I am indebted to my parents for bringing me up with the strength of character that has made me a relatively open individual, which means that people tend to warm to me, rather than shying away. This can be a helpful trait in the role of information security manager, as you need people to feel that they can trust you and can share whatever issues are taking place that need solutions. I am also grateful to my mother, Jean, most particularly for a love of language and the spoken word – and even more so that she would take the time to read this book, so utterly ‘out of the norm’ from her normal reading, and find all the little niggles that needed to be ironed out!

I am grateful to all those colleagues I have met in the various roles in which I have been lucky enough to have influence during the last two decades. There really are some fascinating jobs out there, but more interesting yet, from our perspective, has to be how to weave information security into the fabric of what we are doing, to make it live and breathe on a daily basis.

I am also indebted to the various colleagues I have met along the way – in particular, those who are as keen to change things for the good as I am – dedicated to representing information security positively, rather than negatively; sadly, the usual default position. We don’t have to be ‘the department of no’!

Last, but by no means least, I am, of course, hugely grateful to my husband for putting up with my continuous need to write stuff down!

We would like to acknowledge the following reviewers of this book for their useful contributions: Chris Evans DPSM MBCS and Giuseppe G. Zorzino CISA CGEIT CRISC, Lead Auditor 27001, Security Architect.

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