Software Support
and Maintenance
Describe postrelease product support and customer service activities.
Discuss product defect and nondefect support tasks.
Analyze a sample customer support and service organization.
Describe product-fix releases, which contain only product defect fixes, and
maintenance releases, which contain small product enhancements and defect
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12.1 Customer Support
Large software products go through a very lengthy and expensive development process.
However, the postrelease product support and maintenance cycle is several times longer
than the original development cycle. The software product life span after the initial release
lasts many years. The success of the product is dependent on the real users’ experience with
the software. Despite developers hopes to have “user friendly” and “high-quality” software,
many large software products are complex and contain defects at product release time.
Furthermore, due to a variety of reasons such as resource and schedule constraints, the first
release of a product may not include everything in the requirements list. Thus it is extremely
important that there is a good understanding of and extensive preparation made for
postrelease customer support. The customer support and services include two main types
of activities:
Product defect support
Product nondefect support and services
In addition, most of the customer support and service for large software products
charges a fee. Many software organizations charge as much as 10% to 20% of the original
product price for one year of postrelease product support and customer service. Some
charge a fee on a “per-call” basis where each telephone call to the customer support service
requires the caller to pay for the support/service effort. These paying customers and users
clearly expect a professional level of services and product maintenance updates. A num-
ber of the product support and customer service models extend the support and service
into a customer consulting practice. The consulting service will include customer product
education and mentoring as well as performing product extensions and customizations. In
general, once a software product is modified and customized, that portion is not covered
by the general product support contract and must be supported by the consulting service
contract. We will not discuss the extended model of consulting services in this text except
to mention that it is a growing but difficult business. Companies such as IBM and Wipro of
India have made IT consulting a global business.
For those using or planning to use open source software, product support and cus-
tomer service may be a problem. Because the software product is free, there is no legal
obligation to support it. For some open source software, there may be a commercial sup-
port provider, but usually it is for a popular product that is in demand. For example, Red
Hat is a company that provides support for Enterprise Linux, which is a free operating
system, and for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.
12.1.1 User Problem Arrival Rate
Once a software produce is released, there is usually a surge of question and problem
reports from users as the early usage rate picks up. It is well known that the problem
discoveries and reports arrivals follow an exponential curve much like the Rayleigh curve
shown in Figure 12.1. However, the real data are not as smooth as what is depicted in
Figure 12.1.
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The problem arrival rate increases very quickly in the beginning as users try a new soft-
ware product. In the beginning, the users are exercising the main paths and finding all the
easy “low-hanging fruit” problems. As these major problems get fixed and user sophistica-
tion increases, the problem reporting rate will also decrease to a lower rate. Sometimes a
software product may be mistakenly thought to be of high quality when the initial problem
reports come in very slowly. When this happens, it is important to check the actual usage
rate of the product because many customers may not immediately use newly released soft-
ware. Some software engineers assign the term usage-time to the time axis in Figure 12.1
and thus expand strict calendar time to depict the problem arrival curve. A usage-time unit
is often defined as follows:
Usage month = (Number of users actively using the software)
3 (Number of
months of usage)
This formula ensures that both time and usage are included when depicting the
problem arrival rate. Kan (2003) contains an extensive discussion on the Rayleigh model
and defect arrival rates. These defect arrival rates also resemble the test defect discovery
rates and reliability models during testing. (See Musa, Iannino, and Okumoto [1990] for
additional details on reliability models.)
The preparation for customer support must start before the software is released.
The support and service workload and the number of support personnel required are
estimated from the problem arrival curve. Therefore, it is vital that there is some way to
accurately estimate the problem arrival rate. For those organizations having a history of
usage data, the estimation of problem arrival rate of a similar situation is quite feasible.
The difficulty occurs when a new product to the organization is being released. The
subject of estimation and reliability modeling is beyond the intent of this text. (See the
Suggested Readings section for references.) Estimating the number of required support
personnel is only a first step. The support personnel need to be educated on the soft-
ware product. Often this is accomplished through education in both the software and
the usage environment. Sometimes the support personnel are included in the testing
Figure 12.1 A Rayleigh curve illustrating problem arrival.
Time (after software release)
and reported
12.1 Customer Support
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effort as part of the education and transition activities. Other times an original developer
or a tester is seeded in the support team to mentor the support team during the first six
months or so of the product support period.
In experienced support organizations, detailed accounts of usage and problem reports
are constantly and carefully analyzed. The data from the first several months are some-
times used as a checkpoint to see if defect discovery and arrival projections are tracking to
projection. During the early support period, a renegotiation of support resources may be
needed, especially if more problems are coming in than were originally projected.
The actual cost of maintenance and subsequent releases would depend on the mar-
keting and financial situation of each software product. Those successful software prod-
ucts that have large user communities tend to stay in the market for years with multiple
updates and releases. Even then, eventually, the product will enter a sunset period and
be taken off the market. The product sunset period may take a year or two and usually
go through the following sequence:
1. Stop any product’s new feature or functional enhancement release.
2. Fix only very high-severity problems related to the old product.
3. Announce a new replacement product.
4. Encourage existing users and customers to migrate to the new product.
5. Notify users remaining on the old product of the planned termination of product
6. Provide customers who are still remaining on the old product with names of pos-
sible software vendors willing to continue the old product support.
7. Terminate customer support on the planned date and withdraw the software
product from the market.
Sometimes, a software product is withdrawn, but there is no new replacement prod-
uct. In such situations, the sunset period may be a lot longer in order to allow users to
find an alternative solution.
12.1.2 Customer Interface and Call Management
A typical customer support organization has several layers of personnel performing dif-
ferent types of activities. Figure 12.2 is an example of a software support organization
with two layers of support and service functions. There is an outer layer handling the
interfaces with the customers, and there is an inner layer of technical experts diagnosing
and fixing the more difficult problems, including changing the code.
The outer layer is composed of the service and support representatives who represent
the software product and the service functions to customers and users. At the same time,
these service and support representatives are advocates for the customers and represent
the customers’ view of how the product needs to be fixed or modified. These represen-
tatives must possess exceptionally good communication skills and application domain
knowledge. The inner layer is composed of more technical and product- knowledgeable
personnel whose main task is to develop code fixes of the customers’ problems. These two
groups work very closely and, most of the time, jointly maintain a frequently asked ques-
252 Chapter 12 Software Support and Maintenance
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tions (FAQ) database. This database contains a history of past, known problems and the
associated fixes, and it may also contain work-around for problems that do not yet have
fixes. There are also frequent communications concerning customer problems and fix sta-
tus between the two groups.
The customer support/service representatives handle customer problems in two
major forms:
Customer telephone calls
Online submissions
When a customer or user encounters a problem, the traditional mode of operation
is to call the customer support representatives. Depending on the size of the support/
service organization, there may be an automatic call management tool that directs the
incoming calls to different service representatives, based on the type of problem and the
availability of the representatives. The support/service representative who receives a call
follows a sequence of activities such as the following:
1. Take the customer’s name and identification to ensure that this is a qualified
customer (e.g., a customer who has paid for the software service).
2. Listen to and record the description of the problem.
3. Perform a scan of the FAQ database to check for similar problems and solutions.
4. Provide the answer if it is a previously reported and already resolved problem.
5. Provide an expected fix date if it is a previously reported but unresolved problem.
Figure 12.2 A typical customer service and support organization.
Direct customer support
Problem-fixes and delivery
. . . .
12.1 Customer Support
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6. If it is a new problem, provide a work-around if possible. If there is no work-around,
agree on a priority level for the problem with the customer. Based on this agreed-
upon priority level, provide an estimated fix time to the customer.
7. Record the problem and issue a report to the technical fix team.
Call management is the process of dealing with customer calls and ensuring that they
are handled smoothly. The customer support/service representatives are encouraged to
resolve only those problems that are short and easy to handle over the phone and do not
require code fixes. The automated call management tool also aids supervisors in collecting
data on the call traffic, call queue length, call response and process time, number of missed
calls, and other relevant information. The number of representatives that are required to
support the product and to service the customers depends on the expected call volumes,
which in turn depend on the height and shape of the expected problem arrival curve
shown in Figure 12.1. At times, customers may not be satisfied with a particular service
representative’s attitude or that person’s answer. In such cases, there must be a backup
process to handle the unsatisfied customers. In the past, many of these services have been
outsourced to off-shore countries; however, companies such as Dell have moved them back
close to the corporate home office to improve the support services.
In addition to direct and synchronous call support, support/service representatives
are also asked to maintain an online website for asynchronous customer support. Many
of the telephone call activities are automated with this asynchronous interface. The sup-
port/service website begins by asking for the customer’s name and identification and
automatically checks the qualification of the customer. The customer’s reported problem
is automatically checked against the FAQ database and a response is automatically gener-
ated, based on whether there is a match. If it is a new problem, the request is automati-
cally reported and later viewed by a customer support/service representative. A response
is then communicated to the customer, along with the representative’s assessed problem
priority level and estimated fix date. This response may be a direct email or a posting that
the customer may check later, or both. There may also be a customer escalation facility,
which handles dissatisfied customers. Some support organizations will post some product
marketing announcements and future release announcements on the support/service
website. Others will post versions of the actual code fixes on the site, allowing the custom-
ers to directly download the fixes and install them themselves.
All experienced customers know that the way to receive fast and quick consideration is
to have the problem priority assessed as high as possible. They are keenly aware of the rela-
tionship between the problem priority level and the problem-fix response time. An example
of this relationship is demonstrated in Table 12.1. Many experienced customers will ask for
this type of service agreement before signing up and paying for the customer support/ser-
vice contract. A particular concern will be finding out if the customer call center operates 24
hours a day for 7 days a week. Today, most customers expect this level of responsiveness.
12.1.3 Technical Problem/Fix
If a problem is beyond the ability of the support/service representative, then the tech-
nical problem/fix analyst is brought in. There may be a work-around or a temporary
fix that may be passed to the customer. In that case, both the problem description
254 Chapter 12 Software Support and Maintenance
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and temporary solution is logged in the FAQ database to help other customers who
encounter a similar problem. Meanwhile, a formal change request is created so that
a more permanent fix, which may involve code change, is generated. Based on the
change request, the solution to the problem is designed, coded, and tested. A very
high priority fix will be packaged and made available to customers immediately. It
will also be integrated into a fix release, which is a collection of problem-fixes that is
released periodically. The non-high-priority fixes are all integrated and packaged into
periodic fix releases.
The technical problem/fix analysts are usually well-qualified engineers who are
experts in designing coding, and testing. However, different from development software
engineers, these problem/fix analysts have neither the support of the product require-
ments analysts nor the original product designers. Thus they have to possess both the
product-specific, industry knowledge as well as general technical knowledge. While this
is a management problem, the appreciation and recognition of these technical problem/
fix analysts has been long overdue. Their special value is just starting to be recognized.
The process of passing a customer problem from the support/service representative
to the technical problem/fix analyst and getting the solution back to the customer is
almost the same as the one used between testers and developers. The following is a
high-level summary of such a process:
1. Problem description, problem priority, and other related information is recorded
in a problem report that is submitted to the problem-fix-and-delivery group.
2. The problem-fix-and-delivery group will explore and analyze the problem, includ-
ing the reproduction of the problem.
3. The problem-fix-and-delivery group either accepts or rejects the problem.
4. If the problem is rejected, the direct customer support group is immediately
notified; if the problem is accepted, then a change request is generated and the
problem enters a fix cycle of design, code, and test.
5. Depending on the priority and nature of the problem, the fix may be individually
packaged and released immediately to the customer or the fix may be integrated
into a fix release package.
6. The FAQ database is updated to reflect the status of all the problems so that the
customer support/service representatives may quickly and accurately advise the
customers on the problem resolution status.
Table 12.1 Sample Problem Priority Levels
Priority Level Problem Category Fix Response Time
1 Severe functional problem with no work-
As soon as possible
2 Severe functional problem but has work-
1–2 weeks
3 Functional problem that
has work-around
3–4 weeks
4 Nice to have or to change Next product release or earlier
12.1 Customer Support
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The design, code, and test cycle of a problem-fix is not very different from the design,
code, and test activities of the development cycle. The danger is that the fix cycle
may not utilize the same level of software engineering discipline because many of the
problem-fixes may involve only one or two lines of code fix. It is so tempting to just fix
the code and go on to the next problem. For an organization that is handling multiple
software product releases across multiple countries, as mentioned in Chapter 11, the
discipline of keeping all the requirements, design, coding, and testing documentations
updated is imperative. A code fix to a problem often needs to be propagated to other
releases and also to multiple country versions. The tasks and activities of the problem-
fix-and-delivery group require the same software engineering methodologies and
techniques as those described in the earlier chapters of this text. In addition, there is
more awareness of the need for measurements as customers are starting to demand
contractual agreements on service levels with penalty clauses if the agreement is not
met. This is especially true with hardware system availability where most of the system
is expected to be available between 99% and 100%. Fortunately, the customer demand
on software has not yet reached such a level.
The problem/fix process for life-threatening situations is very different from the normal
condition. It is not uncommon to see support personnel physically on site at a customer’s
system to fix and resolve the problem in such emergency situations. In fact, depending on
the particular case, even the original designer or programmer sometimes participates in
supporting the customer. In such situations, the changes and fixes made at the customer
site still need to be documented and the fix code integrated back into a general fix release
later for other customers. A word of caution: Support is only for problems originating from
the original software product, not for any modified or customized code problem. Today,
most software product organizations provide only executable object code and do not
release source code anymore to evade the issue of supporting customer-modified code.
12.1.4 Fix Delivery and Fix Installs
The deliveries of fixes follow two major paths. There are the regular and periodic fix
releases that are on a quarterly or semiannual cycle. These are the different code fixes
that have been accumulated since the last fix release. A fix release, in general, does not
contain the complete product. It is not a total product refresh but contains only those
modules and code that are affected by the problem-fixes. The fix code is packaged in a
sequential order. The fix releases are also sequential, and the customers are expected to
install the fix releases in sequential order. All fix releases are made available to all the cus-
tomers that have a valid support/service contract. These fix releases, sometimes called
patches, are downloadable from an online site or are shipped to the customers on CDs.
Not all customers will apply (or install) the fix releases immediately. These are custom-
ers who have achieved a “working” state and do not want to risk their working software
with any new fix releases. They may, however, encounter a problem later and want a
particular problem-fix. These customers must be reminded to apply all the fix releases in
sequence since they last fully applied a fix release. Such a retroactive application of all
the fix releases can be very time consuming and frustrating when the customer wants
only one problem fixed or a single patch. However, in order to keep the support service
256 Chapter 12 Software Support and Maintenance
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effort at a reasonable level, customers are always encouraged to apply the fix release as
soon as possible after it becomes available.
The other path of fix delivery is for the high-priority emergency fixes. In such a situ-
ation, a single fix may be delivered to the customer whose system may be down and
whose business is suspended. The customer will immediately apply the fix upon receiv-
ing it. The customer’s system is brought up and business resumes. However, those
customers who applied this emergency fix must be cautioned when the next regular
fix release is made available. They should not perform a partial install of the fixes in the
fix release, figuring that they already have the emergency fix applied. It is possible that
some of the fixes in the accumulated fix release may impact the emergency fix that was
already applied. At times, the customers who have applied the emergency fix may have
to back out that emergency fix first and then apply the complete fix release. Figure 12.3
depicts a fix release (
n+1) that contains three accumulated fixes.
Suppose there is an emergency problem and an emergency fix is delivered to those cus-
tomers who are at
Fix Release n level in Figure 12.3. Assume that the emergency fix sent
to the customer at
Fix Release n level touches code statements 3, 4, and 5. Meanwhile
there is already a new, next code fix,
Fix 1, for problem 1 that is placed into the integration
bucket for the next fix release,
Fix Release n+1. Furthermore, suppose that because of the
Fix 1 which affected the Fix Release n (Statements 3, 4, 5, and 6), the already delivered
emergency code fix must now be altered to
Fix 2 because it touches the same area. Then
any subsequent problem-fix,
Fix 3, must be based on this altered emergency fix, Fix 2.
This is an example of why an emergency fix cannot be left in the code and why customers
cannot just blindly apply the fix release.
The delivery group of the customer support/service organization must keep track of the
delivery status and customers’ fix apply status. When a new fix release is available, an infor-
mation document that contains the list of problems and corresponding fixes is included
along with advice to customers who may be at different release, version, or fix release
Figure 12.3 Fix overlay problem.
Statement 1
Statement 2
Statement 3
Statement 4
Statement 5
Statement 6
Statement 7
Statement 8
Statement 9
Statement 3’
Statement 4’
Statement 5’
Statement 6’
Statement 3”
Statement 4”
Statement 6”
Statement 2’
Statement 3” (del)
Statement 5”
Statement 6”
Statement 11
Fix Release n
Fix 1
Fix Release (n + 1), containing 3 accumulated fixes
Fix 2
Fix 3
(retooled) emergency fix
. . .
. . .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
12.1 Customer Support
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levels. In addition, there are times when software applications may be so intertwined that
a fix release of one must be coapplied with a fix release of another software product. For
example, an operating system fix release may be related to a fix release of a database sys-
tem and of a network system. These three fix releases are corequisites of each other and
must be applied together for all the fixes to work. This corequisite situation is discussed
more in the next section and is shown in Figure 12.4. The various fix release information
is also shared with the customer service support representatives so that when a customer
reports a problem, it is clear what level the customer is at with which product.
12.2 Product Maintenance Updates and Release Cycles
In the previous sections we discussed the customer support/service activities and
the concerns of fix releases and applying emergency fixes. Aside from product defect
problems, there also are small, functional enhancements provided to customers as
maintenance updates. Usually, when there is a major functional enhancement or a new
platform supported, the software product will be newly priced as a different product
release. These new product releases are also developed by the product development
organization as opposed to the customer support/service organization. However, these
small, incremental changes are not treated as a new product release. They are often
included as a part of the customer support/service contract. An example is the addition
of the support of a new device, such as a new printer. Another example, for a payroll
application, may be the changes needed to accommodate the annual tax law changes.
These product updates are usually integrated with the product defect fixes release and
delivered as a product maintenance update.
Figure 12.4 Multiple-product fix releases.
Release 1
Release 1
Release 2
Release 3
Release 3
Release 4
Release 2
Release 1
6 months 12 months 18 months 24 months
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Different software application products will require different product maintenance
cycles. Some applications will go through a maintenance update every six months,
and others will have an annual update to match legislative updates. Figure 12.4 illus-
trates three separate but related commercial software applications that are releasing
their updates at slightly different periods. Each product organization can have their
separate release plans, except when there are product linkages. For example, if a
new feature modification in the manufacturing application is related to some area in
the distribution application, then their respective update/fix maintenance releases
must match and be made available simultaneously. The Update/Fix Maintenance
Release 2 of Manufacturing may be related to the Distribution application’s Update/
Fix Maintenance Release 1. Then these two maintenance releases must be timed to
come out at the same time, and the updates/fix maintenance releases for the two
software products must list each other as corequisites in their respective documenta-
tions, which are shipped along with the code. The customers must apply both of these
at the same time. Otherwise the new feature may not work. Cross software applica-
tions planning is a complex and vital set of activities that involves both technical and
business knowledge. Its significance is gaining more attention as different software
companies strike up business alliances and partnerships, not to mention corporate
merger and acquisitions. It is also clear that configuration management, discussed
in Chapter 11, and an automated configuration management tool are necessities in
order for customer support and service to succeed.
12.3 Change Control
In addition to the need for configuration management, a large customer support/service
organization must have a well-established change control. Just as development organi-
zations must have good change control or risk scope creep and blown schedules, the
customer support and service organization must control all the changes, whether the
change originated from a customer problem or a planned small, incremental, feature
enhancement. The scheduling of changes based on the number of anticipated prob-
lems and change requests is usually resource gated. There may be special situations
when an unexpectedly large volume of change requests can drive a customer support/
service organization to increase their staffing with temporary help personnel. Due to the
dynamic nature of many of the customer support/service organizations, it is even more
crucial to have a good change control process.
Change control is a process that manages the flow of the following activities:
Origination of a change request
Approval of a change request
Acting on a change request
Tracking and closing a change request
Along with the activity flow, there is also certain information that must be passed
through the flow. The information relevant to a change request is usually captured in a
change request form. A sample of such a form is shown in Figure 12.5.
For easy identification and tracking purposes, each change request is given a request
number. The date of the initial request and the requestor name are also needed, and the
change request should include a priority indication of high, medium, or low. The priority
12.3 Change Control
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level provides the information for the decision process of which maintenance release
should the solution to the change request be placed in; thus it serves not only as a prior-
ity for the work order but also as a priority for making the solution available to custom-
ers. The request status allows the tracking and managing of the change request. Note
that not every change request is approved. Some are rejected. Although not included in
Figure 12.5, a more sophisticated form would include a field for a rejection reason code.
The request may be in the process of being worked on, and the process start date would
be used for tracking. When the change request is fulfilled, the completion date is filled in.
There is an area for a brief description of the change request. If more space is needed, an
attachment may accompany the request form. In order to ensure sufficient analysis has
been performed, the request impact analysis field is included. The impact analysis should
include the names of all the modules, database tables, and so on, that are affected.
The impact analysis makes it possible to determine all the corequisite and prerequisite
changes that must accompany this change request. The tighter the coupling among
components, the more prerequisite and corequisite relationships will exist. The decisions
made at the design stage may come back and adversely affect the product support and
maintenance cycle. Work effort estimation is also needed for the change request to be
evaluated for planning the required resources and scheduling a potential completion
date. In addition, there needs to be an estimate of which upcoming release the change
request would be included in.
There are more comprehensive change request forms for organizations that desire
to manage the change request more thoroughly. For example, the estimated effort field
may be modified into two fields that capture the initial effort estimate and the actual
Figure 12.5 Sample maintenance change request form.
Accepted date:
Rejected date:
Processing start date:
Completion date:
Request date:
Change request number:
Requestor name:
Brief change request description:
Areas impacted by the change request:
Estimated effort: Inclusion in maintenance Rel.#:
Requestor priority: High, Medium, Low
260 Chapter 12 Software Support and Maintenance
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effort expended. Also, there may be a field that shows the actual modules, database, and
so on, that were impacted by the change request. However, it is important that the form
is not made more complex than necessary. There must be a good reason to have a field
included in the form. The information such as the brief change request description and
impact areas, besides serving as information for accepting or rejecting the request, are
all rolled into a customer support newsletter that either precedes or is sent together with
the maintenance/fix release code.
Many software organizations perform extensive studies over these change request
forms to better understand their product shortcomings, customer needs, and future
product directions. An experienced customer support and services group can greatly
enhance the customer’s perception and sales of the product. Those who have extended
the support and services group into a consulting service have also seen some outstand-
ing revenue opportunities. The customer support/service organization performs a wide
variety of activities related to both product defect and nondefect support. Some even
perform marketing-related activities such as customer opinion surveys.
12.4 Summary
This chapter describes both defect and nondefect support and services. The support
activities start as soon as a software product is released. The customer problem reports
that come into the support and service organization are found to follow an exponential
track that resembles a Rayleigh curve. The workload and resource effort estimation is
often based on the accuracy of this problem arrival curve.
A customer support/service organization is usually composed of two major groups:
Customer service/support representatives who readily interact with the customers
either through telephone calls or online websites.
Technical problem-fix analysts who work on deeper problem-fixes, including design,
code, test, and release.
Various problems associated with applying code fixes and releases are described—
from emergency problems to regular and periodic maintenance releases.
Finally, all maintenance changes must be controlled with change requests as done
in the product development cycle. A maintenance change request form is discussed in
terms of its usage in controlling change requests.
12.5 Review Questions
1. List three customer support functions that a customer support/service organiza-
tion performs.
2. Explain the customer problem arrival curve in terms of customer usage of the
product and the fixes.
3. What is the formula for usage month?
4. What is a prerequisite/corequisite relationship of product maintenance and fix
12.5 Review Questions
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5. What is a problem priority level? What is it used for?
6. Describe the steps involved when a customer problem is passed from the cus-
tomer service/support representative to the technical problem/fix analyst until
the problem is resolved.
7. Give an example of a problem that may occur if a customer stays on a particular
release, skips several maintenance/fix releases, and then applies a fix release.
8. What is the estimated effort field on the change request form used for?
12.6 Exercises
1. Visit the online customer support site of a software product company and compare
the list of support functions they offer against your list from Review Question 1.
2. Explain what the problem arrival curve may look like if a software product that is
released does not get installed and used until six month later.
3. In addition to prioritizing the work order itself, what is the change request priority
information on the change request form used for?
4. Consider a situation where an important customer has installed a generic soft-
ware application and also customized some parts of the application. Explain the
effect that would have on supporting this customer if under the following circum-
a. The customized code is only in interfacing to an application that the customer
wrote in-house.
b. The customization is only in adding an entry in a database table.
c. The customized code is in the main logic of the purchased software applica-
12.7 Suggested Readings
V. Basili et al., “Understanding and Predicting the Process of Software Maintenance Re-
leases,” Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Engineering, March
S. Dart, A. M. Christie, and A. W. Brown, “A Case Study in Software Maintenance,” Software
Engineering Institute, CMU/SEI-93-TR-8, Carnegie Mellon University, 1993.
S. H. Kan, Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, 2nd ed. (Reading, MA: Addi-
son-Wesley, 2003).
T. Kilpi, “New Challenges for Version Control and Configuration Management: A
Framework and Evaluation.” In Software Engineering: Selected Readings, edited by
E. J. Braude (Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2000): 307–315.
262 Chapter 12 Software Support and Maintenance
91998_CH12_Tsui.indd 262 1/10/13 11:06:34 AM
J. D. Musa, A. Iannino, and K. Okumoto, Software Reliability (New York: McGraw Hill,
Red Hat, http://www.redhat.com, 2005.
G. Ruhe and M. O. Saliu, “The Art and Science of Software Release Planning,” IEEE Software
(November/December 2005): 47–53.
Software Support and Maintenance FAQ, http://faq.gbdirect.co.uk/support/, 2006.
12.7 Suggested Readings
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Intentional Blank 264
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