The BizTalk Operations web service

The BizTalk Operations web service exposes to external systems information about our ESB environment, the artifacts deployed on it, and the messages flowing through our ESB.

This could be useful to provide information to our own operations and management systems.

It exposes the following operations:

  • Applications: This method is without parameters. It returns the name and description of all the installed BizTalk applications as a collection of BTApplication objects.
  • ApplicationStatus: This method has one parameter, the application name. It returns information about the specified BizTalk application as a BTSysStatus instance. This includes orchestrations, send ports, receive locations, and host details.
  • GetLiveMessageBody: This method takes two parameters, message ID and instance ID. It returns the body of that message from the live environment as a BTMsgBody instance.
  • GetMessageInstances: This method takes one parameter, the message type It returns all matching messages as a collection of BTMsgInstance objects.
  • GetOrchestrationInstances: This method takes one parameter, the name of an orchestration. It returns a collection of BTOrchestrationInstance object that contain details of the orchestration input.
  • GetTrackedMessageBody: This method takes one parameter, a message GUID. It returns the body of that message as a BTMsgBody instance after BizTalk processes it.
  • Hosts: This method takes a single parameter, the name of a host. It returns information about the specified host instance as in a collection of BTHost instances. If you input an empty string, it will return information about all host instances.
  • MessageFlowTree: This method takes as a single parameter, an instance ID. It returns details of the message flow for that message as a RouteTreeNode instance.
  • Orchestrations: This method takes as a single parameter, orchestration name. It returns all the information for that orchestration as a BTSysStatus instance. If you input an empty string, it will return information about all orchestrations.
  • ReceiveLocations: This method takes as a single parameter, receive location name. It returns all the information for matching locations as a BTSysStatus instance. If you imput an empty string, it will return information about all locations.
  • ReceiveLocationsByDescription: This method takes as a single parameter, the description of a receive location. It returns all the information for matching locations as a BTSysStatus instance. If you imput an empty string, it will return information about all locations.
  • SendPorts: This method takes as a single parameter, send port name. It returns all the information for matching ports as a BTSysStatus instance. If you imput an empty string, it will return information about all ports.
  • SendPortsByDescription: This method takes as a parameter the description of a send port, and it returns all the information for matching ports as a BTSysStatus instance. Use an empty string, it will return information about all ports.
  • StatusChanged: This method takes as a single parameter, a timestamp. It returns details of BizTalk objects (such as ports, hosts, and orchestrations) modified since the specified timestamp as a BTSysStatus instance.
  • SystemStatus: This method is without parameters. It returns full details of the BizTalk system status as a BTSysStatus instance.
  • UpdateReceiveLocationDescription: This method does an update of the description of a specified receive location. It uses parameter values that contain the application name, the receive port name, the receive location name, and the receive location description. It returns a String value that indicates the result of the operation. Note that the test client application reads this information from its App.config file.
  • UpdateSendPortDescription: This method updates the description of a specified send port using parameter values that contain the send port name and the send port description. It returns a String that indicates the result of the operation. Note that the test client application reads this information from its App.config file.
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