
Variance is a prediction characteristic that tells us about the variability of model predictions; in other words, how big the range of output values can be. Usually, we use the term high variance or overfitting in the case when a model tries to incorporate many training samples very precisely. In such a case, the model cannot provide a good approximation for new data but has excellent performance on the training data.

The following graph shows the behavior of the polynomial regression model, with the polynomial degree equal to 15:

We can see that the model incorporates almost all the training data. Notice that the training data is indicated with black dots, while the data used for validation is indicated with green dots. We can see that these two sets of data are somehow distant from each other and that our model misses the validation data because of a lack of approximation. The following graph shows the MAE values for the learning process:

We can see that after approximately 75 learning iterations, the model began to predict training data much better, and the error value became lower. However, for the validation data, the MAE values began to increase. To deal with high variance, we can use special regularization techniques, which we will discuss in the following sections. We can also increase the number of training samples and decrease the number of features in one sample to reduce high variance.

The performance metrics plots we discussed in the preceding paragraphs can be drawn at the runtime of the training process. We can use them to monitor the training process to see high bias or high variance problems. Notice that for the polynomial regression model, MAE is a better performance characteristic than MSE or RMSE because squared functions average errors too much. Moreover, even a straight-line model can have low MSE values for such data because errors from both sides of the line compensate for each other.

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