Configuring NHibernate with Fluent NHibernate

In addition to fluent mappings and auto-mappings, the Fluent NHibernate project also brings its own code configuration syntax to NHibernate configuration. In this recipe, I'll show you how to configure NHibernate with the Fluent NHibernate syntax.

Getting ready

  1. Complete the Eg.FluentMappings model and mapping from the Creating Mappings Fluently recipe in Chapter 1.
  2. Add a console application project to your solution named ConfigByFNH.
  3. Set it as the Startup project for your solution.
  4. In the ConfigByFNH project, add references to NHibernate.dll, NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.dll, and FluentNHibernate.dll in the Lib folder.
  5. In ConfigByFNH, add a reference to the Eg.FluentMappings project.

How to do it…

  1. Add an App.config file with this configuration:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <add name="db" connectionString="Server=.SQLExpress; Database=NHCookbook; Trusted_Connection=SSPI"/>
  2. In Program.cs, add the following using statements:
    using Eg.FluentMappings.Mappings;
    using FluentNHibernate.Cfg;
    using FluentNHibernate.Cfg.Db;
    using NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle;
  3. In the Main method, add this code:
    var nhConfig = Fluently.Configure()
        .ConnectionString(connstr =>
      .Mappings(mappings => mappings.FluentMappings
    var sessionFactory = nhConfig.BuildSessionFactory();
    Console.WriteLine("NHibernate configured fluently!");
  4. Build and run your application. You should see the text NHibernate configured fluently!.

How it works…

Our fluent configuration can be broken down in to three parts. First, we configure these properties:

  1. We set the dialect property to MsSql2008Dialect when we use the MsSql2008 static property of MsSqlConfiguration.
  2. connection.connection_string_name is set to db with a call to FromConnectionStringWithKey.
  3. When we call ProxyFactoryFactory, we set proxyfactory.factory_class to the Castle DynamicProxy2 proxy factory.
  4. We set adonet.batch_size to 100 with a call to AdoNetBatchSize.

Next, we load mappings into our configuration. In this recipe, we load our fluent mappings from Chapter 1. Fluent NHibernate scans the entire assembly and loads all the fluent mappings it finds. Fluent NHibernate allows you to add any combination of fluent mappings, auto-mappings, and standard hbm.xml mappings.

Finally, from the fluent configuration, we build a standard NHibernate configuration.

See also

  • Configuring NHibernate with App.config
  • Configuring NHibernate with XML
  • Configuring NHibernate with code
  • Configuring NHibernate using ConfORM Mappings
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