Finishing Up

What about vowels? Rule #3 also states that otherwise-duplicate encodings separated by a vowel (not h or w) get coded twice.

TEST_F(SoundexEncoding, DoesNotCombineDuplicateEncodingsSeparatedByVowels) {
ASSERT_THAT(soundex.encode(​"Jbob"​), Eq(​"J110"​));

Once again we solve our challenge by declaring what we want to accomplish. We change the conditional expression in encodeLetter to append a digit only if it is not a duplicate or if the last letter is a vowel. This declaration drives a few corresponding changes.

void​ encodeTail(std::​string​& encoding, ​const​ std::​string​& word) ​const​ {
for​ (​auto​ i = 1u; i < word.length(); i++)
if​ (!isComplete(encoding))
encodeLetter(encoding, word[i], word[i - 1]);
void​ encodeLetter(std::​string​& encoding, ​char​ letter, ​char​ lastLetter) ​const​ {
auto​ digit = encodedDigit(letter);
if​ (digit != NotADigit &&
(digit != lastDigit(encoding) || isVowel(lastLetter)))
encoding += digit;
bool​ isVowel(​char​ letter) ​const​ {
std::​string​(​"aeiouy"​).find(lower(letter)) != std::​string​::npos;

Is passing in the previous letter the best way to do this? It’s direct and expressive. We’ll stick with it for now.

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