
International Business Travel and Security Tips

What does it mean to pre-board? Do you get on before you get on?

—the late George Carlin, comedian

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

—Mark Twain, American author and humorist

As a fearless exporter, you must be prepared to boldly go where you have never gone before! At the beginning of your export venture, and to help save money, you might use e-mail, Skype, or Google+ for conversations with your international customers. But at some point, a face-to-face meeting with them is absolutely essential to cement a quality business relationship. The practical aspects of international business travel can make or break your trip. Use this chapter as a checklist of the details you’ll want to attend to in order to have a safe, comfortable, and productive journey.

Sweating the Details Comes with the Global Territory

Before we get to the checklist, I want to share the following experience with you. This story proves the importance of having an open mind (it gets back to that global mindset I talked about in Chapter 1), remaining flexible, and being adaptable as you navigate through an uncharted export marketplace.

The first time I had to travel from my hotel in Tokyo to a customer’s office a few miles away, I got a little more of an adventure than I bargained for. Clutching the phone in my four-by-four–foot hotel room, I listened as my customer gave me directions for getting from my hotel to his office via Japan’s intricate subway system. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I couldn’t follow his rapid-fire Japanese English to save my life. Besides, my customer seemed to have such a flattering confidence

in my ability to conduct myself like an old pro that I was unwilling to give him cause to change his opinion, and so I didn’t ask him to repeat himself. In this situation, a normal person would have just jumped in a cab, given the driver the address, and felt assured of getting there cool, collected, and on time. But when I travel, I always keep two central objectives firmly in mind: (a) growing as a person and (b) saving money, and not necessarily in that order. So I decided to take a chance on the subway. I figured the worst thing that could happen was that I might go a bit astray and have to flag down a cab after all. So I closed the conversation by saying brightly, “I understand, no problem! I’ll see you at 3 p.m.!”

Then, I flew straight down to the concierge’s desk, showed her my customer’s address, and asked her to tell me in English how to get there via the subway system. She carefully mapped out the directions and patiently reviewed them with me, and once I thought I understood what she was explaining, I asked her to write it all down again in Japanese. That way, if I got lost and had to ask someone for help, I could just show him the piece of paper.

Well, it worked. I arrived at my customer’s subway stop just in time—only to find that I was by no means done sweating the details. It was a hot and humid day. I got up to the street level, already rather worn and rumpled from the trip, and instantly felt beads of sweat begin to crawl down my neck. Before long, I could feel thick strands of my hair sticking to my damp face. Just exactly the sort of first impression every businessperson wants to make! I looked around for my customer, and lo and behold, there he was standing next to his sporty little motor scooter that had enough room, just barely, for another person. He greeted me with a firm handshake and a broad smile, gestured to his bike and asked, “Do you mind?”

“Of course not!” I said, smiling just as broadly, and hopped on, skirt, pumps, and all. What else was there to do?

Welcome to the world of international business travel. If there’s one thing you can expect, it’s the unexpected. The more prepared you are for the predictable demands, stresses, and pitfalls of travel beyond your borders, the more grounded and confident you’ll feel when the unexpected happens.

The trip I just described took place in the 1990s when traveling felt far safer. Since September 11, 2001, however, our world of domestic and international travel has changed. Terrorism and other criminal activities are a fact of life in our interconnected world. To combat threats, one must become knowledgeable of what’s going on in the world, have a heightened awareness of her surroundings, and develop a personal-security competence sufficient to dissuade potential assailants. Crime can affect anyone, almost anywhere. The prevention starts with creating protective strategies to ensure that your international travel is safe, comfortable, and productive.

Scouting Out the Territory Before You Leave

An excellent way to start planning your overseas trip is to surf the Internet, preferably well in advance of your departure date. The Internet is an incredibly useful tool for finding out everything from the weather to the local currency exchange rate in the country you are about to visit. Two particularly handy sites you’ll want to check out are:

  1. Travel.State.Gov: ( A service of the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Travel.State.Gov’s Travel Alerts are issued by the US Department of State to publicize conditions that make a country dangerous or unstable. They are what are used by the State Department to recommend that Americans avoid or consider the risk of travel to a certain country. The site also provides tips on traveling abroad and information on passports and visas to help make your travel more enjoyable and profitable.
  2. Foreign & Commonwealth Office : ( Featured on the site, the FCO is an organization that sponsors an international network of embassies and consulates. Its site offsets the conservatism of the Travel.State.Gov by giving you a balanced picture of what’s really happening in a country. The FCO provides useful information for countries throughout the world. For example, you can find a country by ­clicking on its region on a map or by using an A–Z ­country name selection process. In addition, the site provides travel news, passport information and a “Help if things go wrong” section.

image Note  When you are unsure of the real safety level of traveling to a foreign country, it helps enormously to contact officials who are on the ground in a country. Reach out to the US Commercial Service for information. A case in point: Recently, when a colleague of mine was debating whether to travel to Egypt, I e-mailed the commercial consular at the Foreign Commercial Service in Egypt for her and inquired about the safety conditions in the country. She responded within five hours with a helpful report. My colleague and I then compared the consular’s report with the information on the Travel.State.Gov and the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office sites. Based on our careful examination of all the different alerts and updates, my colleague was able to make an intelligent decision as to whether she could travel safely to Egypt.

For help you can’t get online, cover the following checklist with the appropriate agencies:

  1. Go over all the logistics of your trip with your travel agent. These include ticketing, hotels, arrival and departure times, ground transportation, baggage handling, currency adjustments, health precautions, and possible language barriers. Discuss whether you need to get any insurance coverage before you depart. Ask for a map of the town center or urban area where you will be staying. If your agent doesn’t have one, you can ask your hotel concierge upon arrival or check the local phone directory or tourist guide in your room if there is one.
  2. Call your bank’s international department and ask for a short lesson, or perhaps a brochure, on your country of destination’s currency and how the various bills and coins relate to one another.
  3. Ask the US Department of State about passport, visa, and immunization requirements. Allow at least eight weeks for processing the documents, especially if you are going to be traveling during a peak tourist season. Immunizations can cause some lingering pain and discomfort, so if several immunizations are required, allow time for them to be administered in stages rather than all at once.
  4. Check with the US Embassy ( ) on the holiday schedule and regular business hours for the country you are about to visit. This will affect your access to stores, services, and public transportation.
  5. Find out about the usual climate of the country you are about to visit as well as the weather forecast for the time of your trip by consulting your travel agent or an international newspaper. Take these things into consideration when packing.
  6. Contact your local Chamber of Commerce for a directory of your country’s government offices throughout the world. If the directory is pocketable, bring it along or, if it is available online, bookmark it for later use. Many US government offices have more than one branch in each country. For example, the Department of State has five different office locations in Japan. You could end up visiting all of them online! This is because, in the United States, there is a separate directory of the key officers at foreign-service posts American business executives would most likely need to contact. The directory lists all embassies, missions, consulates general, and consulates. Each of their commercial officers will probably arrange appointments with local businesses and government officers and also identify potential importers, buyers, agents, distributors, and cross-border partners for your business. It may also be worthwhile to pay a visit to administrative officers who are responsible for normal business operations and agricultural officers who promote the export of US agricultural products. You should contact these offices in advance to schedule a visit. Explain the purpose of your visit so they can set you up with the appropriate officer.

    image Tip  Get e-mails and telephone numbers of key officers at embassies, consulates, and foreign service posts located in the country you plan to visit in case you have any type of emergency, including a medical one. Should you suddenly get sick where you can’t leave your bed, nothing is more comforting then knowing help is just a phone call or e-mail away.

  7. Finally, sit down with pen and paper and review your itinerary yourself. Envision yourself going through each day of your trip. Whom will you meet? Where will you need to be each day and at what times? How will you get there? What will you need to wear? What will you need to bring to each appointment? How much money will you need for your daily expenses? Then, based on this activity schedule, list all the items you think are important enough to bring. If no one, such as a bell captain, taxi driver, or limo attendant, will be available to assist you upon arrival in a remote part of the world, will you be able to handle the amount of luggage you will have? This consideration will encourage you to pack what you need—and only what you need.

Packing Smart

I wish someone would have intervened and set me straight when I planned my first business trip overseas. Because I was going so far from home, my natural impulse was to bring everything I could possibly imagine needing, so naturally I ended up with much, much more stuff than I could possibly use. This excess baggage burdened me both physically and mentally throughout the trip. I remember literally dragging my overstuffed garment bag, hard overnight case, and cumbersome attaché case (yes, we had attaché cases back then), dreading the thought of the next hotel move—the third within a week—when I would have to pack up and haul everything all over again. I came close to ditching possessionsthat proved useless, except I knew I’d need them when I got home. I vowed not to make the same mistake again.

image Tip  Many airports not only conduct the full body scan before you head to your airline gate but also can request to open your carry-on luggage to discuss suspicious items. Pack light. Pack neatly.

The next section contains some essentials for a one-week business trip, including wardrobe, accessories, and documents. Needed items will naturally vary according to the type of trip you are making and the activities to which you’ve committed yourself. If it seems highly unlikely that you’ll be partaking in any given activity, for example, athletic recreation or formal evening outings, don’t bother to pack garments appropriatefor that activity “just in case.” And don’t make the opposite mistake of omitting essential items, such as business attire, on the presumption that you’ll be able to buy whatever you need when you arrive. You are on a business trip, not a shopping spree—and you might find that you don’t have time. Equip yourself so you arrive ready to conduct business.

image Note  For creative and high-tech people, some of these packing considerations may not apply. Crisp and neat business casual, for example, is popular in the United States but not necessarily in other parts of the world. Wherever you plan to travel, do your research in advance, dress the part, and pack accordingly. The point is to be who you are and dress with style and authority.

One-Week Packing Checklist

Here are my suggestions on what you should pack for a weeklong business trip:

  • Your passport and visa, if required, plus additional photo identification in case these items are lost or stolen: I always make a copy of my passport and place it in a different piece of luggage or even in my bra—depending on whether the country I am going to is a known trouble spot.
  • Three good suits: For men, basic businesswear solids—in charcoal or navy blue—are generally preferred within the worldwide business culture. Women should also choose clearly coordinated suits (pants or slightly below-the-knee skirts) in these subdued shades, with more feminine tailoring. I don’t recommend pinstripes for women, as many international businessmen think they look too masculine; rather you should go with a leaner, meaner power suit with slimmer sleeves and more flattering lines. Keep your shoes on the conservative side, too. Men should wear shoes with laces—loafers look too casual. Women should wear low-heeled pumps with a closed toe.
  • Eight shirts or blouses: Men should stick to white or light-blue shirts, while women can add off-white and other pastel colors as well. Tapered cuts and button-down collars are acceptable for men; women can wear soft suit shells and blouses in richer textures like satin or silk. You should stay away from thin and see-through materials. The shells and blouses should complement or add some color under your suit. Avoid low necklines at all costs—they are distracting and simply not businesslike.
  • For women, a good supply of stockings: International sizes and textures of stockings can vary greatly from what you’re used to buying back home, and you may find them neither comfortable nor attractive. You won’t want to waste valuable business time finding acceptable fit by trial and error.
  • One complete outfit of “play clothes ” if you and your associates are booked for sightseeing or other outdoor recreation: Such clothes consist of casual slacks (never jeans!), a short or long-sleeved collared shirt, and good walking shoes. This attire will be suitable for all but extremely hot climates; if you happen to be going to one, tailored walking shorts and a thin short-sleeved cotton shirt with a collar along with good-quality sandals would be considered acceptable.
  • A super-compact umbrella and a classic lightweight rain or all-weather coat: A good coat is suitable for damp, cool, or variable climates. (Burberry’s coats are the most ­commonplace in international business circles.)
  • Business essentials: These consist of a smart phone with international service, a tablet, a laptop, a computer adapter for any presentation that requires a projector ­connection (commonly needed for Apple computers), an international charger, a portable travel lock for hotel doors, plenty of business cards (put them in several different locations in case you lose a bag), courtesy gifts, sales and marketing information, and any other items that might be required in your specific situation.
  • Health-related items: Such items include aspirin, cough drops, eye drops, flu remedies, stomach aides, antihistamines, tea bags, vitamin pills (if you usually take them), and any other medicine you need to maintain good health.
  • Incidentals (keep them to a minimum): These might be a portable electric converter, a USB flash drive, a stand-alone digital camera, a high-security money belt, and a bilingual dictionary (it can’t hurt!).

Making Your Hotel Work for You

Good accommodations are worth shopping around for. You want your stay to be comfortable as well as efficient from a business standpoint. Here are some things to consider when choosing a hotel:

  • Location: Map out your appointments and activities and find a hotel from which you can access them all ­without too much difficulty. You’ll also want easy access to ­public transportation, shopping, restaurants, and ­entertainment. But be careful not to position yourself in a very ­“happening” area where it’s crowded, overly expensive, and hard to get around. Make business your priority—that’s why you’re there—and plan accordingly.
  • Business travelers’ rooms and suites: The accommodations in the hotel room where you choose to stay should be as precisely worked on as the work you will do there, providing a peaceful refuge but also allowing you to keep in touch with associates, family, and world news. Reserve a room that offers at-least-enough table or desk space to spread out your papers and hold your digital equipment, electrical outlets that are placed conveniently and will accept your converter, and sufficient lighting to enable you to go over paperwork and attend to your appearance. Any reputable hotel will have a television with a variety of cable offerings so that you can relax and sample local mass culture. The newest and best hotels offer guest suites that include a separate room furnished with a large console table and mobile writing desk, with power outlets and a modem jack easily accessible in the console top, a movable task light, and an adjustable, ergonomically designed upholstered chair. Some even offer a kitchen area for those who want all the conveniences of home, so that they needn’t interrupt their business by having to get food outside.
  • Business centers: Absolutely essential for the savvy business traveler, many hotels offer business centers on the premises that are equipped with computers, fax machines, voicemail systems, and copiers, and are staffed by multilingual receptionists. Most have e-mail capabilities, video conferencing, and daily business papers available for reading and keeping abreast of what is going in the world. Many of the individual features can be rented by the hour, day, month, or even indefinitely. These business center services are offered in addition to Wi-Fi capabilities in every room (whether complimentary or for a flat, per-day rate).
  • Miscellaneous conveniences: The bigger hotels offer coffee shops, restaurants, and bars on-site. You may prefer to eat at outside restaurants, especially if you’re going to a city known for its fine dining, but for impromptu business meetings, the hotel’s facilities often have admirable appearances and can serve as convenient, comfortable sites.

Surviving the Flight

Every time I’m due to board a plane going overseas, I grab just about every magazine at the newsstand so I’ll be occupied for as much of the trip as possible. When you’re traveling internationally, it can be a lo-o-o-o-ng flight, and boredom can be the least of your worries. By setting up a few preliminary requirements, you can guarantee yourself a certain level of comfort and minimize your travel fatigue:

  • Expedited screening at the airport: The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) protects our transportation systems to “ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce.”1 You can become eligible for expedited screening through TSA Pre ( by signing up through selective airlines (not all participate—be sure to check) or by applying directly to US Custom Border Patrol’s (CBP) Global Entry Program ( Through the program, a passenger’s “information will be embedded in the barcode of a passenger’s boarding pass” to ensure rapid clearance for preapproved travelers.2
  • Window, middle, or aisle seat:This is a choice you’ll be making if, like most economical travelers, you’re flying coach. A naive or youthful traveler will pick the window seat, so he can look out of it. This may prove disappointing if the weather clouds over and you are forced to squeeze past two sets of knees to get to the restroom. The window seat offers a nice solid surface to park your pillow against, but that’s about it (don’t forget to bring your special travel or bed pillow if it helps you sleep better). The middle seat usually ends up being occupied by a person who didn’t give the issue any thought or by the significant other of a window or aisle seat holder. The aisle seat is for those who, like myself, have flown over the ocean too many times to want to look at it and who want the option of standing up and walking around at will. You’ll be much less stiff and sore at the end of the trip if you book the aisle seat.
  • Economy, business, or first class: If you are destined for London, here is what I found that you can expect to pay (as of the summer of 2013) on average for a round-trip ticket from Chicago: for economy seating(which is the best choice for the budget-conscious global marketer), from $976 to $1,123; for business/business-first seating, $5,529; for first/global first, US$7,325.

    image Note  The search for fares was based on a direct online booking through United Airlines with a thirty-day advance plan, a one-week stay, and a nonstop flight.

    The primary difference between first-class and business-class seating are the types of seats and the service. First class offers more space; privacy; typically a larger, longer seat; and additional crew per passenger. Economy class, on the other hand, offers standard seating that reclines slightly, a fold-down table, an in-flight movie; a complimentary audio headset; snacks; complimentary nonalcoholic beverages; and in-flight, duty-free shopping. Business class provides special privileges like a nifty ticket holder; bag tags; priority baggage check-in and boarding; entrance to the airline’s club; special extra-large seats (some being lie-flat seats) in a separate cabin; electronic headsets; meal service consisting of several courses of gourmet food; brand-name complimentary beverages; and a case of practical amenities containing mouthwash, lip balm, moisturizing lotion, socks, and facial tissues.

    First-class service offers all the same privileges as business class and then some, including: highest boarding priority, a complete seven-course meal that can be better than the fare at most four-star restaurants accompanied by the finest in brand name beverages, personalized service during the flight, sleeper seats that can be adjusted horizontally, and concierge service at the airport for personal business assistance. First class is the way to go when you have an ample budget. So, if you can afford it, book it. Once you do, you will find it’s the most luxurious and pleasurable way to travel long distances. Second best is business class—not as expensive as first class but nearly as comfortable. All airlines have restrictions on economy and discount fares, so be sure to inquire.

  • Reading material and music: If you can’t sleep on planes, you’ll need something to occupy your mind (an old-fashioned printed book, a Kindle, Nook, or iPad)—this also discourages the determinedly friendly chatterbox next to you! Make your in-flight reading selection do double duty—choose an informative and entertaining e-book about the country you are about to visit to educate yourself and product- or company-specific reading to catch up on everything there is to know about your customer.
  • A variety of music is always available for free on flights—the same holds true for movies and special programs—yet with apps such as Pandora or TuneIn Radio uploaded onto your digital device and a good set of earplugs, you can be off in your own little jazz, rock, or classical music world until you land at your destination.
  • Quiet section: If you like a quieter seat on a plane, be sure to request a seat either as far away as possible from the plane engine but near an exit area (these exist just below the wings, near or in the tail—ask the airline before you book your flight); near the kitchen (usually the back of plane on coach); or close to the lavatory areas (in the front, middle, and tail of the plane). Even the best noise-reduction headphones or earplugs can’t eliminate the distraction of people constantly standing next to you in your seat, so it’s important to stake out the quiet areas. It’s too long a flight to be stuck in a situation you can’t tolerate!

image Tip  To really tune out what’s going on during your plane journey, use earplugs and eye masks for sleeping. Just remember that when you put them on, you’ll miss any important announcements or suspicious behavior.

  • Refreshments: Although we all like to relax and unwind on what seems like an endless journey, do be careful of excessive alcohol intake—it causes dehydration, acts as a depressant, and causes your body to retain water. Even if you don’t consume alcohol, you may experience painful swollen feet from sitting for prolonged periods of time. That’s why some airlines distribute packages of disposable slipper socks—because so many passengers end up wanting to remove their shoes. Keep yourself hydrated with natural refreshments, like water or juice. And again, get up and walk.

Managing Your Money

Most international travelers know that they should have enough of their own currency on hand to get from their home to their final destination and back again plus enough extra to pay for a meal should there be a serious flight delay. In addition, check with your travel agent and bank as to where you can get the best rates of exchange on the currency you’ll be using upon arrival. Convert enough money to last you a few days. Keep these usual expenses in mind when figuring out the amount of cash you will need to make it to your hotel:

  1. Transportation costs from overseas airport to your hotel via airport shuttle or taxi
  2. Tips for baggage handlers at the airport and at your hotel
  3. Baggage transport fees from the airport to your hotel (paying for your bags to be transported for you ­eliminates the chore of handling it by yourself altogether and oftentimes requires payment in advance)
  4. Gifts you purchase at the overseas airport shops, often because you ran out of time to shop before leaving home
  5. One night’s stay at your hotel. You want to plan to have enough currency or traveler’s checks to pay for staying one night at a hotel and to stash it somewhere other than your wallet. Most people pay their hotel bills by credit card, but if you lose your wallet you’ll be glad you kept extra money somewhere else in case of emergency—especially on that critical first night when you arrive fatigued and jet-lagged and really need the rest.

There are many ways to pay for goods and services while traveling overseas: in cash; using the local currency; or by credit cards, traveler’s checks, and debit cards. Before you leave home, call your credit card financial institution to ask if your credit cards are widely accepted in your country of destination and to let them know you will be traveling abroad so they won’t think a charge is suspicious behavior and freeze your card. That’s a surprise you don’t need. At the same time, ask for the locations of international ATMs. Unless the machines are a part of your card’s network, you can’t use them!

And don’t forget to activate the global featureson your cell phone before you depart on your international trip! Roaming without an additional charge is not a default feature and can lead to extra costs. Also, if you are on a tight budget, never make phone calls to your home or office from your hotel room. Having the hotel operator connect you while you stretch out on your bed is the height of comfort and convenience, but it’s an expense the thrifty exporter will want to avoid. Instead, sign up with an international discount telephone service and use public telephones. It’s less efficient, but it can save you a bundle—the call that costs US$10 from a pay phone can run you as much as US$50 from your room! Keep that in mind.

image Tip  Many international hotels offer complimentary Wi-Fi service. Inquire. In lieu of a phone call, you can e-mail people at your home office from your laptop to let them know you arrived safe and sound or report on other important matters. Skype or Apple’s FaceTime can be alternative ways to contact people using your laptop.

Security Tips

International travel should be an enjoyable and enriching experience, but don’t leave your street smarts at home! As a tourist, you are a prime target for crime. Criminals and con artists of all kinds know that you are likely to be carrying significant quantities of money and valuables and that you are likely to be naive, bewildered, and distracted. Don’t be a victim. Here are some major precautions you should take when traveling, sightseeing, or conducting business overseas:

  • Protect your money. Never keep all your money in one place while traveling internationally. When boarding your flight, hide your payment resources in a variety of places: in your carry-on bag, inside your breast pocket, in your money belt, in your bra, wherever it feels comfortable and least likely to be stolen while you are distracted or sleeping. After arrival, take your cash, checks, and credit cards with you when you leave your hotel room or lock them up in the hotel safe.

image Tip  Some savvy international business travelers carry a fake wallet along with their real wallet. The fake wallet serves as the detour for robbers. Load it with $30 or $40 (consisting of singles, a five, and a twenty), photos of strangers or someone else’s baby, and expired credit cards. If an assailant targets you, don’t resist. Turn over the fake wallet. This will avoid a situation going from bad to worse.

  • Pay attention to your belongings when taking pictures. Never set your purse, tote, or briefcase down next to you to photograph some spectacular sight. While you’re absorbed in getting that perfect shot, someone can snatch your stuff. I have seen this happen in my own hometown with international guests! We couldn’t run fast enough to catch the culprit, and even if we could have, it would have been dangerous to try to apprehend the person without police assistance. Be careful. And it goes without saying: never set your smart phone down anywhere unattended or ask a stranger to use your smart phone to take a picture of you and your companions. Some people can run faster than a speeding bullet and you don’t want to take the chance of witnessing it as they dash off with your smart phone.

image Tip  Two fantastic pamphlets, Managing Travel Risks ( and Managing Terrorism Risks (, produced by the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies should be read by everyone who plans to travel to minimize a wide array of risks.

  • Be careful about talking with strangers. Always be on guard when approached by strangers. They may be genuinely helpful and hospitable locals or they may be tourists like yourself needing a little assistance, but they may also be smooth professional thieves. Pickpockets often work in teams. One will get your attention and engage you in conversation while her counterpart proceeds to dig through your handbag, pocketbook, or briefcase. Keep your belongings close to you and minimize lengthy conversations when you are approached by a group, especially when they look and act suspicious.
  • Find out which locations are the most safe. Always ask your local business associates or hotel concierge which neighborhoods or districts should be avoided, especially if you are traveling alone.
  • Be aware of scams. Don’t fall prey to con artists that offer you special deals. For example, people may approach you and offer to take your picture for a price, only you never receive the photo, or offer to drive you somewhere at a bargain fare, only you find out later that it cost you five times the normal cab rate. Anytime someone comes up to you with an aggressive sales pitch and you are uncertain of their truthfulness or decency, walk away from him fast. Keep a degree of healthy skepticism. Ask your host or local contacts about what is legitimate and acceptable behavior in the country you are visiting.
  • Be cautious about what you drink. The safest choice of beverages while traveling internationally is bottled water, where you recognize the brand and can open it yourself. Be extra careful of all beverages served in public places where you are unfamiliar with the people. In particular, be careful of your consumption of alcohol while traveling internationally. Alcoholic beverages can easily be tampered with while you’re not looking. Further, watch how much you drink because you may not know your limits (especially when factoring in time zone and altitude changes).
  • Carry or wear personal high-value items in discreet places. If you carry a shoulder bag or laptop computer, wear it on the side opposite to where all the traffic is. You want to avoid a bicyclist or motorcyclist grabbing and running off with your precious commodity. When traveling on a bus or train or in a taxi, wear a minimum of expensive jewelry and carry as few expensive tech items as possible. You don’t want to stand out as an easy-theft target. And speaking of taxis, only hire taxis from a regular cab service and never let a taxi driver encourage you to sit in the front seat alone or add strangers to your taxi ride—even if it will save you money. You don’t know her motive. Don’t take the chance.

Health Tips

Accidents and illness can happen anywhere and may be more likely to happen while traveling internationally. Whether you sprain an ankle, experience the sudden onset of a toothache, or suffer a bad case of Montezuma’s revenge (better known as traveler’s diarrhea), you want to know you can get adequate medical care fast.

In traveling, what constitutes a serious health risk? The most important determinant of a health risk is your destination. “All travelers should familiarize themselves with conditions at their destination that could affect their health (high altitude or pollution, types of medical facilities, required immunizations, availability of required pharmaceuticals, etc.),” advises the US Department of State.3 High-risk destinations include developing countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Additional risk factors include known risks such as a recent outbreak of influenza (check the World Health Organization’s Web site for any recent outbreaks of infectious diseases abroad: or something as simple as thinking it was perfectly safe to drink hotel tap water in a developing country, for example.

What should you do if you are struck with an unexpected illness and need help? Contact your hotel concierge, the local American Embassy (, or provided you are already a member, a company such as Interna­tional SOS ( or the Ackerman Group through the Chubb Corporation ( Before you go, however, you might want to consider getting a health insurance policy (check the US Department of State’s Medical Insurance providers at designed specifically to cover international travel.

International SOS is an international healthcare, medical assistance, and security services company, which provides solutions that help people wherever they live or travel, 24/7. Once a member, you can contact ISOS’s nearest assistance center regarding any emergency you encounter while traveling ( by selecting the country you are in and simply clicking “Go.” ISOS also offers a variety of membership plans—comprehensive, medical, security, project, or simply a membership that covers your next trip. Fees vary, so be sure to inquire. Members get pretravel information and advice, a fast response, emergency help, evacuation capabilities, and more. Optional medical and travel insurance is also available. According to ISOS, “Whether you are concerned about finding a qualified doctor, obtaining accurate security advice, or getting travel assistance for lost documents or airline tickets, ISOS can help in these and other worrisome situations.”4

The Ackerman Group is best known for a broad range of security and investigative-related issues—with the emphasis always being on prevention. It works in conjunction with the insurance giant Chubb Group of Insurance Companies to produce its kidnap/ransom policy geared more toward publicly traded companies. Chubb says, “Extortion, crime, and political instability are facts of life that corporate leaders must deal with when transacting business in an increasingly global, and unfortunately, hostile environment.”5

While traveling, above all, trust your instincts, be alert at all times, keep moving toward your destination, and don’t let yourself be deterred from going about your business.

What Women Want While Traveling for Business

Today, women make up nearly half of all business travelers—and that number will surely increase thanks to the number of women in the workforce and starting businesses. Up until now, I made a point not to distinguish between businessmen and businesswomen in regard to international travel because they are similar. But there are subtle differences.

I have a message for the travel industry, and hotels in particular. Women, more than men, want safe, super-clean rooms with high-end toiletries and hair dryers and complete access to what they may need along their journey: a curling iron, a swimsuit, razors, a yoga mat, inexpensive nickel-free earrings (pierced or clips), socks, hose, Vaseline, hairspray, and Q-tips, for example. All of these items need to be available to women either on loan or for purchase. In addition, women like lighter fare when it comes to food, particularly when arriving late at night. Hotels that provide a holistic, good-for-you approach to food will win more women for their facility. And women want tech amenities that work, and when they don’t work they want 24/7 support. These are the perks that women want when they travel for business.

What women in particular need to watch out for while traveling internationally is walking around alone after dark in foreign countries where they are unfamiliar with the area, particularly in developing countries. Don’t take a chance. If an area is questionable, hire a driver assigned by your hotel concierge to take you to where you want to go. If it’s late and you are hungry, order room service or order food recommended by the hotel to be delivered to your room.

image Tip  Stay away from rooms that are on the ground floor. You don’t want to make it easy for someone to break in. Rather, choose a hotel room that is several floors up but not so high up that should you need to jump (in the case of a fire, for example), you won’t survive.


Perhaps the most important things you can take with you on your international travels are patience and a sense of humor. Operations that are relatively simple at home, like catching a bus across town, can seem overwhelming, complicated, and uncertain when you’re off your native turf. You feel like you will never get to your destination; you’re never sure if you’re on the right bus; and you don’t know if the bus is going in the right direction. When you ask people for help, they either don’t speak your language or tell you things exactly backward. But if you keep your head up and persist, you’ll get everywhere you need to go and accomplish what you came for. And afterward, you’ll probably feel that the journey was far more valuable than most other things you’ve done in life thus far.

At some point, international business travel is essential to cement a quality business relationship—and the practical aspects of international business travel can make or break the success of your trip. To ensure you have a safe trip, do your homework before you leave home and keep a heightened awareness throughout your trip.

Between one-quarter and one-third of the world’s businesses are owned by women—they are a new breed of globetrotters and a key driver of competitiveness. That’s what I am going to discuss in the next chapter.

1 “About TSA,” accessed November 6, 2013,

2 “TSA Pre√ FAQs,” Transportation Security Administration, last modified October 25, 2013,

3 “Health Issues,” Travel.State.Gov, accessed November 6, 2013,

4 “Get a Quote: Worldwide Reach, Human Touch,” International SOS, accessed November 6, 2013,

5 “Executive Protection Portfolio Kidnap/Ransom & Extortion Insurance,” Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, accessed November 6, 2013,

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