Using Dlib

Dlib is a modern C++ toolkit containing ML algorithms and tools for creating computer vision software in C++. Most of the linear algebra tools in Dlib deal with dense matrices. However, there is also limited support for working with sparse matrices and vectors. In particular, the Dlib tools represent sparse vectors using the containers from the C++ standard template library (STL).

There are two main container types in Dlib to work with linear algebra: the matrix and the vector classes. Matrix operations in Dlib are implemented using the expression templates technique, which allows them to eliminate the temporary matrix objects that would usually be returned from expressions such as M = A+B+C+D.

We can create a matrix sized at compile time in the following way, by specifying dimensions as template arguments:

Dlib::matrix<double,3,1> y;

Alternatively, we can create dynamically sized matrix objects. In such a case, we pass the matrix dimensions to the constructor, as shown in the following code snippet:

Dlib::matrix<double> m(3,3);

Later, we can change the size of this matrix, with the following method:


We can initialize matrix values with a comma operator, as shown in the following code snippet:

m = 54.2,  7.4, 12.1,
1, 2, 3,
5.9, 0.05, 1;

As in the previous libraries, we can wrap an existing C++ array to the matrix object, as shown in the following code snippet:

double data[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
auto a = Dlib::mat(data, 2,3); // create matrix with size 2x3

Also, we can access matrix elements with the () operator to modify or get a particular value, as shown in the following code snippet:

m(1,2) = 3;

The Dlib library has a set of predefined functions to initialize a matrix with values such as identity matrix, 1s, or random values, as illustrated in the following code snippet:

auto a = Dlib::identity_matrix<double>(3);
auto b = Dlib::ones_matrix<double>(3,4);
auto c = Dlib::randm(3,4); // matrix with random values with size 3x3

Most linear algebra arithmetic operations in the Dlib library are implemented through overloads of standard C++ arithmetic operators such as +, -, *. Other complex operations are provided by the library as standalone functions.

The following example shows the use of arithmetic operations in the Dlib library:

auto c = a + b;
auto e = a * b; // real matrix multiplication
auto d = Dlib::pointwise_multiply(a, b); // element wise multiplication
a += 5;
auto t = Dlib::trans(a); // transpose matrix

To work with partial access to matrices, Dlib provides a set of special functions. The following code sample shows how to use some of them:

a = Dlib::rowm(b,0); // takes first row of matrix
a = Dlib::rowm(b,Dlib::range(0,1));//takes first two rows
a = Dlib::colm(b,0); // takes first column
a = Dlib::subm(b, range(1,2), range(1,2)); // takes a rectangular part from center
Dlib::set_subm(b,range(0,1), range(0,1)) = 7; // initialize part of the matrix
Dlib::set_subm(b,range(0,1), range(0,1)) += 7; // add a value to the part of the matrix

Broadcasting in the Dlib library can be modeled with  set_rowm(), set_colm(), and set_subm() functions that give modifier objects for a particular matrix row, column, or a rectangular part of the original matrix. Objects returned from these functions support all set or arithmetic operations. The following code snippet shows how to add a vector to the columns:

Dlib::matrix<float, 2,1> x;
Dlib::matrix<float, 2,3> m;
Dlib::set_colm(b,Dlib::range(0,1)) += x;
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