

alphabet, 100

ambiguous language/ambiguous grammar, 239241

problems with, 241242

removing of, 242


block diagram or mechanical diagram of finite, 120121

characteristics of, 118119


backtracking, 245

boolean values, 4


Cartesian product, 101

Chomsky classification of grammar, 102103

Chomsky Hierarchy, 102103, 232

Chomsky normal form (CNF), 254

closed compatible, 31

closed covering, 31

combinational circuits, 2

communication language, 1

compatibility graph, 3031

finding minimal machine from, 3134

concatenation, 101

context free grammar (CFG), 232

ambiguous, 241

for , 234

convertion to CNF, 254257

convertion to GNF, 258262

language , 234235

for language L = , 232233

for RE (011 + 1)* (01)*, 233

for regular expression (0 + 1)* 01*, 233

removing useless symbols from, 247248

simplification of, 246254

for string [abba(baa)naab(aaba)n | n ≥ 0], 234

for a string of equal number of binary digits, 233234

context free language (CFL)

application of, 271

closure properties of, 264265

decision algorithms for, 269271

Ogden's lemma for, 269

pumping lemma for, 265269

context-sensitive grammar, 112

contracted table method, 4749, 5152


dead state, 133, 151

decision algorithms for CFLs, 269271

definite memory, 50

derivation trees, 236

deterministic finite automata (DFA), 123, 160

equivalence of two, 202203

digital function

of two input two output sequence detector for every 1001 sequence, 8

of two input two output sequence detector for every 1010 sequence, 10

direct left-recursion, 243

distinguishable state, 151

distinguishing sequence, 18

D'Morgan's theorem, 217


equivalence relation, 101

equivalent partition

definition, 19

example, 1923

equivalent state, 151


finite automata, 119

by algebraic method using Arden's theorem, 187190

applications, 161

conditions for declaring a String, 121123

construction from a regular grammar, 262264

deterministic, 123

equivalence of two, 202203

graphical representation of, 119

minimization of, 151

nondeterministic, 123

tabular format of, 120

two-way, 160161

finite memory machine

definition, 38

testing table and testing graph for, 3839, 4447

finite non-empty set of states, 119

finite state machine

definition, 1617

limitations, 1718

formal language and automata theory (FLAT), 1

full binary adder, 34

full binary substractor, 45


grammar for programming language, 102

grammar of automata, 102

language generated by, 104112

machine format for different, 103

Greibach normal form (GNF), 258


identities, 185

implied pair, 47

implied pair machine, 54

inaccessible state, 151

incompletely specified machine, 2324

indirect/hidden left-recursion, 243

information lossless machine, 52

process of testing, 5456

testing table for information lossless, 5657, 59

information transmission theory, 52

inputs, of a synchronous sequential machine, 2

instantaneous description (ID), 292

intersection, 101

inverse machine, 60

minimal, 6163


k-equivalent state, 151

Kleene's Closure, 183


left factoring, 245246

left-linear grammar, 208

left most derivation, 235

left recursive grammar

conversion to non-left recursive grammar, 243244

removal of, 244245

lossless machine, 56

lossy machine, 5354


Mealy machine, 134

complement of binary number, 136

converting to a Moore machine by tabular format, 140144

converting to a Moore machine by transitional format, 147150

residue mod-3 for each binary string treated as binary integer of, 137

tabular representation of, 134

transitional diagram representation of, 136

merger graph, 2630

merger table, 35

construction of, 35

examples, 3538

minimal machine, 2526

minimum state automaton, from transitional table, 152155

modulo 3 binary counter, 1114

circuit diagram, 14

state diagram, 11

state table, 12

using flip flop (T flip flop and SR flip flop), 1214

modulo 8 binary counter

circuit diagram, 16

excitation table, 15

state assignment, 1516

state diagram, 14

state table, 1415

using SR flip flop, 16

Moore machine, 134

converting to a Mealy machine by tabular format, 138140

converting to a Mealy machine by transitional format, 144146

counting of occurrence of substring aba, 137138

residue mod-3 for each binary string treated as binary integer of, 136137

tabular representation of, 135

transitional diagram representation of, 136

Moore's proposal, 243244

Myhill Nerode theorem, 155160


nondeterministic finite automata (NFA), 123

ε (null) move or transaction, 128132

ε (null) move or transaction to DFA, 196202

process of converting to DFA, 124128

non-generating symbols, 246

non-reachable symbols, 246247

non-unit production, 249

normal form of a grammar, 254

null production, 251

removal of, 251254


Ogden's lemma for CFL, 269

order of definiteness of the machine, 47

order of losslessness, 5456

output alphabet set, 118

output compatible machine, 54

outputs, of a synchronous sequential machine, 2


palindrome, 310

parse tree, 236

from a CFG, 236

for generating string 0100110, 236237

for generating string 11001010, 237238

for string aabbaa, 238

parsing, 236

power set, 101

prefix of a string, 100

production rules, 104

programming language, 1, 102

proper prefixes, 100

proper suffixes, 100

pumping lemma, for regular expression, 208209

to prove that certain sets are not regular, 210214

pumping lemma for CFL, 265269

pushdown automata (PDA), 291

conditions to declare a string accepted by, 293

of a context free grammar, 311315

deterministic PDA (DPDA), 308

examples, 294307

graphical notation of, 316317

language accepted by, 293294

mathematical notation for, 292

need for, 292

non-deterministic PDA (NPDA), 308310


reflexive relation, 101

regular expression

basic operations on, 182183

closure property, 214217

complement of, 216217

construction of, 184185

construction of finite automata equivalent to, 191196

definition, 182

in English language, 183184

equivalence of two, 203208

formal recursive definition of, 182

identities of, 185187

Pumping Lemma for, 208

right-linear grammar, 208

right-most derivation, 235236


sequence detector, 67

sequential circuits, 2, 5

set, 101

set of input alphabet, 118

simplified machine, 2425

single-state input-output combination, 44

stack, 292

stack symbol, 293

state assignment

modulo 8 binary counter, 1516

state assignments, 56, 89

two input two output sequence detector for every 1001 sequence, 8

two input two output sequence detector for every 1010 sequence, 10

state diagram, 3

for Mod 3 binary counter, 11

modulo 8 binary counter, 14

state graph, 3

for binary substractor, 5

‘State' Q, 118

state table, 3, 8

for Mod 3 binary counter, 12

modulo 8 binary counter, 1415

two input two output sequence detector for every 1001 sequence, 8

two input two output sequence detector for every 1010 sequence, 10

string, 100

substring of a string, 100

suffix of a string, 100

symbol, 100

symmetric relation, 101

synchronization, 2

synchronizing tree method, 4748, 5051

synchronous circuit, 2

synchronous sequential machine, 2


testing graph, for definite memory, 4748

testing table and testing graph, for finite memory machine, 3844

of information lossless machine, 5455

testing table-testing graph for definiteness method, 4750

theory of computation, 1

transitional function δ, 215, 294, 310

transitional function mapping, 123

transitional system, 121123

transitive relation, 101

Turing machine

to accept string L = (a,b)*, where N(a) + N(b) = even, 342

to accept the language L = anb2n n>0, 345346

basics of, 331

concatenation operation on two strings w1 and w2, 341

design for language L = anbncn, where n1, 339340

design for string 00, 343

ID for string 'aaabbb' with tape symbols, 333336

ID for string ‘abaaaaba' with tape symbols, 336338

IDs for null string, ‘a', 'aba and ‘baab', 338339

for infinite loop, 342343

instantaneous description (ID) of, 332

mechanical diagram, 332

for performing 1's complement operation on binary string, 344

for performing 2's complement operation on binary string, 344345

to perform the function f(x) = x + 1, 343

to perform the operation f(x,y) = xy, where x > y, 341342

for set of all strings with equal number of ‘a' and ‘b', 345

significance of, 331

7 touples of, 331

transitional presentation of, 346347


union, 101

unit production, 249

removal of, 250251

useless symbols, 246


vanishing connection matrix method, 3942, 4547

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