Dlib example

The Dlib library also contains all the necessary functionality for the grid search algorithm. However, we should use functions instead of classes. The following code snippet shows the CrossValidationScore function's definition. This function performs cross-validation and returns the value of the performance metric:

auto CrossValidationScore = [&](const double gamma, const double c,
const double degree_in) {
auto degree = std::floor(degree_in);
using KernelType = Dlib::polynomial_kernel<SampleType>;
Dlib::svr_trainer<KernelType> trainer;
trainer.set_kernel(KernelType(gamma, c, degree));
Dlib::matrix<double> result = Dlib::cross_validate_regression_trainer(
trainer, samples, raw_labels, 10);
return result(0, 0);

The CrossValidationScore function takes the hyperparameters that were set as arguments. Inside this function, we defined a trainer for a model with the svr_trainer class, which implements kernel ridge regression based on the SVM algorithm. We used the polynomial kernel, just like we did for the Shogun library example. After we defined the model, we used the cross_validate_regression_trainer() function to train the model with the cross-validation approach. This function splits our data into folds automatically, with its last argument being the number of folds. The cross_validate_regression_trainer() function returns the matrix, along with the values of different performance metrics. Notice that we do not need to define them because they are predefined in the library's implementation.

The first value in this matrix is the average MSE value. We used this value as a function result. However, there is no strong requirement for what value this function should return; the requirement is that the return value should be numeric and comparable. Also, notice that we defined the CrossValidationScore function as a lambda to simplify access to the training data container defined in the outer scope.

Next, we can search for the best parameters that were set with the find_min_global function:

 auto result = find_min_global(
{0.01, 1e-8, 5}, // minimum values for gamma, c, and degree
{0.1, 1, 15}, // maximum values for gamma, c, and degree

This function takes the cross-validation function, the container with minimum values for parameter ranges, the container with maximum values for parameter ranges, and the number of cross-validation repeats. Notice that the initialization values for parameter ranges should go in the same order as the arguments that were defined in the CrossValidationScore function. Then, we can extract the best hyperparameters and train our model with them:

double gamma = result.x(0);
double c = result.x(1);
double degree = result.x(2);
using KernelType = Dlib::polynomial_kernel<SampleType>;
Dlib::svr_trainer<KernelType> trainer;
trainer.set_kernel(KernelType(gamma, c, degree));
auto descision_func = trainer.train(samples, raw_labels)

We used the same model definition as in the CrossValidationScore function. For the training process, we used all of our training data. The train method of the trainer object was used to complete the training process. The training result is a function that takes a single sample as an argument and returns a prediction value.

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