Generating the database

In Chapter 1, we built mappings to map our persistent classes to the database, but we haven't built that database.

In this recipe, I'll show you how to generate all the necessary tables, columns, keys and relationships in your database from your mappings—with two lines of code.

Getting ready

  1. Complete the Configuring NHibernate with App.config recipe at the beginning of this chapter.
  2. Install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express on your PC, using the default settings.
  3. Create a blank database named NHCookbook.


This recipe works for any RDBMS supported by NHibernate. To use a different system, switch to the dialect for your RDBMS, and use a connection string appropriate for your system.

How to do it...

  1. Open Program.cs.
  2. Add the using statement: using
  3. Add the following lines to the end of Main.
    var schemaExport = new SchemaExport(nhConfig);
    schemaExport.Create(false, true);
  4. Build and run your application.
  5. Open your database and examine the tables.

How it works...

The hbm2ddl (hibernate mapping to data definition language) tool uses the mapping metadata in the configuration object to build a SQL script of our database objects. It then connects to our database and runs this script.

There's more...

Alternatively, we can use the configuration property to build our database schema automatically whenever our application calls BuildSessionFactory. We can set the property to the following values:

  • update: The SchemaUpdate class updates our database schema, avoiding destructive changes. This only works for dialects that implement the IDataBaseSchema interface.
  • create: The SchemaExport class creates our database schema from scratch for a fresh database.
  • create-drop: SchemaExport recreates the database schema by first dropping and then creating each table.
  • validate: The SchemaValidate class compares the existing database schema to the schema NHibernate expects, based on your mappings. Like update, this requires a dialect that implements IDataBaseSchema.

While create-drop is immensely helpful during development, only validate is suggested for production environments, as the tiniest mistake can have huge consequences. Rather, you should script the database, as shown in the next recipe, and run the script explicitly to set up your production database.

See also

  • Configuring NHibernate with App.config
  • Scripting the database
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