Installing Kibana and X-Pack

The most famous Elasticsearch interface is Kibana, which from Elasticsearch 5.x version has the same version of Elasticsearch. Kibana is an opensource pluggable interface, free to change to be used for Elasticsearch. It provides data visualization and data discovery and with commercial products such as X-Pack, and also supports security, graph, and cluster monitoring.

Getting ready

You need an up-and-running Elasticsearch installation as we described in the Downloading and installing Elasticsearch recipe in Chapter 2, Downloading and Setup.

How to do it...

For installing Kibana, we will perform the following steps:

  1. Download a binary version for Elasticsearch website and unpack it. For Linux, the commands are as follows:
            tar -xzf kibana-5.1.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
  2. On MacOsX, you can install Kibana via the following command:
            brew install kibana
  3. If we want to install Xpack, we first need to install it in Elasticsearch via following command:
             bin/elasticsearch-plugin install x-pack
  4. The result will be similar to the following output:
            [=================================================] 100%
            @     WARNING: plugin requires additional permissions     @
            * java.lang.RuntimePermission   
            * java.lang.RuntimePermission getClassLoader
            * java.lang.RuntimePermission setContextClassLoader
            * java.lang.RuntimePermission setFactory
            * createPolicy.JavaPolicy
            * getPolicy
            * putProviderProperty.BC
            * setPolicy
            * java.util.PropertyPermission * read,write
            * java.util.PropertyPermission write
            * setHostnameVerifier
            for descriptions of what these permissions allow and the    
            associated risks.
            Continue with installation? [y/n]y
            -> Installed x-pack
  5. After having started Elasticsearch, a similar log line should appear as follows:
            ... loaded plugin [x-pack]
  6. And then, install it in Kibana using the kibana-plugin command line via following command:
            bin/kibana-plugin install x-pack
  7. The output will be as follows:
            Transferring 123275957 bytes....................
            Transfer complete
            Retrieving metadata from plugin archive
            Extracting plugin archive
            Extraction complete
            Optimizing and caching browser bundles...
            DeprecationWarning: os.tmpDir() is deprecated. Use os.tmpdir()   
            Plugin installation complete


    Maybe Kibana/X-Pack could be hard to be get ready for using it, there is a Docker image which simplify a lot this jump start at, with two commands on Linux you have the stack up and running.

How it works...

Kibana is the official Elasticsearch frontend. It's an open source analytics and visualization platform to work with Elasticsearch based on AngularJS. It's served by a Node.js backend webserver. The development of Kibana is highly tight to Elasticsearch ones and the best practice is to use a Kibana version aligned to Elasticsearch ones.

Kibana allows us to navigate data in Elasticsearch and organize it in dashboards that are created, shared, and updated in real-time.

After having setup Elasticsearch and Kibana and started both, you can navigate Kibana at http://localhost:5601 . If everything is alright, you can now login via the Username  Kibana and Password  changeme as shown in the following screenshot:

How it works...

After having logged in Kibana, you must define the index patterns that must be used by default. Generally they are the logstash-* indices or .monitor-* indices (if the X-Pack monitor is installed) as shown in the following screenshot:

How it works...

Kibana does mappings analysis on indices of index pattern to discover the format of your data and provide facilities for building queries and filters as shown in the following screenshot:

How it works...

Kibana and Elasticsearch can be extended via X-Pack; it is composed of five special extensions in a single package that are as follows:

  • Security: This is used to secure your cluster via authentication and SSL data encryption
  • Monitor: This is used to monitor your node functionalities and the cluster overall
  • Graph: This provides graph API for Elasticsearch--a graph-based approach for data discovery
  • Watcher: This is a system that provided registered queries that allows us to monitor and keep an alert on your data
  • Reporting: This is a module that is able to create reports from your dashboards

X-Pack is released as a single package for both Elasticsearch and Kibana. It extends the Elasticsearch server functionalities with monitoring, graph, and security. In Kibana, the X-pack provides new interface dashboards for its extended functionalities.

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