The complete programming sample

The following snippets show the complete sample source code for this example:

size_t n = 10000;
std::vector<RealVector> x_data(n);
std::vector<RealVector> y_data(n);
Data<RealVector> x = createDataFromRange(x_data);
Data<RealVector> y = createDataFromRange(y_data);
RegressionDataset train_data(x, y);

First, we defined the training dataset's train_data object, which was constructed from raw data arrays, that is, x_data and y_data:

using DenseLayer = LinearModel<RealVector, TanhNeuron>;

DenseLayer layer1(1, 32, true);
DenseLayer layer2(32, 16, true);
DenseLayer layer3(16, 8, true);

LinearModel<RealVector> output(8, 1, true);
auto network = layer1 >> layer2 >> layer3 >> output;

Then, we defined our neural network object, network, which consists of three fully connected layers:

SquaredLoss<> loss;
ErrorFunction<> error(train_data, &network, &loss, true);
TwoNormRegularizer<> regularizer(error.numberOfVariables());
double weight_decay = 0.0001;
error.setRegularizer(weight_decay, &regularizer);

The next step was defining the loss function for the optimizer. Notice that we added a regularizer to the error object, which generalizes our loss function:

initRandomNormal(network, 0.001);

Then, the weights of our network were randomly initialized:

SteepestDescent<> optimizer;

Then, at the training preparation step, we created the optimizer object. We also configured the momentum and learning rate parameters. We initialized this with the error object, which provides access to the loss function:

size_t epochs = 1000;
size_t iterations = train_data.numberOfBatches();
for (size_t epoch = 0; epoch != epochs; ++epoch) {
double avg_loss = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i != iterations; ++i) {
if (i % 100 == 0) {
avg_loss += optimizer.solution().value;
avg_loss /= iterations;
std::cout << "Epoch " << epoch << " | Avg. Loss " << avg_loss <<

Having configured the train_data, network, and optimizer objects, we wrote the training cycle, which trains the network for 1,000 epochs:


After the training process was complete, we used the learned parameters (network weights) that were stored in the optimizer object to initialize the actual network parameters with the setParameterVector method.

In the next section, we will implement a more complex neural network to solve an image classification task using the PyTorch library.

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