
It all started with Nigel Wyatt from London taking the trouble of recommending my name to the Publisher, Business Expert Press (BEP). Then thanks to Rob Zwettler and his team from BEP who have taken immense interest to get my work on for publishing. Great team to work with. I am indeed grateful to David Wasieleski, as incorporating his suggestions for improvement has given me a sense of satisfaction and a valid exposition of the concepts this book brings out. The teamwork was quite pronounced from Charlene Kronstedt and Sheri Dean, with Shyam Ramasubramony of S4Carlile Publishing Services perfecting the art of production line intricacies.

I want to thank my wife and children for their keen interest while I was writing this book. In particular, my daughter, Gayatri Jayaraman, who volunteered to check the book in all respects, editing, pinpointing errors, commenting “Not clear, unclear fragment, within two lines you have given three different names for the same organization, standardize subheads, qualifier? both what? check meaning—use better word etc. etc.” I loved being the student.

The book Eastern Religions and Western Thought (1939) by Dr Radhakrishnan is truly an inspirational one with ethics, social values, and civilizations so beautifully expounded. I have been referring to it for several years, and the words of wisdom on ethics found in the book are so aptly applicable to the domain of modern-day corporate ethical responsibility.

Thanks guys!

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