AI doctors

When I think of AI doctors, I think of Baymax from the Walt Disney movie Big Hero 6 ( Here is a video demonstrating Baymax in action:

Are bots going to replace doctors? Well, yes, someday, and someday soon. With today's technology advancements in the domain of healthcare and machine learning, it is easy for a machine to perform a predictive health diagnosis and treat a patient.

We are talking about a world of WebMD, but with contextual intelligence. What do I mean by this?

I went to WebMD Symptom Checker Beta ( and I entered dizziness, fatigue, headache, and cough as symptoms, and provided an age and gender without any history. You can see a list of possible conditions that I could have here:

Anyone who sees the list of predictions would have new symptoms increasing the severity of the disease.

Nothing against WebMD, but there may be a virtual intelligent doctor soon that can predict better as it keeps learning from various sources.

One day, you might even get a push notification saying that you will fall sick by 3.42 P.M. today and that the antibiotics are on the way. How cool would that be? Of course, not for the patient, but for the technology.

Here is another AI doctor in the making, IBM Watson Health:

So, as I said earlier, AI doctors are not as far away as we think.

This concludes our subsection on AI doctors.

In this section, we have seen the impact of IoT on healthcare. But there are things in healthcare that can also be part of the smart healthcare ecosystem.

For instance, there could be sound sensors placed around nurse stations in a hospitals and corridors outside the ICU and patient wards. If the sound levels in those areas cross a certain threshold, there could be a notification such as the light flickering to let the people around know that they are being loud. This is just one example among many to show you how IoT can contribute to healthcare in areas that are not really healthcare centric.

Take a look at this video by Anixter titled What is a Smart Hospital? at and this Advantech Intelligent Hospital Solution Video, Advantech(EN): This will help you understand what other things could be part of a smart healthcare system.

In the next section, we are going to look at industrial IoT.

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