• accountability 208–9
  • accountants 163
  • administration 213
  • advertising 22
  • ‘age of hands' 256–7
  • ‘age of heads' 257–8
  • ‘age of hearts' 258–60
  • agricultural revolution 8
  • air travel, commercial 10
  • Amazon 18, 168
  • American Idol 122
  • Apple 119, 184, 227, 246, 247, 261
  • apprenticeship 194–5
  • artificial intelligence 22
  • Ascending Transaction Model (ATM) 159, 164, 173–90
    • complete 187–8
    • core offering 174, 177–9, 188
    • gifts 173, 174–5, 188
    • lead-capture process 183–4
    • product ecosystem 181–2, 187–8
    • product linking 182–7
    • Products for Clients (PFC) 174, 180–1
    • Products for Prospects (PFP) 173, 175–7, 188 , 190
    • result of 189–90
    • sales conversations 183–5
    • servicing process 185–6
  • assets 148–9, 224–6
  • automation 22
  • awareness, ignoring 235–7


  • bank account 77–80
  • Beatles, The 223
  • benefits, quick 177
  • Berners-Lee, Tim 11
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 200
  • Bitcoin 152
  • Blaine, David 119
  • blue-collar factory workers 8
  • BMW 177, 180
  • BP 261


  • camera phones 21
  • campaign-driven enterprise (CDE) 197
  • Candy, John 222
  • CAOS approach 157–9, 161
  • Carnegie, Andrew 257, 258
  • cash, carrying 83–6, 104
  • Casio 163
  • challenges, facing 104–5
  • Charles, Prince 48
  • cheating 40
  • cloud computing 11, 12 , 22
  • Cobain, Kurt 222
  • Coca-Cola 1
  • computers 10–11
  • confidence 222–4
  • consuming as a drain 253
  • contact details 176
  • convergence 21
  • core offering 174, 177–9
    • rules for creating 179
  • creating 249–51
    • the future 251–2
    • as a joy 253
  • creativity 27, 39 , 94 , 231–3
  • Credit Suisse 174
  • crowdfunding 22
  • cryptocurrencies 16, 22
  • customer experience 261–2


  • de-commoditisation 246–7
  • digital books 21
  • digital cameras 21
  • DNA sequencing 22
  • driverless cars 21
  • Dropbox 218


  • Ellison, Larry 259
  • entitlements 67
  • entrepreneur sweet spot 139–59, 262


  • face recognition 22
  • Facebook 18, 31 , 92 , 156 , 218 , 219 , 227
  • Facebook Connect 183
  • factory workers 8–9, 61
  • failure 116
  • fairness 116–17
  • Fairtrade 247
  • Ferrari 184
  • financial freedom 67, 68
  • foolproof systems 115–16
  • Forbes Rich List 250
  • Freeman, Lazo 220
  • friend, selecting 80–3
  • fun, work as 33, 38–40
  • functionality 131



  • happiness, money and 152–5
  • Harbour, Jeremy 2678
  • holidays, planning 95–7
  • home-based businesses 11
  • home ownership 36
  • Houston, Whitney 222
  • HSBC 184
  • Hunger Project Australia 133


  • iCloud 218
  • idea implementation 230–3
  • IKEA 258
  • income from products or services 155–7
  • Industrial Revolution 8–9, 20 , 22 , 26 , 27 , 33 , 61 , 255
  • influence, output and 222–4
  • intellectual property 16, 40 , 149–50, 152 , 170
  • internet 11, 12 , 26
  • intuition 150
  • intuitive user experience 22
  • iPhone 11
  • Ive, Jonathan 119




  • Lawrence, Jennifer 232
  • lead-capture process 183–4
  • leaning back 107–8
  • leaning in 107–18
  • learning 40–2
  • Lee, Bruce 73
  • levels of entrepreneurship
  • living, making a 46–9
  • ‘loving economy' 261
  • luck 121–7
  • lunch, taking people to 86–9


  • machine learning algorithms 22
  • making a difference enterprise (MADE) 199–200
  • marketeers 212


  • Nadella, Satya 152
  • ‘naked divorce' 266
  • networking 88–9
  • news, avoiding 89–92, 104
  • Nike 219


  • Office365 218
  • Onassis, Aristotle 257, 258
  • one product or service (OOPS) 165–6
  • one-stop show 168–9
  • open-source operating systems 22
  • Oracle 258
  • oversubscription 247–8


  • Parker, Sean 92
  • partnership 228–9
  • passion 140–2
    • discovering 142–5
    • theme 145–7
  • passive income 66, 68
  • Peace Day 220
  • perfectionism 224
  • phone calls, three, making 73–7
  • pitch 219–22
  • play, levels of 196–8
  • Porsche 164
  • Pret A Manger 230, 231
  • Priestley, Andrew 235
  • problems
    • hard 113–14
    • raising 237–9
    • scale of 110–12
  • product ecosystem 181–2, 187–8
  • product launch 157–9
  • product linking 182–7
    • lead-capture process 183–4
    • sales conversations 183–5
    • servicing process 185–6
  • product name 163–4
  • product strategy 162–4
    • failing 164–71
  • Products for Clients (PFC) 174, 180–1, 188
    • rules for creating 181
  • Products for Prospects (PFP) 173, 175–6, 188, 190
    • rules for creating 176–7
  • profitability 181
  • providers 67, 68



  • ranting 145–6
  • RDF chips 22
  • Renaissance 256–7
  • reputation 121, 127–31
  • resource capacity sharing 22
  • resourcefulness 206–8
  • results and truth 233–5
  • retirement 66, 67–8, 108 , 134–5
  • rewards 117–18
    • future 33, 34–8
    • school 40–2
  • robots 22
  • Rockefeller 257, 258
  • Rolex 162–3, 174 , 184
  • rollercoaster, entrepreneurship as 201–10
    • willingness to be held accountable 208–9
    • willingness to get resourceful 206–8
    • willingness to stretch 205–6
  • Roosevelt, Theodore 236


  • sales conversations 183–5
  • sales person 101
  • sales skills 114–15
  • Sassoon, Vidal 132–3, 142–3
  • self-checkout 22
  • self-employment 195–6
  • selfishness 43–5
  • servicing process 185–6
  • Sharples, Jacqui 26970
  • Shawshank Redemption, The, 105
  • Singapore Airlines 177
  • Skype 215, 267
  • Slack 218
  • small businesses 9–14
    • global (GSB) 15–23
  • smartphone 1, 16 , 19 , 22 , 27
  • social media 11, 12, 92, 259
  • social networks 259
  • SoftBank 59
  • Son, Massayoshi 59
  • Spielberg, Stephen 223
  • Spotify 168
  • Starbucks 18, 261
  • stretching 205–6
  • structures 97–100
  • success 119–35
    • of clients 226–8
  • Superdrug 212
  • Swiss army knife 101
  • Symes, Mike 2701


  • Tabasco sauce 165
  • taxation 98, 99
    • for global small businesses 18
  • tax-avoidance schemes 98
  • team
    • building 211–39
    • entrepreneurial 100–3
    • maxims for culture of results 218–39
    • roles 212–13
      • administration 213
      • marketeers 212
      • technicians 212–13
    • routines 215–18
      • communications centre 217–18
      • Friday afternoon debrief and celebration 216
      • Monday morning huddle 215–16
      • quarterly retreat 217
      • vault 218
  • technicians 102, 212–13
  • technologies
    • impact of 9, 21–2, 26
    • of intimacy 259–60
  • telephone 10
  • television 10
  • Tesla 152
  • theme, discovering 145–7
  • Thèron, Adèle 2656
  • ‘thinking economy' 261
  • 3D printing 22
  • touchscreens 21
  • transactional relationships 228–9
  • truths, hard, of entrepreneurship 113–18
  • Twitter 21, 152


  • unfairness 116–17
  • United Nations Global Goals 112


  • value 148–9, 152
  • value creation cycle 241–9
    • beta version 242–3
    • commercial version 243–4
    • formula 245–9
    • idea 242
    • mess 242
    • remarkable version 244–5
  • video conferencing 22, 215
  • Virgin 213
  • Virgin Empire 144
  • Virgin Unite 200
  • virtual business 11
  • vitality 121, 131–5
  • voice recognition 22


  • Waitrose 229
  • Wal-Mart 168, 258
  • Walton, Sam 258
  • white-collar factory workers 8
  • Winfrey, Oprah 61, 223
  • winning the work 114–15
  • wins, big 67, 68
  • Woods, Tiger 127
  • work, levels of 194–6
    • newbie 194–5
    • self-employed 195–6
    • worker 195
  • Workplace (software) 218
  • workspace, collaborative 22
  • writing 150–2



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