Chapter 3. Getting Started with Silverlight 2

Some people say Microsoft’s Silverlight technology is a “Flash killer,” but I’m not sure that I agree. The similarities are striking. Both Adobe Flash (formerly Macromedia Flash) and Silverlight are browser plug-ins. Both support vector graphics, audio and video playback, animations, and scripting support. But their underlying technologies are different; Flash uses a semi-open binary format, and Silverlight is based on WPF. Before it was called Silverlight, the technology was code-named WPF/E (Windows Presentation Foundation Everywhere). And thanks to good browser support, Silverlight does really run everywhere, at least in theory.

At the time of this writing, Silverlight plug-ins are available for the two big players, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox on Windows. Also, a Mac OS X plug-in exists that targets Safari and Mozilla Firefox on the Apple platform. According to Microsoft, other platforms were considered, but given the high market shares of Windows and Mac OS X, these browsers were given priority.

Silverlight 2 requires Windows 2004 SP4 or higher (i.e., Windows XP, Vista, Server 2008) to run. Opera support is planned for a future release; Opera is currently the third most used browser and has a relatively small but very loyal user base. However, since the Opera browser supports the same plug-in API as all successors of the Netscape browsers (i.e., Firefox and other Mozilla browsers), Silverlight 2 works there as well, though currently without official support by Microsoft.


The Mono project (, renowned for its open source implementation of .NET, is working on an open source Silverlight port that targets the Linux platform (and the Firefox browser on it). This project is called Moonlight (see for a sneak peek). also provides you with access to up-to-date builds of those efforts, which allow you to test your Silverlight (1.0) applications on Linux (see Figure 3-1). Microsoft has also announced that it is teaming with Novell to support the Moonlight project and bring Silverlight to Linux.

Moonlight on Linux

Figure 3-1. Moonlight on Linux

But what exactly is Silverlight, apart from a browser plug-in provider? The heart of the plug-in is the graphics subsystem, which supports a certain subset of WPF (see Chapter 5 for details). It also includes the codes responsible for displaying audio and video content (see Chapter 8 for more information on including multimedia content).

Setting Up a Silverlight Development System

For the programming part of Silverlight, a text editor would suffice, but it is far more productive for you to use a “real” development environment. The most obvious choice is to use some of Microsoft’s offerings. From a code perspective, Visual Studio 2008 is currently the best choice for developing Silverlight 2 content. You will want to use one of the full versions (Standard Edition, Professional Edition, or Team Suite), but Visual Web Developer Express Edition also supports Silverlight to a certain extent.

There are no special prerequisites for installing Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer apart from using Windows XP or higher. You do not even need a web server, as the IDE comes with one! However, if you can, you may want to install Microsoft’s IIS (Internet Information Services). IIS is hidden in the control panel, under Software (Vista: Programs), where you can turn Windows features on and off (see Figure 3-2).

When installing Visual Studio 2008, make sure you select the Visual Web Developer option (see Figure 3-3). Otherwise, the web editor will not be part of your IDE, which you need to create web sites since Silverlight is a web technology, whereas WPF is a desktop technology.

Installing IIS

Figure 3-2. Installing IIS

Make sure you install Visual Web Developer as part of Visual Studio 2008

Figure 3-3. Make sure you install Visual Web Developer as part of Visual Studio 2008

Whatever version of Visual Studio you install, you should apply any available service packs right away. Silverlight 2 requires at least Service Pack 1 of both Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5.

The most convenient way to get your system up-to-date regarding software patches for Microsoft products is to use the built-in Windows Update mechanism. Microsoft Update is an extended version of that service. Windows Update gives you patches only for Windows and core Windows components, such as Internet Explorer, but Microsoft Update also patches other Microsoft products, including Office, Visual Studio, and SQL Server (see Figure 3-4).

Activating Microsoft Update depends on which Windows edition you are using. For versions prior to Windows Vista, just go to the update web site, which will install the feature ( If you are using Windows Vista, launch Windows Update from the Start menu, and then choose the “Get updates for more products” link (see Figure 3-5). The next time you search for updates, you will also get patches for Visual Studio (and other installed Microsoft software, including Silverlight itself!).

Switch to Microsoft Update to get more than just Windows updates

Figure 3-4. Switch to Microsoft Update to get more than just Windows updates

Microsoft Update offers you more updates, including those for Visual Studio (here: version 2005)

Figure 3-5. Microsoft Update offers you more updates, including those for Visual Studio (here: version 2005)

Once the IDE is up and running, it is time to make it Silverlight-aware. For both Silverlight 1.0 and 2, Microsoft provides SDKs. We are using the version 2 SDK in this book (see Figure 3-6). The final version of the Silverlight SDK is available in the Microsoft Silverlight download section at It installs documentation, Silverlight libraries including controls, additional ASP.NET server controls for Silverlight, and tools to enable CLR debugging. The SDK also offers to install a Visual Studio 2008 template. However, if you want to actively develop Silverlight applications, you should install the Visual Studio 2008 Tools for Silverlight. These include additional tools for Visual Studio’s Silverlight support. Visual Studio then gets several new templates, including a C# web site project template section for Silverlight (see Figure 3-7). Starting with a template such as this facilitates all subsequent steps, since a web site based on these templates comes with a lot of helper code so that you don’t have to type it all in. The Visual Studio 2008 Tools for Silverlight are part of a bigger package: an all-in-one installer that installs the SDK, the Visual Studio add-in, and a developer version of the Silverlight browser plug-in (see Figure 3-8). You can download the installer from


The Visual Studio 2008 Tools for Silverlight installer requires an Internet connection to be active, since the developer browser plug-in is downloaded (despite the size of the installer). If your development machine has a slow Internet connection or no access at all, the following workaround should get you started: open up a command prompt and execute Silverlight_Tools.exe /x. This extracts the contents of the installer instead of running the GUI. Then download the Silverlight developer plug-in (a file called Silverlight.2.0_Developer.exe) from and place it in the same directory in which you extracted the all-in-one installer. Finally, execute the file SPInstaller.exe, and the installation should run smoothly.

The Silverlight SDK installer

Figure 3-6. The Silverlight SDK installer

The new Silverlight templates in Visual Studio

Figure 3-7. The new Silverlight templates in Visual Studio

The Silverlight all-in-one installer

Figure 3-8. The Silverlight all-in-one installer

Now you are ready to create Silverlight content, at least in a code editor. Before you actually start developing, you should download a package called Silverlight SDK Documentation from It contains a huge CHM (Compiled HTML Help) file that serves as an offline reference for various Silverlight topics (see Figure 3-9).

The Silverlight SDK documentation

Figure 3-9. The Silverlight SDK documentation

A First Silverlight Example: Creating a Web Site

To create Silverlight content, you first need to create a Silverlight project. There are two ways to do this in Silverlight 2. The first is to create a web site and “just” use XAML and JavaScript in there. No compilation is needed; however, your coding is limited to the scripting language. The second option is to create a web project, including compilation, but also offering .NET support. In this section, we will show you the former option; A Second Silverlight Example: Creating a Project later in this chapter will cover the latter (and recommended) option.

Thanks to the Silverlight SDK’s Visual Studio template, both options consist of relatively few steps. If you are using Visual Web Developer Express Edition, you can’t use a project; you need to create all of your files manually (and are limited to the first option). The best way to begin is to go to and download the book’s samples and start with those files.

In Visual Studio, choose File→New Web Site (not File→New Project!). There, you will find a Silverlight Script Web entry (see Figure 3-10).

The Silverlight web site template in Visual Studio

Figure 3-10. The Silverlight web site template in Visual Studio

The web site that the Silverlight template creates initially consists of the following files:


An HTML page that contains markup to load Silverlight content, including JavaScript code setting everything up


A JavaScript helper library that is used by the Default.html.js file


A sample XAML file


A JavaScript “code-behind” file for the XAML sample


On one of my systems, I kept getting strange error messages with previous Silverlight versions stating that Visual Studio could not access the Scene.xaml.js file, as it was called back then. I later found out that the guilty party was my antivirus software. By default, Windows does not show file extensions, so Scene.xaml.js shows as Scene.xaml. Because a JavaScript file may contain malicious code (especially if run locally), some viruses use this technique and my antivirus software wanted to protect me from that danger. All I could do at that point was move my Silverlight development into a secured environment and disable the resident shield of my antivirus software. With Silverlight 2, this has been fixed with the use of a different file naming scheme.

First, open the Default.html file and run the solutions (press F5 for debugging mode, Ctrl-F5 for release mode). A browser window will open, but instead of fancy Silverlight content, you will get a message stating that Silverlight needs to be installed. (If you have already installed Silverlight, you will immediately see the content, of course.) Figure 3-11 shows how this looks, regardless of what supported browser and operating system you are using.

The plug-in comes as an installation program; Figure 3-12 shows the Windows version. You may need to restart your browser afterward. After installing Silverlight, the content will appear, as Figure 3-13 shows.

The plug-in is missing (Safari on Mac OS X)

Figure 3-11. The plug-in is missing (Safari on Mac OS X)

The Silverlight installer for Windows

Figure 3-12. The Silverlight installer for Windows

The Silverlight sample page

Figure 3-13. The Silverlight sample page

Before we dive deeper into the world of Silverlight, let’s take a closer look at the files that came with the template. We will not look at the XAML file (and the associated JavaScript script), because it uses quite a number of techniques that we will cover throughout this book. Let’s start with the Default.html file (omitting some JavaScript code). It is reprinted in Example 3-1.

Example 3-1. The sample HTML file (Default.html)

<html xmlns="">

  <script type="text/javascript" src="Silverlight.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="Scene.js"></script>
    <style type="text/css">
    #errorLocation {
      font-size: small;
      color: Gray;
    #silverlightControlHost {
      height: 480px;
            width: 640px;


    <!-- Runtime errors from Silverlight will be displayed here.
  This will contain debugging information and should be removed or hidden when 
     debugging is completed -->
  <div id='errorLocation'></div>
  <div id="silverlightPlugInHost">
    <!-- omitted some JavaScript code here -->

So, quite a number of things happen in this file:

  • The Silverlight.js helper library is loaded with a <script> element.

  • The Scene.js JavaScript file (the “code-behind” script of the sample XAML file) is loaded with a <script> element.

  • The page contains a <div> element with ID SilverlightPlugInHost, which will later hold the Silverlight content.

You especially need to remember the ID of the <div> container because it will later hold the Silverlight file. However, you need to tell JavaScript (and the Silverlight) plug-in explicitly where to put the content. In previous versions, this was done in a file called Default.html.js; with Silverlight 2, the associated code resides directly within the <div id="silverlightPlugInHost"> element and is shown in Example 3-2.

Example 3-2. The JavaScript file that loads the Silverlight content (from Default.html)

<script type="text/javascript">
  if (!window.Silverlight) 
    window.Silverlight = {};

  Silverlight.createDelegate = function(instance, method) {
    return function() {
          return method.apply(instance, arguments);
  var scene = new ScriptWeb1.Scene();
    source: 'Scene.xaml',
    parentElement: document.getElementById('silverlightPlugInHost'),
    id: 'silverlightPlugIn',
    properties: {
      width: '100%',
      height: '100%',
      version: '1.0'
    events: {
      onLoad: Silverlight.createDelegate(scene, scene.handleLoad),
      onError: function(sender, args) {
      var errorDiv = document.getElementById("errorLocation");
      if (errorDiv != null) {
        var errorText = args.errorType + "- " + args.errorMessage;
        if (args.ErrorType == "ParserError") {
          errorText += "<br>File: " + args.xamlFile;
          errorText += ", line " + args.lineNumber;
          errorText += " character " + args.charPosition;
        else if (args.ErrorType == "RuntimeError") {
          errorText += "<br>line " + args.lineNumber;
          errorText += " character " +  args.charPosition;
        errorDiv.innerHTML = errorText;
    context: null 

As you can see, the code first instantiates the Silverlight.Scene object, which we do not need at the moment, and then executes the Silverlight.createObjectEx() method. This method is solely responsible for initializing and loading XAML content with the help of the browser plug-in. The method expects an object as an argument that holds all relevant information. The syntax of the object notation using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) as part of the JavaScript language syntax is as follows:

{property1: "value1", property2: "value2", ...}

The following properties are essential:


The ID of the <div> container where the Silverlight content will be shown on the page.


The URL of the XAML file to be loaded.


An identification for Silverlight content that will later facilitate JavaScript access to Silverlight.


A set of properties, including the dimensions of the content (width, height), and the background color (background).


The Silverlight plug-in version is at least required to run the example (part of the properties).

The events property is used to wire up events, which we will cover in greater detail in Chapter 6.

Since this first example contains a bit too much complexity for a simple “Hello World” file, we will now create our own Silverlight application. Create a new XML file and call it HelloWorld.xaml. The root element of every Silverlight XAML file is <Canvas> (this may be compared to a <div> element in HTML or to ASP.NET’s <asp:Panel>). In there, you will put an orange rectangle (<Rectangle>) element and a text block (<TextBlock>) element. In the end, your markup should look like Example 3-3.

Example 3-3. A simple “Hello World” XAML file (HelloWorld.xaml)

<Canvas xmlns="" 
  <Rectangle Width="300" Height="150" Stroke="Orange" StrokeThickness="15" />
  <TextBlock FontFamily="Arial" FontSize="56" Canvas.Left="25" Canvas.Top="40" 
             Foreground="Black" Text="Silverlight" />

IntelliSense will help as you type, as Figure 3-14 shows.

IntelliSense supports Silverlight XAML markup

Figure 3-14. IntelliSense supports Silverlight XAML markup

The next file to be created is HelloWorld.html, which will contain both the HTML markup and the JavaScript code to load the XAML. You can use the Default.html file as a basis and remove all unnecessary elements (e.g., the extra JavaScript code related to the scene). Don’t forget to provide the correct XAML URL in the source property. At the end, you should have something similar to Example 3-4. For brevity, we set the onError property (the Silverlight error handler) to null and removed onLoad, so errors are not specifically handled and no code is executed upon loading of the XAML file. You could, of course, also stick to the error handling code from Default.html.

Example 3-4. A simple “Hello World” HTML file (HelloWorld.html)

<html xmlns="">

  <script type="text/javascript" src="Silverlight.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="Scene.js"></script>
    <style type="text/css">
    #errorLocation {
      font-size: small;
      color: Gray;
    #silverlightControlHost {
      height: 480px;
            width: 640px;


    <!-- Runtime errors from Silverlight will be displayed here.
  This will contain debugging information and should be removed or hidden 
  when debugging is completed -->
  <div id='errorLocation'></div>
  <div id="silverlightPlugInHost">
        <script type="text/javascript">
      if (!window.Silverlight) 
        window.Silverlight = {};
        source: 'HelloWorld.xaml',
        parentElement: document.getElementById('silverlightPlugInHost'),
        id: 'silverlightPlugIn',
        properties: {
          width: '400',
          height: '300',
          version: '1.0'
        events: {
          onError: null
        context: null 

Running this example in the browser will work like a charm. If you still don’t have the Silverlight plug-in installed, you will be prompted to do so, and then you will see the text and the orange rectangle, just as in Figure 3-15.

The “Hello World” Silverlight application in a web browser

Figure 3-15. The “Hello World” Silverlight application in a web browser

The only file we haven’t looked at yet is Silverlight.js. This JavaScript library takes care of several things: it tries to detect the web browser (unfortunately, it has the same habit as ASP.NET Ajax and accepts only Firefox of all the Mozilla browsers, e.g., SeaMonkey, the soon-to-be-defunct Netscape, and others), provides the Silverlight.createObjectEx() method, and helps access the Silverlight content using a JavaScript API (see Chapter 15 for more information). Just copy the Silverlight.js file into all Silverlight applications to have this functionality.

A Second Silverlight Example: Creating a Project

As previously mentioned, Silverlight 2 supports .NET languages such as C# for implementing the logic of an application. The Silverlight plug-in is capable of executing this .NET code (or, to be exact, the Microsoft Intermediate Language [MSIL] code created during compilation). To create such an application with Visual Studio 2008, you need to create a web project based on the Silverlight template included as a part of the SDK installation. This template will create two projects: one for the actual Silverlight application and one for the web site hosting the Silverlight content. At first this may look a bit more cumbersome than the single-project approach in the previous section, but it also helps us to keep Silverlight content and HTML/JavaScript code separate.

The application that you create here will be the basis for all the remaining examples in this book. We chose to call it Silverlight, but you can choose another name if you want. As you will see later, the web site will be called Silverlight_Web. By default, the project uses the built-in development of Visual Studio and assigns a random port. This port will be 12345 throughout the book, but all examples also work on other free ports and also when using IIS instead.

In Visual Studio, choose File→New Project (not File→New Web Site!), and open the Visual C# node. There you will find a Silverlight Application entry (see Figure 3-16). You can provide a name for both the project and the associated solution; we used Silverlight in both cases. Then an application wizard will pop up (see Figure 3-17), asking you whether you want to automatically create a web page to debug the Silverlight application. Here, you have the following choices:

Add a new ASP.NET Web project to the solution to host Silverlight

Creates a new web site (default name: <project name>.Web) that will hold the test page for the application.

Automatically generate an HTML test page to host Silverlight at build time

The control (or in our case, application) you are about to create will automatically create a test page upon compilation. This is a convenient option, but it makes adding JavaScript code a bit harder.

Link this Silverlight control into an existing Web site

Creates a test page for the current application in an existing web site. It is disabled when initially creating an application based on the Visual Studio template. When activated, you may additionally choose whether you want to make the test page the default page and whether you want to enable debugging.

Choosing the Silverlight project template

Figure 3-16. Choosing the Silverlight project template

The Silverlight application wizard

Figure 3-17. The Silverlight application wizard

Using the first option here, we created a web site (using the name Silverlight_Web, to keep in sync with previous Silverlight 2 versions) that will hold sample files for all our Silverlight applications. So, every application will be in its own project but will be part of the Silverlight Visual Studio solution. When adding a new project to the solution, the third option (“Link this Silverlight control into an existing Web site”) is available and will be used to create a new test page in the existing web site (see Figure 3-18).

This time, the test page can be added to an existing web site

Figure 3-18. This time, the test page can be added to an existing web site

If you now take a look at the Silverlight_Web project, you will see these files and folders:


An empty dummy page


An ASP.NET test page for the Silverlight project


A static HTML test page for the Silverlight project


Configuration settings to enable the ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions

The Silverlight project initially contains these files:

App.xaml and App.xaml.cs

The code required to initialize the Silverlight application

Page.xaml and Page.xaml.cs

The actual Silverlight application and associated C# code

So, the bulk of the work is done in the Page.xaml and Page.xaml.cs files. More advanced examples will also use additional files, but for your first steps, you should be set with these files.

Create a new Silverlight Control project within the current solution, and call it HelloWorld. You will now get a new test page, HelloWorldTest.aspx, and a new project called HelloWorld. Open the Page.xaml file, which currently looks as follows:

<UserControl x:Class="HelloWorld.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">


The root node is <UserControl> (contrary to the layout in the previous section), and within that node, a <Grid> element is used (more on this XAML element in Chapter 5). We can, however, replace it with the well-known <Canvas> element as long as we take care that the x:Name="LayoutRoot" attribute remains intact. Within this <Canvas> element, you can place all of the XAML elements you want to use in your application (see Example 3-5).

Example 3-5. A simple “Hello World” Silverlight application (Page.xaml, project HelloWorld)

<UserControl x:Class="HelloWorld.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
    <Canvas x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
        <Rectangle Width="300" Height="150" 
                   Stroke="Orange" StrokeThickness="15" />
        <TextBlock FontFamily="Arial" FontSize="56" 
                   Canvas.Left="25" Canvas.Top="40"
                   Foreground="Black" Text="Silverlight" />

Let’s have a look at the HelloWorldTestPage.aspx file. It contains the following code:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" %>

<%@ Register Assembly="System.Web.Silverlight" 
    Namespace="System.Web.UI.SilverlightControls" TagPrefix="asp" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 

<html xmlns="" style="height:100%;">
<head runat="server">
    <title>Test Page For HelloWorld</title>
<body style="height:100%;margin:0;">
    <form id="form1" runat="server" style="height:100%;">
        <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>
        <div style="height:100%;">
            <asp:Silverlight ID="Xaml1" runat="server" 
                             Width="100%" Height="100%" />

The <%@ Register %> directive loads a special Silverlight library that contains the <asp:Silverlight> control. This control can load a Silverlight XAML application; the file extension used for that is .xap. By the way, if you are wondering where the ClientBin directory and HelloWorld.xap came from, they were created during compilation. Basically, a .xap file is a ZIP archive containing the XAML markup, the compiled server-side code, and additional resources. The Silverlight plug-in then unpacks this archive and executes the application within.

The XAML markup resulting from loading HelloWorldTestPage.aspx contains JavaScript code that is doing essentially what the Visual Studio 2008 Silverlight Script Web template is doing—it loads the XAMP application. If you run the HelloWorldTestPage.aspx page, you will get a result very similar to the one in Figure 3-15.


Apart from the HelloWorldTestPage.aspx file, Silverlight also creates an HTML/JavaScript-only file called HelloWorldTestPage.html. As of this writing, the markup generated by the .aspx file is not compatible with the Opera browser, but the .html file is.

The adoption rate of new Silverlight versions should be quite high. By default, Silverlight checks once a day to see whether there is a new version (whenever the user visits a site with Silverlight content). You can change this setting in the Silverlight configuration dialog (see Figure 3-19) available when right-clicking on any Silverlight content. If there is a new version, the user is prompted to download and install the new plug-in (see Figure 3-20 for the update dialog on Mac OS X). Depending on the operating system and configuration, this might even happen automatically.

Configuring Silverlight’s update mechanism

Figure 3-19. Configuring Silverlight’s update mechanism

A new Silverlight version is available (on Mac OS X)

Figure 3-20. A new Silverlight version is available (on Mac OS X)

Now that you’ve set up your development environment and created your first applications, let’s take a quick look in Chapter 4 at tools available or coming soon from Microsoft and others to make the job easier.

Further Reading

All the resources you need to get started with Silverlight

Silverlight quickstarts that touch upon many features

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