
Without the cooperation and forbearance of the contributors, this book would not have been possible. Individuals have responded to my queries and editorial comments with great patience. Not everyone who was invited to contribute accepted, and some who agreed to contribute were, for one reason or another, unable to do so. This led to some unavoidable delays.

The past is not a firm place, and I have allowed conflicting memories to coexist. All contributors give a vivid and textured account of their time at IIED. We are still around, and 30 years or so from now there will be a second edition. I owe a special debt to David Satterthwaite, David Runnalls and Richard Sandbrook, who have always been ready with anecdotes and advice on the history of this unique institution. Above all, I must thank Liz Aspden, who has been the link between the chapter authors and has been ever hopeful that we would make it into print.

Nigel Cross

November 2002

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