
Not everything always fits into a neat little package. In prior chapters, you learned the core of TDD: the TDD cycle, basic TDD concepts, construction guidelines, how to create and use test doubles, design considerations, how to code quality tests, and how to tackle legacy challenges. You also learned how to test-drive multithreaded code. From the coding stance, that’s pretty much it...except for a few odds and ends.

In this chapter, you’ll learn about the things that didn’t fit elsewhere, including the following:

  • TDD and performance: This is a bit of soothing around performance concerns to help you sleep at night when practicing TDD.

  • Integration and acceptance tests: What other kinds of tests do you need, and how do they differ from unit tests?

  • The Transformation Priority Premise (TPP): This is a formalized approach for determining what you should code as the next test.

  • Triangulation: This is a technique to drive generalizations into code (covered as part of the TPP section, though a topic in its own right).

  • Writing assertions first: This is an alternate approach to crafting a test.

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