This final chapter is about making the final big change that will allow you to live the dream and enjoy the great opportunities of the Entrepreneur Revolution.

In the Industrial Revolution, humans were seen as part of the machinery. The system was designed to dehumanise workers, to get them to tune out from their inner calling and get on with whatever tasks they had been assigned.

As a result, many people forgot what it was to be human. In the western world, we detuned from our humanity to such a great extent that it's probably no coincidence that epidemics of depression have affected millions of people.

A big part of the Entrepreneur Revolution is rediscovering your humanity. At the core of the Entrepreneur Revolution is love.

Let's discuss why the Entrepreneur Revolution is powered by it.

This may sound very soppy and unbusinesslike, but nothing could be further from the truth. It's actually very logical, practical and real. If love is missing from your business, your business will not survive in the future.

You must love what you do, your team must love working in your business, your clients must love buying from you and your community must love having your business within it.

To explore how massive this trend is, let's go back in time.


For thousands of years, humanity thrived because of our hands. Humans developed dexterity and we became brilliant tool-makers.

We could precisely move objects in such a way that we could shape the world to our will.

We made weapons that could take down a mighty wildebeest. We made ploughs that could turn a dry patch of land into a fertile crop. We developed looms that could make warm clothes and shield us from the elements.

The most admired men in society were those who were strong with their arms and precise with their aim. Kings were judged on their prowess with a sword and leaders were elected because of their skills in battle. Kings paid artists handsome sums of gold for portraits that bore their likeness.

No other animal on earth could compete with our ability to move objects so precisely, and we became the most dominant species on earth as a result.

In the 1500s, the Renaissance celebrated human dexterity by producing fine art. Our precision had evolved to a point where Michelangelo fashioned the mighty David from stone, with his gaze mesmerising and his form considered perfect.

The ‘age of hands’ took us right up until the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, when something very strange happened: we created machines that could beat us at our own game.


The machines we built in the Industrial Revolution superseded our own dexterity. One industrial sewing machine could outperform a hundred fine tailors, one tractor could outperform a hundred diligent farmers, one engine could outperform a hundred strong men working a pulley. We even created cameras that could replicate an image in a snap that a fine artist would have dedicated years to.

What happened, as a result, was a huge displacement of workers. Unemployment went through the roof as technology removed the need for thousands of well-trained hands.

Then came the thinking men: Carnegie, with his ingenious Bessemer steel process; Rockefeller, with his standardised distribution model for oil; JP Morgan, with his financial weapons of mass acquisition; Onassis, with his new type of oil tankers.

Suddenly, the most powerful men on earth were not particularly talented with their hands, they were brilliant with their minds. They could out-think their opponents.

First came the strategists. Rockefeller rethought the way oil was distributed. Carnegie rethought the steel-making process. Morgan rethought financial products. Onassis rethought the way oil was shipped internationally.

Then came the second round of big thinkers. Along came Sam Walton with his Wal-Mart megastores, Ingvar Kamprad with his IKEA furniture, Bill Gates with his Microsoft operating systems and Larry Ellison with his Oracle databases.

The age of heads meant the highest-paid people on earth were thinkers. Lawyers, accountants, scientists, company directors, managers and CEOs became the leaders in our society.

The age of heads – the ‘information age’ or the ‘ideas economy’ – produced wild new innovations that transformed humanity and humanity's place in the world.

Then, once more, something strange happened. We built machines that could beat us at our own game for a second time: we created computers.

The ‘age of heads’ took us right up until the dawn of the Entrepreneur Revolution (now), when something very strange happened again.


One piece of software could do the work of a hundred accountants, one website could do the work of a hundred managers, one automated system could outperform a hundred scientists.

Just as machines became better than us at dexterity, computers are now better than us at thinking. An AI system became the greatest chess player on earth just 4 hours after being shown the game. Google's finest engineers were no match for an AI that was tasked with cooling a data centre and delivered a 40% improvement in a matter of weeks.

In the coming years, AI will learn accounting, medicine, law, engineering, logistics, banking, trading and marketing. It will power our cities, our businesses and our lives more and more as this century unfolds.

At the same time a new type of technology has taken over, the technology of intimacy.

Intimacy is about knowing what someone else is experiencing. It's about knowing what you are thinking, what you are feeling, what you've seen, what you've heard, what you've tasted and smelled. It's about knowing who you are friends with, who you like, what you like and what interests you. It's about sharing – everything.

Does that sound familiar? It should – it's the biggest business in town now.

Social networks and social media were born as a way to share our experiences of life.

Through the act of sharing and caring, and liking and discussing, we've seen multi-billion-dollar businesses created in just a few short years.

It's not just the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world who are making money. All over the world, people are running their own small businesses and discovering the effect of using social media and social networks.

If you care about your clients, listen to them, talk to them and share experiences with them. Treat them like you would treat a friend and you will find your business is booming.

This is why I say the new game is love.

The companies that will do well in the future are the ones that discuss love in the boardroom.

They will ask questions such as: ‘How can we build this business in such a way that people will love working with us, love shopping with us, love supplying us, love talking about us and love to see us doing well?’

Talking about growing sales, beating the competition and dominating the market will not get any of those things achieved. Talking about ‘love’ will.

Love is about passion, love is about care, love is about intimacy, love is about… love.

Cartoon illustration depicting that businesses will do well when they handle customers with utmost care.

Starbucks will do well if the people there love creating the best coffee experience. Apple will do well if it continues to love creating the world's best consumer technology. BP will come back if it decides to love powering the planet in a way that makes sense for everyone now and in the future.

Once again there are going to be tough times ahead as people make this change.

Countless men were put out of work because their hands were no longer needed and their heads were not trained for the ideas economy. Likewise, countless people will be put out of work because their heads are no longer needed and their hearts haven't been trained for the entrepreneur economy.

Just like ‘hands people’ would have rejected the concept of a ‘thinking economy’, we will see many ‘heads people’ rejecting the concept of a ‘loving economy’.

Just as there was turbulence during the transition into the industrial economy, there will be turbulence as we transition into the entrepreneur economy.

The good news is that you now know what you have to do, and I think you will like it because your job in the new economy is to love what you do.

All of the doing innovation has been done for you in the form of low-cost manufacturing and distribution options. All of the thinking innovation has been done for you in the form of readily available software solutions. All that is left for you to do is to come into your industry with more love than anyone else.

You need to care about the customer experience (which might even start by calling them something other than a ‘customer’). You need to become more connected with what people in your industry are thinking and feeling. You must learn to talk openly about why others might love being part of your vision.

The payoff is huge. Can you imagine waking up every day and getting paid to do what you love? Can you imagine hearing back from people who say you delivered real value to them and, because of that, they simply love to do business with you?

Can you imagine living in the entrepreneur sweet spot?

  1. You do what you are passionate about.
  2. You deliver amazing value.
  3. You get paid well for it.

And everyone loves you for it.

For the first time in history this isn't just a dream for the few, it's a reality for millions.

Money won't make you happy, being skilled won't make you happy, knowing your passion won't make you happy – combining all three of these things will leave you feeling over the moon!

I live my life in this sweet spot. It blows my mind some days just how lucky I am. I travel, I earn amazing money, I spend time with my family and my clients report back to me that they love doing business with us.

I want you to know that if you aren't quite there yet, keep leaning in. Keep going. The juice is worth the squeeze.

It's going to be worth it. You're going to make it. You're living in the most amazing time to be alive and you're reading this book for a reason.

I want to encourage you to re-read this book a few times. Some of the ideas hit you the second time around. I know I cover topics quickly and jump from idea to idea. On the second or third read, you will spot something magical. You will click an idea into place and it might just take everything up a notch.

For whatever reason, you were born into these times. You could have been born any other time in history and your battle would have been with disease, hunger or conflict.

Any other time in history and you wouldn't have had a voice or a platform to share your message. Any other time in history and your ideas would live and die in your head without seeing the light of day.

Who knows why, but here you are living in a time when anything is possible, where you do have a voice, where your ideas can come to life and where you can empower yourself and others through enterprise.

You're here at the right time and in the right place in history to make a difference and to live out your own fairytale.

Don't waste a day. These revolutionary times don't come around often. Seize this day today as your moment. Put down this book and become the person you dreamed you would be.

Let the world be your playground as you embrace your role in the Entrepreneur Revolution.


This book contains some powerful ideas. I believe now you're at the end of this book, you're ready to perform at a whole new level.

Did you keep an eye out for the new ingredient that must go into everything you do?

I mentioned this ingredient many times in the book but I couldn't say what it is specifically for you. I will leave you to find it.

When you read through this book, did you look for the clues?

The beginning was important, the end is significant, but at the centre is where you might find you discover a mountain of value you never noticed when you first looked.

Sometimes people read this book and ‘get it’, other times they don't. Some people ‘get it’ on the second or third read. I've not hidden this key ingredient from you – if anything, it's actually right under your nose.

Whatever you do, don't stop looking. You simply can't build a successful enterprise without this ingredient in the Entrepreneur Revolution.

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