
Chapter 1: August: Pulling a team together

It’s not a project

Make friends and influence people

There’s always a need for a ‘list’ (well, if it’s good enough for Santa Claus!)

Project management

Chapter summary

Chapter 2: September: Street trash


Incompatible software

Remote workers

User acceptance testing

Physical security

Password management

Laptop management

Chapter summary

Chapter 3: October: Compliance may be only skin deep


Information security policy

Managing corporate anti-virus

Standard build and image

Password management (again)


Third-party management

Audit log management

Vulnerability management

Cloud Computing

Project management

Chapter summary

Chapter 4: November: How remote is remote?


Location, location, location

Innovation, innovation, innovation

Information labelling

Lessons learnt

Chapter summary

Chapter 5: December: Oh, for the sake of yet another proposal

Security improvement programme

Fax management

Image build again

Physical security findings

Physical security solution suggestions

Other security tasks for this month

Chapter summary

Chapter 6: January: A battle won

Baking security in

Desktop refresh versus consumerisation

Incident reporting

Data-sharing protocols

Linking InfoSec with records management

Penetration testing results

Back to physical security issues

Reduce, reuse, recycle

Other security tasks for this month

Chapter summary

Chapter 7: February: Money doesn’t buy happiness

Divide and conquer?

Remember the big picture

Breadth of technological change

Embracing data protection and privacy

Other security tasks for this month

Chapter summary

Chapter 8: March: Slipping through the net

The impact of politics

Privacy impact assessments

Managing a virus outbreak

Other information security tasks this month

Chapter summary

Chapter 9: April: Linking InfoSec with InfoGov

A linguistic journey to information governance

How did we get here?

Other security tasks for this month

Chapter summary

Chapter 10: May: Politics and management

Situational political awareness

Language and management challenges

Other security tasks for this month

Chapter summary

Chapter 11: June: What the auditors shouldn’t know

Internal audit has history

Increasing and varied security incidents

Security awareness theme

Chapter summary

Chapter 12: July: Journey’s end … and conclusion

Returning to the lessons learnt

The life of an information security manager

Things I haven’t spent a lot of time on

Closing thoughts

And finally, be an active professional

Appendix 1: Security Awareness Themes

Appendix 2: ISM Activities

Appendix 3: Resources

ITG Resources

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