Backpropagation method problems

Despite the mini-batch method not being universal, it is widespread at the moment because it provides a compromise between computational scalability and learning effectiveness. It also has individual flaws. Most of its problems come from the indefinitely long learning process. In complex tasks, it may take days or even weeks to train the network. Also, while training the network, the values ​​of the weights can become enormous due to correction. This problem can lead to the fact that all or most of the neurons begin to function at enormous values, in the region where the derivative of the loss function is very small. Since the error that's sent back during the learning process is proportional to this derivative, the learning process can practically freeze.

The gradient descent method can get stuck in a local minimum without hitting a global minimum. The error backpropagation method uses a kind of gradient descent; that is, it descends along the error surface, continuously adjusting the weights until they reach a minimum. The surface of the error of a complex network is rugged and consists of hills, valleys, folds, and ravines in a high-dimensional space. A network can fall into a local minimum when there is a much deeper minimum nearby. At the local minimum point, all directions lead up, and the network is unable to get out of it. The main difficulty in training neural networks comes down to the methods that are used to exit the local minima: each time we leave a local minimum, the next local minimum is searched by the same method, thereby backpropagating the error until it is no longer possible to find a way out of it.

A careful analysis of the proof of convergence shows that weights corrections are assumed to be infinitesimal. This assumption is not feasible in practice since it leads to an infinite learning time. The step size should be taken as the final size. If the step size is fixed and very small, then the convergence will be too slow, while if it is fixed and too large, then paralysis or permanent instability can occur. Today, many optimization methods have been developed that use a variable correction step size. They adapt the step size depending on the learning process (examples of such algorithms include Adam, Adagrad, RMSProp, Adadelta, and Nesterov Accelerated Gradient).

Notice that there is the possibility of the network overfitting. With too many neurons, the ability of the network to generalize information can be lost. The network can learn an entire set of samples provided for training, but any other images, even very similar ones, may be classified incorrectly. To prevent this problem, we need to use regularization and pay attention to this when designing our network architecture.

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