Society for Corporate Neutron

Every atom is made from three kinds of elementary particles, where Neutrons have no charge. Neutrons don’t influence an atom’s identity, but they do add to its mass.

—Bill Bryson*

Knowledge is the goal of ethics. In the classificatory scheme of conformability with nature, society forms a nucleus. In the case of corporate, this is with the board, and in case of government, with the constitution. Society does not influence the identity of the Corporate Atomic Structure or the Governmental Atomic Structure but adds mass to them. Society can vote out a government, can shut a factory like Sterilite, can put a lid on a product like the mercury thermometer. It is society that is being influenced, not the other way. Society is a powerful ally whose freedom of thought is limited by the constraints imposed by a few, corporate or government. Mahatma Gandhi could influence humanity as a whole with the message of self-governance. The greatness of Gandhi lay in channeling the waves of anger of a mob toward disciplined demands for the society. Society is part of the nucleus, as the neutron. Memorandum and articles of association for corporate and constitution for government are the protons. CEO team for corporate, and judiciary, executive, and legislative functions for the government are electrons. As part of the nucleus, society provides stability to the Corporate/Government Atomic Structure and prevents the electrons from spinning too fast and going off tangent. In order to do so, it alters the executive part of electrons as the need arises. In fact, the power conferred on corporate and government is at the initiative and approval of the society. Indian culture is based on accepting and conducting both of these with Ethical Responsibility. This rule helps allies of society. Return on intangible is a do it yourself (DIY) kit.

Society teaches in different ways, violent, nonviolent, revolution, or by a strenuous process of explication of laws. The first three are by mass movement whereas the last one by government looking into the finer aspect of society’s demands. Many companies do not wait for laws to be enacted to follow certain basic principles like the Code of Good Conduct or the CoBP. However, for the same set of companies when profit motive becomes the greatest urgency, the ethical indifference overrides the ethical seriousness. Understanding and undertaking of the ethical responsibility consistently and persistently, is going to be the coherent corporate management operating system, post-COVID-19, practices.

Transparency is lost with ethical indifference toward the society. Rules, whether mandatory or otherwise, express ethical motives. Compliance with the rules and informing the public by UNCAC Article 10, Public Reporting, is the transparency. Transparency justifies companies’ conduct, which is the societal good. The goal of ethical motive is the knowledge of societal good. Accumulation and retention of such knowledge is the goal of ethics.

This work is on sustainability. Multibillion-dollar investments and acquisitions need to be created carefully in six stages of the Creative Process. A hierarchical one-man call center is no more. Strategy Plan is ready, means it is a Quality Substance. Risk factors, as had swept away the feet of Volkswagen and Bayer, ought to have been brought up during the Creative Process, stage 5 – Formulation - and discussed threadbare, including UNCAC Article 13, Participation of Society. This relates to ego discrimination in the third stage of Pascal’s mental evolution. This work explains in detail the bottom-to-top structuring of operations with the foot soldier as the VIP. The intention is Strategy Plan is of the managerial force whereas Action Process relates to the work performed by every individual. One important aspect of this work is that there are no separate ratings for a company, but combined ratings of individuals go for the company’s ratings. It means a single task from a multimillion number of tasks is tracked to a single individual. It means Accountability is embedded. Together transparency and accountability form the knowledge base, arising out of ethical standards adopted. The knowledge base is empty now. Fill her up with Corporate Hydrogen and accelerate!

Just and equitable society: Author and historian H.G. Wells said, “Amidst the tens of thousands of names of monarchs that crowd the columns of history ... the name of Ashoka shines, and shines almost alone, a star.” Ashoka’s regime, around 300 BC, was characteristic of ethical responsibility undertaken by the people and the government. This ethical responsibility undertaken then should be of intense scrutiny and application now. Civilization is always on the move, claiming the recent one is better than the previous one. What truly typified Ashoka’s regime was the set of rules that expressed the truth and by following it up it ensured the conduct, of all. In the meantime, colonization of East Asian countries, particularly India, has deprived the civilization to move up but brought it down with the blind philosophy of “He that is not with me is against me, and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth.” The result is obvious: Modern civilization is bereft of any ethical values. The contents of Ashoka’s edicts justify some of the legends about his wise and humane rule, qualifying him to be ranked as one of the world’s greatest rulers at a time when Europe was in the dark ages and America didn’t exist. Knowledge of how Ashoka’s regime catered to society is an eye-opener on Ethical Responsibility undertaken and fulfilled.

Ashoka’s edicts speak of what might be called “state morality” and private or individual morality. The first was what he based his administration on and what he hoped would lead to a more just, more spiritually inclined society. The second was what he recommended and encouraged individuals to practice. Ashoka’s edicts are the age-old and time-tested Substance of Quality and Action, proven effective in running a humane society. The following steps, taken and implemented by his regime, are well described by Ven. S. Dhammika1:

  1. State morality and private or individual morality
  2. Policy of peaceful coexistence
  3. Reform of the judicial system
  4. Utilization of state resources for useful public works
  5. Accessibility to the ruler, Ashoka
  6. Welfare of its people
  7. Human rights - compassion, moderation, tolerance, and respect for all life
  8. Animal rights
  9. Protection of all religions
  10. Generosity to the poor
  11. Well-learned in the good doctrines of other people’s religions

The edicts, carved into stone all over India, were instrumental in creating a just and equitable society, long before we are attempting to do so now. The 11 challenges we observe from Ashoka’s edicts are valid today, rather more so today, particularly the eleventh. Such a society is possible only if we get our equation right, and if the accountability of each member of the teams entrusted with implementing these 11 edicts, is tracked. It’s not just responsibility but co-responsibility. Change the denominator.

Gross National Happiness [GNH] Index

I Happiness Index

Continuing with Ashoka’s edicts, the 11 Critical Control Points of Societal Good and Ethical Conduct, let us look into the Happiness Index as a primary tool for assessing and measuring state and individual happiness. (State morality, private or individual morality, Ashoka’s #1.) The following reports are perused to highlight the Global Happiness Index–related work.

  1. The 2019 Global Happiness and Wellbeing Policy Report is a landmark survey of the state of global happiness that ranks 156 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be. The report is produced by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network in partnership with the Ernesto Illy Foundation.2
  2. The 2019 World Happiness Report3
  3. “Happiness: Toward a Holistic Approach to Development,” Draft note, November 6, 2012: Author Luis.Collantes.4
  4. “Gross National Happiness vs Gross Domestic Product”5

On a comparative note, on 170 process blocks of the HUL case study given in Chapter 8, one can identify the nature of the process blocks of a manufacturing and marketing organization. These are open-ended process blocks, meaning if one does not find some of the critical areas of analysis and measurement, then one is bound to add a few more. Please note, first, as mentioned in our CREAM Report findings stated earlier, there are no separate company ratings, but individual ratings combine to produce overall ratings for the organization. Second and more importantly, a process block is identical to any other process block, thanks to Newton’s Laws of Motion. Process blocks are restricted to policies created and practices acted upon for any company. Normally a company does not include Happiness Index as part of a corporate operating system. Now happiness index can be added as a process block for each issue area, by a written policy and can be measured as to how they are practiced. One such process block group is a Happiness Index, which is not integrated into many companies as such, let alone HUL. Some of the important issue areas of each industry group these provisions can be added as process blocks. Process blocks are restricted to policies created and practices acted upon for any company. Normally a company does not include Happiness Index as part of a corporate operating system. Now happiness index can be added as a process block for each issue area, by written policy and can be measured as to how they are practiced. Happiness Index forms a considerable number of process blocks. The Global Council for Happiness and Wellbeing (GCHW) lists such process blocks under the following categories:

  1. Health
  2. Education
  3. Work
  4. Personal Happiness
  5. Cities

HUL, for example, may add all the five issue areas, as part of their CSR and Sustainable Living Plan schemes. Happiness Index for these categories would fall under nonmandatory provisions, like the Code of Good Conduct. With the detailed provisions made available by “Happiness: Towards a Holistic Approach to Development,” there is no dearth of rules that would go to measure the Happiness Index.

II Ranking in the World Happiness Report for 156 countries is based on certain metrics and criteria. This is an annual report that possibly induces the desire of almost all countries to know where they are placed from the previous year. From the report prepared in 2012, quote:6

Moreover, most conclusions of “happiness surveys” are usually based on information from WEIRD (Western, educated, industrialized, rich democracies) countries, limiting their credibility. In addition, people’s aspirations and standards change and there may be a happiness set point depending on an individual. Lastly, there are lingering doubts about taking happiness seriously. With much hardship, poverty, disease, war, and crime in existence, focusing on happiness may seem a luxury. Unquote. The doubts raised remain valid, even now.

III GDP: In the same 2012 report conclusions were drawn thus: In general terms, governments are encouraged to (1) recognize that GDP is not the only indicator of well-being, (2) integrate economic and social policies better, (3) develop specific policies for environmental protection, and (4) develop well-being indicators to guide their policy design and monitoring in line with sustainable development objectives.

IV GNH: In the paper “GNH vs GDP” the author quotes His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the Fourth King of Bhutan: “Gross National Happiness is more important than Gross National Product.”

Since long sustainability development has progressed well to specify like 10 Principles in four issue areas of the UNGC, United Nations Millennium Declaration of sustainability of economic, social, environmental protection, and development goals. However, points raised in the UN Draft Note of 2012 remain unresolved. Use of GDP figures is a constant reminder of delay and undependability of statistics. For example, an extract from the 2019 Global Happiness and Wellbeing Policy Report says, “GDP data for 2018 are not yet available, so we extend the GDP time series from 2017 to 2018 using country-specific forecasts of real GDP growth from the OECD Economic Outlook No. 104 (Edition November 2018) and the World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects (Last Updated: 06/07/2018), after adjustment for population growth.”

What could be concluded is that the Happiness Index cannot be integrated into GDP data mainly due to the delay it poses whereas GNH data can be processed in a better time frame. GNH has many indicators that can be used effectively, but the WEIRD syndrome persists, with the result the Global Happiness Index is not taken seriously.

V Integrate GDP and GNH: GDP is crucial to track Sustainability development issues of economic, social, environmental protection, and development goals. Under the holistic approach of overall economic development, the other goals could be met. The link to GDP shall be maintained by GNH or the Happiness Index. GDP data needs to be thoroughly overhauled. A stand-alone GNH not linked with GDP data is tantamount to corporate producing results sans profitability/balance sheet details. We do try to fix the corporate balance sheet comprehensively, but GDP stats needing complete overhaul needs attention.

Efforts per person [EPP] ~ GDP

Recently I have been requested by the president of the Federation of Industries and Associations (FIA) Gujarat to prepare a blueprint for the GSDP of $1.5 trillion, 2024. FIA at Gandhinagar is one of the foremost and active associations of Gujarat having 202 industry associations and around 150,000 industrial units as its members. The FIA plays an active role in representing issues faced by industries under the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC), Industries Commissionarate, Industrial Extension Bureau (IndexTb), Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB), Goods and Services Tax (GST), Customs, and so on and suggests policy issues to the state and central governments. Currently, I am an adviser for CDGR and of Ethics Committee. I did prepare a blueprint in January 2020 on the basis of this work principle of CAGR and CDGR. Some salient features of GSDP $1.5 trillion in 2024 and what one encounters in preparing such a GDP analysis:

  1. Only one document STATE DOMESTIC PRODUCT GUJARAT STATE 2017–2018 (With Base Year 2011–2012), one could get. This document was prepared a few months earlier, on September 4, 2019, with 2016–2017 stated as P—Provisional—and 2017–2018 stated as Q - Quick Estimates. General talk about the GSDP was said to be $250 billion currently. The $1.5 trillion 2024 seemed quite achievable, so the chief minister of Gujarat had started announcing the target of $1.5 trillion by 2024 in very many public forums.
  2. At the end of January 2020 when the Economic Survey of India 2019–2020 was presented in Parliament, Table 1.10A. Net State Domestic Product, State/UT stats for the year 2018 - 20197 contained n/a to indicate not applicable to very many states, including Gujarat and Maharashtra, for 2018–2019. The fault lines on the preparation of GSDP are apparent, going at a leisurely pace between a state and the central stats. They are 2 years off the target year stats. One can imagine how this would be extended to World Bank or OECD stats.
  3. The blueprint for GSDP $1.5 trillion by 2024, therefore, took cognizance of this lacunae and advised how to go ahead with Strategy Plan 2024 for $1.5 trillion. There were two parts to the Strategy Plan 2024, one Creative Process and two Action Process. First, the Creative Process took detailed information of six stages of development of a Strategy Plan 2024, as now the readers are familiar with. Second, the details of IBCM - where Activity has a cost incidence and Inactivity a Cost Consequence, Measure Cost Consequence Now, Now, Now - have been brought to focus. This is to emphasize the futility of preparing GSDP coming out with figures that are 3 to 4 years old if one looks at the provisional and quick estimates periods. So, the blueprint emphasized the need for developing Strategy Plan 2024 (i) with a CAGR of 2024 for all the Industry Group within GSDP 2018 - 2024 and (ii) convert it into CDGR for action process daily, tracking the set targets and daily performance thereon.
  4. GSDP/CAGR: GSDP rose from Rs 615,606 crores ($87.94 billion) in 2012 to Rs.1,314,680 crores ($187.81 billion) in 2018, at a CAGR of 11.45 percent in 7 years. For the same period per capita has grown at a CAGR of 10.20 percent.
    For the same period per capita has grown at a CAGR of 10.20 percent.
    Extending the same from 2018 to 2024, the target of $1.5 trillion in 6 years would amount to a CAGR of 41.38 percent.
    GSDP 2018–2024 is based on projection at CAGR of 41.38 percent. The GSDP 2024 targets $1.50 trillion. There are natural variations in CAGR 2012–2018 at varying rates for industry group. CAGR of 41.38 percent is applied uniformly to each sectoral industry. The variation between 2012–2018 CAGR and 2024 CAGR for each industry group signifies the effort to be put in to compete uniformly to reach the target of GSDP $1.5 trillion in 2024.
  5. There are two aspects to the setting of targets for the state of Gujarat at 41.38 percent. One is that it is comparable to South Korea - in area Gujarat is 195% percent of South Korea, in population Gujarat is 1.17 times of South Korea, and in GDP Gujarat is just 12 percent of South Korea (South Korea GDP $1.5 trillion and Gujarat $187.81 billion). In principle and with effort Gujarat is placed in a position to challenge South Korea to achieve the targeted $1.5 trillion. The second aspect of setting such a steep target is Gujarat is an entrepreneurial state with vibrant people. Who are you? The second chapter of this work has a lot to bear for Gujaratis, who can set a stiff target and yet achieve it.
  6. EPP - efforts per person: (Figure 9.1) The principle behind this book is return on intangible. This book explains in detail the bottom-to-top structuring of operations with the foot soldier as the VIP. Table 7.1, Index of Inactivity by Process Area, and Table 7.2, Index of Inactivity by Resource Area, tally the efforts put in by each individual, by each process area, as to the targets set and achieved. By the same principle, the following figure represents the EPP on the GSDP $1.5 trillion 2024 targets.

Figure 9.1 EPP - efforts per person

Both the Creative Process and the Action Process need work inputs to target the set 41.38 percent CAGR by 2024. Individual industry group’s current average is given. In the same manner as in Tables 7.1 and 7.2, for each unit representing part of GSDP targets, EPP needs to be prepared. By Process Area as well as by Resource Area an IA would give the targets set at 41.38 percent for each industry group and performance as on today, covering the entire GSDP target of $1.5 trillion. In cricket parlance, it is like playing a one day international (ODI), where the dashboard displays urrent run rate as against the expected run rate set as target. The entire $1.5 trillion economy would be tracked on a daily basis by CDGR. Individual units in each industry group would bring about the needed work performance to reach the set targets. The dashboard would display the EPP score of each person, then the team, then the organization, then the industry group, and in total the GSDP 2024.

There are two aspects to a CREAM Report: One is the Quantitative element of management represented by E - earnings. Collectively, the fiscal assets growth and utilization that would go to add up the GSDP or GDP; another, Qualitative elements of management represented by CRAM - corporate governance, risk management, accounting quality, and management quality. Collectively, the Ethical Assets representing the set of rules and justifying the conduct would add up the GNH.

Both GDP and GNH go together; not one versus the other.


If the description of knowledge is the goal of ethics, it is said transparency and accountability form the knowledge base, arising out of ethical standards adopted. As stated earlier, knowledge base is empty now; fill it up with Corporate Hydrogen and accelerate.

EPP should bring up the transparency and accountability factors to the fore, then the knowledge base gets some data. The important aspect of what society wants to hear is accountability. In the case of Economic Survey 2019 - 2020, it was observed some of the data under the current year was mentioned as n/a. Normally it means not applicable. Quite strange indeed! However, from the point of view of society, it is NOT ACCEPTABLE. The data explosion is said to be huge. The information explosion is the rapid increase in the amount of published information or data and the effects of this abundance. As suggested in creating GDP from the bottom-to-top, data is identifiable to a single person. For example, farmers’ work brought up through the FPOs and FPCs, without in any way ignoring the effort put in by a single farmer. Hence, EPP data is going to be decisive in the success of entire global data management. In a World Bank or OECD report on GDP the components can be traced back to the building blocks of each industry group and then to each individual who had put in effort to build the block. CREAM Report provides the data necessary to build a GDP and GNH stats.

Blockchain can be of great help. Blockchain is another technology one should use but not misuse. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has published a paper on Blockchain Technology Overview.8 Under the head “Tamper-Evident and Tamper-Resistant Data,” it says, “Many applications follow the “CRUD” (create, read, update, delete) functions for data. With a blockchain, there is only “CR” (create, read). There are methods that can be employed to “deprecate” older data if a newer version is found, but there is no removal process for the original data.”

This book provides the basis for creating a CREAM Report for companies. CREAM Report and Blockchain, combined, establish ratings for a National Grid of Governance. More importantly, an individual with a blockchain ID can track his or her performance during the entire working life. His or her performance is a constant with a blockchain ID given that goes wherever he or she goes. An intern with a Creamchain ID creates permanent performance ratings for over four or five decades, which can be compared with any other Creamchain ID globally. The significant aspect of Creamchain ID is the energy force it represents, without gender bias. To become an independent director or a CEO this would be useful, as the records are of performance in both the fields - fiscal assets and ethical assets. The question of how many women are a part of the board of directors is passé.

Ashoka’s edicts, for example, 9 (Protection of all religions) and 11 (Well-learned in the good doctrines of other people’s religions) are going to be critical for global harmony. As part of GNH and identifying individuals could be the answer to these chaotic times. Modern civilizational progress rests on accountability and ownership, which Creamchain as a concept of combined personal performance with a personal ID ensures sustainability of efficiency and sustainability of value creation.

Audit Profession

The audit profession is one of the most highly respected professions in the world. Society does not influence a company, but adds mass to it, because of the audit profession. It is the only profession entrusted with certifying corporate affairs as a trustee of society. GRACE - governance, responsibility, authority, credibility, enabled fiscal assets, and ethical assets - is the hallmark of adding mass to the respective organizations. Society does not add mass directly but through its trustee, the audit profession.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) was formed by an Act of Parliament in 1949. It is said Sri Aurobindo9 selected a passage from the Kathopanishad10 as its motto, in its logo that exists today. The motto of ICAI is “ya Esha supteshu jagarti” in Sanskrit, meaning “who, this, while we are asleep, remains awake.” This passage, Swami Chinmayananda11 explains with the analogy of a streetlight. The light illuminates everything it comes across - a honeymooning couple enjoying their time, a drunkard reveling in stupor, or a mournful procession of a sad funeral pyre that passes by - but the streetlight itself remains untouched by any of the emotions. This verily is That. Self is not an object of senses and in all the three states of consciousness - waking state, dream state, and deep sleep state - it remains unperturbed. The audit profession is an unbiased observer of corporate affairs. Selecting this passage from the Upanishad, Sri Aurobindo, who influenced brilliant minds world over from Sri Aurobindo Ashram, suggested the role a chartered accountant (CA) should follow. Not to be disturbed by what is revealed within corporate but to focus on the duty that the audit profession has entrusted to a CA.

Being an observer and remaining unperturbed is not being indifferent. The audit profession has taken it literally, declaring, “The auditor is a watchdog, not a bloodhound.” With cases such as HP - Autonomy, Carillion, and IL&FS offering a major setback to the profession, its credibility and ability to ferret out fraud and misdeeds are in question. Society needs the audit profession, entrusted with the explication of laws and management quality. These laws are designed as a cat’s claws and teeth, benevolent to the kitten but malevolent to the rat.

The audit profession is not the sole caretaker of society. A CA is a CA wherever he or she is. A CA in a company should be given statutory powers as much as a statutory auditor gets. A CFO when entrusted with such powers, similar to the statutory auditor, can deal with the kitten and with the rat internally as deemed fit. A CFO is indeed a trustee of society. To quote Peter Drucker: The first organization structure of the modern West was laid down in the canon law of the Catholic Church eight hundred years ago. It set up a strictly scalar organization. But most of the provisions in the canon law that deal with the structure and organization of the Catholic Church define those things which only the parish priest, i.e., the bottom man in the pyramid, can do in his parish. The bishop appoints him; and, within clear procedural limits, the bishop can remove him.12 Similarly, the law must be enacted such that a CFO can be removed only in an EGM of shareholders.

During the Lockheed, Gulf Oil scandal, Walter E. Hanson, the CEO of Peat Marwick, moved to restore confidence by volunteering to have his company’s procedures audited by colleagues from competing firms. Today, the Big 8 firms have shrunk to the Big 4 firms, as no one knows who the partners are or which firm they belong to unless brought to notice by law agencies, as happened in the PwC audit fiasco of Satyam computers. Audit firms must follow the same Corporate Atomic Structure, Return on Intangible principle, with Index of Inactivity by Resource Area and Process Area for all their activities: (1) Audit & Assurance (2) Tax, (3) Advisory, and (4) Business Services. Quality targets set and performed must also apply to them, from foot soldier to senior partner. Change the denominator.

Corporate Citizenship

Recently there was a request from the chairman of GIDC, with ethical responsibility as the prime motive, regarding whether our team could implement a digital solution to clear out the never-ending corruption hounding the organization. Spread over the whole of Gujarat, executing several land deals, corruption within it seems inevitable. With the introduction of the CREAM Report, it is possible to bring in a digital solution. But I told my team, in 2020 we are celebrating the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi; it would be better the chief minister declares Gujarat a corruption-free government. Identifying one organization for the anti-corruption drive is not recommended while there are so many others that are equally afflicted by corruption. But Gujarat is in an outstanding position for an anti-corruption drive, not only because Mahatma Gandhi was born there but also due to the introduction of prohibition in the state since formation on May 1, 1960. The social benefits of prohibition should be compared with the situation of another state, Tamil Nadu, where there is no prohibition. Tamil Nadu government revenue is dependent on the sale of liquor through the Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation (TASMAC) liquor shops. In Tamil Nadu particularly womenfolk suffer a lot and they do favor voting for a party that could introduce prohibition. Alas, there is no such party contesting with prohibition in their election manifesto. For Gujarat, it is a remarkable journey of social benefits.

The social aspects of the management of national agenda rest with the governments. In India, CSR expenditure is mandatory for companies with certain given criteria. The ethical motive for corporate is embedded for corporate at the time of company registration itself. For example, UNCAC is mandatory for corporate in countries where UNCAC is ratified. India is one such country. However, UNCAC is in limbo because of Article 6, Preventive anti-corruption body or bodies are not invoked. Once ratified UNCAC is mandatory, particularly for corporate under Article 12, Private Sector, whether an anti-corruption body is created or not, for companies while dealing with another country where UNCAC stands ratified. Two countries, Barbados and Syria, have not ratified UNCAC out of 187 states parties.

“Corporate citizenship involves the social responsibility of businesses and the extent to which they meet legal, ethical, and economic responsibilities, as established by shareholders. Corporate citizenship is growing increasingly important as both individual and institutional investors begin to seek out companies that have socially responsible orientations such as their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices.”13 This book is a systematic appraisal of CSR, split into Corporate Fiscal Responsibility and Corporate Ethical Responsibility. It goes further with the CREAM Report covering the provisions of all published standards, such as ISO 26000 Social Responsibility, by way of an add-on process block under management quality. This would come under the four auxiliary limbs of the corporate body, explication of corporate laws and management quality. Once a company adopts the published standards, such as ISO 26000 Social Responsibility, the activation process takes place for the implementation of such standards. This is done through people’s energy, calculated by Return on Intangible, by Subject - Object Distinction of Qualitative and Quantitative Elements of Management. The action process justifies adherence to standards. Corporate gets the ratings, accordingly, on the basis of the ratings obtained from individuals exerting their energy.

Society, as the corporate neutron, does not influence the corporate identity but adds mass to it. While doing so society adds mass to the nucleus with its partner, the corporate proton - the board of directors and shareholders. It stabilizes the running of the corporate electron spinning around the said nucleus, for a Goldilocks effect. Society, therefore, enables corporate citizenship in the right direction. When the six main limbs and four auxiliary limbs are working together shipshape, as illustrated in Chapter 6, one can see corporate in human form. A company seen now as an entity is bereft of that pulsating energy. Citizenship is always for individuals, not for an entity. To qualify for a Corporate citizenship, the men and women in each organization alone are entitled for it. It is therefore in order that the Creamchain contains individuals in the list of corporate citizenship, with the company they work for in a secondary list. Corporate citizenship is constant, the corresponding company is not.

Chapter 9: Points to Ponder

  1. Knowledge is the goal of ethics: Society provides stability to the Corporate/Government Atomic Structure lest the electrons spin too fast to go off tangent. Transparency justifies companies’ conduct, which is the societal good. The goal of ethical motive is the knowledge of societal good. Accumulation and retention of such knowledge is the goal of ethics.
  2. Just and equitable Society, the 11 challenges: “Amidst the tens of thousands of names of monarchs that crowd the columns of history ... the name of Ashoka shines and shines almost alone a star.”
  3. Creamchain: Foundation for Happiness Index
    I Happiness Index
    1. The 2019 Global Happiness and Wellbeing Policy Report. The 2019 World Happiness Report 2019: The report is produced by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
    II Ranking of Happiness Report
    2. The 2019 World Happiness Report
    3. “Happiness: Towards a Holistic Approach to Development,” Draft note: 1. WEIRD and 2 - (i) recognize that GDP is not the only indicator of well-being, - (ii) integrate economic and social policies better, (iii) develop specific policies for environmental protection, (iv) develop well-being indicators to guide their policy design and monitoring in line with sustainable development objectives.
    IV GNH
  4. “Gross National Happiness vs Gross Domestic Product”: In Bhutan, “Gross National Happiness is more important than Gross National Product.” GDP data needs to be thoroughly overhauled.
    V. Integrate GDP and GNH. Blueprint GSDP of $1.5 trillion, 2024, Strategy Plan.
    EPP - efforts per person
    Both GDP and GNH go together not one versus the other.
    4. Creamchain: Modern civilizational progress rests on accountability and ownership, which Creamchain as a concept of combined personal performance with a personal ID ensures.
  5. Audit profession: It is the only profession entrusted with the responsibility to certify corporate affairs as a trustee of the society. GRACE - governance, responsibility, authority, credibility, enabled fiscal assets, and ethical assets - is the hallmark of adding mass to the respective organizations.
  6. The motto of ICAI is “ya Esha supteshu jagarti” in Sanskrit, meaning “who, this, while we are asleep, remains awake.” It is a tribute to audit and accounting professionals, who are vigilant always.
  7. Society needs the audit profession, entrusted with the explication of laws and management quality, as these laws are designed as a cat’s claws and teeth, benevolent to the kitten but malevolent to the rat.
  8. Audit firms must follow the same Corporate Atomic Structure principle.
  9. Corporate Citizenship: Citizenship is always for individuals. Corporate citizenship personifies the people behind who have been bestowed with it, as listed in Creamchain.

Action Points

  1. A CFO is entrusted with such powers, similar to the statutory auditor, as to deal internally with the kitten and the rat as deemed fit.


1. The Edicts of Ashoka:

2. Global Happiness and Wellbeing Policy Report 2019, management by Sharon Paculor, copy edit by Rebecca Clapperton Law and Sybil Fares. ISBN 978-0-9968513-8-1.

3. World Happiness Report management by Sharon Paculor, copy edit by Sweta Gupta, Sybil Fares and Ismini Ethridge.: ISBN 978-0-9968513-9-8.

4. Luis.Collantes

5. Ms. Yeshu (International Research Journal of Commerce Arts and Science

6. Luis Collantes:

7. Economic Survey 2019–2020 Statistical Appendix: 1.10 A Net State Domestic Product at Current Prices (2011–2012 Series).

8. Blockchain Technology Overview:

9. Sri Aurobindo.

10. Kathopanishad (Chapter II, Valli v, Mantra #8).

11. Swami Chinmayananda.

12. Management Tasks and responsibilities: Peter F. Drucker: TRUMAN TALLEY BOOKS / E.P. DUTTON / New York.

13. Investopedia:

*A Short History of Nearly Everything

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