© Jonathan Bartlett 2020
J. BartlettElectronics for Beginnershttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5979-5_4

4. Voltage and Resistance

Jonathan Bartlett1 
Tulsa, OK, USA

In Chapter 3, we learned about current, which is the rate of flow of charge. In this chapter, we are going to learn about two other fundamental electrical quantities—voltage and resistance. These two quantities are the ones that are usually the most critical to building effective circuits.

Current is important because limiting current allows us to preserve battery life and protect precision components. Voltage, however, is usually the quantity that has to be present to do any work within a circuit.

4.1 Picturing Voltage

What is voltage? Voltage is the amount of power each coulomb of electricity can deliver. If person A has 1 coulomb of charge at 5 volts and person B has 1 coulomb of charge at 10 volts, that means that person B’s coulomb can deliver twice as much power as person A’s.

A good analogy to electronics is the flow of water. When comparing water to electricity, coulombs are a similar unit to liters—coulombs measure the amount of electric charge present just like a liter is the amount of water volume present. Both charge and water move as a flow. In water, we can measure the flow of a current of a stream in liters per second. Likewise, in electronics, we measure the flow of charge through a wire in coulombs per second, which are also called amperes.

Now, I want you to image the end of a hose through which water is flowing. Normally, the water just falls out of the hose, especially if the hose is just sitting on the ground. That hose just sitting on the ground is like a current with 0 volt—each unit of water or charge is just not doing that much.

Let’s pretend we added a spray nozzle to the hose. What happens now? Water shoots out of the nozzle forcefully. We haven’t added any more water—it is actually the same amount of water (i.e., current) flowing. Instead, we increased the pressure of the water, which is just like increasing the voltage on an electric charge. By increasing the pressure, we changed the amount of work that each liter of water is available to perform.

Likewise, when we increase voltage, we change the amount of work that each coulomb of electricity can do.

One way we might measure the pressure of water coming out of a hose is to measure how far up it can shoot out of the hose. By doubling the pressure of the water, we can double how far out of the hose it can shoot. Similarly, with voltages, large enough voltages can actually jump air gaps across circuits. However, to do this, it takes a lot of voltage—about 30,000 volts per inch of gap. If you have been shocked by static electricity, though, this is what is happening! The power of the charge is extreme (thousands of volts), but the amount of charge in those shocks is so small that it doesn’t harm you (about 0.00000001 coulomb).

4.2 Volts Are Relative

While charge and current are fairly concrete ideas, voltage is a much more relative idea. You can actually never measure voltage absolutely. All voltage measurements are actually relative to other voltages. That is, I can’t actually say that my electric charge has exactly 1, 2, 3, or whatever volts. Instead, what I have to do is say that one charge is however many volts more or less than another charge. So let’s take a 9-volt battery. What that means is not that the battery is 9 volts in any absolute sense, but rather that there is a 9 -volt difference between the charge at the positive terminal and the charge at the negative terminal. That is, the pressure with which charge is trying to move from the positive terminal to the negative terminal is 9 volts.

4.3 Relative Voltages and Ground Potential

When we get to actually measuring voltages on a circuit, we will only be measuring voltage differences on the circuit. So, to measure voltage, I can’t just put a probe on one place on the circuit. Instead, I have to put my probe on two different places on the circuit and measure the voltage difference (also called the voltage drop) between those two points.

However, to simplify calculations and discussions, we usually choose some point on the circuit to represent “0 volt.” This gives us a way to standardize voltage measurements on a circuit, since they are all given relative to the same point. In theory, this could be any point on the circuit, but, usually, we choose the negative terminal on the battery to represent 0 volt.

This “zero point” goes by several names, the most popular of which is ground (often abbreviated as GND). It is called the ground because, historically, the physical ground has often been used as a reference voltage for circuits. Using the physical ground as the zero point allows you to also compare voltages between circuits with different power supplies. However, in our circuits, when we refer to the ground, we are referring to the negative terminal on the battery, which we are designating as 0 volt.

Another, lesser-used term for this designated 0-volt reference is the common point. Many multimeters label one of their electrodes as COM, for the common electrode. When analyzing a circuit’s voltage, this electrode would be connected to whatever your 0-volt point is.

This “ground” analogy also makes sense with our water hose analogy. Remember that a voltage is the potential for a charge to do work. What happens to water after it lands on the ground? By the time the water from my hose lands on the ground, it has lost all its energy. It is just sitting there. Sure, it may seep or flow around a bit, but nothing of consequence. All of its ability to do work—to move quickly or to knock something over—has been drained. It is just on the ground. Likewise, when our electric charge is all puttered out, we say that it has reached “ground potential.”

So, even though we could designate any point as being zero, we usually designate the negative terminal of the battery as the zero point, indicating that by the time electricity reaches that point, it has used up all of its potential energy—it now has 0 volt compared to the end destination (i.e., the other battery terminal).

4.4 Resistance

Resistance is how much a circuit or device resists the flow of current. Resistance is measured in ohms and is usually represented by the symbol Ω. Going back to our water hose analogy, resistance is how small the hose is, because a smaller hose will resist the flow of water more than a larger hose will. Think about a 2-liter bottle of pop. The bottle has a wide base, but the opening is small. If I turn the bottle upside down, the small opening limits the amount of liquid that flows out at one time. That small opening is giving resistance to the flow of liquid, making it flow more slowly. If you cut off the small opening, leaving a large opening, the liquid will come out much faster because there is less resistance.

Ohm’s law, which we will use throughout this book, tells us about the relationship between resistance, voltage, and current flow. The equation is very simple. It says
$$ V=Iast R $$

In this equation, V stands for voltage, I stands for current (in amperes, not milliamperes), and R stands for resistance (in ohms). To understand what this equation means, let’s think again about water hoses. The water that comes out of the faucet of your house has essentially a constant current. Therefore, according to the equation, if we add resistance, it will increase our voltage.

We know this to be true from experience. If we have a hose and just point it forward, water usually comes out about a foot or two. Remember, voltage is how much push the water has, which determines how far the water will go when it leaves the hose. However, if my children are on the other side of the yard and I want to hit them with a water spray, what do I do? I put my thumb over the opening. This increases the resistance, and, since the current is relatively constant, the voltage (the force the water will have when it leaves the hose) will increase, and this force will cause the water to spray further.

However, in circuits, we usually don’t have a constant current source. Instead, batteries provide a constant voltage source. A 9-volt battery will provide 9 volts in nearly every condition. Therefore, for electronics work, we usually rearrange the equation a little bit. Using a little bit of algebra, we can solve our equation for either current or resistance, like this:
$$ I=frac{V}{R} $$
$$ R=frac{V}{I} $$
Equation 4.2 is the one that is usually most useful. To understand this equation, think back to the example of the bottle turned upside down. There, the liquid had a constant amount of push/voltage (from gravity), but we had different resistances. With the small opening, we had a large resistance, so the liquid came out slower. With the large opening, we had almost no resistance, so the liquid came out all at once.
  • Example 4.4 Let’s put Ohm’s law to use. If I have a 5-volt voltage source with 10 ohms of resistance in the circuit, how much current will flow? Since we are solving for current, we should use Equation 4.2. This says $$ I=frac{V}{R} $$. Therefore, plugging in our voltage and resistance, we have $$ I=frac{5}{10} $$, which is I = 0.5 ampere (remember, Ohm’s law always uses amperes for current).

  • Example 4.5 Now let’s say that we have a 10-volt source and we want to have 2 amps worth of current flowing. How much resistance do we need in order to make this happen? Since we are now solving for resistance, we will use Equation 4.3, which says $$ R=frac{V}{I} $$. Plugging in our values, we see that $$ R=frac{10}{2} $$ = 5 Ω. Therefore, we would need 5 Ω of resistance.

  • Example 4.6 Now let’s say that I have a 9-volt source and I want to limit my current to 10 milliamps . This uses the same equation, but the problem I have is that my units are in milliamps, but my equation uses amps. Therefore, before using the equation, I have to convert my current from milliamps to amps. Remember, to convert milliamps to amps, we just divide by 1,000. Therefore, we take 10 milliamps and divide by 1,000, and we get 0.010 amp. Now we can use Equation 4.3 to find the resistance we need. $$ R=frac{V}{I}=frac{9}{0.010}=900Omega $$. Therefore, with 900 Ω of resistance, we will limit our current to 10 milliamps.

4.5 Review

In this chapter, we learned the following:
  1. 1.

    Voltage is the amount of power that each coulomb of charge delivers.

  2. 2.

    The volt is the electrical unit that we use to measure voltage.

  3. 3.

    Voltage is always given relative to other voltages—it is not an absolute value.

  4. 4.

    The ground of a circuit is a location on the circuit where we have chosen to use as a universal reference point—we define that point as having zero voltage for our circuit to make measuring other points on our circuit easier.

  5. 5.

    In DC electronics, the chosen ground is usually the negative terminal of the battery.

  6. 6.

    Other terms and abbreviations for the ground include common, GND, and COM.

  7. 7.

    Resistance is how much a circuit resists the flow of current and is measured in ohms (Ω).

  8. 8.

    Ohm’s law tells us the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance: V = I ∗ R.

  9. 9.

    Using basic algebra, we can rearrange Ohm’s law in two other ways, depending on what we want to know. It can be solved for current, $$ I=frac{V}{R} $$, or it can be solved for resistance, $$ R=frac{V}{I} $$.


4.6 Apply What You Have Learned

  1. 1.

    If I have a 4-volt battery, how many volts are between the positive and negative terminals of this battery?

  2. 2.

    If I choose the negative terminal of this battery as my ground, how many volts are at the negative terminal?

  3. 3.

    If I choose the negative terminal of this battery as my ground, how many volts are at the positive terminal?

  4. 4.

    If I choose the positive terminal of this battery as my ground, how many volts are at the negative terminal?

  5. 5.

    If I have a Point A on my circuit that is 7 volts above ground and I have a Point B on my circuit that is 2 volts above ground, what is the voltage difference between Point A and Point B?

  6. 6.

    Given a constant voltage, what effect does increasing the resistance have on current?

  7. 7.

    Given a constant current, what effect does increasing the resistance have on voltage?

  8. 8.

    If I have a 10 V battery, how much resistance would I need to have a current flow of 10 amps?

  9. 9.

    If I have a 3-volt battery, how much resistance would I need to have a current flow of 15 amps?

  10. 10.

    Given 4 amps of current flow across 200 ohms of resistance, how much voltage is there in my circuit?

  11. 11.

    If I am wanting to limit current flow to 2 amps, how much resistance would I need to add to a 40-volt source?

  12. 12.

    If I am wanting to limit current flow to 2 milliamps, how much resistance would I need to add to a 9-volt source?

  13. 13.

    If I am wanting to limit current flow to 20 milliamps, how much resistance would I need to add to a 5-volt source?

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