What’s Next?

We’ve built a fairly simple plug-in in this chapter. From here we can publish our plug-in to the npm repository so others can use it. Of course, you’ll want to investigate how to write unit tests for the launching functionality before releasing a Grunt plug-in. Here are a few more things you may want to play with:

  • Implement a version of this plug-in that opens the Firefox web browser either instead of Chrome or alongside Chrome.

  • Look at the source code for one of the other plug-ins we used in this book and see if you can find ways to improve it; submit any changes to the maintainer.

  • We didn’t write any unit tests for our plug-in. Unit-testing JavaScript programs is beyond the scope of this book, but you might want to investigate the Jasmine and Nodeunit testing libraries.[17][18]

Next, let’s look at using Grunt templates to create projects instead of doing all this configuration by hand.

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