Chapter 9. Monitoring and Tuning Azure SQL Database

This chapter teaches you different techniques to monitor and tune an Azure SQL database. You will learn to monitor an Azure SQL Database using the Azure portal, Dynamic Management Views ( DMVs), and Extended Events.

You will also learn how to tune an Azure SQL Database using Automatic tuning and Query performance insight.

You will learn to implement in-memory features to improve workload performance.

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Monitor and tune an Azure SQL Database from the Azure portal
  • Monitor an Azure SQL Database using Dynamic Management Views
  • Monitor an Azure SQL Database using Extended Events
  • Implement in-memory technologies to improve database performance

Monitoring an Azure SQL Database using the Azure Portal

The Azure portal provides multiple monitoring options, which are available under the Overview | Monitoring | Support + Troubleshooting sections for an Azure SQL Database:

Monitoring an Azure SQL Database using the Azure Portal

Monitoring an Azure SQL Database using the Azure Portal

Let's talk about each of these options in detail.

Monitoring Database Metrics

Database metrics such as CPU percentage, DTU percentage, data I/O, and other metrics can be monitored through the overview section.

The overview section displays the DTU percentage from the past hour of an Azure SQL Database in the form of a line chart:

Monitoring Database Metrics

You can even pin the chart on your Azure portal dashboard by clicking on the pin icon in the upper-right corner of the chart.

This way, you can monitor the DTU percentage as and when required.


In order to see the graph working, you will require some workload running. You can achieve this by executing the Start-Workload.sql file placed in the C:codeLesson09 folder.

Open a new PowerShell command and run the following command:

.Start-Workload.ps1 -sqlserver toyfactory -database toystore -sqluser sqladmin -sqlpassword Packt@pub2 -ostresspath "C:Program FilesMicrosoft CorporationRMLUtilsostress.exe" -workloadsql .workload.sql

The preceding command will use the ostress.exe rml utility to execute the queries specified in the workload.sql file against the toystore database in the toyfactory Azure SQL Server.

For a more detailed analysis and to monitor other metrics, click on the line chart:

Monitoring Database Metrics

The Metrics blade gives you further insight into the workload by allowing you to monitor other metrics such as CPU percentage, Data I/O, percentage, Database size percentage, and others.

Hover the mouse over the line chart and the metrics at that point in time will be displayed at the bottom.

The Metric blade also allows you to view metrics in multiple ranges such as the past hour, the past 24 hours, the past week, and a custom time range.

Select the metrics you want to monitor together, name the chart, and pin it to the Azure portal dashboard for future monitoring.


To name the chart, select the Pen icon beside the DTU text, just above the No subtitle text.

You can select one more metric and analyze the type of workload. For example, in the preceding chart, the workload is CPU-intensive as the DTU percentage is equal to the CPU percentage, because there isn't any Data I/O percentage recorded during the given time.

You can add the alert on the metric for proactive monitoring. For example, you can add an alert to send email notifications whenever the DTU percentage crosses a threshold, say, that is greater than 80%, or the database size is bigger than 80%.

You can even take preventative actions automatically by using runbooks, similar to what was explained in Chapter 6, Scaling Out Azure SQL Database.

Alert Rules, Database Size, and Diagnostic Settings

In this section, we will discuss how to create Alerts using the Azure Portal, view database size, and capture data using Diagnostic settings.

Alert Rules

As stated earlier, you can create email alerts on metrics you wish to monitor. To create an alert using Azure Portal, in the database overview blade, select Alert Rules under the monitoring section.

In the Alert Rules blade, select Add alert and fill out the alert details to create and set up the alert:

Alert Rules

You can also add a webhook to the alert to take preventative action automatically when the alert threshold is reached. For example, let's say you create an alert that sends out an email whenever the database size crosses the 80% (used) threshold.

The administrator sees the email alert and increases the database size so that the customers aren't affected. However, you can automate this by:

  • Creating an Azure Automation job that runs a PowerShell script to increase the database's size
  • Creating a webhook for the Azure Automation job
  • Specifying the webhook in the Alert definition

The next time the database size percentage is greater than 80%, the alert will send out an email notification to the administrator and will trigger the webhook. This will start the Azure Automation job, and the database size will be increased.

Database Size

The database size option under the monitoring section provides a chart representation of the current and max database size. It also gives an option to change the database's size:

Database Size

The change database size link opens the Configure Performance blade, wherein you can change the service tier or change the database size within the same service tier.

Diagnostic Settings

Diagnostic settings allow you to collect relevant data such as database wait statistics, timeouts, errors, and blockings so as to troubleshoot performance issues or audit an Azure SQL Database.

The following data can be captured using diagnostics settings:

Diagnostic Settings

To enable diagnostic settings, select the database and the server you want to enable it for and then select Turn on diagnostics.

In the Diagnostics settings blade:

  1. Provide the setting name, for example, if you plan to collect wait stats, you can name it toystore wait stats.
  2. Select Archive to a storage account and then select the storage account where the diagnostic data will be saved.

    You can also stream the data to an event hub for real-time monitoring or send it to Log Analytics.

  3. Check DatabaseWaitStatistics and set the retention to one day. The retention only applies to the Archive to Storage option.

    The archive to storage option lets you save the diagnostic data to an Azure Storage container. The log files can therefore be used for troubleshooting as and when required:

    Diagnostic Settings
  4. Click Save to start collecting the data.

    The logs will be captured and archived to the given storage account:

    Diagnostic Settings

    The logs are saved in JSON format, and have data, as shown in the following code:

                 "LogicalServerName": "toyfactory",
                 "SubscriptionId": "bf64f3c6-6e64-48c5-a7cc-6c35b4f9aebf",
                 "ResourceGroup": "toystore",
                 "time": "2018-01-30T02:42:27.2000000Z",
                 "category": "DatabaseWaitStatistics",
                 "operationName": "DatabaseWaitStatistcsEvent",
                 "properties": {"ElasticPoolName":"","DatabaseName":"toystore","start_utc_date":"2018-01-30T02:42:27.2000000Z","end_utc_date":"2018-01-30T02:47:27.1530000Z","wait_type":"SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD","delta_max_wait_time_ms":0,"delta_signal_wait_time_ms":3267,"delta_wait_time_ms":3266,"delta_waiting_tasks_count":51}

    You can analyze the JSON in your favorite JSON editor or in SQL Server 2016.

  5. To delete the diagnostics setting, navigate to the diagnostics settings blade and click Edit setting against the diagnostics setting you wish to delete:
    Diagnostic Settings

    In the resultant blade, select Delete to delete the setting:

    Diagnostic Settings

Query Performance Insight

Query Performance Insight works on top of the Query Store and requires that Query Store is enabled on the Azure SQL Database.

Query Store, introduced in SQL Server 2016, records queries, plans, and runtime statistics for detailed query performance analysis.

In an on-premises SQL Server, Query Store provides a graphical interface, which lists down queries by time windows. This helps in analyzing database usage patterns and query plan changes.

It provides an easier way to identify and force the best query plan out of multiple query plans of the same query.

Query Performance Insights analyze the data collected in the Query Store and:

  • Provides percentage usage of CPU, Data I/O, and Log I/O database metrics which constitute DTUs.
  • Lists out the top queries by CPU, Data I/O, Log I/O, duration, and execution count. It also provides further details into individual queries such as execution count, duration, CPU, Data I/O, and Log I/O percentage utilization.
  • Lists out performance recommendations for Create Index, Drop Index, Fix Schema Issue, and Parameterized Queries.

Monitor Queries using the Query Performance Insight Blade

In this section, we will understand how to monitor queries using the Query Performance Insight blade. Consider Mike, who plans to keep track of Query performance insight and to monitor queries of Toystore Ltd. He runs through a workload to generate some database activity and then observes the Query Performance Insight blade for the queries. The detailed steps are given below:

  1. To start the workload, open a new PowerShell console window and execute the following command:
    powershell.exe "C:codelesson09Start-Workload.ps1 -sqlserver toyfactory -database toystore -sqluser sqladmin -sqlpassword Packt@pub2 -workloadsql "C:CodeLesson09workload.sql" -numberofexecutions 10"


    You may get the following warning. Ignore this.

    "WARNING: Could not obtain SQL Server Service information. An attempt to connect to WMI on 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Types.ps1xml' failed with the following error: The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)"

    The preceding command will execute the queries specified in the workload.sql files 10 times, as specified by the numberofexecutions variable. This will generate some database activity for you to analyse.

    You will have to wait for another 5-10 minutes for the details to show on the Azure Portal.

  2. Navigate to the toystore database on the Azure Portal ( In the overview blade, select Query Performance Insight under the Support + Troubleshooting section:
    Monitor Queries using the Query Performance Insight Blade
    Monitor Queries using the Query Performance Insight Blade

    The Query Performance Insight shows the following things:

  3. A line chart showing CPU consumption of the past 24 hours by the top queries. The CPU is selected by default, however, you can all see five queries by Data IO and Log IO.
  4. The default aggregation applied is SUM and is customizable.
  5. The top five queries details that include CPU%, Data IO%, Log IO%, duration, and execution count.
  6. Click on ID 472 to get the query's details. The query ID will be different in your case. The query details blade shows the:
    • Query text:
      Monitor Queries using the Query Performance Insight Blade
    • Overall CPU, Data IO, and Log IO.
    • CPU, Data IO, Log IO, Duration, and Execution count in a one-hour interval:
      Monitor Queries using the Query Performance Insight Blade
    • You can select an area or a portion on the timeline from the line chart to see insights for that time duration. To do that, click and hold the mouse at the starting point on the line chart and drag it to the time interval you wish to see the insight for:
    Monitor Queries using the Query Performance Insight Blade
    Monitor Queries using the Query Performance Insight Blade

    Observe that the graph shows the insights for the time period of 8:10 AM to 11:34 AM instead of 24 hours, which is shown in the first image.

    You can also click on the Zoom-In and Zoom-Out icons in the upper-right corner of the chart to change the time interval.

  7. Close the query details blade to return to the Query Performance Insight blade. Select the Long Running queries tab:
    Monitor Queries using the Query Performance Insight Blade
    Monitor Queries using the Query Performance Insight Blade

    The long running queries tab displays the top five long running queries from the past 24 hours.

    The interval can be changed by clicking on either the Custom tab or the Customize further button.

    Click on a query to get the query details so that you can get to the query details blade. This is similar to the query details blade in the last step.

  8. Select the Custom tab on the Query Performance Insight blade. The Custom tab provides options to further filter the insights on the time period, number of queries, metric type, and aggregation type:
    Monitor Queries using the Query Performance Insight Blade

    Change the Metric type to Duration, the time period to the last six hours, and the Aggregation type to max and click Go to filter the insights:

    Monitor Queries using the Query Performance Insight Blade

    This filters out the top five queries with a maximum duration of six hours. You can get further query details, as explained earlier in the section.

    This completes the section.

Monitoring an Azure SQL Database using DMVs

Dynamic Management Views return diagnostic data that can be used to monitor a database's health and performance.

Monitoring Database Metrics

The metrics available on the Azure Portal can also be monitored using the following DMVs:


This DMV returns the historical analysis for all the databases in an Azure SQL Server. The data is collected and aggregated every five minutes and is retained for 14 days.

The following query returns the resource utilization from the last six hours:


You can also copy the queries from the C:CodeLesson09MonitoringDMVs.sql file.

The file location may change depending on where you have unzipped the code files.

-- Execute in master database
-- Get utilization in last 6 hours for the toystore database
    @StartTime DATETIME = DATEADD(HH,-3,GetUTCDate()),
    @EndTime DATETIME = GetUTCDate()
        SELECT Max(v)    
        FROM (VALUES (avg_cpu_percent), (avg_data_io_percent), (avg_log_write_percent)) AS    
        value(v)) AS [avg_DTU_percent] 
FROM sys.resource_stats   
WHERE database_name = 'toystore' AND 
start_time BETWEEN @StartTime AND @EndTime
ORDER BY avg_cpu_percent desc

The following query returns the average CPU utilization across databases. This helps us find the most-used databases:

    AVG(avg_cpu_percent) AS avg_cpu_percent
FROM sys.resource_stats   
GROUP BY database_name
ORDER BY avg_cpu_percent DESC

You can further modify the preceding query to return databases exceeding a certain threshold value, say, databases with a CPU utilization greater than 80%.


This DMV records data for individual Azure SQL databases every 15 seconds, and this is retained for an hour. This allows you to further drill down for deeper insights into individual database utilization.

The following query returns the average CPU, Data I/O, Log IO, and Memory utilization for the toystore database:

-- Get Average CPU, Data IO, Log IO and Memory utilization
-- Execute in toystore database
    AVG(avg_cpu_percent) AS avg_cpu_percent,   
    AVG(avg_data_io_percent) AS avg_data_io_percent,   
    AVG(avg_log_write_percent) AS avg_log_write_percent,   
    AVG(avg_memory_usage_percent) AS avg_memory_usage_percent
FROM sys.dm_db_resource_stats;

The following query returns the average DTU utilization for the toystore database over the past hour:

-- Get the Average DTU utilization for toystore database
-- Execute in toystore database
  (SELECT Max(v)    
   FROM (VALUES (avg_cpu_percent), (avg_data_io_percent), (avg
log_write_percent)) AS    
   value(v)) AS [avg_DTU_percent]   
FROM sys.dm_db_resource_stats
ORDER BY end_time DESC

Monitoring Connections

The DMVs used to monitor connections are the same as the ones used to monitor connections in an On-Premises SQL Server, which are sys.dm_exec_connections, sys.dm_exec_sessions, and sys.dm_exec_requests.

The following query returns all sessions for the sqladmin login:

-- Get all sessions for user sqladmin
from sys.dm_exec_sessions WHERE login_name='sqladmin'

The following query returns all requests for the sqladmin login:

-- Get all the requests for the login sqladmin
    s.status AS session_status,
    r.status AS request_status, 
    t.Text AS query_batch_text,
    SUBSTRING(t.text, (r.statement_start_offset/2)+1,   
        ((CASE r.statement_end_offset  
          WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(t.text)  
       ELSE r.statement_end_offset 
         END - r.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) AS running_query_text 
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions s join  sys.dm_exec_requests r 
ON r.session_id=s.session_id
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) AS t
WHERE s.login_name='sqladmin'

The DMF ( Dynamic Management Function), sys.dm_exec_sql_text, returns the query text for the given sql_handle.

The query_batch_text column returns all the queries being sent as a request in one batch. If you run the workload as mentioned earlier, you will realize that the query_batch_text column contains all the queries specified in the workload.sql file.

The running_query_text column returns the query which is currently being executed. It is calculated using the statement offset start and end values from the sys.dm_exec_requests DMV.

Monitoring Query Performance

The following DMVs can be used to monitor queries and procedure performance.


The DMVs mentioned here are not specific to Azure SQL Database. They can be used on On-Premises SQL Servers as well.

These are not the only DMVs used to monitor performance. You can get a complete list of DMVs for Azure SQL Database from

You can also refer to the following article for troubleshooting performance problems:

This article is for Microsoft SQL Server 2008, however, it applies to Azure SQL Database and other higher On-Premises SQL Server versions.


This DMV returns the aggregated statistics such as execution count, reads, writes, and worker time for the cached query plans.

The following query returns the top give CPU-intensive queries:

    TOP 5 
    (total_worker_time/execution_count)/(1000*1000) AS [Avg CPU Time(Seconds)],  
    SUBSTRING(st.text, (qs.statement_start_offset/2)+1,   
        ((CASE qs.statement_end_offset  
          WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(st.text)  
         ELSE qs.statement_end_offset  
         END - qs.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) AS statement_text,
    (qs.total_elapsed_time/execution_count)/(1000*1000) AS [Avg Duration(Seconds)] 
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs  
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS st  
ORDER BY total_worker_time/execution_count DESC;  

The following query returns the top five long-running queries:

    TOP 5 
    (total_worker_time/execution_count)/(1000*1000) AS [Avg CPU Time(Seconds)],  
    SUBSTRING(st.text, (qs.statement_start_offset/2)+1,   
        ((CASE qs.statement_end_offset  
          WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(st.text)  
         ELSE qs.statement_end_offset  
         END - qs.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) AS statement_text,
    (qs.total_elapsed_time/execution_count)/(1000*1000) AS [Avg Duration(Seconds)] 
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs  
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS st  
ORDER BY (qs.total_elapsed_time/execution_count) DESC;  

You can order by the preceding query on the total_logical_reads column to get the top five IO read-intensive queries.

Monitoring Blocking

Blocking is a scenario where a query is waiting to acquire a lock on a resource which is already locked by another query. Blocking causes major performance problems and can bring a database to a halt.

The following query returns the blocking details:

-- Get blocked queries
FROM sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks w
INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests r
ON w.session_id = r.session_id
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text (r.sql_handle) t
WHERE w.blocking_session_id>0

In order to see the preceding query results, generate a blocking scenario by following the given steps:

  1. Open a new query window in SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the toystore database. Execute the following query:
    Begin Tran
    INSERT INTO [Warehouse].[Colors] 
            'Pulpy Orange',

    The preceding query will open a new transaction to insert a new row in the Colors table. However, observe that the transaction is left open and is not closed.

  2. Open another query window in SSMS and connect to the toystore database. Execute the following query:
    INSERT INTO [Warehouse].[Colors] 
            'Pulpy Green',

    The preceding query tries to insert a row in the Colors table, however, it is blocked by the query in step 1.

  3. Run the following query to detect blocking:
    -- Get blocked queries
    FROM sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks w
    INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests r
    ON w.session_id = r.session_id
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text (r.sql_handle) t
    WHERE w.blocking_session_id>0

    You should get the following output. The session_id value may be different in your case:

    Monitoring Blocking

    The session ID 106 is requesting for an exclusive lock on the Colors table, however, session ID 130 already has an exclusive lock on the Colors table. Therefore, session ID 106 is blocked by session ID 130.

    To remove the blocking, uncomment and execute the ROLLBACK command in the first query.

Extended Events

Extended Events, introduced in SQL Server 2008, are lightweight methods used to capture diagnostic information in SQL Server.

Extended Events are similar to the SQL Trace, however, they're more lightweight and scalable than SQL trace.

The following are the important components of an Extended Event.


An Extended Event session, when started, captures the specified data for one or more events.


Events are the activities or actions which the data is to be recorded for. For example, sql_statement_starting and sql_statement_completed are the events raised whenever a SQL statement is started or completed on the given database.

Event Fields

Every event has a set of event fields or data points which are recorded whenever the event is triggered. For example, the sql_statement_completed event has a duration event field.

Global Fields

These are the common data points to be recorded whenever the specified event occurs. Examples of global fields are session_id, sql_text, database_name, and database_id.


The target specifies the storage to be used for the capture data. The following targets are allowed in SQL database:

  • Ring Buffer target:

    The data is stored in memory for a brief interval of time.

  • Event Counter:

    Counts all events occurred during a particular Extended Event session instead of capturing full event details. It can be used to characterize a workload to be CPU intensive, I/O intensive, or memory intensive.

  • Event File Target:

    Writes full event details to an Azure Storage Container. This allows you to do historical analysis on the saved data.

Examining Queries

In this section, we’ll examine queries made to the toystore database using Extended Events. Mike looks after the report of query performance insight of Toystore Ltd. After generating the report, he plans to look after the Extended Events to track down the queries that are taking longer than 10 seconds to complete on the toystore database. We'll use Extended Events to capture such queries.

  1. Open a new query window in SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the toystore database.

    Execute the following query to create the extended event session:


    You can copy the code from C:CodeLesson09CreateExtendedEvent.sql.

    ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_statement_completed
        WHERE ([sqlserver].[database_name]=N'toystore')
    ADD TARGET package0.ring_buffer

    The preceding query creates an extended event session, LongRunningQueries, with:

    • Event: sql_statement_completed
    • Action: Specifies the global fields to capture
    • Target: Ring buffer
    • Startup_State: Off, which means that the session will not automatically start when the SQL Server services are started
      -- Start the Event Session
      ALTER EVENT SESSION [LongRunningQueries]
         ON DATABASE
          STATE = START;

    Execute the following query to start the LongRunningQueries session:

  2. Execute the following PowerShell command to start the workload:
    powershell.exe "C:codelesson09Start-Workload.ps1 -sqlserver toyfactory -database toystore -sqluser sqladmin -sqlpassword Packt@pub2 -workloadsql "C:CodeLesson09workload.sql" -numberofexecutions 10"

    Wait for at least one execution to complete.

  3. Execute the following query to get the output from the extended event target:


    You can also copy the code from C:CodeLesson09ReadExtendedEventData.sql.

    -- Get the target data into temporary table
    SELECT   AS [XEventSession],
        CAST(st.target_data AS XML)  AS [target_data_XML]
    into #XEventData
                   sys.dm_xe_database_session_event_actions  AS ac
        INNER JOIN sys.dm_xe_database_session_events         AS ev  ON ev.event_name = ac.event_name
            AND CAST(ev.event_session_address AS BINARY(8)) = CAST(ac.event_session_address AS BINARY(8))
       -- Parse the target xml xevent into table
        xed.event_data.value('(data[@name="statement"]/value)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS sqltext,
        xed.event_data.value('(data[@name="cpu_time"]/value)[1]', 'int') AS cpu_time,
    WHERE duration > = 10000000
    DROP TABLE #XEventData

    The Extended Event data is stored in an XML format. First, the query gets the target XML into a temporary table. The extended event target details are stored in sys.dm_xe_database_session_targets dmv.

    A sample target xml is shown in the following code:

    <event name="sql_statement_completed" package="sqlserver" timestamp="2018-02-03T16:19:28.708Z">
        <data name="duration">
          <type name="int64" package="package0"></type>
        <data name="cpu_time">
          <type name="uint64" package="package0"></type>
        <data name="physical_reads">
          <type name="uint64" package="package0"></type>
        <data name="logical_reads">
          <type name="uint64" package="package0"></type>

    Each event has an XML element with event fields as the child elements. This makes it easy to parse the event data.

    When parsing data, make sure that the event field data type is the same as what is mentioned in the XML. For example, for the statement field, the data type should be nvarchar, as in XML, the data type mentioned is the Unicode string.

    Once you have at least one execution of the workload completed, you should get an output similar to the following:

    Examining Queries

    The query returns all of the SQL statements which have durations greater than 10 seconds.

  4. Execute the following query to stop and drop the extended event session:
    -- Stop the Event Session
    ALTER EVENT SESSION [LongRunningQueries]
        STATE = STOP;
    -- Drop the Event Target
    ALTER EVENT SESSION [LongRunningQueries]
        DROP TARGET package0.ring_buffer;
    -- Drop the Event Session
    DROP EVENT SESSION [LongRunningQueries]
        ON DATABASE;

    This completes the section.

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