Using ICriteria in the data access layer

For queries where the criteria are not known in advance, such as a website's advanced product search, ICriteria queries are more appropriate than named HQL queries. In this recipe, I'll show you how to use the same DAL infrastructure with ICriteria and QueryOver queries.

Getting ready

Complete the previous recipe, Using Named Queries in the data access layer.

How to do it...

  1. In Eg.Core.Data.Impl.Queries, add a new, empty, public interface named ICriteriaQuery.
  2. Add a class named CriteriaQueryBase with the following code:
    public abstract class CriteriaQueryBase<TResult> : 
      NHibernateQueryBase<TResult>, ICriteriaQuery 
      public CriteriaQueryBase(ISessionFactory sessionFactory)
        : base(sessionFactory) { }
      public override TResult Execute()
        var criteria = GetCriteria();
        return Transact(() => Execute(criteria));
      protected abstract ICriteria GetCriteria();
      protected abstract TResult Execute(ICriteria criteria);
  3. In Eg.Core.Data.Queries, add the following enum:
    public enum AdvancedProductSearchSort
  4. Add a new interface named IAdvancedProductSearch with the following code:
    public interface IAdvancedProductSearch 
    : IQuery<IEnumerable<Product>>
      string Name { get; set; }
      string Description { get; set; }
      decimal? MinimumPrice { get; set; }
      decimal? MaximumPrice { get; set; }
      AdvancedProductSearchSort Sort { get; set; }
  5. In Eg.Core.Data.Impl.Queries, add the following class:
    public class AdvancedProductSearch
      : CriteriaQueryBase<IEnumerable<Product>>, 
      public AdvancedProductSearch(ISessionFactory sessionFactory)
        : base(sessionFactory) { }
      public string Name { get; set; }
      public string Description { get; set; }
      public decimal? MinimumPrice { get; set; }
      public decimal? MaximumPrice { get; set; }
      public AdvancedProductSearchSort
        Sort { get; set; }
      protected override ICriteria GetCriteria()
        return GetProductQuery().UnderlyingCriteria;
      protected override IEnumerable<Product> Execute(
        ICriteria criteria)
        return criteria.List<Product>();
      private IQueryOver GetProductQuery()
        var query = session.QueryOver<Product>();
        return query;
      private void AddProductCriterion<T>(
        IQueryOver<T, T> query) where T : Product 
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
          query = query.WhereRestrictionOn(p => p.Name)
            .IsInsensitiveLike(Name, MatchMode.Anywhere);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Description))
          query.WhereRestrictionOn(p => p.Description)
            .IsInsensitiveLike(Description, MatchMode.Anywhere);
        if (MinimumPrice.HasValue)
          query.Where(p => p.UnitPrice >= MinimumPrice);
        if (MaximumPrice.HasValue)
          query.Where(p => p.UnitPrice <= MaximumPrice);
        switch (Sort)
          case AdvancedProductSearchSort.PriceDesc:
            query = query.OrderBy(p => p.UnitPrice).Desc;
          case AdvancedProductSearchSort.Name:
            query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name).Asc;
            query = query.OrderBy(p => p.UnitPrice).Asc;

How it works...

In this recipe, we reuse the same repository and query infrastructure from the Using Named Queries in The Data Access Layer recipe. Our simple base class for ICriteria-based query objects splits query creation from query execution and handles transactions for us automatically.

The example query we use is typical for an "advanced product search" use case. When a user fills in a particular field on the UI, the corresponding criterion is included in the query. When the user leaves the field blank, we ignore it.

We check each search parameter for data. If the parameter has data, we add the appropriate criterion to the query. Finally, we set the order by clause based on the Sort parameter and return the completed ICriteria query. The query is executed inside a transaction, and the results are returned.

There's more...

For this type of query, typically, each query parameter would be set to the value of some field on your product search UI. On using this query, your code looks like this:

var query = repository.CreateQuery<IAdvancedProductSearch>();
query.Name = searchCriteria.PartialName;
query.Description = searchCriteria.PartialDescription;
query.MinimumPrice = searchCriteria.MinimumPrice;
query.MaximumPrice = searchCriteria.MaximumPrice;
query.Sort = searchCriteria.Sort;
var results = query.Execute();

See also

  • Transaction Auto-wrapping for The Data Access Layer
  • Setting up an NHibernate Repository
  • Using Named Queries in The Data Access Layer
  • Using Paged Queries in The Data Access Layer
  • Using LINQ specifications in The Data Access Layer
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