

access control, 38-63, 74-85

access reviews, 40-42

activating/configuring PIM, 43-45

administering MFA users, 54-60

account lockout settings, 57

blocking/unblocking users, 58

fraud alert settings, 58

OATH tokens, 59

phone call settings, 59

reporting utilization, 60

application access, 64-73

API management policies, 73

assigning, 66-70

permission consent, 71-73

permission scopes, 70-71

registering applications, 64-66

for Azure Key Vault, 282-285

best practices, 81

conditional access policies, 46-54

creating, 47-49

implementing MFA, 49-54

types of, 46-47

configuring identity protection, 60-63

custom roles, 81-84

identifying roles, 81

interpreting permissions, 84

monitoring privileged access, 38-40

principle of least privilege, 81

RBAC roles

assigning, 245-247

levels of, 244

list of, 245

resource group permissions, 79-80

subscription and resource permissions, 74-79

viewing user resource permissions, 84-85

for VMs (virtual machines), 155


Azure Activity Log, 182

Azure AD administrative console, 6

access keys for storage accounts, 247

rotating keys, 247-250

viewing keys, 248-249

access reviews, 40-42

account lockout settings for MFA, 57

account SAS, 251-254

ACR (Azure Container Registry)

security configuration, 167-168

vulnerability management, 164-165

action groups for Azure Monitor alerts, 185-186

Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) in Azure AD Connect, 28

activity logs in Azure Monitor, 180

accessing, 182

Add-AzKeyVaultCertificate cmdlet, 293

Add-AzKeyVaultCertificateContact cmdlet, 293

Add-AzKeyVaultKey cmdlet, 300

Add-AzRouteConfig cmdlet, 97

Add-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember cmdlet, 79

Add-AzureADGroupMember cmdlet, 8

Add-AzureADGroupOwner cmdlet, 8

Add-AzVirtualNetworkPeering cmdlet, 99


certificates to Azure Key Vault, 289-293

compliance standards to Regulatory Compliance dashboard, 210-211

group members, 10

ADE (Azure Disk Encryption), 168-169

ad hoc SAS, 251

administrative console (Azure AD), accessing, 6

ADS (Advanced Data Security), 199

Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) for Azure Storage, 267-268

AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service)

authentication, 159-161

isolation configuration, 166-167

security configuration, 161-164


in Azure Monitor

creating/customizing, 183-189

viewing/changing, 188

in Azure Sentinel, creating/customizing, 217-224

Always Encrypted, 279-281

analytics in Azure Sentinel, 213

API management policies, 73

application access, 64-73

API management policies, 73

assigning, 66-70

permission consent, 71-73

permission scopes, 70-71

registering applications, 64-66

Application Administrator role, 75

Application Developer role, 75

application gateways

Azure Front Door, 126-133

capabilities, 126

configuring, 127-133

topology, 127

WAF (Web Application Firewall) configuration, 133-135

application objects, 2

application permissions, 71

application rules, creating, 120-122


assigning roles, 3-6

registering, 2, 64-66

application security groups (ASGs), 114-117

app passwords, 32

ArcDelete ACR role, 167

ArcImageSigner ACR role, 167

ArcPull ACR role, 167

ArcPush ACR role, 167

ASGs (application security groups), 114-117


application access, 66-70

permissions to service principals, 3-6

RBAC roles, 245-247

roles to applications, 3-6

users to roles, 78-79

ATP (Advanced Threat Protection) for Azure Storage, 267-268

auditing databases, 270-273

audit logs, viewing, 271-273

authentication, 30-36

in Azure App Service, configuring, 174-176

for Azure Files, 256-261

enabling, 257-261

file and folder permissions, 260

share-level permissions, 259

certificate-based, 33

for containers, 159-161

for databases, 268-269

MFA (multifactor authentication), 49, 54

administering users, 54-60

enabling, 50-54

passwordless, 33-36

for storage accounts, 255-256

types of, 31-32

for VPN gateways, 104-106

Authentication Administrator role, 75

authorization in Azure App Service, configuring, 174-176

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)

access control, 38-63, 74-85

access reviews, 40-42

activating/configuring PIM, 43-45

administering MFA users, 54-60

best practices, 81

conditional access policies, 46-54

configuring identity protection, 60-63

custom roles, 81-84

identifying roles, 81

interpreting permissions, 84

monitoring privileged access, 38-40

principle of least privilege, 81

resource group permissions, 79-80

subscription and resource permissions, 74-79

viewing user resource permissions, 84-85

administrative console, accessing, 6

application access, 64-73

API management policies, 73

assigning, 66-70

permission consent, 71-73

permission scopes, 70-71

registering applications, 64-66

applications, registering, 2

authentication methods, 30-36

certificate-based, 33

passwordless, 33-36

for storage accounts, 255-256

types of, 31-32

container authentication, 159-161


configuring identity protection, 60-63

groups, 6-12

service principals, 2-6

types of, 1

users, 13-15

password writeback, 15-30

enabling self-service password reset, 28-30

installing/configuring Azure AD Connect, 15-28

transferring subscriptions, 36-37

Azure Active Directory Connect, 15-28

connectivity requirements, 16

deployment account requirements, 17

installing, 17-25

options, 27-28

SQL Server requirements, 16-17

system requirements, 15-16

UPN suffixes and nonroutable domains, 25-27

Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS), authentication for Azure Files, 256-261

enabling, 257-261

file and folder permissions, 260

share-level permissions, 259

Azure Active Directory logs in Azure Monitor, 181

Azure Activity Log, accessing, 182

Azure App Service

firewalls, 143-144

security configuration, 170-176

authentication, 174-176

software updates, 176

SSL/TLS certificates, 172-174

Azure Application Gateway

as load balancer, 126

WAF (Web Application Firewall) configuration, 133-135

Azure Automation Update Management, 156-159

Azure Bastion, 135-137

Azure Blueprint security settings, configuring, 236-240

Azure Container Registry (ACR)

security configuration, 167-168

vulnerability management, 164-165

Azure DDoS, 147-151

Azure Disk Encryption (ADE), 168-169

Azure Files authentication, 256-261

enabling, 257-261

file and folder permissions, 260

share-level permissions, 259

Azure Firewall

application rules, 120-122

configuring, 119-120

logging, 123-125

network rules, 122-123

topology, 117-118

Azure Front Door, 126-133

capabilities, 126

configuring, 127-133

topology, 127

WAF (Web Application Firewall) integration, 133

Azure Key Vault

access control, 282-285

with ADE (Azure Disk Encryption), 168

backup and restore, 303-307

certificate management, 288-296

firewalls, 142-143

key rotation, 298-303

network access, 282-285

permissions management, 285-287

RBAC usage, 287-288

secrets management, 296-298

secrets rotation, 302-303

storage account encryption keys, 264

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

authentication, 159-161

isolation configuration, 166-167

security configuration, 161-164

Azure Logic Apps playbooks, configuring, 224-228

Azure Monitor, 179-196

activity logs, 180


creating/customizing, 183-189

viewing/changing, 188

Azure Active Directory logs, 181

enabling, 179

layers in, 180-181

log collecting

IaaS VM logs, 192-194

searching events in Log Analytics workspace, 195-196

Security and Audit solution, 194-195

metrics in, 181-184

operational overview, 180-183

resource (diagnostic) logs, 180

configuring settings, 189-192

resources in, 181

Azure Policy

centralized policy management in Azure Security Center, 206-209

security settings, configuring, 232-236

Azure Resources layer (Azure Monitor), 180

Azure Security Center, 196-211

for AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service), 163-164

Azure App Service security recommendations in, 171-172

centralized policy management, 206-209

JIT (Just In Time) VM access, 201-205

Regulatory Compliance dashboard, 209-211

viewing endpoint protection, 151-154

VM threat detection, 155-156

vulnerability assessment, 196-200

vulnerability management, 164-165

Azure Sentinel, 212-232

alerts, creating/customizing, 217-224

components of, 212-213

data connectors, configuring, 213-217

playbooks, configuring, 224-228

results, evaluating, 228-232

Azure SQL Database Advanced Threat Protection, 273-276

Azure SQL databases. See databases

Azure Storage. See storage accounts

Azure Subscription layer (Azure Monitor), 180

Azure Tenant layer (Azure Monitor), 181


backing up Azure Key Vault items, 303-307

Backup-AzKeyVaultCertificate cmdlet, 293

Backup-AzKeyVaultKey cmdlet, 300

Backup-AzKeyVaultSecret cmdlet, 297

Backup-AzureKeyVaultCertificate cmdlet, 306

Backup-AzureKeyVaultKey cmdlet, 306

Backup-AzureKeyVaultSecret cmdlet, 306

best practices

access control, 81

for SAS (Shared Access Signatures), 251-252

Billing Administrator role, 75


authentication, 255-256

encryption, viewing status, 262-263

stored access policies, 255

BlobStorage accounts, 244

BlockBlobStorage accounts, 244

blocking MFA users, 58

blueprints, 236-240

BYOK (Bring Your Own Key), 276


cases in Azure Sentinel, 212

CDS (Common Data Service), 176

centralized policy management in Azure Security Center, 206-209

certificate authorities for Azure Key Vault, 289-292

certificate policies, elements of, 288-289

certificate-based authentication, 33


in Azure Key Vault

adding, 289-293

backup and restore, 303-307

importing, 289-293

managing, 288-296

permissions, 286

contacts information, 289

SSL/TLS, configuring, 172-174

changing Azure Monitor alerts, 188

Cloud Application Administrator role, 75

Cloud Device Administrator role, 75

Common Data Service (CDS), 176

Community page in Azure Sentinel, 213

Compliance Administrator role, 75

compliance policies in Azure Security Center, 209-211

compute security

for ACR (Azure Container Registry), 167-168

authentication for containers, 159-161

for Azure App Service, 170-176

container security, 161-164

disk encryption, 168-169

endpoint security, 151-156

isolation, 166-167

system updates for VMs, 156-159

vulnerability management, 164-165

Conditional Access Administrator role, 75

conditional access policies, 46-54

creating, 47-49

implementing MFA, 49-54

types of, 46-47

Connect-AzAccount cmdlet, 95

connectivity requirements for Azure AD Connect, 16

connectors. See data connectors


authentication, 159-161

isolation configuration, 166-167

security configuration, 161-164

Contributor ACR role, 167

Contributor role, 77

Customer Lockbox access approver role, 75

custom roles, 81-84

custom routes, creating, 97


dashboards in Azure Sentinel, 212


auditing, 270-273

authentication, 268-269

Azure SQL Database Advanced Threat Protection, 273-276


Always Encrypted, 279-281

TDE (transparent data encryption), 276-279

firewalls for, 140-142

data connectors in Azure Sentinel, 213-217

data plane for Key Vault access control, 282

data plane logs, 192

DDoS (distributed denial of service) protection, 147-151

Debug-AzStorageAccountAuth cmdlet, 259

delegated permissions, 71


group members, 10

nested groups, 12

users, 14

deployment account requirements for Azure AD Connect, 17

Destination Network Address Translation (DNAT), 118

detection mode (WAF on Application Gateway), 134

deterministic encryption, 279

Device Administrators role, 75

diagnostic logs in Azure Monitor, 180

configuring settings, 189-192

Directory Readers role, 75

Directory Synchronization Accounts role, 75

Directory Writers role, 75

distributed denial of service (DDoS) protection, 147-151

DNAT (Destination Network Address Translation), 118

dynamic group membership, 7

Dynamics 365 Administrator/CRM Administrator role, 75


email addresses for authentication, 32

email scope (application access), 71


AD DS authentication, 257-259

Azure AD DS authentication, 260-261

Azure Monitor, 179

database auditing, 270-273

database authentication, 268-269

firewall logging, 124-125

MFA (multifactor authentication), 50-54

passwordless authentication, 34-35

self-service password reset, 28-30

risk policies, 61-63

user-risk policies, 61-63


of databases

Always Encrypted, 279-281

TDE (transparent data encryption), 276-279

ExpressRoute, 106-107

of storage accounts, 262-267

infrastructure encryption, 264

key management, 263-264

scopes, 264-267

viewing status, 262-263

types of, 279-280

for VMs (virtual machines), 156

encryption at rest, 168-169

endpoint security within VMs, 151-156

evaluating results in Azure Sentinel, 228-232

events, searching in Log Analytics workspace (Azure Monitor), 195-196

Exchange Administrator role, 76

ExpressRoute, 92, 104-107

external connectors in Azure Sentinel, 214


FIDO2 Security keys, 34

file and folder permissions, 260

FileStorage accounts, 244


Azure Firewall

application rules, 120-122

configuring, 119-120

logging, 123-125

network rules, 122-123

topology, 117-118

for Azure Key Vault, 283-285

resource firewalls, 138-144

in Azure App Service, 143-144

in Azure Key Vault, 142-143

in Azure SQL databases, 140-142

in Azure Storage, 138-140

WAF (Web Application Firewall)

Azure Front Door integration, 133

configuring on Azure Application Gateway, 133-135

inbound HTTP/S protection, 118, 122

fraud alert settings for MFA, 58

Front Door. See Azure Front Door


General-Purpose V2 accounts, 244

Get-ADOrganizationalUnit cmdlet, 258

Get-AdUser cmdlet, 257

Get-AzAdServicePrincipal cmdlet, 3

Get-AzKeyVaultCertificate cmdlet, 293

Get-AzKeyVaultCertificateContact cmdlet, 293

Get-AzKeyVaultCertificateIssuer cmdlet, 293

Get-AzKeyVaultCertificateOperation cmdlet, 293

Get-AzKeyVaultCertificatePolicy cmdlet, 293

Get-AzKeyVaultKey cmdlet, 300

Get-AzKeyVaultSecret cmdlet, 297

Get-AzRouteTable cmdlet, 97

Get-AzureADDirectoryRole cmdlet, 78

Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember cmdlet, 78

Get-AzureADGroup cmdlet, 8

Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret cmdlet, 296

Get-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionSharedKey cmdlet, 105

Get-AzVmDiskEncryptionStatus cmdlet, 169

Global Administrator/Company Administrator role, 76

groups, 6-12

adding/removing members, 10

assigning application access, 67-70

assigning roles to, 244

creating, 8-10

dynamic membership, 7

naming, 9

nested, 10-12

types of, 6-7

Guest Inviter role, 76


HSM (hardware secure module) key protection, 299

hunting in Azure Sentinel, 212, 231-232

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) VM security logs, collecting with Azure Monitor, 192-194


configuring identity protection, 60-63

groups, 6-12

adding/removing members, 10

creating, 8-10

dynamic membership, 7

naming, 9

nested, 10-12

types of, 6-7

service principals, 2-6

assigning permissions, 3-6

components of, 3

creating, 3

viewing list of, 3

types of, 1

users, 13-15

creating, 13-14

deleting, 14

recovering, 14

identity providers for Azure App Service, 176

Import-AzKeyVaultCertificate cmdlet, 293

importing certificates to Azure Key Vault, 289-293

inbound rules for NSGs (network security groups), 110

incidents in Azure Sentinel, 230-231

Information Protection Administrator role, 76

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) VM security logs, collecting with Azure Monitor, 192-194

infrastructure encryption, 264

installing Azure AD Connect, 17-25

Intune Administrator role, 76

IPSec encryption, 107

isolation configuration, 166-167


JIT (Just In Time) VM access, 201-205

key management for storage accounts, 247. See also Azure Key Vault

encryption, 263-264

rotating keys, 247-250

viewing keys, 248-249

Key Vault. See Azure Key Vault

Key Vault Administrator role, 288

Key Vault Certificates Officer role, 288

Key Vault Contributor role, 288

Key Vault Crypto Officer role, 288

Key Vault Crypto Service Encryption role, 288

Key Vault Crypto User role, 288

Key Vault Reader role, 288

Key Vault Secrets Officer role, 288

Key Vault Secrets User role, 288

keys in Azure Key Vault

backup and restore, 303-307

permissions, 286

rotating, 298-303

KQL (Kusto Query Language), 125

Kubernetes. See AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service)


layers in Azure Monitor, 180-181

least privilege, principle of, 81, 155, 166

License Administrator role, 76

license requirements, PIM (Privileged Identity Management), 45

load balancers, Azure Application Gateway as, 126

locks in Azure Blueprint, 240

Log Analytics workspace (Azure Monitor), searching events, 195-196

Log Analytics workspace (Azure Sentinel), 228-229

log collecting with Azure Monitor

IaaS VM logs, 192-194

searching events in Log Analytics workspace, 195-196

Security and Audit solution, 194-195

log retention in Azure Monitor, configuring, 189-192

logging in Azure Firewall, 123-125

logical isolation, 166

Logic Apps. See Azure Logic Apps


MACsec, 106-107

management plane for Key Vault access control, 282

Message Center Reader role, 76

metrics in Azure Monitor, 181-183

creating alerts from, 184

MFA (multifactor authentication), 49-60

administering users, 54-60

account lockout settings, 57

blocking/unblocking users, 58

fraud alert settings, 58

OATH tokens, 59

phone call settings, 59

reporting utilization, 60

enabling, 50-54

for VPN gateways, 105

Microsoft Authenticator app, 32-34

Microsoft incident creation rules in Azure Sentinel, 217, 223-224

Microsoft Threat Intelligence, 119

mobile phone numbers for authentication, 32

Monitor. See Azure Monitor

monitoring privileged access, 38-40

multifactor authentication. See MFA (multifactor authentication)

multi-site VPNs, 104


naming groups, 9

NAT (network address translation), 100-103

NAT Gateway

billing, 101

creating, 101-103

topology, 100-101

nested groups, 10-12

network access for Azure Key Vault, 282-285

network components, 89-103

NAT (network address translation), 100-103

peering, 97-100

routing, 95-97

subnets, 91

virtual network gateways, 91

VNets (virtual networks), configuring, 90-95

network rules, creating, 122-123

network security

ASGs (application security groups), 114-117

Azure Bastion, 135-137

Azure Firewall, 117-125

DDoS (distributed denial of service) protection, 147-151

NSGs (network security groups), 91, 109-114, 201

resource firewalls, 138-144

service endpoints, 145-147

VPN gateways, 104-108

authentication, 104-106

ExpressRoute encryption, 106-107

point-to-site (P2S), 107-108

site-to-site (S2S), 108

types of, 104

WAF (Web Application Firewall), 133-135

network security groups (NSGs), 91, 109-114, 201

New-AzADServicePrincipal cmdlet, 3

New-AzFirewallApplicationRule cmdlet, 122

New-AzFirewall cmdlet, 120

New-AzFirewallNetworkRule cmdlet, 123

New-AzKeyVaultCertificateOrganizationDetail cmdlet, 294

New-AzKeyVaultCertificatePolicy cmdlet, 294

New-AzNatGateway cmdlet, 104

New-AzNetworkSecurityGroup cmdlet, 112

New-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig cmdlet, 114

New-AzRoleAssignment cmdlet, 5

New-AzRouteTable cmdlet, 97

New-AzureADGroup cmdlet, 8

New-AzVaultCertificateAdministratorDetail cmdlet, 294

New-AzVirtualNetwork cmdlet, 95

New-AzVM cmdlet, 95

nonroutable domains, UPN suffixes and, 25-27

notebooks in Azure Sentinel, 213

NSGs (network security groups), 91, 109-114, 201


OATH tokens, 32

for MFA users, 59

OAuth, 32

Office 365 groups, 6-7

offline access scope (application access), 71

open scope (application access), 71

operating systems supported on VMs, 197

outbound rules for NSGs (network security groups), 111

Owner ACR role, 167

Owner role, 77


P2S (point-to-site) VPNs, 104, 107-108

pass-through authentication in Azure AD Connect, 27-28

Password Administrator/Helpdesk Administrator role, 76

password authentication, 31

passwordless authentication, 33-36

password synchronization in Azure AD Connect, 27

password writeback, 15-30

Azure AD Connect, 15-28

connectivity requirements, 16

deployment account requirements, 17

installing, 17-25

options, 27-28

SQL Server requirements, 16-17

system requirements, 15-16

UPN suffixes and nonroutable domains, 25-27

enabling self-service password reset, 28-30

peering virtual networks, 97-100

permission consent for application access, 71-73

permission scopes for application access, 70-71

permissions, 74-85

assigning to service principals, 3-6

for Azure Key Vault, 285-287

custom roles, 81-84

file and folder, 260

identifying roles, 81

interpreting, 84

principle of least privilege, 81

resource group permissions, 79-80

share-level, 259

subscription and resource permissions, 74-79

viewing user resource permissions, 84-85

phone call settings for MFA, 59

physical isolation, 167

PIM (Privileged Identity Management)

access reviews, 40-42

activating/configuring, 43-45

license requirements, 45

viewing resource audit history, 38-40

playbooks in Azure Sentinel, 213

configuring, 224-228

point-to-site (P2S) VPNs, 104, 107-108


blueprints versus, 236

centralized policy management in Azure Security Center, 206-209

policy definitions, 206

policy effect, 206

policy enforcement, configuring

in Azure Blueprint, 236-240

in Azure Policy, 232-236

Power BI Administrator role, 76

prevention mode (WAF on Application Gateway), 135

pricing tiers, ACR (Azure Container Registry), 167

principle of least privilege, 81, 155, 166

private endpoint connections for Azure Key Vault, 284

privileged access, monitoring, 38-40

Privileged Identity Management (PIM)

access reviews, 40-42

activating/configuring, 43-45

license requirements, 45

viewing resource audit history, 38-40

Privileged Role Administrator role, 76

profile scope (application access), 71

protocols for P2S (point-to-site) VPNs, 108


Qualys extension, 196-198

queue storage authentication, 255-256

RADIUS, 105-106

randomized encryption, 279

RBAC (role-based access control)

with Azure Key Vault, 287-288

configuring, 77

container authentication, 159-161

custom roles, 81-84

identifying roles, 81

interpreting permissions, 84

principle of least privilege, 81

resource group permissions, 79-80


assigning, 245-247

for blob and queue storage, 256

levels of, 244

list of, 245

subscription and resource permissions, 74-79

viewing user resource permissions, 84-85

Reader ACR role, 167

Reader role, 77

recovering users, 14

registering applications, 2, 64-66

Regulatory Compliance dashboard (Azure Security Center), 209-211

Remove-AzKeyVaultCertificate cmdlet, 294

Remove-AzKeyVaultCertificateContact cmdlet, 294

Remove-AzKeyVaultCertificateIssuer cmdlet, 294

Remove-AzKeyVaultCertificateOperation cmdlet, 294

Remove-AzKeyVaultKey cmdlet, 300

Remove-AzKeyVaultSecret cmdlet, 297

Remove-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember cmdlet, 79

Remove-AzureADGroup cmdlet, 8

Remove-AzureADGroupMember cmdlet, 8

Remove-AzureADGroupOwner cmdlet, 8

Remove-AzureKeyVaultSecret cmdlet, 296


group members, 10

nested groups, 12

users, 14

reports, MFA utilization, 60

Reports Reader role, 76


Azure AD Connect

connectivity requirements, 16

deployment account requirements, 17

SQL Server requirements, 16-17

system requirements, 15-16

certificate-based authentication, 33

PIM (Privileged Identity Management), license requirements, 45

resource audit history, viewing, 38-40

resource firewalls, 138-144

in Azure App Service, 143-144

in Azure Key Vault, 142-143

in Azure SQL databases, 140-142

in Azure Storage, 138-140

resource group permissions, 79-80

resource logs in Azure Monitor, 180

configuring settings, 189-192

resource permissions, 74-79

viewing, 84-85

resources in Azure Monitor, 181

Restore-AzKeyVaultCertificate cmdlet, 294

Restore-AzKeyVaultKey cmdlet, 300

Restore-AzKeyVaultSecret cmdlet, 297

Restore-AzureKeyVaultCertificate cmdlet, 306

Restore-AzureKeyVaultKey cmdlet, 306

Restore-AzureKeyVaultSecret cmdlet, 306

restoring Azure Key Vault items, 303-307

results, evaluating in Azure Sentinel, 228-232

revoking user delegation SAS, 252-253

role-based access control. See RBAC (role-based access control)



to applications, 3-6

users to, 78-79

custom, 81-84

defined, 74

identifying, 81

list of, 75-76


assigning, 245-247

for blob and queue storage, 256

levels of, 244

list of, 245

viewing assignments, 77-78


keys in Azure Key Vault, 298-303

secrets in Azure Key Vault, 302-303

storage account access keys, 247-250

routing, 95-97

rule of least privilege, 244

rules, creating

application rules, 120-122

network rules, 122-123


S2S (site-to-site) VPNs, 104, 108

SAS (Shared Access Signatures), 251-254

account SAS, 253-254

best practices, 251-252

tokens, 253-254

types of, 251

user delegation SAS, 252-253

scheduled query rules in Azure Sentinel, 217-223


for permissions, 74

for storage account encryption, 264-267

searching events in Log Analytics workspace (Azure Monitor), 195-196

secrets in Azure Key Vault

backup and restore, 303-307

managing, 296-298

permissions, 286

rotating, 302-303


Azure Front Door, 126-133

compute security

for ACR (Azure Container Registry), 167-168

authentication for containers, 159-161

for Azure App Service, 170-176

container security, 161-164

disk encryption, 168-169

endpoint security, 151-156

isolation, 166-167

system updates for VMs, 156-159

vulnerability management, 164-165

network security

ASGs (application security groups), 114-117

Azure Bastion, 135-137

Azure Firewall, 117-125

Azure Front Door, 126-133

DDoS (distributed denial of service) protection, 147-151

NSGs (network security groups), 91, 109-114, 201

resource firewalls, 138-144

service endpoints, 145-147

VPN gateways, 104-108

WAF (Web Application Firewall), 133-135

Security Administrator role, 76

Security and Audit solution (Azure Monitor), 194-195

Security Center. See Azure Security Center

security groups, 6-7

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), 212

security key sign-in, 34

Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR), 212

security principals, 74, 285

security questions, 31-32

Security Reader role, 76

security services configuration. See Azure Monitor

security settings, configuring

with Azure Blueprint, 236-240

with Azure Policy, 232-236

self-service password reset (SSPR), 15

enabling, 28-30

service endpoints, 145-147

service principal objects, 2

service principals, 2-6

assigning permissions, 3-6

components of, 3

creating, 3

viewing list of, 3

service SAS, 251

Service Support Administrator role, 76

Set-ACL cmdlet, 260

Set-AzDiagnosticSetting cmdlet, 125

Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy cmdlet, 286

Set-AzKeyVaultCertificateIssuer cmdlet, 294

Set-AzKeyVaultCertificatePolicy cmdlet, 294

Set-AzKeyVaultSecret cmdlet, 296, 298

Set-AzRouteTable cmdlet, 97

Set-AzStorageAccount cmdlet, 261

Set-AzureADGroup cmdlet, 8

Set-AzVirtualNetwork cmdlet, 97

Set-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionSharedKey cmdlet, 105

Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig cmdlet, 97

Set-AzVmDiskEncryptionExtensions cmdlet, 169

Shared Access Signatures (SAS), 251-254

account SAS, 253-254

best practices, 251-252

tokens, 253-254

types of, 251

user delegation SAS, 252-253

shared responsibility model, 89

share-level permissions, 259

SharePoint Administrator role, 76

SIEM (Security Information and Event Management), 212

options in Azure AD Connect, 27-28

risk policies, 61-63

single sign-on, 15

site-to-site (S2S) VPNs, 104, 108

Skype for Business/Lync Administrator role, 76

SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response), 212

software-protected keys, 299

software updates in Azure App Service, 176

SQL databases. See databases

SQL Server requirements, Azure AD Connect, 16-17

SQL Servers, vulnerability assessment, 199-200

SSL/TLS certificates, configuring, 172-174

SSPR (self-service password reset), 15

enabling, 28-30

Stop-AzKeyVaultCertificateOperation cmdlet, 294

Storage account Contributor role, 245

Storage account Key Operator Service Role, 245

storage accounts

ATP (Advanced Threat Protection) for Azure Storage, 267-268

authentication with Azure AD, 255-256

Azure Files authentication, 256-261

encryption, 262-267

infrastructure encryption, 264

key management, 263-264

scopes, 264-267

viewing status, 262-263

firewalls, 138-140

key management, 247

rotating keys, 247-250

viewing keys, 248-249

RBAC roles

assigning, 245-247

levels of, 244

list of, 245

SAS (Shared Access Signatures), 251-254

account SAS, 253-254

best practices, 251-252

types of, 251

user delegation SAS, 252-253

stored access policies, 255

types of, 244

Storage Blob Data Contributor role, 245, 256

Storage Blob Data Owner role, 245, 256

Storage Blob Data Reader role, 245, 256

Storage Blob Delegator role, 245, 256

Storage File Data SMB Share Contributor role, 259

Storage File Data SMB Share Elevated Contributor role, 245, 259

Storage File Data SMB Share Reader role, 245, 259

Storage File SMB Share Contributor role, 245

Storage Queue Data Contributor role, 245, 256

Storage Queue Data Message Processor role, 245, 256

Storage Queue Data Message Sender role, 245, 256

Storage Queue Data Reader role, 245, 256

stored access policies

for blob containers, 255

with service SAS, 251

subnets, 91

subscription permissions, 74-79

subscriptions (Azure), transferring, 36-37

system requirements, Azure AD Connect, 15-16

system updates for VMs, 156-159


TDE (transparent data encryption), 276-279

Teams Administrator role, 76

Teams Communications Administrator role, 76

Teams Communications Support Engineer role, 76

Teams Communications Support Specialist role, 76

templates for scheduled query rules in Azure Sentinel, 222-223

tenants (Azure), transferring subscriptions, 36-37

threat detection for VMs (virtual machines), 155-156

threat hunting in Azure Sentinel, 231-232

threat protection for SQL, 199

traffic interruptions, 91

transferring subscriptions (Azure), 36-37

transparent data encryption (TDE), 276-279

troubleshooting JIT (Just In Time) VM access, 205


unblocking MFA users, 58

Undo-AzKeyVaultCertificateRemoval cmdlet, 294

Undo-AzKeyVaultKeyRemoval cmdlet, 300

Undo-AzKeyVaultSecretRemoval cmdlet, 298

Update-AzKeyVaultCertificate cmdlet, 294

Update-AzKeyVaultKey cmdlet, 300

Update-AzKeyVaultSecret cmdlet, 298

Update-AzStorageAccountADOjbectPassword cmdlet, 259

Update-AzStorageAccountNetworkRuleSet cmdlet, 140

Update-AzureKeyVaultSecret cmdlet, 296

Update Management (in Azure Automation), 156-159


software updates in Azure App Service, 176

system updates for VMs, 156-159

UPN suffixes, nonroutable domains and, 25-27

User Access Administrator role, 77

User Account Administrator role, 76

user delegation SAS, 251-253

user principal objects, 2

user resource permissions, viewing, 84-85

user-risk policies, 61-63

users, 13-15

assigning application access, 67-70

assigning to roles, 78-79

creating, 13-14

deleting, 14

recovering, 14

viewing role assignments, 77-78



audit logs, 271-273

Azure Monitor alerts, 188

blob encryption status, 262-263

endpoint protection, 151-154

resource audit history, 38-40

service principal list, 3

storage account access keys, 248-249

user resource permissions, 84-85

user role assignments, 77-78

virtual network gateways, 91, 104-108

authentication, 104-106

ExpressRoute encryption, 106-107

point-to-site (P2S), 107-108

site-to-site (S2S), 108

types of, 104

VMs (virtual machines)

disk encryption, 168-169

endpoint security, 151-156

system updates, 156-159

VNets (virtual networks)

for Azure Key Vault, 283-285

configuring, 90-95

NAT (network address translation), 100-103

peering, 97-100

routing, 95-97

security, 104-108

service endpoints, 145-147

VNet-to-VNet VPNs, 104

VPN gateways, 91, 104-108

authentication, 104-106

ExpressRoute encryption, 106-107

point-to-site (P2S), 107-108

site-to-site (S2S), 108

types of, 104

vulnerability assessment with Azure Security Center, 196-200

vulnerability management, 164-165


WAF (Web Application Firewall)

Azure Front Door integration, 133

configuring on Azure Application Gateway, 133-135

inbound HTTP/S protection, 118, 122

Windows Hello for Business, 34

workbooks in Azure Sentinel, 229-230

workspaces in Azure Sentinel, 213

x509 certificates, managing in Azure Key Vault, 288-296

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