Configuring NHibernate using ConfORM Mappings

As we saw in Chapter 1, ConfORM uses conventions to build HbmMapping objects that can be added directly to the NHibernate configuration. In this recipe, I'll show you how to add ConfORM mappings to our NHibernate configuration.

Getting ready

  1. Complete Mapping with ConfORM recipe in Chapter 1.
  2. Add a console application project to your solution named ConfigWithConfORM.
  3. Set it as the Startup project for your solution.
  4. In the ConfigWithConfORM project, add references to NHibernate.dll and NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.dll in the Lib folder.
  5. In ConfigWithConfORM, add a reference to the Eg.ConfORMMappings project.

How to do it...

  1. Add an App.config with the following configuration:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <section name="hibernate-configuration" 
                 type="NHibernate.Cfg.ConfigurationSectionHandler, NHibernate"/>
        <add name="db" connectionString="Server=.SQLExpress; Database=NHCookbook; Trusted_Connection=SSPI"/>
          <property name="proxyfactory.factory_class">
          <property name="dialect">
          <property name="connection.connection_string_name">
          <property name="adonet.batch_size">
  2. In Program.cs, add the following using statements:
    using Eg.ConfORMMapping.Mappings;
    using NHibernate.Cfg;
  3. In the Main method, add the following code:
    var mappingFactory = new MappingFactory();
    var mapping = mappingFactory.CreateMapping();
    var nhConfig = new Configuration().Configure();
    nhConfig.AddDeserializedMapping(mapping, null);
    var sessionFactory = nhConfig.BuildSessionFactory();
    Console.WriteLine("NHibernate configured!");
  4. Build and run your application. You should see NHibernate Configured!.

How it works...

In this recipe, our App.config is nearly identical to the App.config from our first configuration recipe. We've simply removed the <mapping> element that tells NHibernate to load mappings embedded in an assembly. Instead, we use ConfORM to build an HbmMapping object containing mappings for our entire model. We new up our MappingFactory and call CreateMapping.

Next, we build our NHibernate Configuration object and load the configuration from App.config.

The real trick of this recipe comes when we call AddDeserializedMapping. We pass in our HbmMapping object. As the method name suggests, it really is a deserialized XML mapping, except that we built it with code, not XML. In fact, we could serialize the HbmMapping object with the .NET XmlSerializer, and we would get an actual human-readable XML mapping for our model.

There's more...

Because we build our mapping with code, we get a nice speed boost during configuration compared with normal embedded resource XML mappings and even Fluent NHibernate, which serializes its mappings down to XML, then lets NHibernate deserialize them.

See also

  • Configuring NHibernate with App.config
  • Configuring NHibernate with XML
  • Configuring NHibernate with code
  • Configuring NHibernate with Fluent NHibernate
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