagement schema.

  11. Copy and paste the following code to create a new shard map in the shard map manager database:
    # Create Shard Map for Range Mapping
    $ShardMapName = "
    $ShardMap = New-RangeShardMap -KeyType $([int]) -ShardMapManager $ShardMapManager -RangeShardMapName $ShardMapName

    This code uses the New-RangeShardMap function from the ShardManagement module to create a new range shard map in the shard map manager database.

    The keytype parameter defines the data type of the sharding key. In our case, the sharding key is customerid, which is of the integer data type.

    ShardMapManager is the shard map manager object assigned to the $ShardMapManager variable in step 10. This tells the function to create the shard map in this particular shard map manager.

    The RangeShardMapName variable is the name of the shard map, toystorerangemap.

  12. Copy and paste the following code to add the shards to the shard map created in step 11:
    # Add shards (databases) to shard maps
    Write-host "Adding $Shard1 and $Shard2 to the Shard Map $ShardMapName" -ForegroundColor Green
    $Shards = "$Shard1","$shard2"
    foreach ($Shard in $Shards)
        Add-Shard -ShardMap $ShardMap -SqlServerName $SQLServerFQDN -SqldatabaseName $Shard 

    This code uses the Add-Shard function from the ShardManagement module, and adds the individual shards Shard1 (toystore_Shard_1_100) and Shard2 (toystore_Shard_200) to the toystorerangemap created in step 11.

    ShardMap is the shard map object assigned to the $ShardMap variable in step 11. This tells the function the shard map in which the shards are to be added.

    SqlServerName and SqldatabaseName are the logical server name and the database name of the shards to be added to the shard map.

    This step will create the local shard management objects in the individual shards under the __ShardManagement database.

  13. Copy and paste the following code to add the low and high range key mappings on Shard1 (toystore_Shard_1_100):
    # Add Range Key Mapping on the first Shard
    # Mapping is only required on first shard currently it has all the data. 
    $LowKey = 0
    $HighKey = 200
    Write-host "Add range keys to $Shard1 (Shard1)" -ForegroundColor Green
    Add-RangeMapping -KeyType $([int]) -RangeShardMap $ShardMap -RangeLow $LowKey -RangeHigh $HighKey -SqlServerName $SQLServerFQDN -SqldatabaseName $Shard1

    This code uses the Add-RangeMapping function from the ShardManagement module to specify the key range for the first shard only. It takes the following parameters:

    • Keytype: The data type of the sharding key column. It is Integer in our case.
    • RangeShardMap: The range shard map object. This is assigned to the $ShardMap variable in step 11.
    • RangeLow: The lower boundary of the range mapping. 0 in our case.
    • RangeHigh: The higher boundary of the range mapping. 200 in our case.
    • SqlServerName: The logical Azure SQL Server name that hosts the shards.
    • SqldatabaseName: The name of the shard.

    Mappings are added only to the first shard because it has all of the customer records (200 customers) at the moment.

    In the next activity, you'll split the records between the shards using the Split-Merge utility.

  14. Copy and paste the following code to add the sharded and reference table schema to the Shard Map Manager database:
    # Add Schema Mappings to the $shardMap 
    # This is where you define the sharded and the reference tables
    Write-host "Adding schema mappings to the Shard Map Manager database" -ForegroundColor Green
    $ShardingKey = "Customerid"
    $ShardedTableName = "Customers","Orders"
    $ReferenceTableName = "Countries"
    # Get the schema info collection for the shard map manager
    $SchemaInfoCollection = $ShardMapManager
    # Add the SchemaInfo for this Shard Map to the Schema Info Collection
    if ($($SchemaInfoCollection | Where Key -eq $ShardMapName) -eq $null)
        $SchemaInfoCollection.Add($ShardMapName, $SchemaInfo)
        $SchemaInfoCollection.Replace($ShardMapName, $SchemaInfo)
    Write-host "$databaseToShard is now Sharded." -ForegroundColor Green

    This code adds the schema information of the sharded and reference table in the shard map manager database. The schema information includes schema name, table name, and key column.

    This is done by initializing a schema info object of type Microsoft.Azure.Sqldatabase.ElasticScale.ShardManagement.Schema.SchemaInfo, and then adding the table details to this object using the Add function.

    The Schemainfo.Add function takes three arguments, schema name, table name, and key column name.

    The SchemaInfoCollection variable gets the shard map manager schema info collection object.

    The schema is then added to the shard map manager by a SchemaInfoCollection.Add function call that takes two arguments, the shard map to add the schema details to and the schema details as defined in the schema info object.

  15. This completes the script. Press Ctrl + S to save the script. Before you run the script:
    • Make sure you have configured the file paths wherever required correctly
    • If you don't have a ready toystore database, you can restore it using the bacpac file provide with the code files: C:Code_databaseBackup oystore.bacpac.

Executing PowerShell Script

To execute the shard-toystore.ps1:

  1. Press Window + R to open the Run command window. Type PowerShell and hit Enter to open a new PowerShell console window.
  2. Change the directory to the folder that has the shard-toystore.ps1 script. For example, if the script is in the C:CodeLesson06Sharding directory, then run the following command to switch to this directory:
    cd C:CodeLesson06Sharding
  3. In the following command, change the parameter values as per your environment. You can also copy the command from the C:CodeLesson06Executions.txt file:
    toystore.ps1 -ResourceGroup 
    toystore -SqlServer toyfactory -UserName sqladmin -Password Packt@pub2 -ShardMapManagerdatabase 
    toystore_SMM -databaseToShard 
    toystore -AzureProfileFilePath C:CodeMyAzureProfile.json


    You may get the following warning during script execution. Ignore such warnings:

    WARNING: Could not obtain SQL Server Service information. An attempt to connect to WMI on 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Sqldatabase.dll' failed with the following error: The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)

  4. Refer to step 4 of the Sharding Toystore Database section for parameter details:

    Once you have changed the parameter values, hit Enter to run the command. This command will:

    • Create a Shard-toystore.txt file in the Log folder. Use this file for troubleshooting script errors.
    • Create a Shard Map Manager database, toystore_SMM
    • Rename the toystore database to toystore_Shard_1_100 (shard1)
    • Create a new database, toystore_Shard_200 (shard2)
    • Create shard management objects in the toystore_SMM database under the __ShardManagement schema
    • Create a new range shard map, toystorerangemap
    • Add toystore_Shard_1_100 (shard1) and toystore_Shard_200 (shard2) to the range shard map
    • Add the key range mappings in toystore_Shard_1_100 (shard1)
    • Add the table schema for Sales.Customers, Sales.Orders, and Application.Countries in the shard map manager database

      You should get the following output after successful execution of the script:

      Configuring database 
      toystore_SMM as Shard Map Manager
      toystore_Shard_1_100 to the Shard Map 
      toystore_Shard_200 to the Shard Map 
      Add range keys to 
      toystore_Shard_1_100 (Shard1)
      Adding schema mappings to the Shard Map Manager database
      toystore is now Sharded.

Reviewing the Shard Configuration

You'll now review the shard configuration the PowerShell script performed:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio on your local machine and connect to the toyfactory Azure SQL Server.
  2. Connect to Object Explorer (if Object Explorer isn't open, press F8 to connect to it). You should see the following databases:
    Activity: Creating Shards

    toystore_Shard_1_100 is the toystore database renamed.

    toystore_Shard_200 is the new Shard 2 database.

    toystore_SMM is the Shard Map Manager database.

  3. In the Object Explore, right-click toystore_SMM and select New Query from the context menu.
  4. Execute the following query in the new query window:
    st.Name As ShardTables 
    FROM sys.tables st JOIN sys.schemas ss 
    on st.schema_id=ss.schema_id
    WHERE ss.Name='__ShardManagement'

    You should get the following output:

    Activity: Creating Shards

    Observe that six tables are added to the toystore_SMM database.

  5. Execute the following query to view the data for the ShardMapsGlobal table:
    SELECT * FROM __ShardManagement.ShardMapsGlobal

    You should see the following output:

    Activity: Creating Shards

    The ShardMapsGlobal table will have one row for each shard map you create. Observe that it contains the toystorerangemap that was created by the Shard-toystore.ps1 script. Each shard map is assigned a unique ShardMapId.

  6. Execute the following query to view the data for the ShardsGlobal table:
    SELECT ShardId,ShardMapId,ServerName,databaseName FROM __ShardManagement.ShardsGlobal

    You should get the following output:

    Activity: Creating Shards

    The ShardsGlobal table contains one row for each shard in the sharded environment. Observe that it has two rows, one for each shard, toystore_ shard_1_100 and toystore_Shard_200.

    The ShardMapId column is used to map the shard with its corresponding Shard Map in the ShardsMapGlobal table.

    The table also stores the ServerName for each of the shards (databases). This table is used to route the requests to the correct shard based on the sharding key when a request is received from an application.

  7. Execute the following query to view data for the ShardMappingsGlobal table:
    SELECT MappingId,ShardId,ShardMapId,MinValue,MaxValue FROM __ShardManagement.ShardMappingsGlobal

    You should get the following output:

    Activity: Creating Shards

    ShardMappingsGlobal stores the low and high key-value mapping for each shard in the ShardsGlobal table.

    The ShardId and ShardMapId columns map the rows with their corresponding Shards and Shard Map in the ShardsGlobal and ShardMapsGlobal tables respectively.

  8. Execute the following query to view the data for the ShardeddatabaseSchemaInfosGlobal table:
    select * from __ShardManagement.ShardeddatabaseSchemaInfosGlobal

    You should get the following output:

    Activity: Creating Shards

    The ShardeddatabaseSchemaInfosGlobal table stores the schema info for each shard map defined in the ShardsMapGlobal table.

    These are the same schema details as provided in step 14 of the Sharding toystore database section in the shard-toystore.ps1 script.

    In the results pane in SSMS, click the XML under the Schemainfo column. You should see the following XML:

      <ReferenceTableSet i:type="ArrayOfReferenceTableInfo">
      <ShardedTableSet i:type="ArrayOfShardedTableInfo">

    Observe that it contains the schema, table, and sharding key column values for the Sales.Customer, Sales.Orders, and Application.Countries tables.

  9. In Object Explorer, expand toystore_Shard_1_100 and then expand Tables:
    Activity: Creating Shards

    Observe that as toystore_SMM has global shard management tables, toystore_Shard_1_100 has local shard map management tables. toystore_shard_200 will also have local shard management tables.

    The local shard management tables store shard metadata specific to the particular shard. You can query the tables to review the data for a better understanding.

    This completes the activity.

Activity: Split Data between Shard

In the previous activity, Mike created two shards, toystore_Shard_1_100 and toystore_Shard_200. However, all of the data is available in the toystore_Shard_1_100 database and he has been requested to split the data between toystore_Shard_1_100 and toystore_Shard_200. Therefore, he can use the split service to split the data.

In this activity, you'll use the split-merge service to split the data between toystore_Shard_1_100 and toystore_Shard_200.

The split-merge tool is an Azure Web service deployed to your Azure environment. Once deployed, you can either invoke the web service from the web service URL or from PowerShell.


A web service is any service that is available over the internet or intranet. It has a certain set of functions that can be either invoked from the web service's web interface, or using any of the programming languages supporting web service calls.

To deploy the split-merge cloud service in your Azure environment and then call the cloud service function to split the data, follow these steps:

Deploying Split-Merge Cloud Service:

  1. Open a browser and navigate to the following URL: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-elastic-scale-configure-deploy-split-and-merge.

    Follow the instructions listed at this URL to deploy the split-merge service.

    In addition to the steps mentioned in the URL, make the following additional changes before deploying the web service:

    • In the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg file, set the value of the following settings to false:
      <Setting name="SetupWebAppForClientCertificates" value="false" />
      <Setting name="SetupWebserverForClientCertificates" value="false" />
    • Deploy the cloud service in a production environment, and not staging as mentioned in the URL.
  2. If you get an error when deploying the web service, refer to the C:CodeLesson06Splitting folder for the sample files:
    • Serviceconfigurtion.cscfg: C:CodeLesson06SplittingSplitMergeLibrariesMicrosoft.Azure.Sqldatabase.ElasticScale.Service.SplitMerge.1.2.0contentsplitmergeservice
    • SplitMergeService.cspkg: C:CodeLesson06SplittingSplitMergeLibrariesMicrosoft.Azure.Sqldatabase.ElasticScale.Service.SplitMerge.1.2.0contentsplitmergeservice
    1. Self-signed certificates: C:CodeLesson06SplittingCertificate.
    2. Right-click on toyfactory.cer and select Install to install the certificate on your local machine.
    3. Upload the toyfactory.pfx file on Azure Cloud as per instructions at the URL given previously.
    4. Make sure you have enabled the toyfactory Azure SQL Server firewall to allow connections from services within Azure.
    5. You can do this by switching ON the Allow Access to Azure services toggle button in the firewall section of the toyfactory server:
    Activity: Split Data between Shard

    Once your web service is deployed, you should see this output in the Azure portal cloud service overview section:

    Activity: Split Data between Shard
  3. Copy the web service URL, http://splitmerge.cloudapp.net, change http to https, and open the URL in a browser. If the web service is deployed successfully, you should see the following page on the web browser:
    Activity: Split Data between Shard

    You can split the data by either filling out the web form or by calling the web service using PowerShell.

Call Split-Merge Cloud Service Using PowerShell


If you are short of time, you can execute the C:CodeLesson06Splitting SplitToyStoreShard.ps1 file, providing appropriate parameters.

  1. Press Window + R to open the Run command window. Type PowerShell_ISE.exe in the run command window and hit Enter. This will open a new PowerShell ISE editor window. This is where you'll write the PowerShell commands:
    Activity: Split Data between Shard

    In the PowerShell ISE, select File from the top menu and click Save. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + S to save the file. In the File Save Dialog box, browse to the C:CodeLesson06Splitting directory. In the File name text box, type Split-toystore-shard.ps1 and click Save to save the file:

    Activity: Split Data between Shard
  2. Copy and paste the following code into the Split-toystore-shard.ps1 file one after another to implement the split operation. The code explanation, wherever required, is given in the following code snippet and in the comments within the code snippet.
  3. Copy and paste the following code to define the parameters:
        [String] $ResourceGroup,
        [String] $SqlServer,
        [String] $UserName,
        [String] $Password,
        [String] $SplitRangeHigh,
        [String] $SplitValue,
        [bool] $CreateSplitMergedatabase = $false

    Most of the parameters have been described in the previous activity. The following are the descriptions of the additional parameters:

    • SplitMergedatabase: This is the split-merge database you will have created as part of the split-merge cloud service deployment.
    • SplitMergeServiceEndpoint: The split-merge cloud service URL copied in step 2 of the Deploy Split-Merge Cloud Service section
    • ShardMapManagerdatabaseName: The shard map manager database you created in a previous Activity.
    • Shard2: The shard2 database (toystore_Shard_200) you created in a previous Activity.
    • ShardMapName: The shard map name (toystorerangemap) you created in a previous Activity.
    • SplitRangeLow: The lower value for the range mapping. This is 0 in our case.
    • SplitRangeHigh: The higher value for the range mapping. This is 200 in our case.
    • SplitValue: The value at which the split will take place. This is 100 in our case.
    • CreateSplitMergedatabase: This is a Boolean value which, when set to true, will provision a new database to be used as the split-merge database. You can use this to provision the database if you haven't created it yet.
  4. Copy and paste the following code to set the login to the Azure subscription:
    Start-Transcript -Path "$ScriptPathLogSplit
    ToyStoreShard.txt" -Append
    $CertificateThumbprint = $null
    # Get the parent directory of the script.
    $ScriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
    # set the AzureProfileFilePath
    $AzureProfileFilePath = "....MyAzureProfile.json"
    #Login to Azure Account
    if((Test-Path -Path $AzureProfileFilePath))
        $profile = Select-AzureRmProfile -Path $AzureProfileFilePath
        $SubscriptionID = $profile.Context.Subscription.SubscriptionId
    #Create a database to store split merge status
    $command = "....Lesson01ProvisionAzureSQLdatabase.ps1 -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroup -SQLServer $SqlServer -UserName $UserName -Password $Password -SQLdatabase $SplitMergedatabase -Edition Basic" 
    Invoke-Expression -Command $command

    This code calls the ProvisionAzureSQLdatabase.ps1 PowerShell script to create a new Azure SQL database to store the split-merge cloud service status.

    The database is created only if CreateSplitMergedatabase is set to true.

  5. Copy and paste the following code to import the split-merge PowerShell module:
    # Import SplitMerge module
    $ScriptDir = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
    Import-Module $ScriptDirSplitMerge -Force

    The split-merge PowerShell module has helper functions to call the split-merge cloud service.

  6. Copy and paste the following code to submit a split request:
    Write-Output 'Sending split request'
    $splitOperationId = Submit-SplitRequest '
        -SplitMergeServiceEndpoint $SplitMergeServiceEndpoint '
        -ShardMapManagerServerName "$SqlServer.database.windows.net" '
        -ShardMapManagerdatabaseName $ShardMapManagerdatabaseName '
        -TargetServerName "$SqlServer.database.windows.net" '
        -TargetdatabaseName $Shard2 '
        -UserName $UserName '
        -Password $Password '
        -ShardMapName $ShardMapName '
        -ShardKeyType 'Int32' '
        -SplitRangeLowKey $SplitRangeLow '
        -SplitValue $SplitValue '
        -SplitRangeHighKey $SplitRangeHigh '
        -CertificateThumbprint $CertificateThumbprint

    This code calls the Submit-SplitRequest functions defined in the SplitMerge module. The Submit-SplitRequest function submits the split request by specifying the different parameter values.

    The SplitMerge module contains helper functions for Merge requests as well. Merge refers to merging two range mappings into a single shard.

    The Submit-SplitRequest returns the operation id value. The operation id is assigned to the $splitOperationId variable and is used to get the split request status.

  7. Copy and paste the following code to wait on the split request until it completes:
    # Get split request output
    Wait-SplitMergeRequest -SplitMergeServiceEndpoint $SplitMergeServiceEndpoint -OperationId $splitOperationId -CertificateThumbprint $CertificateThumbprint

    This code calls the Wait-SplitMergeRequest helper function defined in the SplitMerge PowerShell module. The function checks for the split operation status for the operation id $splitOperationId and writes the status to the console.

Executing PowerShell Script

  1. Press Window + R to open the run command window. Type PowerShell and hit Enter to open a new PowerShell console window.
  2. Change directory to the folder that has the shard-toystore.ps1 script. For example, if the script is in the C:CodeLesson06Sharding directory, then run the following command to switch to this directory:
    cd C:CodeLesson06Splitting
  3. In the following command, change the parameter values as per your environment. You can also copy the command from the C:CodeLesson06Executions.txt file:
    toystore-shard.ps1 -ResourceGroup 
    toystore -SqlServer toyfactory -UserName sqladmin -Password Packt@pub2 -SplitMergedatabase 
    toystore_splitmerge -SplitMergeServiceEndpoint "https://splitmerge.cloudapp.net/" -ShardMapManagerdatabaseName 
    toystore_SMM -Shard2 
    toystore_Shard_200 -ShardMapName 
    toystorerangemap -SplitRangeLow 0 -SplitRangeHigh 200 -SplitValue 100 -AzureProfileFilePath C:CodeMyAzureProfile.json

    Once you have changed the parameter values, copy and paste the command in the PowerShell console window opened in step 1 and hit Enter.

    If the script executes successfully, you should get the following output:

    Sending split request
    Polling request status. Press Ctrl-C to end
    Progress: 0% | Status: Queued | Details: [Informational] Operation has been queued.
    Progress: 5% | Status: Starting | Details: [Informational] Starting Split-Merge state machine for request.
    Progress: 5% | Status: Starting | Details: [Informational] Performing data consistency checks on target shards.
    Progress: 20% | Status: CopyingReferenceTables | Details: 
    [Informational] Successfully copied reference table [Applicati
    Progress: 80% | Status: CopyingShardedTables | Details: [Informational] Successfully copied key range [190:200) for shar
    ded table [Sales].[Orders].
    Progress: 90% | Status: Completing | Details: [Informational] Deleting any temp tables that were created while processin
    g the request.
    Progress: 100% | Status: Succeeded | Details: [Informational] Successfully processed request.
  4. If you get an error in this command and your split-merge service is deployed correctly, then you can troubleshoot it by checking the RequestStatus table in the split-merge database.

    The RequestStatus tables has one row for each split-merge request. The Details column contains the XML with the error details if the request fails.

Verify the Split Operation

To review that the split request has correctly moved the data:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio on your local machine and connect to the toyfactory Azure SQL Server.
  2. In the Object Explorer, right-click on the toystore_Shard_1_100 database and select New Query from the context menu.
  3. In the New Query window, execute the following query:
    SELECT DB_NAME() AS databaseName, COUNT(*) AS TotalRows FROM Sales.Customers

    You should get the following output:

    Activity: Split Data between Shard
  4. In the Object Explorer, right-click on the toystore_Shard_200 database and select New Query from the context menu.
  5. In the New Query window, execute the following query:
    SELECT DB_NAME() AS databaseName, COUNT(*) AS TotalRows FROM Sales.Customers

    You should get the following output:

    Activity: Split Data between Shard

    This validates that the Split-Merge operation has successfully split 200 rows between the two shards, toystore_Shard_1_100 (100 rows) and toystore_Shard_200 (100 rows).

  6. In the Object Explorer, right-click on the toystore_SMM database and select New Query from the context menu. Execute the following query in the new query window:
           sg.databaseName AS ShardName
          ,sg.ServerName AS ServerName
          ,smg.Name AS ShardMapName
          ,CAST(MinValue AS SMALLINT) AS RangeLowKey
          ,CAST(MaxValue AS SMALLINT) AS RangeHighKey
     FROM [__ShardManagement].[ShardMapsGlobal] smg
     JOIN [__ShardManagement].[ShardsGlobal] sg ON sg.ShardMapID = smg.ShardMapId
     JOIN [__ShardManagement].[ShardMappingsGlobal] smng ON smg.ShardMapID=smng.ShardMapID
     AND sg.ShardId=smng.ShardId

    You should get the following output:

    Activity: Split Data between Shard

    The MinValue and MaxValue columns are varbinary columns and are therefore converted to SmallInt.

    If you remember the first activity of this chapter, the table ShardMappingsGlobal had only one mapping, which was added as the part of sharding configuration.

    However, it now has two rows, and the second row for the shard toystore_Shard_200 is added as part of the split operation.

    This completes the activity.

Activity: Using Elastic Queries

In this activity, we will use elastic or cross-database queries to query the sharded tables (created in previous activities) across the shards as a single table.

To query multiple shards as a single table using elastic queries, follow these steps:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio on your local machine and connect to the toyfactory Azure SQL Server.
  2. In Object Explorer, right-click on the Master database and select New Query from the context menu. In the new query window, execute the following query to create the toystorereporting database:
    CREATE DATABASE toystorereporting;
  3. Once the database is provisioned, navigate to Object Explorer, right-click on the toystorereporting database, and select New Query from the context menu.


    You can also refer to the C:Code:Lesson06ElasticQueries.sql file for the queries.

  4. Execute the following query to create a master key:

    You may get the following error if a master key already exists in the database:

    Msg 15578, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
    There is already a master key in the database. Please drop it before performing this statement.

    Ignore the error and proceed to the next step.

  5. Execute the following query to create a database-scoped credential:
    CREATE DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL toystore_creds WITH IDENTITY = 'sqladmin', SECRET = 'Packt@pub2'

    The identity and secret should be the same as your Azure SQL Server administrator username and password.

  6. Execute the following query to create the external data source. The external data source is essentially the connection details or the connection string of the external data source. In our case, the external data source is the Shard Map Manager database:
    CREDENTIAL= toystore_creds,

    This query creates an external data source toystore_dsrc of type Shard_Map_Manager, which connects to the shard map manager database toystore_SMM using the toystore_creds database scoped credentials created in step 5.

    The shard map name in the external data source will help resolve the individual shards to get the data from.

    We didn't specify individual shards as the external data source database_Name because it'll return the data of individual shards. However, our goal is to get data for a table from all shards.


    The external data source type can be Hadoop, RDBMS, or Blob Storage. For more details on external data sources, refer to this link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/statements/create-external-data-source-transact-sql.

  7. Execute the following query to create the customers table in the toystorereporting database. Observe that the table is created with the External keyword and on the external data source toystore_dsrc created in step 6:
    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE [dbo].[Customers](
        [CustomerID] [int] NOT NULL,
        [CustomerName] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,
        [BillToCustomerID] [int] NOT NULL,
        [CustomerCategoryID] [int] NOT NULL,
        [BuyingGroupID] [int] NULL,
        [PrimaryContactPersonID] [int] NOT NULL,
        [AlternateContactPersonID] [int] NULL,

    dbo.Customers is an external table that gets its data from the toystore_dsrc external data source, the Sales.Customers table.

    The Distribution parameter specifies how the data is distributed for this table. In our case, the table is horizontally partitioned, hence the distribution used is sharded with customerid (sharding key). The other available distributions are:

    • Replicated: This means that each database has identical copies of the table.
    • Round-Robin: This means that the table is horizontally partitioned, with partition logic specified in the application tier and the sharding method we discussed.
  8. Execute the following query to return all rows from the customer table:
    SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers

    You should get all 200 rows.

    The database engine uses the information specified in the toystore_dsrc external data source to connect and return data from all the shards.

  9. Execute the following queries to get the existing external data source and external tables:
    -- Get Existing External Data sources
    SELECT * FROM sys.external_data_sources;
    -- Get Existing External Tables
    SELECT * FROM sys.external_tables

    This completes the activity.

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