


accessibility, FAQ sheet
Adams, Douglas
appraisals, agile environments and
  self-organization and
Argyris, Chris
authority, influence patterns and


Babel Fish
  team leader as
bad decisions, correcting

bad influences on team
BarCamp Tampa Bay
Becoming a Technical Leader (Weinberg)2nd
Bellware, Scott
bottleneck, team leader as2nd
Bristol, Steven
broken windows theory
buffer time, learning time and
bus factors
  avoiding creation of
    1-1 code reviews
    pushing team members outside comfort zone
  discouraging team growth
  job insecurity and
  reducing morale and
    pairing and coaching
    teaching others
  single point of failure
  team leaders as
  using team FAQ sheet to reduce


capping commitments
change, pace of
  conflict and
  obstacles and
  personality types and
  team-based ideas
Check-In Protocol
clearing meetings
  goals of
  integrity and
  keeping on track
  purpose of
  structure of
    closing words
    key questions to ask
coach/facilitator, line managers as

  bus factors and
  collaborating with team
  in elastic leadership context
code reviews
  bus factors and
  when transitioning out of survival mode
code writing, team leader
coding standard, value of2nd
collaborating with team
command-and-control leadership style2nd
  collaborating with team
  correcting bad decisions
  playing to team’s strengths
  removing disturbances
  with self-organizing team
commitment language
  building blocks of
  capping commitments
  committing to things under your control
  encouraging team use of
  integrity and
    way out
    wishful speaking
  stating commitment end time
  turning impossible commitment into possible one
  using in clearing meetings
  using when problem challenging
  where to use
commitments, slack time and2nd
communication, Babel Fish
  team leader as

  channeling into learning mode
  during clearing meetings
  pace of change and
  positive aspects of
confrontation, handling

  during different team phases
  pace of change
context switches, minimizing with team FAQ sheet
conversational signs, commitment language
core behavior
Core Protocols
  Check-In Protocol


daily stand-up meetings2nd
delegation, defined
deliberate practice
DeMarco, Tom
developers, keeping happy and motivated
  coding standard
  dedicated learning time
  prioritizing quality over quantity
disturbances, removing
Dynamics of Software Development (McCarthy)


elastic leadership.
    See leadership.
emergence, leadership and
end time (commitments)
environmental ability influence force
  coding standard and
  proximity management and
environmental motivation influence force
  coding standard and
  modeling good behavior and


facilitation leadership style
failure, as learning opportunity
FAQ sheet
  accessibility of
  adding to
  as aid to new team members
  exiting team members contributions to
  keeping simple
  providing visibility into team with
  using to minimize context switches
  appraisals versus
  influence on team members
  need for
future memory technique


Genchi Genbutsu
Go and See technique
Grenny, Joseph
growing people
  finding balance with
    as personal commitment
  not punishing for lack of success
  problem challenging
    daily stand-up meetings
    day-to-day growth opportunities
    initial reaction to
    one-on-one meetings
  time management
  value of
guidance, feedback as


  as personal commitment


influence forces
  checklist for
  dedicated learning time and
  modeling good behavior and
  proximity management and
  setting coding standard and
influence patterns
  decision-making bottleneck and
  influence force checklist
  reviewing code
  troubleshooting problems and
  wielding authority
Influencer: The Power to Change Anything (Kerry Patterson et al.)

  clearing meetings and
  commitment language and
  commitments and2nd
  growing people and


Kelling, George L.
knowledge silos


  challenging team members
  evolving to team leader
    perfection versus learning
  growth through challenge
  importance of
  leadership styles
    command and control, 2nd
    crunch time and
    facilitator, 2nd
    team phases and
  learning mode
    individuals in
    projects in
    teams in
    as learning opportunity
    experimenting with team
    growth opportunities
    prioritizing time and tasks
    rising to challenge of
  managers as leaders
  role of team leader
  self-management and
  self-organization mode
  survival mode
    individuals in
    projects in
    sharing responsibilities
    teams in
  team phases
    learning phase
    moving between
    self-organizing phase
    survival phase
leading through learning
learning mode
  channeling conflict into
  coaching style in
  dedicated learning time
  feedback during
  Line Manager Manifesto
  perfection versus learning
    challenge team into
learning phase
learning time, scheduling
Line Manager Manifesto
  learning mode
  managers as leaders
  self-organization mode
  survival mode
    individuals in
    projects in
    sharing responsibilities
    teams in
Lopian, Eli
loyalty, value delivery and


  as learning opportunity
  experimenting with team
  growth opportunities
  learning mode
    individuals in
    projects in
    teams in
  managers as leaders
  prioritizing time and tasks
  rising to challenge of
  self-organization mode
  survival mode
    individuals in
    projects in
    sharing responsibilities
    teams in

  as leaders
  evolving to team leader
    perfection versus learning
Managing Teams Congruently (Weinberg)
matrix-style organization
Maxfield, David
McCarthy, Jim2nd
McCarthy, Michelle2nd
McMillan, Ron
  clearing meetings
    integrity and
    keeping on track
    purpose of
    structure of
  daily stand-up2nd
  removing yourself from
mentoring, when problem challenging
meta thinking
Miller, Jeremy
Mitchell, Benjamin

  determining team’s mode
modeling good behavior


negative feedback
networking, positive effects of
noncommittal language
  way out
  wishful speaking
“not my job” mentality


obstacles, pace of change and
one-on-one meetings


pace of change
  conflict and
  obstacles and
  personality types and
  team-based ideas

  bus factors and
  team leaders’ coding needs and
  influence force checklist
  wielding authority
Patterson, Kerry
peaking (learning)
performance reviews
personal ability influence force
personal integrity
personal motivation influence force
personality types, pace of change and
phase, defined
planning red line
plateaus (learning)
positive feedback
problem challenging
  daily stand-up meetings
  day-to-day growth opportunities
  initial reaction to
  one-on-one meetings

  as a team
  team collaboration and
product, team equals product mantra
progress in learning

  in learning mode
  in self-organization mode
  in survival mode
proximity management
  optimizing proximity
  personal proximity to team


  as priority
  over quantity


ravines (learning mode)
  challenge team into
red line, planning
rejection therapy
respect, value of
risks, slack time and2nd
Roosevelt, Eleanor
rotation of tasks, bus factors and
Rumsfeld, Donald


satisfaction of good leadership
  leadership and
  coaching style in
  command-and-control leader and
  feedback during
  integrity and
  keeping on track
  Line Manager Manifesto
self-organization phase
Senge, Peter
set-based concurrent engineering
Shackleton technique
Shaw, George Bernard
    See homework.
slack time
  current commitments and
  current risks and
  explaining need for to upper management
  getting out of survival mode
  learning phase
  planning red line
  removing commitments
  risk of failing
  role of team leader and
    importance of flexibility
  value of
Slack: Getting Past Burnout, Busywork, and the Myth of Total Efficiency (DeMarco)

social ability influence force
  coding standard and
social leaders
social media, using for team networking
social motivation influence force
  coding standard and
Software Craftsmanship movement
Software for Your Head (McCarthy and McCarthy)
software, as team asset
stakeholders, handling multiple stakeholder requests
survival mode
  addiction to
  as comfort zone
  coaching style in
  command-and-control leadership
    correcting bad decisions
    playing to team’s strengths
    removing disturbances
  feedback during
  getting out of
  Line Manager Manifesto
    individuals in survival mode
    projects in survival mode
    sharing responsibilities
    teams in survival mode
  making navigation corrections during
  minimizing bad influences on team during
  needs when transitioning out of
    broken windows theory
    code reviews
    daily stand-up meetings
    learning how to say no
    managing large teams
    managing wide teams
    spending more time with team
    taking ownership of team
  slack time
    current commitments and
    current risks and
    explaining need for to upper management
    planning red line
    removing commitments
    risk of failing
    role of team leader and
    value of
survival phase
Switzler, Al
systems viewpoint, code reviews2nd


Tabaka, Jean
task board
TDD (test-driven development)

  bus factors and
  effective code reviews
  bus factors discouraging team growth
  challenging into ravines
  common dysfunctions of
  encouraging use of commitment language
  finding balance with
  growing into self-organizing state
    as personal commitment
  in learning mode
  in self-organization mode
  in survival mode
  managing large teams
  managing wide teams
  not punishing for lack of success
  problem challenging
    daily stand-up meetings
    day-to-day growth opportunities
    initial reaction to
    one-on-one meetings
  pushing team members outside comfort zone
  spending more time with
  taking ownership of
  team equals product mantra
  time management
  value of
  workload distribution
team collaboration
team FAQ sheet
  accessibility of
  adding to
  as aid to new team members
  exiting team members contributions to
  keeping simple
  providing visibility into team with
  using to minimize context switches
Team Leader Manifesto
team leaders
  as Babel Fish
  as decision-making bottleneck
  evolving from manager to
    perfection versus learning
  importance of
    as learning opportunity
    experimenting with team
    growth opportunities
    prioritizing time and tasks
    rising to challenge of
  modeling good behavior
  responsibilities of
  slack time and
    handling confrontation
    importance of flexibility
  writing code

team members
  effect of feedback on
  exiting team members’ contributions to FAQ sheet
  in learning mode
  in self-organization mode
  in survival mode
  using team FAQ sheet to help new members
team phases
  leadership styles and
  learning phase
  moving between
  self-organizing phase
  survival phase
time management, growing people and
trust, building


updating team FAQ sheet
upper management, explaining need for slack time to


value delivery
visibility into team (transparency), providing with team FAQ sheet


Weinberg, Jerry2nd3rd4th5th
Wilson, James Q.
wishful speaking
Womack, Jim
work values, job change and
workload distribution
writing code, team leader



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