
Aadhar Card, 102

Action Process, 2728, 5962, 6869, 7677

properties of, 7778

ratings for, 77

Action Value Capital, 78

American Online (AOL), 45

Apple, 70

Arthapatti, 112

Artificial intelligence, 101102

Ashland Oil Inc., 81

Ashoka’s edicts, 123124, 131

Atomic structure

benchmarking corporate atomic structure aligning with, 89

similarity between corporate atomic structure and, 86

Audit profession, 132133

Authority, 44, 51

Barings Bank, 82

Bayer, 2

Big Bang, 27

Blockchain technology, 131

Board of Banking Supervision, 82

Board of directors, 102105

Brahma Sutra, 32

Capitalism, definition of, 20

Capital–Output Ratio, 113114

Carillion, 2, 3

Causality, 115

Chartered accountant (CA), 132133

Code of business principles (CoBP), 6, 7, 75

Code of Conduct (CoC). See Code of business principles (CoBP)

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Framework, 23, 24, 55, 75

Control Environment, definition of, 23

Corporate atomic structure, 8489, 95

007 factor, 8889

benchmarking, aligning with atomic structure, 89

similarity between atomic structure and, 86

Corporate body

four auxiliary limbs of, 97

six limbs of, 96

Corporate citizenship, 133135

Corporate Critical Density, 99100

artificial intelligence, 101102

board of directors, 102105

reverse mentoring, 105106

sustainability, 100

Corporate electron, CREAM Report for, 109119

Corporate ethical responsibility (CER), 45

Corporate Ethics, 93

Corporate fiscal responsibility (CFR), 4

Corporate governance, 9, 112

Corporate neutron. See Society, for corporate neutron

Corporate proton, 99106

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 4

Corporate structure, 62

Corporate Yoga, 94

COVID-19, 91, 106

CREAM analytics framework, 9192

CREAM Report

for corporate electron, 109119

deeper commitment with, 114115

Hindustan Unilever Limited, 110112

rating, 105

spot your place, 115116

Creamchain, 130132

Creative Process, 27, 56, 59, 6062, 68, 91

properties of, 7778

ratings for, 74

Credibility, 44, 5152

3-D Corporate Atomic Structure, 8586

Data explosion, 95

Economic disasters, 2223

Effort transforms mass into energy, 5960

Efforts per person (EPP), 127130

Emergent property phenomenon, 9497

Enabled balance sheet, 44, 52

Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 101

Ethical assets, 9, 35, 8889, 99, 130

Ethical Assets Premium Account, 116

Ethical Responsibility (ER), 93, 105, 121123, 133, 134

Ethical Strategy Plan, 75

European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), 1113, 67

Shiva’s cosmic dance statue, 12

Exchange rate crisis, 45

Farmer producer companies (FPCs), 102, 114

Farmer producer organisations (FPOs), 102, 114

Federation of Industries and Associations (FIA), 127

Fiduciary responsibility, 1

Financial Crisis Advisory Group (FCAG), 49

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 6

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Modernization Act (1997), 2526

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), 22, 42

G-R-A-C-E, 4451, 132

G-R-A-C-E Version 2, 5152

General Motors, 70

GenNext, 106

Global Happiness Index, 124

“Goldilocks Effect,” 100

Good manufacturing practice (GMP), 6

Governance, 44, 51, 83

Government Auditing Standards, 83

Gross domestic product (GDP), 126127

Gross National Happiness (GNH) Index, 126127

Gujarat state domestic product (GSDP), 127130

Happiness Index, 124125

Hedonism, 2122

Hewlett-Packard (HP), 2

Hindustan Unilever Limited

CREAM Report, 110112

IAS 9, 1977, 4243

IAS 38, 41, 46

Implication, 6364

Inactivity Based Cost Management (IBCM), 8197

corporate atomic structure, 8489

emergent property phenomenon, 9497

governance gets measured and managed, 8183

measure qualitative elements, 84

return on intangible, 9094

Index of inactivity (IA)

by process area, 103, 110112

by resource area, 104, 110112

Indian Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) report, 102

Indian Companies Act 2013, 2326

India’s GDP, 115116

Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI), 3

Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), 3

Infosys, 2

Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS), 2, 28, 37

Innovation, 27, 56, 62, 91

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), 9

Instinctive, 10

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), 132


defined, 6162

implication, 6364

search for, 56

opposite values, 5658

Intangible assets, 4153

definition of, 41, 46

G-R-A-C-E, 4451

G-R-A-C-E Version 2, 5152

IAS 9, 1977, 4243

Intangible, measuring, 6780

Action Process, 6869, 7677

Action Value Capital, 78

corporate transformation cause, 6975

creation of substance, 6768

Creative Process, 68

Intangible Value Capital, 7879

Intellectual Value Capital, 7576

Intangible Value Capital, 7879

Intellectual property (IP), 48, 49

Intellectual property right (IPR), 27, 49

Intellectual Value Capital, 7576

International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), 41

International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), 41, 43, 44, 46

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966), 7

International Finance Corporation (IFC), 3

ISO 26000 Social Responsibility, 134135

Keynes’s Animal Spirits, 2425, 73

“Know Thyself,” 32–33

Knowledge is goal of ethics, 2526

KPMG–EIU survey, 84

Lamborghini, 3

Large Hadron Collider (LHC), 27

Lehman Brothers, 83

Linga, 112

Lockheed Aircraft Corp., 22

London Inter-bank Offered Rate (LIBOR), 13

MAGA (Make America Great Again) campaign, 1920

Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME), 3, 61

Micron Technology, 45

Microsoft, 42, 45, 70

Monsanto, 2

Morality, 21

Motorola, 45

Mutual funds, 48

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 30, 42, 67, 7071

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 131

Newton’s First Law of Motion, 2728, 89

Newton’s Second Law of Motion, 90

Non-performing assets (NPAs), 3, 9, 72, 99

Opposite Value Analysis, 95

Opposite values, 5657

study of, 5758

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 22, 51, 62, 95, 131

Organizational restructuring, 84

Plato’s Cave, 1214

corporate is living in, 14

Process Blocks, 9293

Project FISCAL (farmer–industry–society & consolidate agri leadership), 102

Pulsating energy, 2635

Reliance Industries, 70

Reserve Bank of Australia, 82

Responsibility, 44, 51

Return on intangible, 9094

Reverse mentoring, 105106

Sage of Kanchi, 58

Sankalpa, 115116

SAP Software Solutions, 35

Sarbanes–Oxley Act (SOX), 22, 55

Self-governance, 33, 7273, 93, 121

Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO), 14

Societal good, 3, 4, 8, 122

Society, for corporate neutron, 121137

audit profession, 131133

corporate citizenship, 133135

creamchain, 130132

Spreadsheet Organization Structure, 62

State morality. See Ashoka’s edicts

Strategy Plan, 69, 77

deeper commitment with CREAM Report, 114115

Subject - Object Distinction of Qualitative and Quantitative Elements of Management, 135


creation of, 6768

transformation stages, 6975

Substance of Quality, 68, 7374

Sustainability, 30, 84, 100

of efficiency, 88, 97, 115

of profits, 35, 88, 97, 115

of value system, 88, 97, 115

Sustainable Living Plan project, 4

Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation (TASMAC), 134

Tata Group, 2

Tesla, 70

Toshiba, 2

Total quality management (TQM), 6

Transparency, 122

Truth, 56

UN World Economic Survey report 1977, 43

UNCAC Article 10, Public Reporting, 5, 26, 122

UNCAC Article 12, Private Sector, 134

UNCAC Article 13, Participation of Society, 5, 25, 122

UNCAC Article 46, Mutual Legal Assistance, 76

Unilever, 4, 70

United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), 5, 68, 7576, 134

United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), 6, 68

United Nations Millennium Declaration, 3

U.S. Government Accountability Office, 83

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 46

Volkswagen, 2, 7, 2324

What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG), 32

Whistleblower Policy, 6, 76, 111, 112

World Commission on Environment and Development, 100

World Economic and Social Survey 1995, 47

World Happiness Report, 125126

007 factor, 8889

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