Model serialization with Dlib

The Dlib library uses the serialization API for decision_function and neural network type objects. Let's learn how to use it by implementing a real example.

First, we define the types for the neural network, regression kernel, and training sample:

 using namespace dlib;

using NetworkType = loss_mean_squared<fc<1, input<matrix<double>>>>;
using SampleType = matrix<double, 1, 1>;
using KernelType = linear_kernel<SampleType>;

Then, we generate the training data with the following code:

 size_t n = 1000;
std::vector<matrix<double>> x(n);
std::vector<float> y(n);

std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 re(rd());
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> dist(-1.5, 1.5);

// generate data
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
x[i](0, 0) = i;
     y[i] = func(i) + dist(re);

x represents the predictor variable, while y is the target variable. The target variable, y, is salted with uniform random noise to simulate real data. These variables have a linear dependency, which is defined with the following function:

 double func(double x) {
return 4. + 0.3 * x;

After we have generated the data, we normalize it using the vector_normalizer type object. Objects of this type can be reused after training to normalize data with the learned mean and standard deviation. The following snippets show how it's implemented:

 vector_normalizer<matrix<double>> normalizer_x;

for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) {
x[i] = normalizer_x(x[i]);

Finally, we train the decision_function object for kernel ridge regression with the krr_trainer type object:

 void TrainAndSaveKRR(const std::vector<matrix<double>>& x,
const std::vector<float>& y) {
krr_trainer<KernelType> trainer;
decision_function<KernelType> df = trainer.train(x, y);
serialize("dlib-krr.dat") << df;
Note that we initialized the trainer object with the instance of the KernelType object.

Now that we have the trained decision_function object, we can serialize it into a file with a stream object that's returned by the serialize function:

 serialize("dlib-krr.dat") << df;

This function takes the name of the file for storage and returns an output stream object. We used the << operator to put the learned weights of the regression model into the file. This serialization approach only saves model parameters.

The same approach can be used to serialize almost all ML models in the Dlib library. The following code shows how to use it to serialize the parameters of a neural network:

 void TrainAndSaveNetwork(const std::vector<matrix<double>>& x,
const std::vector<float>& y) {
NetworkType network;
sgd solver;
dnn_trainer<NetworkType> trainer(network, solver);
trainer.train(x, y);

serialize("dlib-net.dat") << network;
net_to_xml(network, "net.xml");

For neural networks, there is also the net_to_xml function, which saves the model structure, but there is no function to load this saved structure into our program. It is the user's responsibility to implement a loading function. The net_to_xml function exists if we wish to share the model between frameworks as it is written in the Dlib documentation.

To check that parameter serialization works as expected, we generate new test data to evaluate a loaded model on them:

 std::cout << "Target values 
std::vector<matrix<double>> new_x(5);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
new_x[i].set_size(1, 1);
new_x[i](0, 0) = i;
new_x[i] = normalizer_x(new_x[i]);
std::cout << func(i) << std::endl;

Note that we reused the normalizer object. In general, its parameters should be serialized and loaded too because during evaluation we need to transform new data into the same statistical characteristics that we used for the training data.

To load a serialized object in the Dlib library, we can use the deserialize function. This function takes the filename and returns the input stream object:

 void LoadAndPredictKRR(const std::vector<matrix<double>>& x) {
decision_function<KernelType> df;
deserialize("dlib-krr.dat") >> df;

// Predict
std::cout << "KRR predictions ";
for (auto& v : x) {
auto p = df(v);
std::cout << static_cast<double>(p) << std::endl;

As we discussed previously, serialization in the Dlib library only stores model parameters. So, to load them, we need to use the model object with the same properties that it had before serialization was performed. For a regression model, this means that we should instantiate a decision function object with the same kernel type. For a neural network model, this means that we should instantiate a network object of the same type that we used for serialization:

  void LoadAndPredictNetwork(const std::vector<matrix<double>>& x) {
NetworkType network;
deserialize("dlib-net.dat") >> network;

// Predict
auto predictions = network(x);
std::cout << "Net predictions ";
for (auto p : predictions) {
std::cout << static_cast<double>(p) << std::endl;

In this section, we saw that the Dlib serialization API allows us to save and load ML model parameters but has limited options to serialize and load model architectures. In the next section, we will look at the Shogun library model's serialization API.

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