Following your target companies (Should know)

We are always looking for companies either to find work or to find clients. With LinkedIn, it's easier to keep a track of your target companies. Once you identify your prospective clients, customers, or employers, you can start following these companies and be updated about their latest news, insights, and career updates.

How to do it…

To follow a company, perform the following steps:

  1. To follow a company, all you need to do is to search for the company and click on the Follow button, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it…
  2. On the company's page, you will see four tabs—Home, Careers, Products & Services, and Insights.
    • Home: This tab provides you with brief information and updates about your network in that company
    • Careers: This tab provides information about job openings, employee reviews, and HR contacts
    • Products & Services: This tab provides information about company products and services, and any updates on them
    • Insights: This tab provides information about new hires, departures, connection graphs, most popular company locations, and most common skills of the employees

How it works…

As LinkedIn regularly updates its website and company pages, it is becoming more important to follow your target companies to find your dream job or acquire a new customer. You can learn about all the latest happenings in the company. This would definitely help you in the near future.


Do not follow hundreds of companies. It would be a good idea to follow fewer companies and stay focused on them for job openings, news updates, and latest trends.

There's more...

Apart from following the companies, you should also be updated about the latest news in the functions and industries relevant to you by using the News section located on the LinkedIn toolbar.

LinkedIn has also introduced a new feature where you can follow the world's leading influencers and thought leaders at

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