
A number of people have been of significant assistance in the writing of the first and the second editions. I begin by apologizing to those whose names do not appear here but should have; the omission is purely accidental. My sincere thanks to the many mentioned below.

Rich DeMillo for introducing me to the subject of software testing and supporting my early research. Rich pointed me to the literature that helped with the acquisition of knowledge of and an appreciation of software testing. Bob Horgan who influenced and supported my thinking of the relationship between testing and reliability and the importance of code coverage. Bob freely shared the early and later versions of the χSuds toolset. I continue to believe that χSuds is so far the best toolset available for test adequacy assessment and enhancement. Ronnie Martin for spending endless hours meticulously reviewing many of my technical reports.

Donald Knuth for sharing details of the errors of ΤEΧ and to his staff for sharing with me the earlier versions of TEX. Hiralal Agrawal for patiently answering questions related to dynamic slicing. Farokh Bastani, Fevzi Belli, Jim Berger, Kai-Yuan Cai, Ram Chillarege, Sid Dalai, Raymond DeCarlo, Marcio Delamaro, Phyllis Frankl, Arif Ghafoor, Amrit Goel, Dick Hamlet, Mats Heimdahl, Michael A. Hennell, Bill Howden, Ashish Jain, Pankaj Jalote, Rick Karcick, Bogdan Korel, Richard Lipton, Yashwant Malaiya, Josè Maldonado, Simanta Mitra, John Musa, Jeff Offutt, Tom Ostrand, Amit Paradkar, Alberto Pasquini, Ray Paul, C. V. Ramamoorthy, Vernon Rego, Nozer Singpurwalla, Mary-Lou Soffa, Rajesh Subramanian, Kishor Trivedi, Jefferey Voas, Mladen Vouk, Elaine Weyuker, Lee White, and Martin Woodward for discussions and offering constructive criticisms that led to the thrashing of many of my incorrect, often silly, notions about software testing and reliability.

Jim Mapel, Marc Loos, and several other engineers at Boston Scientific Inc. (formerly Guidant Corporation) for introducing me to the sophisticated test processes for ensuring highly reliable cardiac devices. Klaus Diaconu, Mario Garzia, Abdelsalam Heddaya, Jawad Khaki, Nar Ganapathy, Adam Shapiro, Peter Shier, Robin Smith, Amitabh Srivastava, and the many software engineers at Microsoft in the Windows Reliability and Device Driver teams for helping me understand the complex and sophisticated test processes and tools used at Microsoft to assure the delivery of a highly reliable operating system to millions of people around the globe.

Vahid Garousi has been kind enough to maintain a list of universities that have adopted the first edition of this book as a text. Vahid also maintains a list of solutions to some of the exercises given at the end of each chapter. Please contact Vahid if you are an instructor and wish to obtain a copy of the solutions manual.

Anonymous reviewers for reviewing and providing useful comments. Muhammad Naeem Ayyaz, Abdeslam En-Nouaary, Joao Cangussu, and Eric Wong for editing earlier drafts of this book, and some of the associated presentations, in undergraduate and graduate courses. Feedback from instructors and students in their classes proved invaluable.

David Boardman, Joaõ Cangussu, Mei-Hwa Chen, Byoungju Choi, Praerit Garg, Sudipto Ghosh, Neelam Gupta, Vivek Khandelwal, Edward Krauser, Saileshwar Krishnamurthy, Tsanchi Li, Pietro Michielan, Scott Miller, Manuela Schiona, Baskar Sridharan, Eric Weigman, Eric Wong, and Brandon Wuest for patiently working with me in software testing research.

The following were kind enough to report errors in the very early drafts and the first edition of the book: Emine Gokce Aydal, Fabian Alenius, Christine Ayers, Jordan Fleming, Trupti Gandhi, Vahid Garousi, Lyle Goldman, Nwokedi Idika, K. Jayaram, Yuanlu Jiang, Ashish Kundu, Yu Lei, Yu Leng, Jung-Chi Lin, Shuo Lu, Jim Mapel, Ammar Masood, Kevin McCarthy, Roman Joel Pacheco, Tu Peng, Van Phan, James Roberts, Chetak Sirsat, Kevin Smith, Travis Steel, Marco AurŐlio Graciotto Silva, Praveen Ranjan Srivastava, Natalia Silvis, Bryan Tomayko, Rakesh Veera-macheneni, Yunlin Xu, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Il-Chul Yoon, Eric Wong, Brandon Wuest, Roc Zhang, and Xiangyu Zhang. A very special thank you to Feng Wang who read the first edition cover to cover and reported a number of editorial and technical errors.

Professor T. S. Κ. V. Iyer for constantly asking me whether or not the book is complete and thus being a major driving force behind its completion. Raymond Miller, Nancy Griffith, Bill Griffith, and Pranas Zunde for their years of support and the welcome I received when I arrived in a new country. John Rice and Elias Houstis for their support in terms of facilities and equipment essential for experimentation and for being wonderful colleagues. Susanne Hambrusch and Ahmed Sameh for supporting me in the development of Software Engineering and Software Testing courses at Purdue. Members of the facilities staff of Computer Science department for assistance with setting up laboratory equipment and software used by students in graduate and undergraduate course offerings at Purdue University. Patricia Minniear for working hard to make timely copies of drafts of this book for student use.

Professors S. Venkateswaran, L. K. Maheshwari, faculty and staff of the Computer Science Department at BITS, Pilanii, for offering me a friendly work environment during my sabbatical year. My dear friend Mohan Lal and his family for their support over the many years, and especially during my visit to Pilani where I wrote some portions of the first edition. To all the employees of the BITS Guest House (VFAST) whose generosity and love must have had some positive effect on the quality of this book.

Hanna Lena Kovenock who spent countless hours iterating over the cover cartoon depicting the “chair development” team in the animal kingdom. The cartoon did appear on the cover of the draft of the book prior to its publication. Hanna is a great artist and I was fortunate to get her assistance.

My friends Ranjit Gulrajani and Pundi Narasimhan and their families for their emotional support over many years. My wonderful children Gitanjali and Ravishankar for asking “When will the book be in print?” My most beautiful collies Raja and Shaan who now rest permanently, from whom I took away precious play time. My late mother, my father, and mother-in-law Amma for their constant love and support. And last but not the least, my wife Jyoti Iyer Mathur for her constant love and support.

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