
Thanks to my editor, Michael Swaine, and the great folks at PragProg for the guidance and resources needed to create this book.

Thanks, Uncle Bob, for the exuberant foreword!

Many thanks to Dale Stewart, my technical editor, for providing valuable assistance throughout the process, particularly feedback and help on the C++ code throughout the book.

I always ask for brutally honest feedback during the writing process, and Bas Vodde provided exactly that, supplying me with voluminous feedback on the entire book. He was the invisible pair partner I needed to keep the conversation honest.

Special thanks to Joe Miller, who painstakingly converted most of the examples so that they will build and run on Windows.

Many thanks to all the other folks who provided ideas or invaluable feedback: Steve Andrews, Kevin Brothaler, Marshall Clow, Chris Freeman, George Dinwiddie, James Grenning, Michael Hill, Jeff Hoffman, Ron Jeffries, Neil Johnson, Chisun Joung, Dale Keener, Bob Koss, Robert C. Martin, Paul Nelson, Ken Oden, Tim Ottinger, Dave Rooney, Tan Yeong Sheng, Peter Sommerlad, and Zhanyong Wan. My apologies if I missed anyone.

Thank you to those who supplied feedback on the PragProg errata page: Bradford Baker, Jim Barnett, Travis Beatty, Kevin Brown, Brett DiFrischia, Jared Grubb, David Pol, Bo Rydberg, Jon Seidel, Marton Suranyi, Curtis Zimmerman, and many others.

Thanks again to Tim Ottinger, who supplied some of the words in the introduction plus a few ideas for the book. I missed having you as a co-conspirator!

Thank you all for helping make this book better than I could ever hope to make it on my own!

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