
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


‘a type, exists and exists2
A* algorithm, Find all paths in a graph
abs function, Other F# Operators
abstract classes, Using Inheritance
attributes, Using Abstract and Sealed Classes
abstract keyword, Using Inheritance
AbstractClass attribute, Using Inheritance, Using Abstract and Sealed Classes
accessibility modifiers, Using Classes, Using Constructors
acos function, Other F# Operators
Activator.CreateInstance method, Using a Wrapper Type Provider, Using the Multi-Inheritance Type Provider
active patterns, Working with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern, Working with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern, Using the Choice Helper Type
generating new, Reservoir sampling
multicase-case, Using Single-Case Active Patterns
parameterized, Using Multicase Active Patterns
partial-case, Using Single-Case Active Patterns
single-case, Using Single-Case Active Patterns
adapter pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Adapter Pattern
add reference add-in, Some Useful Add-ins
Add Reference dialog box, Using Delegates and Events
ADO.NET Entity Framework, SQL Entity Type Provider
agents, Debugging Multithreaded Applications
events in, Using Agents
exception handling, Using Agents
CUDA Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines library, cuBLAS Library
resources for, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
The Algorithmist website, Exploring the Portable Library Samples
algorithms, Finding a sum from an array
(see also portable library)
implementing, Developing the WinRT Application
selecting and using, Working with the Proxy Pattern
aliases, type, Unit Types
all operator, Using the contains, exists, and find Operators
AllowIntoPattern property, Using Computation Expression Attributes
AllowNullLiteral attribute, Working with Options
ampersand (&) operator, Interop and Function Parameters
and keyword, Defining an Interface, Using F# Generic Types and Constraints, Working with Discriminated Unions
AND pattern, Using Parameterized Active Patterns
And/Or pattern, Working with the And/Or Pattern and Pattern Grouping
angle bracket (>), exists and exists2
animations, Creating an HTML5 Page
anonymous object types, Working with Reference Cells
APM (Asynchronous Programming Model), Using Asynchronous Workflows
append function, collect
architectural patterns, Creating an F# Portable Library
Array module, Pipe-Forward Operator
array pattern, Using the Tuple Pattern
Array.ofList function, Convert from Seq/List/Array
Array.ofSeq function, Convert from Seq/List/Array
Array.toList function, Convert to Seq/List/Array
Array.toSeq function, Convert to Seq/List/Array
arrays, Lists
categorizing elements, Dealing with the Dutch national flag problem
comparing, Arrays
defined, Lists
defining, Arrays
indexing, Arrays
length of, Pipe-Forward Operator
longest increasing sequence, Finding the longest increasing sequence
median of, Finding the maximum sum of an array
merging, Finding a sum from an array
processing with GPU, Maximum Values in Subarrays
slicing, Arrays
summing, Finding a sum from an array
as keyword, Creating an Indexer
as pattern, Using Variable Patterns and the when Guard
ASCII string representations, Basic Data Types
AsEnumerable(),, Using the select Operator
asin function, Other F# Operators
ASP.NET website
creating, Working with HTML5 and WebSharper
generated JavaScript code, Creating an ASP.NET Website with WebSharper
AssemblyInfo,, Using AssemblyInfo
assert keyword, Exploring the HelloWorld Type Provider
async expression, Using Agents
async keyword, Handling Exceptions
Async.Catch function, Handling Exceptions
Async.FromBeginEnd function, Using Cancellation
Async.StartChild function, Using Cancellation
Async.StartWithContinuation function, Handling Exceptions
Asynchronous Programming Model (APM), Using Asynchronous Workflows
asynchronous workflows, Using Threads
back-end processes, Using Cancellation
callback processes, Using Cancellation
canceling, Handling Exceptions
debugging, Debugging Multithreaded Applications
exception handling, Handling Exceptions
function interface, Using Asynchronous Workflows
let! and do! operators, Working with the Asynchronous Programming Model
primitives, building, Using Cancellation
at (@) operator, Using a quick-sort algorithm
atan function, Other F# Operators
attributes, Using Abstract and Sealed Classes
constant values, defining with, What Changed
defining, Using Reflection
properties, adding to, Generated Type Provider
restrictions on, Defining Attributes
auto-implemented properties, Defining a Property, Using Constructors
AutoOpen attribute, Module, Namespace, and Program Entry Points
average function, Math Operations, Using the min/max, average, and sum Operators
Azure Service Bus Queue code snippets, Azure SQL Database
Azurey (see Windows Azure)


B suffix, Basic Data Types
backward composite operator, Pipe/Composite Operators
backward pipe operator (<|), Pipe/Composite Operators
bang (!) operator, Working with the Command Pattern
base classes
abstract, Working with Discriminated Unions
casting to, Converting Numbers and Using enum
extending, Working with Object Expressions
for multi-inheritance type provider, Using the Multi-Inheritance Type Provider
base keyword, Using Inheritance
base types, IntelliSense and, Using the Regular-Expression Type Provider
binaries, building, Compiler Directives
binary operators, Using Operator Overloading
binary search trees (BSTs), F# binary tree and in-order traversal
(see also tree structures)
building, Build a tree from pre-order and in-order sequences
children, checking, Build a BST from a pre-order iteration list
common elements, finding, Find the common elements from two BSTs
binary trees, F# tree representation and traversal
(see also tree structures)
binary search trees, F# binary tree and in-order traversal, Build a tree from pre-order and in-order sequences
building, Delete a tree
children, checking, Build a BST from a pre-order iteration list
common ancestors, finding, Find the tree diameter
common elements, finding, Find the common elements from two BSTs
deleting, Delete a tree
diameter, finding, Find the tree diameter
traversing, Working with Discriminated Unions, Delete a tree
binomial options pricing model (BOPM), Pascal Triangle
binomial trees, and binomial options pricing model, Pascal Triangle
bitwise operations, Enumerations
bitwise operators, Enumerations
blob storage service, Azure, Azure Blob Storage
blob operations, Azure Blob Storage
cloud queue and, Azure Blob Storage
code snippets, Azure SQL Database
worker role code, Azure Blob Storage
BOPM (binomial options pricing model), Pascal Triangle
boxing, Upcasting and Downcasting
breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm, Depth-first search
bridge pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Adapter Pattern
brokered messaging, Azure Communication
BSTs (binary search trees), F# binary tree and in-order traversal, Build a tree from pre-order and in-order sequences
builder pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Private Data Class Pattern
byref keyword, Interop and Function Parameters


auto-implemented property, Defining a Property
constraints, Using F# Generic Types and Constraints
converting to F#, Some Useful Add-ins, Convert from Seq/List/Array
data types, Basic Data Types
imperative implementation, C# and F# Data Structures
imperative programming support, C# and F# Data Structures
interoperating with, Using Delegates and Events
methods, invoking, Defining a Method
object-oriented programming support, C# and F# Data Structures
passing code to, Working with Object Expressions
Point2D class definition, Using F# for Object-Oriented Programming
switch statement, if Expressions
C, converting to .NET types, F# Quotation and Transform
intermediate results, Using Lazy Evaluation, Partial Functions, and Memoization
values, Using Lazy Evaluation, Partial Functions, and Memoization
canContinue function, Working with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern
casting, type, Creating an Instance
ceil function, Other F# Operators
chain of responsibility pattern, Using Object-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns, Working with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern
chainOfResponsibility function, Working with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern
chainTemplate function, Working with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern
characters, from number inputs, Combination
checkWithFunction function, Working with the Factory Pattern
checkWithMatch function, Working with the Factory Pattern
Choice helper type, Using the Choice Helper Type
class equality, Comparing a Record with Other Data Structures
class keyword, Using Classes
class properties, encapsulating, Working with the Private Data Class Pattern
classes, Using Classes
abstract, Using Inheritance
accessibility modifiers, Using Classes
attributes, Using Abstract and Sealed Classes, Defining Attributes
casting, Converting Numbers and Using enum
constructors, Using Constructors
defining, Using Classes
eliminating, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes
extension methods, Using Extension Methods
fields, adding, Using Classes
implicit and explicit class construction, Using Inheritance
indexers, creating, Using Constructors
initialization code, Using Constructors
instances, creating, Using Abstract and Sealed Classes
methods, defining, Defining a Method
nullable, Working with Options
partial, Using Classes
properties, defining, Defining a Property
protected keyword, Using Classes
proxy, Connecting To and Consuming Data
public keyword, Using Classes
sealed, Using Inheritance
self-identifiers, Creating an Indexer
singletons, Working with the Factory Pattern
special/reserved member names, Using a Self-Identifier
static methods, defining, Defining a Method
vs. records, Comparing a Record with Other Data Structures
CLIMutable attribute, Working with Records
Close method, Using the Excel-File Type Provider, Using the Excel-File Type Provider
Closure, C# and F# Data Structures
cloud computing, Cloud and Service Programming with F#
Genetic Algorithms, MapReduce Design Patterns
MapReduce, Code Snippet for Azure Development
Windows Azure, Cloud and Service Programming with F#
cloud data
Excel files, writing to, Performing Serialization
Word documents, writing to, Exporting to Microsoft Excel
cloud queue, Developing a Windows Azure Application
blob service and, Azure Blob Storage
code snippet, Azure SQL Database
consumer role code, Azure Cloud Queue
deployment settings, Azure Cloud Queue
emulator, Azure Cloud Queue
for chromosome storage, Client-Side Code
GA communication, Genetic Algorithms in the Cloud
GAs, setting up for, Genetic Algorithms in the Cloud
instance number, setting, Azure Cloud Queue
operations, Azure Cloud Queue
size, controlling, Genetic Algorithms in the Cloud
sleep time, changing, Azure Cloud Queue
worker role projects, Developing a Windows Azure Application, Azure Cloud Queue
Cloud Service projects, Developing a Windows Azure Application
converting from F# to CUDA, F# Quotation and Transform
errors, catching, Working with Units of Measure
executing, Using F# Interactive
execution time, Using F# Interactive
grouping, Using Classes
initialization, Using Constructors
modules, Module, Namespace, and Program Entry Points
namespaces, Module, Namespace, and Program Entry Points
passing to C#, Working with Object Expressions
reusing, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes
segmenting into scopes, Variable Names
code quotations, Setting Up the Development Environment, Using the Multi-Inheritance Type Provider, Checking F# Types
(see also quotations)
code snippets, Exploring the HelloWorld Type Provider, Generated Type Provider
Azure blob storage service, Azure SQL Database
Azure Service Bus Queue code snippets, Azure SQL Database
cloud queue, Azure SQL Database
constructors, Using Type-Provider Snippets
F# add-in, Some Useful Add-ins
GA communication with cloud queue, Genetic Algorithms in the Cloud
measure builders, Using Type-Provider Snippets
parameters, Using Type-Provider Snippets
provided methods, Using Type-Provider Snippets
provided parameters, Using Type-Provider Snippets
provided properties, Using Type-Provider Snippets
Service Bus service interface definition, Service-Side Code
static parameters, Using Type-Provider Snippets
type provider skeleton, Using Type-Provider Snippets
type providers, Exploring the HelloWorld Type Provider, Generated Type Provider
Windows Azure, Azure SQL Database
XML comments, Using Type-Provider Snippets
Coding Faster: Getting More Productive with Microsoft Visual Studio (Microsoft Press, 2011), C# and F# Data Structures
collect function, collect
aggregating, find
appending one to one, collect
combinations, Dijkstra algorithm
converting types, Convert to Seq/List/Array
filtering, find
iterating, Variable Names
length, find
mapping, find
mathematical operations on, Math Operations
of functions, Convert from Seq/List/Array
processing, Developing the WinRT Application
command objects, Working with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern
command pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Adapter Pattern
comparison operations, Working with Comparison Operations for a Record, Tuple, and DU
compile symbols, Compiler Directives
COMPILED compile symbol, Compiler Directives
CompiledName attribute, Creating an F# Portable Library
compiler directives, Compiler Directives
composite operators, Pipe/Composite Operators
composite pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Factory Pattern
CompositeNode structure, Working with the Composite Pattern
computation expressions, Using Agents
attributes, Working with Computation Expressions
for rounding, Working with Computation Expressions
methods, Working with Computation Expressions
restrictions, Working with Computation Expressions
sample, Using Computation Expression Attributes
con operator (::), Using the List and Array Patterns
conditional compilation symbols, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
connect function, Working with the Composite Pattern
connection strings, specifying, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
console applications, creating, Run Your Program, Module, Namespace, and Program Entry Points
console output, Console Output
Console.WriteLine method, Console Output
constant pattern, Using Pattern Matching
constants, defining, What Changed
constraints, Using the IDisposable Interface
chaining, Using F# Generic Types and Constraints
functions, Working with the Adapter Pattern
NULL, Using F# Generic Types and Constraints
constructors, Using Constructors
accessibility modifiers, Using Constructors
code snippet, Using Type-Provider Snippets
do bindings, Using Constructors, Using Constructors
implicit and explicit class construction, Using Inheritance
in records, Working with Records
in type providers, Setting Up the Development Environment, Exploring the HelloWorld Type Provider
invoking, Using Inheritance
let bindings, Using Constructors, Using Constructors
multiple, Using Constructors
new keyword, Using Constructors
optional, Using Constructors
primary, Using Constructors
static, Using Constructors
then keyword, Using Constructors
XML documents and, Using Constructors
consumer role code, Azure Cloud Queue
contains operator, Using the count and distinct Operators
continuation passing style (CPS), Using the Continuation Passing Style
Fibonacci function, converting, Using the Continuation Passing Style
recursive functions, converting, Using the Continuation Passing Style
tree traversal, converting, Using the Continuation Passing Style
vs. recursion vs. tail calls, Using the Continuation Passing Style
conversion, Setting Up the Development Environment
(see also quotations)
data, Real-World Samples
implicit and explicit, Converting Numbers and Using enum
CoreComputation class, Working with the Decorator Pattern
cos function, Other F# Operators
cosh function, Other F# Operators
count operator, Using the head, last, and nth Operators
CPS (continuation passing style), Using the Continuation Passing Style
filtering functions, moving to GPU, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
host memory, CUDA
Pascal Triangle, Pascal Triangle
CSV type provider, Using the CSV Type Provider
cuBLAS (CUDA Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) library, cuBLAS Library
data structures, cuBLAS Library
dumpbin.exe, cuBLAS Library
F# wrapper code, cuBLAS Library
invoking, cuBLAS Library
overloaded functions, cuBLAS Library
CUDA, Introducing GPU and GPGPU, CUDA
converting to F# code, F# Quotation and Transform
CUDA Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines library, cuBLAS Library
CUDA Random Number Generation library, CUDA, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
CUDA Toolkit, CUDA
cudaLimit enumeration, CUDA
data, transferring between device and host memory, CUDA
defined, CUDA
device flag definitions, CUDA
device management functions, CUDA
device memory-management function, CUDA
device property execution result, CUDA
driver and runtime APIs, CUDA, CUDA
driver information, CUDA
F# code, translating, F# Quotation on GPGPU
graphics card limitations, CUDA
graphics card properties, CUDA
installation, CUDA
interop code, CUDA
CUDA Zone, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
CUDADeviceProp structure, CUDA
cudaError structure, CUDA, CUDA
CUDALibrary.h file, F# Quotation and Transform, F# Quotation on GPGPU
CUDAMemcpyKind type, CUDA
CUDAPointer,, F# Quotation and Transform
CUDAPointer2,, F# Quotation and Transform
CUDARuntime class, F# Quotation on GPGPU
cuError structure, CUDA
cuRAND (CUDA Random Number Generation) library, CUDA, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
accept-reject algorithm, cuRAND Library
CUDAPointer struct, cuRAND Library
CUDARandom class definition, cuRAND Library
CUDARandom class, invoking, cuRAND Library
RanGenerator structure, cuRAND Library
x86 and x64 versions, cuRAND Library
CustomOperation attribute, Using Computation Expression Attributes


data binding, enabling, Developing the WinRT Application
Data property, Using the CSV Type Provider, Using the CSV Type Provider
data sets, processing, Code Snippet for Azure Development
(see also MapReduce)
data structures
attributes, applying, Defining Attributes
defined, C# and F# Data Structures
data types, Using the Regular-Expression Type Provider
(see also types)
basic, Basic Data Types
sorting, Developing the WinRT Application
triple-quoted strings, Basic Data Types
variable names, Triple-Quoted Strings
data-rich environments, Type Providers
databases, Other Type Providers
(see also query syntax; SQL databases, Azure)
counting data elements, Using the head, last, and nth Operators
external access, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
filtering data, Using the select Operator, Connecting To and Consuming Data
grouping data, Using the group Operator
joining data, Using the join Operator
records, adding and removing, SQL Entity Type Provider
skipping data, Using the take and skip Operators
sorting data, Using the join Operator
updating, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
Word documents, passing data to, Exporting to Microsoft Excel
db variable, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
debugging multithreaded operations, Debugging Multithreaded Applications
decorator pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Observer Pattern
decr function, Working with the Command Pattern, Other Unique Features
default keyword, Using Inheritance
defaultArg function, Defining a Method
DefaultValue attribute, Adding Fields
define first and reference later principle, Using Constructors
delegates, Using Operator Overloading
combining, Using Delegates and Events
defined, Using Operator Overloading
defining, Using Operator Overloading
invoking, Using Delegates and Events
depth-first search (DFS) algorithm, Using the Graph Library
derived classes, casting to, Upcasting and Downcasting
design patterns, F# and Design Patterns
active patterns, Working with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern, Working with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern
adapter pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Adapter Pattern
behavior patterns, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes
bridge pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Adapter Pattern
builder pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Private Data Class Pattern
chain of responsibility pattern, Using Object-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns, Working with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern
command pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Adapter Pattern
composite pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Factory Pattern
decorator pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Observer Pattern
defined, F# and Design Patterns
facade pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Façade Pattern
factory pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the State Pattern
for MapReduce, MapReduce Design Patterns
memento pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Façade Pattern
object-oriented programming and, F# and Design Patterns
observer pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Command Pattern
private data class pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Private Data Class Pattern
proxy pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Decorator Pattern
singleton pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Factory Pattern
state pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Strategy Pattern
strategy pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Proxy Pattern
structural patterns, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes
template pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Composite Pattern
writing, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes
design principles, SOLID, Working with Reference Cells
design-time DLLs, Using the DGML-File Type Provider
device memory, CUDA
(see also GPUs (graphics processing units))
CUDA management function, CUDA
transferring from host memory, CUDA
__device__ keyword, F# Quotation on GPGPU
DFS (depth-first search) algorithm, Using the Graph Library
DGML files, graph deserialization from, Using the Graph Library
DGML-file type provider, Using the XML Type Provider
DGMLClass type, Using the DGML-File Type Provider
DGMLReader, invoking, Using the Graph Library
Dijkstra algorithm, Dijkstra algorithm
Directed Graph Markup Language (DGML), Using the XML Type Provider
disconnect function, Working with the Composite Pattern
discriminated unions (DUs), Working with the Command Pattern, Working with Discriminated Unions
binary tree structures, Working with Discriminated Unions
comparing, Working with Comparison Operations for a Record, Tuple, and DU
decomposing, Using the List and Array Patterns, Find the tree diameter
interfaces, Working with Discriminated Unions
members and properties, Working with Discriminated Unions
recursive feature, Working with Discriminated Unions
reflection on, Using Tuples
Shape type, Working with Discriminated Unions
Dispose method, Using the IDisposable Interface
distinct operator, Using the head, last, and nth Operators
do bindings, Using Constructors, Using Constructors
self-identifiers in, Creating an Indexer
do! (do-bang), Working with the Asynchronous Programming Model
Do/Undo functionality, Working with the Command Pattern
dot notation, Lists
double star (**) operator, Defining a Method
double-backticks, Triple-Quoted Strings
downcast keyword, Upcasting and Downcasting
dual-choice structures, Using the Choice Helper Type
dumpbin.exe, cuBLAS Library
DUs (see discriminated unions (DUs))


echo services, Setting Up the Service from Azure Management Portal
all, checking, exists and exists2
existence, checking, Pipe-Forward Operator
index lookups, find
elif expressions, while Loops
else compiler directive, Compiler Directives
Emit method, MapReduce Design Patterns
Empty function, Lists
emptyList element, Lists
emptyList2 element, Lists
encapsulation, Using Object-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes
class properties, Working with the Private Data Class Pattern
endif compiler directive, Compiler Directives
Entity type provider for Azure SQL databases, Azure SQL Database
EntryPoint attribute, Module, Namespace, and Program Entry Points
enum conversion, Creating an Instance
enumerations, Variable Names
defining, Enumerations
equal function definitions, exists and exists2
equal sign (=), exists and exists2, Module, Namespace, and Program Entry Points
equality comparisons, Lists
erased type providers, Write Your Own Type Provider
vs. generated type providers, Separating Run Time and Design Time
indentation problems, Some Useful Add-ins
type conversion, Basic Data Types
type information and, Type Inferences
escape characters, Triple-Quoted Strings
Event type, Using Delegates and Events
events, Using Operator Overloading, Working with the Observable Module
converting, Working with the Observable Module
defined, Using Delegates and Events
defining, Using Delegates and Events
filtering, Working with the Observable Module
invoking, Using Delegates and Events
merging, Working with the Observable Module
partitioning data, Working with the Observable Module
evolutionary process (see GAs (Genetic Algorithms))
exactlyOne operator, Using the contains, exists, and find Operators
Excel, retrieving cloud data into, Performing Serialization
Excel-file type provider, Using the CSV Type Provider
exception handling
in agents, Using Agents
in asynchronous workflows, Handling Exceptions
exceptions, Working with Exceptions
catching, Working with Exceptions
defining, Throwing Exceptions
exn abbreviation, Working with Exceptions
reflection on, Using Exceptions with F#
throwing, Throwing Exceptions
exclamation point (!), Other Unique Features
Execute In Interactive command, Using F# Interactive
Execute Line In Interactive command, Using F# Interactive
ExecuteStoreQuery method, SQL Entity Type Provider
executeStrategy function, Working with the Strategy Pattern
executing code, Using F# Interactive
branching, Variable Names
execution time, Using F# Interactive
exists function, Pipe-Forward Operator, Using the count and distinct Operators
exists2 function, Pipe-Forward Operator
exn abbreviation, Working with Exceptions
explicit class construction, Using Inheritance
extension methods, Using Extension Methods
extern function, Interop and Function Parameters


code snippet add-in, Some Useful Add-ins
converting to CUDA code, F# Quotation and Transform, F# Quotation on GPGPU
data types, Basic Data Types
define first and reference later approach, Using Constructors
depth colorizer, Some Useful Add-ins, Working with Records
functional programming support, C# and F# Data Structures, In Closing
imperative programming support, C# and F# Data Structures
interoperating with C# projects, Using Delegates and Events
NULL value support, Working with Options
object-oriented programming support, C# and F# Data Structures, Using F# for Object-Oriented Programming
operators, Using Operator Overloading
snippets, Exploring the HelloWorld Type Provider, Generated Type Provider
syntax (see syntax)
T-SQL knowledge, mapping to, SQL Query and F# Query
Windows 8 verification bug, Developing the WinRT Application
F# Interactive (FSI), Using F# Interactive, Pipe-Forward Operator, Pipe-Forward Operator, Type Inferences
F# library, Finding a sum from an array
(see also portable library)
for GPU translations, GPGPU with F#
F# quotations, F# Quotation and Transform
(see also quotations)
F# types, What Changed
F1 function, Using the Excel-File Type Provider
F2 function, Using the Excel-File Type Provider
facade pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Façade Pattern
factories, Working with the State Pattern
factory pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the State Pattern
failwith function, Throwing Exceptions
failwithf function, Throwing Exceptions
FCore numerical library (Statfactory), Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
fields, class
default values, Adding Fields
DefaultValue attribute, Adding Fields
defining, Using Classes
explicit, Using Classes
let keyword, Using Classes
val keyword, Using Classes
File System type provider, Other Type Providers
filter function, find
find function, exists and exists2, Using the count and distinct Operators
fixed query schema file, WSDL Type Provider Parameters
fixed-query datasets, Connecting To and Consuming Data
flexible types, Using F# Generic Types and Constraints
float type, Basic Data Types, Math Operations, Working with Units of Measure
float32 type, Basic Data Types
floor function, Other F# Operators
flow control, Variable Names
console output, Console Output
for loops, Variable Names
if expressions, while Loops
match expressions, if Expressions
while loops, for Loop
fold function, find
for loops, Variable Names form, Variable Names form, Variable Names
forall function, exists and exists2
forall2 function, exists and exists2
Force method, Using Lazy Evaluation, Partial Functions, and Memoization
Fork/Join pattern, Using Threads
as wizards, Using a Formlet Type to Get Input and Generate Output
forward composite operator, Pipe/Composite Operators
FSharp.Data.TypeProviders assembly, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
FSharpX project, Other Type Providers
FSI (F# Interactive), Using F# Interactive, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
commands, Using F# Interactive
debugging code, Pipe-Forward Operator
default folder, FSIAnyCPU
directives, FSIAnyCPU
executing code, Using F# Interactive
function definitions, checking, Pipe-Forward Operator
references, adding, Type Inferences
resetting sessions, Using F# Interactive
window, Using F# Interactive
FSIAnyCPU feature, Using F# Interactive
fst function, Tuples
FuncConvert.FuncFromTupled, Pipe/Composite Operators
function keyword, Working with the State Pattern, Using Pattern Matching
function operators, Recursive Functions, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes
functional programming, C# and F# Data Structures, Pipe-Forward Operator, Convert from Seq/List/Array, In Closing
design patterns and, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes
functions, Convert from Seq/List/Array, Tuples
active pattern, Using Multicase Active Patterns
CompiledName attribute, Creating an F# Portable Library
continuations, Using the Continuation Passing Style
defining, Tuples
definitions, checking, Pipe-Forward Operator
encapsulating, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes
implementing, Function
initialization, Working with Options
inline, Working with the Adapter Pattern
mutually recursive, Recursive Functions
names, special characters in, Exploring the Portable Library Samples
naming convention, Creating an F# Portable Library
nonpartial, Using Lazy Evaluation, Partial Functions, and Memoization
overriding, Using a Self-Identifier
partial, Using Lazy Evaluation, Partial Functions, and Memoization
quotations, getting, F# Quotation and Transform
referencing, Module, Namespace, and Program Entry Points
statically resolved type parameters, Working with the Adapter Pattern
tail calls, Recursive Functions
templates, Working with the Composite Pattern
wrapping, Using the CSV Type Provider


garbage collection, Using the IDisposable Interface
GAs (Genetic Algorithms), MapReduce Design Patterns
Azure communication, Azure Communication
chromosomes, MapReduce Design Patterns
code, Elitism
code, invoking, Azure Communication
communication with cloud queue, Genetic Algorithms in the Cloud
crossover and mutation, Selection
diversity, Elitism
elitism, Crossover and Mutation
fitness function, MapReduce Design Patterns
in the cloud, Client-Side Code
loci, Understanding Genetic Algorithms
Monitor role, Genetic Algorithms in the Cloud
population, MapReduce Design Patterns
population convergence, Elitism
population initialization, Understanding Genetic Algorithms, Elitism
query results, Genetic Algorithms in the Cloud
recombination, MapReduce Design Patterns, Selection
Run function, Genetic Algorithms in the Cloud
selection, Selection
simple GA functionality, Understanding Genetic Algorithms
General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
general-purpose GPU (see GPGPU (general-purpose GPU))
generated properties, Generated Type Provider
generated type providers, Write Your Own Type Provider, What Is a Type Provider?, Separating Run Time and Design Time
fields, Generated Type Provider
test code, Generated Type Provider
generated types, accessing, Generated Type Provider
generic constraints, Using F# Generic Types and Constraints
generic invoke (GI) function, Console Output, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes, Working with a Generic Invoke Function
inline function, Working with a Generic Invoke Function
generic types, Using the IDisposable Interface
new keyword and, Creating an Instance
Genetic Algorithms (GAs) (see GAs (Genetic Algorithms))
GetDataContext method, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
GitHub, Other Type Providers
global operators, Using Operator Overloading
__global__ keyword, F# Quotation on GPGPU
GPGPU (general-purpose GPU), GPGPU with F#
defined, Introducing GPU and GPGPU
F# translations on, F# Quotation on GPGPU
for real-time math operations, GPGPU with F#
GPUAttribute attribute, F# Quotation and Transform, F# Quotation on GPGPU
GPUExecution class, F# Quotation on GPGPU
GPUs (graphics processing units), GPGPU with F#
array processing, Maximum Values in Subarrays
data, copying to and from, CUDA
defined, Introducing GPU and GPGPU
device flag definitions, CUDA
driver information, CUDA
filtering functions, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
functions, loading and executing, F# Quotation on GPGPU
hardware limitations, CUDA
OpenCL, Introducing GPU and GPGPU
Pascal Triangle, Pascal Triangle
performance, measuring, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
simulations, Maximum Values in Subarrays
supported types, checking for, F# Quotation and Transform
uses, Introducing GPU and GPGPU
Graph class, Using the Graph Library
graph library, Using the Graph Library
A* algorithm, Find all paths in a graph
breadth-first search algorithm, Depth-first search
depth-first search algorithm, Using the Graph Library
Dijkstra algorithm, Dijkstra algorithm
graphics processing units (see GPUs (graphics processing units))
defined, Using the Graph Library
deserializing, Using the Graph Library
paths, finding, Find all paths in a graph
group join operations, Using the join Operator
group operator, Using the group Operator
grouping code, Using Classes
groupValBy keyword, Using the group Operator


id function, collect
identifier pattern, Using the List and Array Patterns
IDisposable interface, Type Inferences, Using the IDisposable Interface
new keyword and, Using Abstract and Sealed Classes
IEchoChannel interface, Setting Up the Service from Azure Management Portal, Service-Side Code
IEchoContract interface, Setting Up the Service from Azure Management Portal, Service-Side Code
if compiler directive, Compiler Directives
if expressions, while Loops
else branch, while Loops
ignore operator, Unit Types
ILoanCalculator interface, Azure WCF Service
images, storing as blobs, Azure Blob Storage
imperative programming, C# and F# Data Structures, Convert from Seq/List/Array
implicit class construction, Using Inheritance
IMyInterface parameter, Working with Reference Cells
“Incomplete pattern matches on this expression” warnings, Using the Excel-File Type Provider
incr function, Working with the Command Pattern, Other Unique Features
indexed properties, Defining a Property
arrays and, Arrays
creating, Using Constructors
Item property, Using Constructors
lists and, Lists
inherit keyword, Using Inheritance
inheritance, Using Inheritance, Using Object-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes
interfaces and, Defining an Interface
with type providers, Using a Wrapper Type Provider
initialization code, Using Constructors
additional, Using Constructors
inline function, Working with a Generic Invoke Function
input strings, reading, Working with Options
input, invalid, Working with Options
InstanceContextMode field, Genetic Algorithms in the Cloud
creating, Using Abstract and Sealed Classes
upcasting and downcasting, Converting Numbers and Using enum
integers, converting to enumeration, Enumerations
IntelliSense, Using F# Interactive, Type Providers
base types and, Using the Regular-Expression Type Provider
column names, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
generated types and, Write Your Own Type Provider
in F# projects, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
type information, Type Inferences
with type providers, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
INTERACTIVE compile symbol, Compiler Directives
defining, Upcasting and Downcasting
IDisposable,, Using the IDisposable Interface
implementing, Defining an Interface
inheritance, Defining an Interface
with properties, Defining an Interface
interleaving, Using Threads, Using Asynchronous Workflows, Permutations of a string
internal keyword, Using Constructors
interop function, Type Inferences
interoperating with C# projects, Using Delegates and Events
invalidArg function, Throwing Exceptions
InvalidCastException function, Upcasting and Downcasting
invalidOp function, Throwing Exceptions
InvalidOperationException errors, Using Constructors
InvokeCode,, Using the Multi-Inheritance Type Provider
IsErased property, Separating Run Time and Design Time
IsLikeJoin property, Using Computation Expression Attributes
IsMatch static method, Using the Regular-Expression Type Provider
IState interface, Using the DGML-File Type Provider
Item property, Defining a Property, Using Constructors
item templates, Using F# Interactive


join operator, Using the join Operator
group joins, Using the join Operator
outer joins, Using the join Operator
JSON serialization, Performing Serialization
JSON type provider, Other Type Providers


#l directive, FSIAnyCPU
lambda expressions, Using Operator Overloading
language features, Type Providers
Language Integrated Query (LINQ), C# and F# Data Structures, Some Useful Add-ins
LanguagePrimitives.Float32WithMeasure,, Working with Units of Measure
LanguagePrimitives.FloatWithMeasure,, Working with Units of Measure
large data sets, processing, Code Snippet for Azure Development
(see also MapReduce)
last operator, Using the head, last, and nth Operators
lazy evaluation, Using Lazy Evaluation, Partial Functions, and Memoization
on loops, Build a BST from a pre-order iteration list
lazy keyword, Using Lazy Evaluation, Partial Functions, and Memoization
Lazy.Create,, Using Lazy Evaluation, Partial Functions, and Memoization
legacy code, invoking, Working with the Adapter Pattern
length function, Pipe-Forward Operator
let bindings, Using Constructors
modifiers and, Using Constructors
let keyword, Basic Data Types, Using Classes
let! (let-bang) operator, Working with the Asynchronous Programming Model
CUDA Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines library, cuBLAS Library
CUDA Random Number Generation library, CUDA, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
F# Portable Library template, Exploring the Portable Library Samples
FCore numerical library (Statfactory), Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
graph library, Using the Graph Library
Portable Class Library project, Portable Library and HTML/JavaScript
portable library, Developing Windows Store Applications with F#
Task Parallel Library, Using Cancellation
line compiler directive, Compiler Directives
line intersections, Reservoir sampling
linear algebra
CUDA Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines library, cuBLAS Library
resources for, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
LINQ (Language INtegrated Query), C# and F# Data Structures, Some Useful Add-ins
LINQ-to-SQL type provider, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
LIS (longest increasing sequence), Finding the longest increasing sequence
List module, Pipe-Forward Operator
list pattern, Using the Tuple Pattern
List.ofArray function, Convert from Seq/List/Array
List.ofSeq function, Convert from Seq/List/Array
List.toArray function, Convert to Seq/List/Array
List.toSeq function, Convert to Seq/List/Array
lists, Lists
combinations, Dijkstra algorithm
comparing, Lists
concatenating, Lists, Using a quick-sort algorithm
defining, Lists
elements, attaching, Lists
heads and tails, Using a quick-sort algorithm
indexing, Lists
length of, Pipe-Forward Operator
merging, Performing a merge sort
operators, Lists
shuffling, Phone keyboard
sorting, zip and zip3
structural equality, Lists
ListT type, Lists
Literal attribute, What Changed, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
#load directive, FSIAnyCPU
lock function, Using Threads, Using Threads
log function, Other F# Operators
log10 function, Other F# Operators
longest increasing sequence (LIS), Finding the longest increasing sequence


mailbox processor, Working with the State Pattern, Using the DGML-File Type Provider, Debugging Multithreaded Applications, Using Agents
main function, Module, Namespace, and Program Entry Points
MaintainsVariableSpace property, Using Computation Expression Attributes
MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind property, Using Computation Expression Attributes
Manage NuGet Packages dialog box, Other Type Providers
map combinators, Code Snippet for Azure Development
map data structure, Convert from Seq/List/Array
map function, find
MapReduce, Code Snippet for Azure Development
counting, MapReduce Design Patterns
data, passing in, MapReduce
design patterns, MapReduce Design Patterns
Emit method, MapReduce Design Patterns
graph processing, MapReduce Design Patterns
map step, MapReduce
parameter and result queues, MapReduce
reduce step, MapReduce
simulating, MapReduce
worker role projects, MapReduce
match expressions, if Expressions
missing patterns, Using the Tuple Pattern
option type, Using the List and Array Patterns
Match method, Using the Regular-Expression Type Provider
match statement, Binary search tree
active pattern and, Using Parameterized Active Patterns
shortcut for, Working with the State Pattern
mathematical operations, Math Operations
in real time, GPGPU with F#
graphs as, Find all paths in a graph
manipulation, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
max function, Math Operations, Other F# Operators
measure builders code snippet, Using Type-Provider Snippets
Median pattern, Finding the median of two sorted arrays
member keyword, Defining a Property, Working with Records
self-identifiers in, Creating an Indexer
member names, special/reserved, Using a Self-Identifier
members, hiding from base class, Using a Self-Identifier
memento pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Façade Pattern
memoization, Using Lazy Evaluation, Partial Functions, and Memoization
code template, Using Lazy Evaluation, Partial Functions, and Memoization
merge function, Performing a merge sort
merge operations
on arrays, Finding a sum from an array
sorts, Performing a merge sort
message queues, Working with the State Pattern
messaging, Azure Communication
meta-programming, Using a Wrapper Type Provider, Using the Multi-Inheritance Type Provider
accessing, Defining an Interface
defined, Defining a Method
defining, Defining a Method
extension, Using Extension Methods
invoking, Using a Wrapper Type Provider
overriding, Using Abstract and Sealed Classes
static, Defining a Method
virtual, Using Inheritance
Microsoft Excel, retrieving cloud data into, Performing Serialization
Microsoft IntelliSense (see IntelliSense)
Microsoft Translator, fixed-query datasets, Connecting To and Consuming Data
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (see Visual Studio)
Microsoft Web Platform Installer 4.5, Setting Up Your Environment
Microsoft Word, retrieving cloud data into, Exporting to Microsoft Excel
Microsoft.FSharp.Control namespace, Using Delegates and Events
Microsoft.FSharp.Core.dll, Lists, Defining a Method
min function, Math Operations, Other F# Operators
min/max operators, Using the min/max, average, and sum Operators
Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern, Creating an F# Portable Library
modules, Pipe-Forward Operator, Using Classes
defining, Module, Namespace, and Program Entry Points
extending, Module, Namespace, and Program Entry Points
nesting, Module, Namespace, and Program Entry Points
use keyword and, Using the IDisposable Interface
Monte Carlo simulation, Maximum Values in Subarrays
multithreaded operations
debugging, Debugging Multithreaded Applications
immutable variables and, while Loops
mutable data, defining, Other Unique Features
mutable fields, Defining Structure
mutable keyword, while Loops, Working with Records
mutable variables, Working with the Command Pattern
MyCollectionExtensions namespace, Module, Namespace, and Program Entry Points
MyException type, Throwing Exceptions


object expressions, Working with the Factory Pattern, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes, Working with Reference Cells
abstract classes, Working with Object Expressions
base classes, extending, Working with Object Expressions
code, organizing, Working with Object Expressions
multiple interfaces, implementing, Working with Object Expressions
property declarations, Working with Object Expressions
reference cells in, Working with Object Expressions
restrictions, Working with Object Expressions
WPF commands in, Working with Object Expressions
object-oriented programming (OOP), Using F# for Object-Oriented Programming
classes, Using Classes
design patterns and, F# and Design Patterns
encapsulation, Using Object-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns
inheritance, Using Inheritance, Using Object-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes
polymorphism, Using Object-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns
anonymous, Working with Reference Cells
building, Working with the Private Data Class Pattern
decorating, Working with the Observer Pattern
internal state, saving, Working with the Façade Pattern
placeholders and interfaces for, Working with the Decorator Pattern
state of, Working with the Strategy Pattern
objExpression type, Working with Reference Cells
Observable module, Working with the Observer Pattern, Working with the Observable Module
partition function, Working with the Observable Module
ObservableCollection with list features, Using ObservableCollection with List Features
ObservableList,, Using ObservableCollection with List Features
observer pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Command Pattern
OData type provider, WSDL Type Provider Parameters
parameters, OData Type Provider
Windows Azure Marketplace, connecting with, Connecting To and Consuming Data
Office Open XML File format, Using the CSV Type Provider
Office OpenXML SDK, Exporting to Microsoft Excel
OnRun function, Azure Blob Storage
OnStart function, Azure Blob Storage
OOP (object-oriented programming), Using F# for Object-Oriented Programming
Open Data Protocol (OData) type provider, WSDL Type Provider Parameters
open statement, Module, Namespace, and Program Entry Points
Open XML SDK, Using the CSV Type Provider
OpenCL, Introducing GPU and GPGPU
OpenCL on NVIDIA, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
operator characters, names, Using Operator Overloading
binary, Using Operator Overloading
generated names, Using Operator Overloading
global, Using Operator Overloading
overloading, Using Extension Methods
passing to higher-order functions, Using Asynchronous Workflows
unary, Using Operator Overloading
option data structure, Working with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern, Working with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern
optional constructors, Using Constructors
options, Working with Object Expressions
characteristics of, Working with Object Expressions
members, Working with Object Expressions
NULL values, converting to or from, Working with Options
NULL vs. None,, Working with Options
Out attribute, Interop and Function Parameters
out parameter, Interop and Function Parameters
outer joins, Using the join Operator
operators, Using Extension Methods
type inferences and, Type Inferences
override keyword, Using a Self-Identifier
functions, Using a Self-Identifier
methods, Using Abstract and Sealed Classes


parallel/asynchronous programming, Using Threads
code snippet, Using Type-Provider Snippets
for active pattern, Using Multicase Active Patterns
grouping, Tuples
named features, Defining a Method
optional, Defining a Method
partial functions, Using Lazy Evaluation, Partial Functions, and Memoization
Pascal Triangle, Pascal Triangle
BOPM, converting to, Using Binomial Trees and the BOPM
processing, Pascal Triangle
pascalTriangle function, F# Quotation on GPGPU
pattern grouping, Working with the And/Or Pattern and Pattern Grouping
pattern matching, Using Pattern Matching
And/Or pattern, Working with the And/Or Pattern and Pattern Grouping
array pattern, Using the Tuple Pattern
as pattern, Using Variable Patterns and the when Guard
Choice helper type, Using the Choice Helper Type
constant pattern, Using Pattern Matching
function keyword, Using Pattern Matching
identifier pattern, Using the List and Array Patterns
list pattern, Using the Tuple Pattern
missing patterns, Using the Tuple Pattern
NULL pattern, Using the List and Array Patterns
pattern grouping, Working with the And/Or Pattern and Pattern Grouping
quick sort algorithm, Using a quick-sort algorithm
record pattern, Using the List and Array Patterns
tuple pattern, Using Pattern Matching
type pattern, Using Variable Patterns and the when Guard
underscore (_), Using Pattern Matching
variable patterns, Using Variable Patterns and the when Guard
when guard, Using Variable Patterns and the when Guard
patterns, F# and Design Patterns
(see also design patterns; pattern matching)
defined, Using Pattern Matching
phone keyboard, Combination
pi, calculation, Maximum Values in Subarrays
pipe operations, hooking into, Pipe/Composite Operators
pipe operators, Pipe/Composite Operators
pipe-backward operator (<|), Pipe/Composite Operators
pipe-forward operator (|>), Arrays
pipeline operators, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes
placeholders, format specification indicators, Console Output
polymorphism, Using Object-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns, Writing Design Patterns: Additional Notes
Portable Class Library project, Portable Library and HTML/JavaScript
portable library
arrays, operations on, Finding a sum from an array
code change for data binding, Developing the WinRT Application
collection data structures, Developing the WinRT Application
combination, Dijkstra algorithm
continuation passing style, Using the Continuation Passing Style
creating, Developing Windows Store Applications with F#
data types, sorting, Developing the WinRT Application
data, categorizing, Dealing with the Dutch national flag problem
default content, Developing Windows Store Applications with F#
for WinRT applications, Exploring the Portable Library Samples
graph library, Using the Graph Library
line intersections, Reservoir sampling
neural networks, Find triangles
phone keyboard, Combination
project properties, Developing the WinRT Application
properties, Creating an F# Portable Library
reservoir sampling, Shuffle algorithm
Result property, Developing the WinRT Application, Developing the WinRT Application
samples, Exploring the Portable Library Samples
sequences, Finding the longest increasing sequence
shuffle algorithm, Phone keyboard
string operations, Calculate the tree boundary
tree structures, Creating a Tree Structure
triangles, Find triangles
Post method, Working with the State Pattern
primary constructors, Using Constructors
printf statements, Using Constructors
printfn function, Console Output, Using Threads
with lock, Using Asynchronous Workflows
private data class pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Private Data Class Pattern
processing objects, Working with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern
running, Run Your Program
scope, Variable Names
project references, Using Delegates and Events
ProjectionParameter,, Using Computation Expression Attributes
AssemblyInfo,, Using AssemblyInfo
referencing, Using Delegates and Events
accessibility levels, Defining a Property
attributes, adding, Generated Type Provider
auto-implemented, Defining a Property, Using Constructors
defining, Defining a Property
indexed, Defining a Property
initializing values, Defining a Property
member keyword, Defining a Property
protected keyword, Using Classes
provided methods, Setting Up the Development Environment, Setting Up the Development Environment
code snippet, Using Type-Provider Snippets
generating, Using the Multi-Inheritance Type Provider
provided parameters code snippet, Using Type-Provider Snippets
provided properties, Setting Up the Development Environment
code snippet, Using Type-Provider Snippets
provided types, Setting Up the Development Environment
base type, erasing to, Using the Excel-File Type Provider
ProvidedAssembly class, Separating Run Time and Design Time
ProvidedMeasureBuilder type, Using the CSV Type Provider
ProvidedMethod type, Exploring the HelloWorld Type Provider
ProvidedProperty type, Exploring the HelloWorld Type Provider
ProvidedTypeDefinition,, Exploring the HelloWorld Type Provider
proxy classes, Connecting To and Consuming Data
proxy pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Decorator Pattern
PTX file, F# Quotation and Transform, F# Quotation on GPGPU
public keyword, Using Classes
Publish method, Using Delegates and Events
Publish Windows Azure Application Wizard, Developing a Windows Azure Application


queries, fixed-query datasets, Connecting To and Consuming Data
query function, Working with the Composite Pattern, Using Agents
query syntax, Other Type Providers
all operator, Using the contains, exists, and find Operators
average operator, Using the min/max, average, and sum Operators
contains operator, Using the count and distinct Operators
count operator, Using the head, last, and nth Operators
distinct operator, Using the head, last, and nth Operators
exactlyOne operator, Using the contains, exists, and find Operators
exists operator, Using the count and distinct Operators
find operator, Using the count and distinct Operators
group operator, Using the group Operator
head operator, Using the head, last, and nth Operators
join operator, Using the join Operator
last operator, Using the head, last, and nth Operators
min/max operators, Using the min/max, average, and sum Operators
nth operator, Using the head, last, and nth Operators
nullable values, Using the sortBy Operator, Using the min/max, average, and sum Operators
select operator, Query
server-side code, Using the select Operator
skip operator, Using the take and skip Operators
sortBy operator, Using the join Operator
sum operator, Using the min/max, average, and sum Operators
take operator, Using the take and skip Operators
where operator, Using the select Operator
Word documents, generating, Exporting to Microsoft Excel
quick sorts, Using a quick-sort algorithm
#quit directive, FSIAnyCPU
quotation marks, escaping, Triple-Quoted Strings
quotation splicing operators, Using the Regular-Expression Type Provider
quotations, Setting Up the Development Environment, Using the Multi-Inheritance Type Provider, Checking F# Types, GPGPU with F#, F# Quotation and Transform
.NET types to C, F# Quotation and Transform
block and thread relationships, F# Quotation on GPGPU
BlockDim,, F# Quotation on GPGPU
code generation function, F# Quotation on GPGPU
code structure intermediate functions, F# Quotation and Transform
code translation, F# Quotation and Transform
CUDA data structures, F# Quotation on GPGPU
functions for checking supported types, F# Quotation and Transform
functions for return type and signature, F# Quotation and Transform
GPUAttribute attribute, F# Quotation and Transform, F# Quotation on GPGPU
iterating tree structure, Working with Code Quotation
on GPGPU, F# Quotation on GPGPU
Pascal Triangle, Pascal Triangle
pascalTriangle function, F# Quotation on GPGPU
PTX files, F# Quotation and Transform, F# Quotation on GPGPU
__device__ keyword, F# Quotation on GPGPU
__global__ keyword, F# Quotation on GPGPU
ReflectedDefinition attribute, F# Quotation and Transform
sample2 function, F# Quotation on GPGPU
ThreadIdx identifier, F# Quotation on GPGPU
tree traversal, F# Quotation and Transform


#r directive, FSIAnyCPU
raise function, Throwing Exceptions
random number generation (RNG), CUDA
random-selection algorithms, Phone keyboard
rank selection, Selection
Receive method, Working with the State Pattern
record equality, Comparing a Record with Other Data Structures
record pattern, Using the List and Array Patterns
record types, Working with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern
properties and methods, adding to, Working with the Private Data Class Pattern
record-related functions, reflection on, Using Functions Related to Discriminated Unions
records, Working with Units of Measure
CLIMutable attribute, Working with Records
comparing, Working with Comparison Operations for a Record, Tuple, and DU
comparing with data structures, Comparing a Record with Other Data Structures
copying, Working with Records
defining and creating, Working with Records
equality comparisons, Working with Records
matching, Using the List and Array Patterns
mutable fields, Working with Records
serialization and, Using the CLIMutable Attribute
static members, Working with Records
vs. classes, Comparing a Record with Other Data Structures
recursive functions, Recursive Functions
converting to CPS, Using the Continuation Passing Style
lists, summing, Using the Continuation Passing Style
on arrays, Finding the maximum sum of an array
quotations, accessing with, Working with Code Quotation
rewriting, Using the Continuation Passing Style
reduce combinators, Code Snippet for Azure Development
ref keyword, Interop and Function Parameters, Working with the Adapter Pattern, Other Unique Features
reference cells, Working with the Command Pattern, Other Unique Features
definition, Other Unique Features
in object expressions, Working with Object Expressions
sample, Working with Computation Expressions
reference equality, Comparing a Record with Other Data Structures
managing, Some Useful Add-ins
to C# projects, Using Delegates and Events
ReflectedDefinition attribute, Working with Code Quotation, F# Quotation and Transform
reflection, Using a Wrapper Type Provider, Using a Wrapper Type Provider, Using Reflection
attributes, defining, Using Reflection
functions, implementing, Function
on discriminated unions, Using Tuples
on exceptions, Using Exceptions with F#
on record-related functions, Using Functions Related to Discriminated Unions
on tuples, Working with Type and Member Info
type information, Defining Attributes
Registry type provider, Other Type Providers
regular-expression type provider, Using the Regular-Expression Type Provider
relayed messaging, Azure Communication
remote services and data, accessing, WSDL Type Provider
RequireQualifiedAccess attribute, Module, Namespace, and Program Entry Points
reraise function, Throwing Exceptions
reservoir sampling, Shuffle algorithm
resources, releasing, Using the IDisposable Interface
retry computation expression, Working with Computation Expressions
rev function, zip and zip3
RNG (random number generation), CUDA
roulette wheel selection, Selection
round function, Other F# Operators
Run function, Genetic Algorithms in the Cloud
run-time DLLs, Using the DGML-File Type Provider
running programs, Run Your Program
compiler directives, Compiler Directives
console applications, Run Your Program
F# Interactive, Using F# Interactive
FSI directives, FSIAnyCPU
FSIAnyCPU feature, Using F# Interactive


sample2 function, F# Quotation on GPGPU
Scala, C# and F# Data Structures
schema data, Using a Wrapper Type Provider
schematized data, Using the CSV Type Provider
scopes, segmenting code into, Variable Names
script files vs. source files, Using F# Interactive
Sealed attribute, Using Abstract and Sealed Classes, Defining Structure
sealed classes, Using Inheritance
attributes, Using Abstract and Sealed Classes
segmenting code, Variable Names
select operator, Query
multiple select statements, Using the select Operator
rank, Selection
roulette wheel, Selection
self-identifiers, Creating an Indexer
in interface implementation code, Defining an Interface
in property names, Defining a Property
this keyword, Defining a Property
semicolons, while Loops, Using F# Interactive, Lists
seq expression, Using Agents
Seq module, Pipe-Forward Operator
Seq.fold function, Using a quick-sort algorithm
Seq.ofArray function, Convert from Seq/List/Array
Seq.ofList function, Convert from Seq/List/Array
Seq.toArray function, Convert to Seq/List/Array
Seq.toList function, Convert to Seq/List/Array
Seq.windowed function, Using Threads
sequences, Lists
binary trees, building, Delete a tree
defined, Lists
defining, Lists
in C#, Lists
length, Pipe-Forward Operator
serialization, Performing Serialization
record types in, Using the CLIMutable Attribute
Service Bus Relay service, Azure Communication
Service Bus service
client-side code, Service-Side Code
default key, Setting Up the Service from Azure Management Portal
echo service code, Setting Up the Service from Azure Management Portal
interface definition snippets, Service-Side Code
setting up, Setting Up the Service from Azure Management Portal
set data structure, Convert from Seq/List/Array
SetFunction,, Using the DGML-File Type Provider
setter function, Defining a Property
Shape type, Working with Discriminated Unions
shuffle algorithm, Phone keyboard
simulations, GPU for, Maximum Values in Subarrays
sin function, Other F# Operators
singleton pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Factory Pattern
singletons, Working with the Factory Pattern
sinh function, Other F# Operators
sizeof operator, FSIAnyCPU
SizeT wrapper, CUDA
skip operator, Using the take and skip Operators, Connecting To and Consuming Data
slicing arrays, Arrays
snd function, Tuples
snippets, Exploring the HelloWorld Type Provider, Generated Type Provider
(see also code snippets)
SOLID (Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation, and Dependency inversion) design principles, Working with Reference Cells
Some()/ None syntax, Working with the Chain of Responsibility Pattern
sort function, zip and zip3
sortBy operator, Using the join Operator
sortByNullable operator, Using the sortBy Operator
sortByNullableDescending operator, Using the sortBy Operator
data types, Developing the WinRT Application
merge sorts, Performing a merge sort
quick sorts, Using a quick-sort algorithm
source files vs. script files, Using F# Interactive
special characters, Using a Self-Identifier
in function names, Exploring the Portable Library Samples
sprintf function, Using a Self-Identifier, Using a Self-Identifier
SQL databases, Azure, Azure SQL Database
accessing, SQL Entity Type Provider
connection to, Azure SQL Database
creating, Azure SQL Database
Entity type provider, Azure SQL Database
tables, creating, Azure SQL Database
SQL Entity type provider, SQL Entity Type Provider
Azure SQL access, SQL Entity Type Provider
databases, updating, SQL Entity Type Provider
parameters, SQL Entity Type Provider
private and internal types, SQL Entity Type Provider
queries, executing, SQL Entity Type Provider
query operations, Query
SqlEntityConnection type name, SQL Entity Type Provider
SQL Server type provider, Type Providers
SQL type provider, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
code, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
parameters, SQL Type Provider Parameters
SQL access, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
SqlDataConnection type name, SQL Entity Type Provider
SQLMetal.exe code generation, SQL Type Provider Parameters
SqlConnection type, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
SqlMetal.exe, Type Providers, SQL Type Provider Parameters
sqrt function, Defining a Method
converting, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
stack overflow exceptions, Recursive Functions, Defining an Interface
stack overflows, avoiding, Using the Continuation Passing Style
state data, saving, Working with the Façade Pattern
state machines, Working with the State Pattern
representing graphically, Using the XML Type Provider
state pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Strategy Pattern
StateMachine class, Using the DGML-File Type Provider, Using the DGML-File Type Provider
statements, invoking, Using a Wrapper Type Provider
Statfactory FCore numerical library, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
static binding, Using Constructors
static constructors, Using Constructors
static keyword, Defining a Method
in let bindings, Using Constructors
static methods, defining, Defining a Method
static parameters
code snippet, Using Type-Provider Snippets
in type providers, Using the Regular-Expression Type Provider, Using the CSV Type Provider
types, Using Type-Provider Snippets
stderr,, Console Output
stdin,, Console Output
stdout,, Console Output
storedProcedures parameter, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
strategy pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Proxy Pattern
StreamReader,, Using the Graph Library
streams, standard, Console Output
string operations, Calculate the tree boundary
interleaving, Permutations of a string
KMP search algorithm, String interleaving
palindromes, finding, Calculate the tree boundary
permutations, finding, Palindrome in a string
substrings, decomposing into, Calculate the tree boundary
normal and verbatim, Basic Data Types
syntaxes, Basic Data Types
triple-quoted, Basic Data Types
StructLayout attribute, Defining Structure
structs, Comparing a Record with Other Data Structures
defined, Defining Structure
mutable fields, Defining Structure
restrictions on, Defining Structure
structural comparison, Working with Comparison Operations for a Record, Tuple, and DU
structural equality, Lists, Comparing a Record with Other Data Structures, Working with Comparison Operations for a Record, Tuple, and DU
tuples and, Tuples
structural hashing, Working with Comparison Operations for a Record, Tuple, and DU
structure, defining, Defining Structure
subject objects, Working with the Command Pattern
subtype polymorphism, Using Object-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns
suffix trees, Palindrome in a string
sum function, Math Operations, Functions, Using the min/max, average, and sum Operators
SuppressRelocation property, Separating Run Time and Design Time, Generated Type Provider
swap function, Type Inferences
symbols, defining, Compiler Directives
angle bracket (>), exists and exists2
equal sign (=), exists and exists2
semicolon, while Loops, Using F# Interactive, Lists, Working with Records
tilde (~), Using Extension Methods
underscore (_), Using Pattern Matching
System.Collections.Generic.Queue,, F# binary tree and in-order traversal
System.Collections.Generic.Stack,, Delete a tree
System.Object base type, Using the Regular-Expression Type Provider, Using the Excel-File Type Provider
System.Runtime.CompilerServices. Extension attribute, Using Extension Methods
System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValueAttribute attribute, Defining a Method
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Out attribute, Interop and Function Parameters
System.Text.RegularExpression.Match type, Using the Regular-Expression Type Provider


T-SQL, mapping to F#, SQL Query and F# Query
tail calls, Recursive Functions, Using the Continuation Passing Style
take operator, Using the take and skip Operators
tan function, Other F# Operators
tanh function, Other F# Operators
Task Parallel Library (TPL), Using Cancellation
template pattern, Working with F# and Design Patterns, Working with the Composite Pattern
then keyword, Using Constructors
thenBy keyword, Using the join Operator
thenByNullable operator, Using the sortBy Operator
thenByNullableDescending operator, Using the sortBy Operator
this keyword, Defining a Property, Creating an Indexer, Defining an Interface, Working with Computation Expressions
ThreadIdx identifier, F# Quotation on GPGPU
threads, Working with Asynchronous and Parallel Workflows
lock function, Using Threads
spawning, Working with Asynchronous and Parallel Workflows
tilde (~), Using Extension Methods
#time switch, Using F# Interactive
translateFromNETOperator function, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU
tree structures, Working with the Factory Pattern, Creating a Tree Structure
binary search trees, F# binary tree and in-order traversal
binary trees, F# tree representation and traversal
binomial trees, Pascal Triangle
boundaries, calculating, Calculate the tree boundary
building, Delete a tree
children, checking, Build a BST from a pre-order iteration list
common ancestors, finding, Find the tree diameter
common elements, finding, Find the common elements from two BSTs
deleting, Delete a tree
diameter, finding, Find the tree diameter
F# representation, Creating a Tree Structure
traversals, converting to CPS, Using the Continuation Passing Style
traversing, Creating a Tree Structure, Delete a tree
triangles, Find triangles
Trigger method, Using Delegates and Events
triple-quoted strings, Basic Data Types
try...finally statement, Working with Exceptions, Throwing Exceptions
try...with statement, Working with Exceptions
tuple pattern, Using Pattern Matching
tuples, Enumerations, Working with Units of Measure
comparing, Working with Comparison Operations for a Record, Tuple, and DU
defining, Enumerations
fst function, Tuples
reflection, Working with Type and Member Info
snd function, Tuples
static methods and, Defining a Method
type aliases, Unit Types
type casting, Creating an Instance
boxing and unboxing, Upcasting and Downcasting
enum,, Creating an Instance
numbers, converting, Creating an Instance
upcasting and downcasting, Converting Numbers and Using enum
type conversion, implicit and explicit, Basic Data Types
type extension, Using Extension Methods
type generation, Write Your Own Type Provider
type inferences, exists and exists2, Type Inferences
processing order, Type Inferences
type parameter
new keyword and, Creating an Instance
with constraints, Defining Structure
Type Provider Security dialog box, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
type provider skeleton code snippet, Using Type-Provider Snippets
type providers, Type Providers, Write Your Own Type Provider
.NET 1.x types, Using Type-Provider Snippets
class code, Setting Up the Development Environment
constructors, Setting Up the Development Environment
CSV, Using the CSV Type Provider
design-time adapter component, Using the Multi-Inheritance Type Provider
development environment, What Is a Type Provider?
DGML-file, Using the XML Type Provider
erased, Write Your Own Type Provider
Excel-file, Using the CSV Type Provider
F1 and F2 functions, Using the Excel-File Type Provider
File System, Other Type Providers
for schematized data, Using the CSV Type Provider
functions, wrapping, Using the CSV Type Provider
generated, Write Your Own Type Provider, What Is a Type Provider?, Separating Run Time and Design Time
HelloWorld, Exploring the HelloWorld Type Provider
JSON, Other Type Providers
lazy generation, Write Your Own Type Provider
limitations, Using Type-Provider Snippets
LINQ-to-SQL, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
multi-inheritance, Using a Wrapper Type Provider
NuGet packages, Other Type Providers
OData, WSDL Type Provider Parameters
parameterizing, Using the Regular-Expression Type Provider
provided types, Write Your Own Type Provider
query syntax, Other Type Providers
referencing, Setting Up the Development Environment
Registry, Other Type Providers
regular-expression, Using the Regular-Expression Type Provider
run-time logic and design-time logic, separating, Using the DGML-File Type Provider
sharing information between members, Using the Excel-File Type Provider
snippets, Exploring the HelloWorld Type Provider, Generated Type Provider
SQL Entity, SQL Entity Type Provider
static parameters, Using the Regular-Expression Type Provider, Using the CSV Type Provider
template for, What Is a Type Provider?
testing, Setting Up the Development Environment
trust, revoking, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
type generation, Write Your Own Type Provider
verifying operation, Using the LINQ-to-SQL Type Provider
Windows Azure Marketplace, connecting to, Other F# Operators
wrapper, Sharing Information Among Members
writing, Exploring the HelloWorld Type Provider
WSDL, WSDL Type Provider
Xaml, Other Type Providers
XML, Using the Multi-Inheritance Type Provider
Xml File, Other Type Providers
type system, Using the Record and Identifier Patterns
errors, catching, Working with Units of Measure
type-provider base class, Using the Excel-File Type Provider
type-specification indicators, Console Output
typedefof function, Defining Attributes
typeof operator, Defining Attributes
TypeProviderConfig value, Using the CSV Type Provider
.NET, converting to C, F# Quotation and Transform
base, Using the Regular-Expression Type Provider
boxing and unboxing, Upcasting and Downcasting
changing, Working with a Generic Invoke Function
checking, Using Variable Patterns and the when Guard
extending, Using Extension Methods
flexible, Using F# Generic Types and Constraints
generic, Using the IDisposable Interface
information, retrieving, Defining Attributes, Function
mutually recursive, Using Classes
supported, checking for, F# Quotation and Transform
translating, Working with the Adapter Pattern
unit-of-measure, Using the CSV Type Provider
zero-initialization, Adding Fields


WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service, Azure WCF Service
data contract and service contract interfaces, Azure WCF Service
starting, Azure WCF Service
worker role projects, Azure WCF Service
web applications
animations, Creating an HTML5 Page
building, Working with HTML5 and WebSharper
Web Services Description Language (WSDL), WSDL Type Provider
type provider, WSDL Type Provider
type provider parameters, WSDL Type Provider
WebSharper, Working with HTML5 and WebSharper
ASP.NET website, creating, Working with HTML5 and WebSharper
formlets as wizards, Using a Formlet Type to Get Input and Generate Output
HTML5 pages, creating, Creating an HTML5 Page
when guard, Using Variable Patterns and the when Guard, Using the Choice Helper Type
where operator, Using the select Operator
while loops, for Loop
Windows 8 verification bug, Developing the WinRT Application
Windows Azure, Cloud and Service Programming with F#
account signup, Setting Up Your Environment
applications, developing, Developing a Windows Azure Application
blob storage service, Azure Blob Storage
cloud queue, Developing a Windows Azure Application
Cloud Service projects, Developing a Windows Azure Application
code snippet, Azure SQL Database
communication, Azure Communication
connection string, creating and setting, Azure Cloud Queue
consumer role projects, Azure Cloud Queue
deploying projects, Developing a Windows Azure Application
installation process, Setting Up Your Environment
management portal, Setting Up Your Environment
sleep time, changing, Azure Cloud Queue
SQL database, Azure SQL Database
Storage Account Connection String dialog box, Azure Cloud Queue
WCF service, Azure WCF Service
worker role projects, Developing a Windows Azure Application, Azure Cloud Queue
Windows Azure Marketplace, Other F# Operators
account setup, Using a Type Provider to Connect to the Windows Azure Marketplace
data, storing locally, Performing Translations with Microsoft Translator
type providers, connecting with, Other F# Operators
Windows Azure Service Bus, Azure Communication
Windows Azure Software Development Kit (SDK) for .NET, Setting Up Your Environment
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service, Azure WCF Service
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) converter, Real-World Samples
Windows Runtime (WinRT), Portable Library and HTML/JavaScript
Windows Store, Portable Library and HTML/JavaScript
Windows Store applications, Portable Library and HTML/JavaScript
code change for data binding, Developing the WinRT Application
CompiledName attribute, Creating an F# Portable Library
main form text block, Developing the WinRT Application
portable library samples, Exploring the Portable Library Samples
portable library, creating, Developing Windows Store Applications with F#
WinRT applications
business logic, Exploring the Portable Library Samples
developing, Exploring the Portable Library Samples
with keyword, Working with the Private Data Class Pattern, Working with Records, Working with Records
worker role projects, Developing a Windows Azure Application, Azure Cloud Queue
default code, Developing a Windows Azure Application
for blob storage, Azure Blob Storage
for MapReduce, MapReduce
in WCF service projects, Azure WCF Service
project settings, Azure Cloud Queue
workflows, asynchronous and parallel, Working with Asynchronous and Parallel Workflows
WPF commands, Working with Object Expressions
WPF converter, Real-World Samples
wrapper type providers, Using a Wrapper Type Provider
sealed class for, Using a Wrapper Type Provider
wrapping functions, Using the CSV Type Provider
WriteToFile2 function, Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Compute the π Value on a GPU


Xaml type provider, Other Type Providers
XLSX files, Using the CSV Type Provider
XML comments code snippet, Using Type-Provider Snippets
XML documents, Using Constructors
Xml File type provider, Other Type Providers
XML files
DGML files, Using the XML Type Provider
validation code, Using the XML Type Provider
XML serialization, Performing Serialization
XML type provider, Using the Multi-Inheritance Type Provider


yield keyword, Lists


zero-initialization, Adding Fields
zip function, zip and zip3
zip3 function, zip and zip3
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