Prototype extensions

To make your life simpler, Ember.js framework extends the prototypes of Array, String, Function are native JavaScript objects. These extensions provide you with simpler ways of accessing and manipulating these native objects.

As for arrays, you could do the following:

export default function(){
  console.log([1,2,3].get('lastObject')); //4

  var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7].filter(function(item){
    if(item < 5){
      return true;

The contents of prototype.js are present in chapter-2/example10/app/prototype.js

For strings, you could do the following:

console.log("ember.js".capitalize()); //Ember.js
console.log("my var".camelize());//myVar
console.log("my var".classify());//MyVar


For a complete list of Array helper methods, please refer to the API documentation, found at

Similarly, for String helper please see the API documentation, found at

These function prototype extensions will help you to use getters, setters, computed properties, observers, and much more. Examples of computed properties, bindings, and observers fit well here.

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