Running tasks in parallel and asynchronously

One of the recurring problems that a developer has to face when working on integrating with external systems, is how to deal with sluggish response time.

Very often, a slow response time from a system, out of our control, ends up negatively affecting the user experience of a web application that feeds on the data coming from the slow system.

The first line of defense against such services is adding a caching layer. A cache helps to mitigate the effects of unreliable external systems, but it is not always the definitive cure. Depending on the business domain, a cache may have a large ratio of cache miss (occurs when a specific data is not found in the cache). Furthermore, on large systems caches can take time to warm up.

So, the second weapon in a developer arsenal against sleepy services, is using asynchronous calls. An asynchronous call is a non-blocking call to a method. A separate thread runs the method and returns the result whenever it is ready. In the meanwhile, the caller of the method receives a future (see, from which it will be able to retrieve the results. A future is an object that is returned immediately after calling an asynchronous method to escape blocking. Once the caller gets hold of a future, it can continue executing other code until the results from the original call are available.

For this recipe, let's imagine that we are building a super-secret international criminal database. Our system is able to fetch the criminal records of citizens of any country. In order to do so, it must be able to interface with the criminal database of each and every country it needs data from.

The system is used by the cops to track international criminals who are active in more than one nation.

From a design point of view, our system would look as follows:

Running tasks in parallel and asynchronously

Fancy! Each country exposes a REST based interface to access the criminal records. Unfortunately, some countries such as the United States, have a very large amount of criminal data and each request takes up to 10 seconds to complete. Some other countries didn't invest much in the system, and they deployed their service on very slow and old hardware, causing the response times to be erratic and inconstant.

One fundamental functionality of this system is being able to collect data from multiple countries and present the user with a unified view of the data coming from each nation. Implementing an asynchronous call pattern allows for retrieving and showing data as soon as they are ready, without blocking and waiting for the slowest invocation to return.

Getting ready

Before we begin to write the asynchronous call framework, we need to create three REST-based web services to simulate a latency in the response. A quick way to create the REST service in Groovy (or Java) is to use the Ratpack framework. Ratpack is a mini framework inspired by Ruby's Sinatra. It will allow us to quickly start a web service with three endpoints. Each endpoint will reply with a random response time.

Create a new folder named ratpack and add two Groovy scripts to it. The app.groovy file will contain the minimal Ratpack application:

  name = 'Sonatype OSS Snapshots',
  root =
     m2Compatible = true
import static org.ratpackframework.groovy.Ratpack.ratpack
ratpack {

And the ratpack.groovy file will contain configuration for different endpoints we are going to serve:

get('/') {
  text 'Welcome to the world criminal database'

get('/us') {
  render 'us.json'

get('/canada') {
  render 'can.json'

get('/germany') {
  render 'de.json'

static rnd(long maxMilliseconds) {
  def rnd = new Random().nextInt()
  Math.abs(rnd % maxMilliseconds + 1000)

To complete the setup, create an additional folder named templates and add three files to it:

  • Data for Germany in de.json:
      "country": "germany"
  • Data for Canada in can.json:
      "country": "canada"
  • And data for United States in us.json:
      "country": "united states"

Not very exciting JSON content, but we just need to simulate some request/response here.

Open a command prompt and launch the web service, typing groovy app.groovy. The Groovy process should reply with:

> groovy app.groovy
May 02, 2013 9:15:04 PM o.r.b.i.NettyRatpackServer startUp
INFO: Ratpack started for http://0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:5050

In order to test the service, open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:5050/de. The content of the de.json file should appear on the page after some delay forced by the sleep function.

How to do it...

Now that our testing infrastructure is in place, we can write the code to invoke the three web services asynchronously.

  1. In a new file, let's create a class named CriminalDataService:
    import static*
    import static*
    import groovyx.gpars.GParsPool
    class CriminalDataService {
      // Database logic.
    // Client code.
  2. Add one function and one closure to the class:
    List getData(List countries) {
      def response = []
      GParsPool.withPool {
        countries.each { country ->
          response << this.&fetchData.callAsync(country)
    def fetchData(String country) {
      def http = new HTTPBuilder('http://localhost:5050')
      def jsonData
      def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
      http.request( GET, JSON ) {
        uri.path = "/${country}"
        response.success = { resp, json ->
          jsonData = json
      def timeSpent =  System.currentTimeMillis() - start
      jsonData.put('fetch-time', timeSpent)
  3. Finally, following is the "client" code, calling the class:
    CriminalDataService cda = new CriminalDataService()
    def data = cda.getData(['germany', 'us', 'canada'])
    assert 3 == data.size()
    data.each {
      println "data received: ${it.get()}"
    def timeSpent = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
    println "Total execution time: ${timeSpent}ms"
  4. The script should show an output similar to the following:
    data received: [fetch-time:1750, country:germany]
    data received: [fetch-time:8775, country:united states]
    data received: [fetch-time:1562, country:canada]
    Total execution time: 8878ms

How it works...

The getData method displayed in step 2, accepts a List containing the country monikers we want to query for criminal records. For each element in the list, we execute a call to the fetchData closure. However, the call is not a standard one. You may have noticed that the method name (fetchData) is followed by callAsync. The callAsync method is automatically added to the closure by the GPars.withPool block. It calls the closure in a separate thread, immediately returning a java.util.concurrent.Future, which will be populated with the "real" result when the routine completes.

The fetchData method uses the HTTPBuilder to execute a REST request against the Ratpack REST endpoint. The entire recipe Issuing a REST request and parsing a response in Chapter 8, Working with Web Services in Groovy is dedicated to the REST operations.

The client code demonstrated in step 3, loops on the returned array. Each element of the array is a Future, to extract the actual result, the client calls the get method on the Future. Note that the get method blocks until the Future returns the result or an exception.

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