Reading from a file

Groovy makes dealing with files a very pleasant business, thanks to a number of helper methods that work with standard Java's Reader and Writer, InputStream and OutputStream and File classes.

In this recipe, we are going to look at the options available for reading a file in Groovy and accessing its content, mainly through the Groovy-enhanced File class.

Getting ready

Let's assume we have a script that defines the following object:

def file = new File('poem.txt')

Of course, in order to be read, the poem.txt file needs to exist in the same directory where our script is.

How to do it...

Let's explore some different ways to read the content of the poem.txt file.

  1. In order to get the full text file content as a java.lang.String, you can use the getText method provided by the Groovy JDK extension:
    String textContent = file.text

    file.text is equivalent to file.getText, thanks to Groovy's special property getter handling syntax.

  2. You can also read it into memory as a byte array by using the getBytes method:
    byte[] binaryContent = file.bytes
  3. If you want to have more control over the reading process, then you can use the withReader method, which takes a closure as an input parameter:
    file.withReader { Reader reader ->
      def firstLine = reader.readLine()
      println firstLine
  4. In a similar way, you can read the file with the help of the withInputStream method, which is similar to withReader with the exception that the closure operates on a instance:
    file.withInputStream { InputStream stream ->
      def firstByte =
      println firstByte

How it works...

The getText method displayed in step 1 can also be called by passing the charset name, in order to specify the character encoding:

String textContent = file.getText('UTF-8')

The withReader method in step 3 is an example of how Groovy can make the code much more concise and unceremonious. In Java, readers and writers have to be explicitly closed after we finish with them. Groovy has several with... methods for File, URL, streams, readers and writers, where ... is the name of the stream, reader or writer class. We pass a closure to these methods and Groovy makes sure all streams, readers and writers are closed correctly, even if exceptions are thrown in the closure (Java 7 now has a similar feature via the java.lang.AutoCloseable interface). The withReader method creates a new instance for the given file and passes the reader into the closure. It also ensures that the reader object gets closed after the method returns.

There's more...

To get even more control, you can just use the newReader method to get the reader:

Reader reader = file.newReader()

Or the newInputStream method to get the stream:

InputStream stream = file.newInputStream()

Naturally, that means that you need to manually control the resource life cycle and close them properly.

The Groovy's extensions for also offer methods to create standard Java input streams. You can use newDataInputStream or newObjectInputStream to create streams for reading Java primitives and serialized Java objects. To get those streams automatically closed you can also use the withDataInputStream and withObjectInputStream methods.

All the methods described above shorten your path to reading a file's content compared to what you would need in pure Java.

Additionally, many of the methods (for example, getText, getBytes, and others described in later recipes) that we find on are also available in and Groovy extensions.

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