nrefers to note.


Aaker, David, 168

academic performance, 55


about, 3, 88, 95, 133

Creating a Cadence of Accountability (Discipline 4), 80, 9092, 94, 97

practice, 137

trust and, 91

agenda, agreed-upon, 91

Aguirre, Jorge Carranza, 51

Ahrendts, Angela (Burberry), 3536, 182n12

Airbus, 39

aircraft factory, 87

airlines, 32

ambition, 23

Archimedes, 99101

athlete roles, 2


formal, 46, 50, 55, 57

informal, 47

ISO 9000, 72

moral, 46

of people at the top of the pyramid, 47

real, 55


Bang Pa-In Industrial Park (Thailand), 5

banking crisis, global, 32

Barrett, Colleen, 163

Be Proactive (Habit 1), 18, 23

Beacon-News (Aurora), 92


counterfeit, 133

how to effectively change, 4344

human, 1314

instinctive, 13

of leaders, collective, 13

paradigm drive, 14

of people, changing the, 56

trust-creating, 132, 137

Bethune, Mary McLeod, 26, 2930, 64, 182n4

Bonifasi, Juan Mauricio, 16566

Boss, Wayne, 8991

Buffett, Warren, 66

Building a Legacy of Sales Leadership (Practice 5)

balance and inquiry, world-class sales cultures, 15054

conspiracy, a mutual, 146

guessing what the client wants, 15253

intent counts more than technique, 14748

mutual exploration for a solution, 15354

sales culture, creating a great, 14144

solution, moving off the, 14647

solutions have no inherent value, 14546

Step 1: Check Your Intent, 156

Step 1b: Choose Your Audience, 157

Step 2: Move off Solution, 156

Step 2b: Define Your Target, 158

Step 3: Create a Win–Win Solution, 157

Step 3b: Design the Training, 158

Step 4b: Engaging Execution, 159

Step 5b: Measuring Results, Rinse and Repeat, 159

telling is not always bad, 15152

what the client wants, accepting, 152

win-win solution, creating a true, 15455

wrong direction, moving in the, 14950

Burberry, 3536

burnout, 32, 102, 108

business development, face-to-face, 153

buyer-seller relationship, 140


calorie reduction, 83

capability (capabilities), 1012, 49, 103, 13132, 136, 142, 155

Carey, Al, 13335

CEO. See Chief Executive Officer


behavior and, 13

pressure, under, 5

Sales Leadership and, 15455

trust and, 12931, 13435

trust building and, 130

Charan, Ram, 13

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Ahrendts, Angela (Burberry), 3536, 182n12

Carey, Al, 13335

effectiveness study, 48

Frost, Dick, 9394

Hedin, Niklas, 53

Huling, Jim, 7778

lock themselves in their office, 36

performance survey, global, 10

child leaders, 5455

Chinese workplace, 36

Christensen, Clayton, 1213, 15, 155, 181n8

Christensen, Craig, 155

chronic stress, 102

city workers (Aurora, Illinois), 92

Clark University experiment, 176

Coca-Cola, 127

Collins, Jim, 23, 5657, 81

commitment(s). See also The 7 Habits Operating System

by accident, 125

on agenda for the next meeting, 91

behavior, trust-creating, 132, 137

blaming others, overpromising and underdelivering vs., 133 breaking, 133

at great personal sacrifice, 125

keeping your, 97

lack of, 41

leadership, 41

to living The 7 Habits, 62

low level, 3132

to the mission, 74

for the next week, 91

“no involvement, no commitment,” 31, 67

organizational, 22

to social responsibility, 71

for sustained success, 79

to your role statement, 112, 11920

to your team, 91

to yourself, 95

compensation, salespeople’s, 144

competence, 42, 12931, 136

competitive advantage

from activities of people, 12

high engagement levels and low turnover, 70

organization of people like Denny Flanagan, 50

organizational leaders are effective at every level, 173

power of your team, 20

productivity of people, unleashing latent, 103

sustainable, 3, 11, 13

trust and extending trust, inspiring, 127

ultimate, 9, 12, 1819, 4243, 70, 173

unsolicited praise from clients, 144

of your labour force, 11

Competitive Advantage (Porter), 1112, 181n6

Conference Board, 8

consistency, 73, 143

continuous improvement, 22, 4041, 62, 117

control freak, micromanaging, 15

core processes, organization’s, 7172

Corporate Social Responsibility

Task Force (SAS Institute), 71

corporate-speak, 74

Costco, 161, 163, 16869

Covey, Stephen M. R.

“Character is the foundation of win-win, and everything else builds on that foundation,” 154

“the great jackass theory of human motivation—carrot and stick,” 43

“A high-trust culture is the only sustainable competitive advantage,” 13

“I don’t define leadership as becoming the CEO. A CEO is no more likely to be a leader than anyone else,” 49

“In the Industrial Age, leadership was a position. In the Knowledge Age, leadership is a choice,” 17

intelligence, talent, capability, creativity, and resourcefulness of people, 10

“Leaders are often tossed and turned,” 17475

regard for people is an end in itself, 37

“There are people who protest that empathic listening takes too much time”, 15455

“Trust is the highest form of human motivation. It brings out the very best in people,” 123

“Voice lies at the nexus of talent.. passion..conscience..and need,” 6768

“You can buy a person’s hand, but you can’t buy his heart. His heart is where his enthusiasm, his loyalty is,” 161

“create value” for customers, 19, 141

Creating Intense Loyalty (Practice 6)

employee loyalty leads to customer loyalty, 16769

intense loyalty – the new paradigm, 16364

intense–loyalty “application,” 16465

intensity zone, 17071

middle, moving the, 16970

powerful lead measures: fascinating people, 16567

productivity loss: passionless people, 167

satisfaction – the old paradigm, 162

Step 1: Measure Your Customer and Employee Loyalty, 171

Step 2: Set a Goal to Improve Your Loyalty Measure, 172

Step 3: Act on Your Lead Measures, 172


best talents, gifts, and, 112, 118

high-trust inspires, 123

initiative, resourcefulness, vision, strategic focus and, 47

intelligence, talent, capability and, 10

knowledge and, 85

talent, intelligence, capability and, 103

credibility. See also 4 Cores of Credibility

about, 12829

organizational, 132

personal, 129, 132

culture. See also winning culture

with bad leadership, 78

change requires change in people’s paradigms, 14

command-and-control, 93

defined, 4, 1213

designed deliberately, 4243

don’t-think, 93

high-trust, 13

leader-led, 43

of micromanagement, 15

7 Habits leads to successful culture, 19

Western Digital (WD), 46, 13, 1718

of winning, 1


create intense loyalty with customers, 19

“create value” for, 19, 141

culture focused on helping, 145

help customers succeed by creating value, 1920

loyalty, 140, 164, 16768

satisfy, 19

serve our customers with excellence, 28

“We maximize shareholder value,” 28


dabbawalas (lunch-box people, India), 63, 66, 7274. See also lunchbox code

Dathe-Douglass, Sue (Franklin- Covey), 49, 127, 19394

Dead Poets Society (film), 25, 28

decision-making, 124, 134

designers, tablet-computer, 170

disengagement of US workers, 64

disloyalty, 20, 162

distrust, 45. See also trust

don’t give up, 17577

Dorrance, Anson, 12, 43, 181n1

down time, 121

Drucker, Peter, 11


The Economist, 70, 112

empathy, 3435

employee satisfaction, 93, 161, 165


brings real results, 95

client, 152

disillusionment and disengagement, 110

4 Disciplines and team, 9295

framework for, 2

goals and, 79

Golden Rule, 163

high performance and, 88

highly effective leadership and, 18

leadership, 192

low turnover and high, 70

in low-trust organization, 126

loyalty and, 161

obstacles discourage, 113

of people treated as if they are important, 71

performance multiplier and, 126

regular meetings and progress monitoring, 8990

team, 10910

voice of the organization, connecting with, 6468, 173

wildly important goals and, 82

engineering firm, Shanghai, 10

Enron scandal, 124

Enterprise, 163

Environmental Defense Fund, 71

European construction firm, 38

everyone(’s). See also people

“360-degree” job, 47

acts with integrity, 134

agrees that if the first goal is not met, nothing else would matter, 83

child can be a leader, 5455

hails the new merger for its “synergy,” 38

has a common language and set of behaviors, 42

has an unbelievable competitive advantage, 50

has banners, bands, balloons, and T-shirts, 78

has the 7 Habits personal operating system, 23, 53

is a buyer and a seller, 48

is a leader, 1819, 23, 40, 4243, 4651, 174

is assumed to understand the goal, 81

is involved in creating the mission, 67

is part of the strategy, 12

is passionate about their job, 69

is unstoppable, 50

knows how to succeed, 48

knows how to win, 13

knows The 7 Habits are the key, 18

knows the dabbawalas’ system of “carrying the curry,” 72

knows what is expected of them, 22

knows why they are part of the organization, 55

looks out for the interests of one another, 39

masters the art of making the highest-value decisions, 110

monitors customer and employee loyalty measures, 165

owns the mission, 67

owns the mission and leads with it, 67

performance is aligned by an established framework of behaviors and language, 43

role in achieving “wildly important” goals, 83, 88

sees the progress made towards goals, 94

sense of purpose engages everyone, 67

shares in the organization, 48

stands and claps and cheers, 78

takes care of their mental and physical energy, 110

on the team can influence the goal, 90

who sets goals owns them, 83

“win-win” agreements spell out the wins for everyone, 60

on your team can lead and accept that it’s your job to make them a leader, 42

excellence. See also 4 Disciplines of Execution

demonstrate, 50

execute a strategic goal with, 79

execute your strategy with, 1920

talent and, 173

“We exist to serve our customers with excellence,” 28

Executing with Excellence (Practice 2)

Discipline 1: Focusing on the Wildly Important, 8083, 96

Discipline 2: Acting on the Lead Measures, 8386, 96

Discipline 3: Keeping a Compelling Scoreboard, 8690, 96

Discipline 4: Creating a Cadence of Accountability, 80, 9092, 97

4 Disciplines and team engagement, 9295

4 Disciplines of Execution, 80, 9495

exhaustion syndrome, 108


Facebook, 66

Federal Electricity Commission (Mexico), 51

The Fifth Discipline (Senge), 3, 181n2

Fishwick, David, 33, 3536, 182n11

Five Waves of Trust, 12829

Flanagan, Denny (United Airlines), 4950, 183n25

focus, organizational, 78

Forbes Magazine, 10

formal authority, 46

4 Cores of Credibility. See also credibility

about, 13031, 135

action plan for 13 Trust Behaviors, 137

capability (capabilities), 1012, 49, 103, 13132, 136, 142, 155

integrity, 13031

intent, 13031

results, 13032, 13637

Step 1: assess your character, 135

Step 2: assess your competence, 136

Step 3: practice 13 Trust Behaviors, 13637

4 Disciplines and team engagement, 9295

4 Disciplines of Excellence. See Executing with Excellence (Practice 2)

4 Disciplines of Execution, 80, 9495. See also excellence

Fox, Justin, 28


consultant, 87

Execution Practice, 78

publications, 197

Sales Performance Practice, 143

survey on wasted time, 108

Frederickson, Barbara, 104, 187n12

Fridays, casual, 12

Frito-Lay, 13335

Frost, Dick, 9394


Gallup Inc., 64, 184n2

Gallup Organization, 9, 181n4

Gamble, James Norris, 29

Gandhi, Mahatma, 47, 130

Gerstner, Lou, 27


to achieve your mission, 32

achieved with other people, 11

for achieving (Habit 3), 31

adoption of aggressive, 31

capabilities and, 75

of city workers in Aurora, Illinois, 92

clarity around, 2

company’s score card, 169

declined, 32

engagement in demanding, 79

enthusiasm for, 89

failure to execute, 20

focus on no more than three, 8182

Focusing on the Wildly Important (Discipline 1), 8083, 96

4 Disciplines of Execution, 80, 9495

for the future, 31

Health Check Scorecards, 94

intensity zone and, 17071

key, 81

lead measures that affect outcomes, 84

leaders are owners of, 46

line people and company, 94

longterm, 117

most important, 75, 175

for my team, 31

organizational culture and, 42

organization’s productivity, 100

in our hearts, minds, and guts, 149

people who set the goals owned them, 83

reasonable number of, 81

revenue, personal and organizational, 149

setting, 52

size of the, 37

top, 117

top priorities and key, 81

wildly important, 8283, 8588, 90, 94, 96, 169

Godin, Seth, 25, 65, 182n3

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 77

Golden Rule, 16364

Goodnight, Jim, 7071

goodwill, 20, 161

“go-to people,” 47

Green, Mike, 94

Grupo Entero, 16667


Habits. See 7 Habits Operating System

Hahne, Karen and Bob, 11315

Halvorson, Heidi Grant, 37, 183n16

Hamel, Gary, 47, 57, 9192, 183n23

happiness, 77, 104, 187n11

The Harvard Business Review, 28

Health Check Scorecards, 94

Hedin, Lisbeth, 5354

Hedin, Niklas, 5355

Hieron II, King of Syracuse, 99

Hock, Dee, 47, 174, 190n1

Hrebiniak, Lawrence, 79, 81, 88

Huling, Jim, 7778


behavior, 1314

capital, 811

character, 14 (See also character)


Illig, Randy (FranklinCovey), 14344, 148

incentives, external, 67

Industrial Age legacy, 44

ingenuity, 2627, 49, 74

inner motivations, 23

inquiry skills, 151

Inspiring Trust (Practice 4). See also trust

action plan for 13 Trust Behaviors, 137

The 5 Waves of Trust, 12829

The 4 Cores of Credibility, 131

Frito-Lay, building trust at, 13335

Step 1: Assessing Your Character, 135

Step 2: Assessing Your Competence, 136

Step 3: Practicing 13 Trust Behaviors, 13637

trust is a performance multiplier, 12427

trust is strengthened by how you act, 13233

trust starts with who you are, 12932

integrity, 13031

intent, 13031

Iyimapun, Porntip (FranklinCovey), 4


job descriptions, 28, 111

“job used to be” vs. “jobs you must do now”

do more with less vs. people unleashed and engaged, 101

great strategy vs. strategy with excellence and precision, 79

mission statement vs. voice of the organization, 67

provider/employer of choice vs. most trusted provider/ employer, 128

satisfying customers vs. creating intense loyalty, 162

Jordan, Michael, 139

Journal of the American Medical Association, 102


Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 177

karoshi (Japan), 102

Kennedy, John F., 63, 82

key execution principle, 87

Knowledge Worker Age, 106

knowledge workers, 1067

Kotter, John, 56, 182n13

Kroc, Ray, 127


labor force gains, 103

lag measures, 8385, 88, 165

language, common, 2, 42, 53

lead measures

about, 8789, 91, 9697, 165, 172

Acting on the Lead Measures (Discipline 2), 80, 8386, 96


collective behavior of, 13

empathetic, 37

empathy shapes the vision, 35

as owners, 44, 4647

proactive, 33

requirements of, 20

what kind of leader would you be?, 20


being passionate and, 25

commitment, 41

everyone leads, 4750, 174

framework, 55

“is a choice, not just a position,” 4243

qualities, 47

role, 5455, 111

team, 4, 55, 110

leadership operating system. See also The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

about, 17, 21, 23, 4849, 53

The 7 Habits operating system, 5657

Leading With Purpose (Practice 1)

Step 1: Find the Voice of Your Team, 75

Step 2: Align with the Mission, 76

learner, continuous, 42

Leavitt, Harold, 45, 183n2122

Leighs Paints (England), 9395

Let’s Get Real or Let’s Not Play (Khalsa and Illig), 148

Lipman, Victor, 167

Literary and Industrial Training

School for Negro Girls (Daytona Beach, Florida), 26

Los Angeles County Fire Department, 31

loyalty. See also Creating Intense Loyalty (Practice 6)

customer, 140, 164, 16768

engagement and, 161

engendered in stakeholders, 20

measures, 165

satisfying customers vs. creating intense loyalty, 162

of stakeholders, 165

lunchbox code, 73. See also dabbawalas


Maeser, Karl G., 130

management techniques, quality, 41

Mantelet, Jean, 41

manufacturing facility, 8788

market trust, 12829

marriages, 38

Mayer, Colin, 124, 188

McChesney, Chris (FranklinCovey), 8889

McDonald’s Corporation, 50, 127, 192

McKinsey & Company, 102, 11213

McKinsey Quarterly, 37, 183n14, 185n3


lag, 8385, 88, 165

lead, 80, 8389, 91, 9697, 165, 172

loyalty, 165

mental health conditions, workrelated, 102

mergers, 3839

Meslin, Dave, 113, 187n18

MICARE/MIMOSA mining company (Mexico), 5153

Millennials, 92

mindset. See also paradigms

seven (7) Habits, 17

culture focused on helping customers, 145

everyone on your team can lead, 42

human behavior and, 1314

of leaders support line people, 94

of leading from an inner core of indifference, 174

mentally stuck, 101

old organizational, 1034

one person has virtually limitless power, 101

people make the organization, 51

of push through each day, postponing the renewal time our bodies and brains need, 108

“sharpen the saw” habit, 41

with skills and toolsets that assist people, 109

team member’s roles are prescribed, 174

win-win, 57

mission. See also Leading With Purpose (Practice 1)

to achieve your great purpose, 174

aligning to, 7174

begin with the end in mind; gain a clear sense of mission (Habit 2: Purpose), 22, 2731

components: talent, passion, conscience and need, 6869

core processes of the organization and, 71

corporate-speak, 74

designing and engaging, 6771

discovered vs. created, 65

engaging, 65

goals to achieve your, 32

organizational, 29, 31

personal, 28, 30, 59

sense of purpose engages everyone, 67

social, 66

team’s purpose, 69

voice of the organization, 6468, 173

voice of the people, collective, 67

mission statement

corporate, 64, 70

cynicism and, 64, 71

greater purpose of the organization, 66

voice of the organization, 6468, 173

mistrust, 20, 124. See also trust

moments of truth, 164

Moon, Shawn A. (FranklinCovey), 14, 65, 8182, 86, 125, 16970, 193

moral authority, 46

motivational fit, 37

Moulinex, 41

Murray, W. H., 111, 187

Myerson, Harold, 167


National Association of Colored Women, 29

National Player of the Year, 2

Net Promoter Score, 165

Newsom, Gavin, 113, 122, 187n18, 188n8

“not invented here” syndrome, 40


organization (organizational)

commitments, 22

core processes of, 71

credibility, 132

culture and goals, 42

everyone shares in the, 48

focus, 78

high-trust, 124

low-trust, 125

mission, 29, 31

people make the, 51

productivity goals, 100

trust, 12829

voice of the, 6468, 173


paradigms (essential mind sets). See also mindset

as an operating system, 20

based on false principles will fail, 15

of control, 15

drive practices, 15

shift, 15, 21, 140

unproductive, 44

participatory management, 46

passionate, 2526, 30, 6869, 75, 104, 154

passive-aggressives, 48

Patawaran, A. A., 173

people. See also everyone(’s)

as assets, 100

disengaging, 81

emotionally engaged, 88

engaging, 10, 88, 1034, 106, 110

“every person is uniquely powerful,” 101

help those running into barriers, 91

highly motivated, 44

humanizers vs. systemizers, 45

inspiring and motivating, 9

power of, unleashing the, 1036

productivity of, unleash latent, 103

unengaged, 9

“unleash people and they will choose to do infinitely more than you ever imagined they could,” 101

work strain on family life and social relationships, 102

performance improvement, 11

performance review, 100

personal credibility, 129, 132

personal mission, 28, 30, 59

Pink, Daniel, 104

playground, inner-city, 86

polarity response, 149

Porter, Michael, 1112, 181n6


of discouragement, 176

of extending trust, 127

of focus, 82

of intent, 148

of a paradigm shift, 15

of people, 1036, 112

of the scoreboard, 88

of a synergistic team, 40

of vision, 29

of your people, 74

of your team, 20, 111

principle of “no involvement, no commitment,” 31, 67


annual, 81

client, 152

high, 107

highest, 154

lesser, 81

management of, 117

must do, 81

personal, 117, 12021

real, 80

secondary, 60

shared, 40

top, 2, 9, 60, 81

top few, 81

for trust building, 126

urgent, 30

useless, 57

of what’s most important, 30

proactive leader


barriers, twenty-first-century, 1067

choice, 105

global, 102

goals, organization’s, 100

passion and, 115

purpose. See mission


Rauch, Dave (Western Digital), 18

reactance, 149

regression effect, 89

Reichheld, Fred, 163, 165, 189n1

relationship, buyer-seller, 140

respect for others and for yourself, 32

results, 13032, 13637

retirement date, 78


in achieving “wildly important” goals, 83, 88

athlete, 2

leadership, 5455, 111

statement, 112, 11920

supervisory, 10

work, 30, 119


sales. See also Building a Legacy of Sales Leadership (Practice 5)

culture, creating a great, 14145

leader, 14344, 15657

professionals, 145, 147, 151, 153, 156

Sales Executive Council, 169, 190n12

Sales Leadership, 15455

Sarbanes-Oxley regulations, 124

SAS Institute, 7071


employee, 93, 161, 165

the old paradigm, 162

school teacher, elementary, 110


about, 80, 8691, 9697

Keeping a Compelling Scoreboard (Discipline 3), 8690, 96

self trust, 128

self-gratification, 104

self-interest, 124

self-starting team, 92

Senge, Peter M., 23

The 7 Habits

Centiro (software company), 5356

character and motives, requires introspection into your, 23

common practices vs. highly effective practices, 19

Costco, 161, 163, 16869

dabbawalas (lunch-box people, India), 63, 66, 7274

Frito-Lay, 13335

Grupo Entero, 16667

instructions for downloading, 5862

Leighs Paints (England), 9395

MICARE/MIMOSA mining company, 5153

operate from the inside out, 23

Western Digital (WD) leaders and professionals trained in, 17

Western Digital (WD), 47, 17, 18

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 4, 1718, 2122, 62, 182n1

The 7 Habits Operating System

graphic of, 21, 52

Habit 1: Proactive – take initiative and responsibility for results, 18, 22, 2427

Habit 2: Purpose – begin with the end in mind; gain a clear sense of mission, 22, 2731

Habit 3: Focused – put first things first; focus on getting the right things done, 18, 22, 3032

Habit 4: Think Win–Win – provide mutual benefit by seeking to benefit others as well as yourself, 18, 22, 3234

Habit 5: Seek First To Understand – empathize to understand people and their perspectives before sharing your own, 22, 3437, 90

Habit 6: Synergize – leverage gifts and resources of other people, 22, 3840

Habit 7: Sharpen The Saw – keep getting better and more capable, never standing still, 22, 4042

leadership operating system, installed in, 5657

mental download of, 5762

operating system defined, 56

Principle 1: Proactivity, 19, 58

Principle 2: Vision, 59

Principle 3: Productivity, 19, 60

Principle 4: Mutual Benefit, 20, 60

Principle 5: Empathy, 61

Principle 6: Synergy, 61

Principle 7: Continuous Improvement, 62

The 7 Habits Practices

Practice 1: (See Leading with Purpose)

Practice 2: (See Executing with Excellence)

Practice 3: (See Unleashing Productivity)

Practice 4: (See Inspiring Trust)

Practice 5: (See Building a Legacy of Sales Leadership)

Practice 6: (See Creating Intense Loyalty)

Sherwin-Williams (paint), 93

short-term focus, 124

short-term thinking, 48

Silapadan, Sampan (WD), 18

silos, 46

Six Practices, 19

Six Sigma process, 72

60 Minutes, 70

skills and genius, leveraged, 40

Sloan School of Management, 38

smartphone, 109, 120

soccer, 12, 43

social mission, 66

societal trust, 12829

solution-seller/problem-solving model, 140

Southwest Airlines, 163

The Speed of Trust (Covey), 123, 12829, 13233, 148, 188n11

St. Exupéry, Antoine de, 99


empathy for, 34

engaging, 64, 69

identifying, 75

loyalty engendered in, 20

loyalty of, 165

standard operating procedures, 48

Stanford University’s Center for Leadership Development and Research, 10

Stanford University’s study of CEO effectiveness, 48

steel container manufacturer, 85

storage solutions company, 44

strategic advantage, 126

strategic performance against plan, 88

student leaders, 54

Sturtevant, Sarah, 6364, 184n1

success celebration, 91

Summer Olympics (1936), 14142

supervisory roles, 10

synergies, psychological, 39

synergistic team, 40



about, 10, 18, 20, 3739, 65, 67

best, 112, 118

capabilities and, 131

competitive advantage and, 70

engaging, 9, 6971, 103

enormous, 49

excellence and, 173

extraordinary, 2

irreplaceable, 69, 75, 100

leveraging, 69, 75

loss of top young, 167

nexus of, 6768

passion and, 166

team, 142

unleashing, 103

valuing, 70

wins games, 139

worker’s, 161

Taylor, Andy, 163

Taylor, Paul, 94


building activity, 89

commitments to your, 91

everyone on your team can lead, 42

goals, 31

member’s roles are prescribed, 174

power of your, 20

purpose, 69

self-starting, 92

synergistic, 40

Western Digital, 6

thinking, short-term, 48

“360-degree” job, 47

time management, 117

time to refuel yourself, 121

trust. See also Inspiring Trust (Practice 4); mistrust

about, 2, 4, 103

accelerator effect of, 126

accountability and, 91

building, priorities for, 126

in business leaders, 124

character and, 12931, 13435

competence and, 12931, 136

in corporations, 124

credibility and, 12932, 13537

deposits, 132

dividend, 12526

economics of, 125

extending trust and, inspiring, 127

Five Waves of Trust, 12829

at Frito-Lay, 13335

high, 126

high-trust behavior, 135

high-trust culture, 13

high-trust interactions, 123

high-trust organizations, 124

high-trust relationships, 125

inspiring, 20, 12337

integrity and, 13032, 13435

leaders, 20, 94, 175

loss of, 123

low, 12526

market, 12829

for one another, 95

organizational, 12829

performance multiplier, 12428

provider/employer, most trusted, 19, 126, 128, 173

relationship, 128

self, 128

societal, 12829

starts with you, 12932

tax, 12526

ulterior motives and hidden agendas vs., 125

of unofficial leaders, 46

Watson Wyatt study, 12425

your actions strengthen, 13233

trust building

action plan for 13 Trust Behaviors, 137

Step 1: assess your character, 135

Step 2: assess your competence, 136

Step 3: practice 13 Trust Behaviors, 13637

turf wars, 46

Twenty Questions game, 140

tyrants, 48


University of North Carolina (UNC), 12

Unleashing Productivity (Practice 3) about, 1036

energies, tapping untold, 11315

productivity barriers, twenty-first-century, 1067

productivity choice illustration, 105

Productivity Problem 1: We’re making more decisions than ever, 106107

Productivity Problem 2: Our attention is under unprecedented attack, 1078

Productivity Problem 3: We suffer from a personal energy crisis, 10813

Step 1: Act on the Important, Don’t React to the Urgent, 11617

Step 2: Go for Extraordinary; Don’t Settle for Ordinary, 11819

Step 3: Schedule Your Priorities, Don’t Prioritize Your Schedule, 12021

Step 4: Rule Your Technology; Don’t Let It Rule You, 121

Step 5: Fuel Your Fire; Don’t Burn Out, 121

Up With Downs Early Pre-School, 114

urgent priority, 30

US space program, 82


The Wall Street Journal, 24, 31

Watson Wyatt study, 12425

WD. See Western Digital

websites, 7

Weisner, Tom, 8284

Welch, Jack, 1, 30, 47, 132

Western Digital (WD), 467 17, 18

Whole Foods Market, 9192

the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, 38

wildfire (Topanga Canyon, California), 3031

Wildly Important

about, 8283, 8588, 90, 94, 96, 169

Focusing on the Wildly Important (Discipline 1), 8083, 96

Williams, Roger, 9395

winning culture

designed, maintained, and rare, 4

develop and sustain, 54

enhancing a, 5356

left to chance, 11

mindset of the team and leaders, 42

people deliver as promised, 4

sustainable competitive advantage, 3


agreements spell out the wins for everyone, 60

mentality, 33

mindset, 57

provide mutual benefit by seeking to benefit others as well as yourself (Habit 4), 18, 22, 3234

solution, creating a true, 15455

work roles, 30, 119

workforce, disengaged, 9

World Wildlife Fund, 71

WorldCom, 124

WorldCom scandal, 124


YouTube, 3536, 164


Zuckerberg, Mark, 66

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