Chronology of key events

1971Founding of International Institute for Environmental Affairs (IIEA), Aspen, Chairman Robert Anderson, President Jack Raymond (1971–1973)
1972Publication of Only One Earth, by Barbara Ward and René Dubos
1972United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, June
1973International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) established, London and Washington DC (formerly the IIEA, Aspen), Chairman Robert Anderson, President Barbara Ward (1973–1980)
1974Gerald Leach establishes IIED's Energy Programme
1976Earthscan established within IIED as an independent news and information service
1976HABITAT, the first UN Conference on Human Settlements, Vancouver
1977Jorge Hardoy establishes the IIED Human Settlements Programme, formed by a network of Southern institutions
1979IIED opens an office in Buenos Aires, which later becomes IIED Latin America, an independent non-profit organization
1980William Clark becomes President of IIED (1980–1984)
1983Forestry and Land Use Programme of IIED established by Duncan Poore
1985Brian W Walker becomes President of IIED (1985–1989)
1986The IIED Sustainable Agriculture Programme established by Gordon Conway
1986Earthscan Director Jon Tinker leaves IIED and establishes the Panos Institutes
1987IIED Drylands Programme established by Camilla Toulmin
1988IIED's Washington office merges with the World Resources Institute
1989Richard Sandbrook becomes Executive Director of IIED (1989–1999)
1989IIED establishes what becomes the Environmental Economics Programme
1992IIED plays a key role in preparations for the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro
1999Nigel Cross becomes Executive Director of IIED
2000IIED launches the Minerals, Mining and Sustainable Development Project
2001IIED celebrates its 30th anniversary with an international workshop and conference entitled ‘Equity for a small planet’
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