Other functions

Please refer to all the chapters in this book, if you are interested in 3D, video, sound, or other kinds of function reference as this kind of functionality makes use of classes, and the reference and explanation of these functions would take the same amount of space as the chapters.

If you want more of Cinder and you can't find what you are searching for in this book, please refer to the original Cinder function reference available at http://libcinder.org or one of many C++ or OpenGL language references. Another great place to look for help is the friendly libcinder.org forum.

As Cinder is open source, it is a good idea to look at the Cinder source code if you are in trouble and feel experienced enough to be able to find what you are searching for, or fix issues that are standing in your way.

This book is just a brief introduction of what is actually possible with Cinder.

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